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Don't beat about the bush, tell us what you really think! 😂😂😂

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One word covers it so well Jeremy 😂

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Norwich Council is consulting on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Anyone can take part, just click on the link and enter your postcode or a postcode...I compared the needs of the 0.1% of the population who are trans to those of the people with a significant hearing loss, 20% of the population, and how people with a hearing loss/are deaf, are being ignored whereas the Council and publicly funded organisations are falling over themselves to be trans inclusive. Would love to be a fly on the wall during the analysis discussions!

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Remember that Norwich is the Council that sponsored the 'Family Sex Show'.

'Genderqueer' and 'pan' indeed.

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When you click on this link, you get a message thanking you for already filling it in. I can’t find out how to reply.

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The great thing about Birdy's stickers is that they survive torrential rain and are difficult to peel off

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Good to know, thanks.

Some I've seen (no idea who 'stickers' them 😊) tend to be removed. Far too easy it seems.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Misogynistic dick. Sorry Graham I'm done with being polite. These people gain office on platforms for things like environmnetal issues and then abandon their voters to use their platform for their own agenda. They have as much integity as their grasp on reality. Utter scum.

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Am so annoyed that my home city allows dolts like this in to power. We also have the terrible Clive Lewis just to make it even worse.

We have a proud history of strong women here: Boudicca, Elizabeth Fry, Edith Cavell and many others, and these politicians and press bring shame on our region and our women.

If you live in Norwich do complete Norwich city councils laughable diversity and inclusion survey which asks at the end what gender you are and includes men in the female section


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Can ex-residents write in too?

Remember, Norwich is one of the Councils that sponsored the plainly paedophile 'Family Sex Show'.

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I’m sure you can. You just need to know a postcode I think

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Job done.

How could £20,000 be well spent to promote inclusion and by whom?

"Teacher training on how the word 'inclusion' is a paedophile ruse to promote LGBTQ grooming in Norwich schools. Norwich resident Graham Linehan is a man of integrity who could spend that money well with change to spare."

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Go a long long way down Councillor Alexander Catt's Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/CllrAlexCatt) and you will likely discern that young Alex (he/him) has as much interest in environment issues/climate change as say, President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. That is, not-a-lot. Indeed Councillor Catt's (he/him) priorities and concerns seem to be directed to other things...many other things, but certainly tricky subjects like climate change/environmentalism don't appear to tax his thinking time.

I'm sure the Green Party voters of Norwich Sewell ward included some who voted for Master Catt (he/him) because they want to see action on climate change and see local politicians pursuing relevant activities. Unfortunately Councillor Catt (he/him) has other priorities right now.

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Half the people in the picture posted today will think he's an idiot.

I'm not even joking, the Green party has the strangest duality of 50+ suburbanites and 30- student politics bores and they really don't agree on much. It's fun to watch, but they're a horribly dysfunctional mess that's always ten years away from being a party that can be taken seriously.


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Archive the evidence before it is deleted. Archive.today

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Absolutely brilliant article on an infuriating story

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This hot mess of hatred of women and children is certainly contributing to global warming. Hugely power hungry, 'gender' cult ideologists are on an evangelical mission. That's why they seek public office. And obviously, voters fell for his claim to put his energy into addressing green issues. How can the Green Party possibly ask voters to heed the science of global warming, when they so obviously pick and choose scientific data to suit their 'woke' agenda? So here we have another example of the god-awful, never-ending trail of disaster that 'trans' ideology leaves in its slimy wake. Just when the world most needs the Green Party, it self-implodes with its cult devotion to 'gender'.

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As a GC-member of the (UK) Green Party, it sickens me that a lying grifter like that, can apparently be welcomed into the party. Thankfully, there are two seperate legal cases just starting- by Helen Bateman, and Shahrar Ali, challenging the party, that will open up the can of worms, and publicly show how we were captured by TRAs. (The worst climate emergency ever, and GPEW sem to have more policies on trans rights than anything else...!?)

