Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

I don't understand why the clearly male flasher has not been arrested - it is against the law for a man to expose his penis to a woman or child without consent - being in a changing room should make no difference to that law. Come on women, please, stand up for yourselves and call the Police - this is clearly indecent exposure - we have to fight this head on. I would absolutely call the Police if this happened to me - no hesitation.

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Well you could knock me down with a feather, who’d have thought that this would happen.

As regards the ‘justifications’ given, they sound exactly like the crap replies I get from M and S regarding their mixed sex changing rooms which have no signage.

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Men that insist on infringing on women’s privacy are at best rude entitled shits. At worst sex offenders. How can anyone tolerate this. F-ing Perverts charter.

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Oh well, what can we say? Opposition to ‘trans’ ideology? It’s a ‘culture’ war, nothing more. Confused children, drag queens sexually acting out in front of toddlers, teenage boys castrated, teenage girls having their breasts cut off, young endocrine systems ruined with experimental hormone flooding, sex offenders openly welcomed into female spaces.

A ‘culture’ war.

Yeah, if you need to minimize crimes & atrocities — sure, go ahead — call it a ‘culture’ war.

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I wonder what