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I really need to stress, that there IS hope yet for many in the Green Party, who support the rights of Women, and children, also Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals. The party-machinery/ head office, what is allowed to be debated at confrence, the public media announcements- that is controlled by TRAs. But i'm sure the general membership do not support gender-identity-nonsense. Similar with Labour Party too- there must be thousands of GC members, but they've been cancelled and silenced- so far. This is why I hate to hear this issue described as Left (TRAs) vs Right (Women's rights/ GC/ Feminists. Huge numbers on the Left are anti the trans-fascists. Which is of course why these campaigns have been funded by oligarchs- this is another Brexit-style attempt to split the 'left' votes.

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Emma Bateman? It wouldn't surprise me if there were many more.

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Yes, I'm sure there is widespread support within Green Party Of England and Wales. There is no forum for debate because, anybody who speaks out within the party (especially women), face a backlash of false cries of transphobia and bigotry. The good thing about Emma's and Shahrar's cases, is that they will soon have the platform to reveal what has been going on. A light needs to shine on the murky things that have gone on. Soon, Conference will not be able to dodge debating issues such as Women's Rights, and single-sex spaces, etc. (I want to stress this, to cheer people up that action is happening- and also to underline that trans rights is NOT a left vs. right issue- the left parties in the UK. (Well, Greens and Labour, at least, are not all supporting gender identity nonsense. And I don't suppose all of the SNP members in Scotland, really support it...just their leaders)

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To employ the local vernacular: Well thass a rum ol' do an' no mistake.

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It's now quite a struggle to read any 'collateral' the Greens produce. It's all meaningless back to frontery. They've got their diversity everyone everything be nice panel (genuinely forgotten its magic name) full of they/thems bounding forth to represent, and are seeking candidates again for internal roles but you are requested to apply to be non-male identifying or non-female identifying. I was about to draft an email to ask, but what about if I don't identify as a non-something else and am a woman. I couldn't draft that without screaming. It's like the woman on their recent virtual meeting who was so exasperated she openly said she couldn't remember which gender identifier one woman had.

I wonder who is applying - world weary embattled targets of their everything is transphobic campaigns who still hold environmental concerns - or blokes like this? I think they must be desperate as they've lost or removed so many people and strange people are again flocking to their newly safe place? They are still doubling down with this beyond yogic flying monster raving looniness so enough must be encouraging it. Who are they with enough sway to keep this going?

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The local party bases in Bristol, Brighton and London I guess. The bits that always want expulsions for anyone who can't keep a straight face through it all.

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Calling people 'haters', 'bigots' etc is just to intimidate TRA opponents into silence. It makes him a fascist thug, as in TRAs writ large. Their opponents are 'Nazis', but when you throw that back at them for their thuggish conduct they want you arrested, and if your local force bears allegiance to Stonewall not the Queen they'll have you arrested.

Identifies as 'genderqueer' and 'pan'. Those terms are byewords for paedophile.

'Mild feminists'?

This is where I completely part company if we're talking about feminists as a whole.

TRAs are a Frankenstein creation of feminism. That's why most feminists like the egregious fanatic Smurthwaite are behind them. They use the same hate tactics that feminists and Stonewall have always used.

Clause 28 stopped the paedophile agenda in schools dead in its tracks, but mention bringing it back to almost all LGBAs they'll call you "homophobe", "twisted" and block you.

LGBA's Malcolm Clarke puts out cutting edge material exposing the intrinsically paedophile nature of LGBTQ, but completely throws child safeguarding out of the window in favour of promoting homosexuality in schools.

Child protection cannot be held hostage to 'keeping in' with the LGB Alliance.

LGBTQ grooming in schools is a direct result of repealing Clause 28 and anyone who's #NoDebate on that is not in the least bit serious about child protection, they just don't want the Peter Tatchell Mengele wing of the child abuse lobby to mutilate homosexual children to help abolish the age of consent.



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Wait. WHAT?? Willoughby is standing as a Labour candidate??

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He was almost begging … pathetic

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It is a British tradition for comedy characters to stand for parliament, for the chance to appear on TV at 3 or 4am wearing a funny costume while the result is read.

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Monster Raving Loony, how apt!

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TRA Hitlers are real Hitlers. Write this MSM sponsored TRA monster off at your peril.

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Didn’t I hear they helped create the very oxygen we breathe too, or was that us ?

I’m not sure these days, we must have done something positive and to the benefit of life ? Oh wait …. we did 🤔

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Oh, is that what “photosynthesis” means?

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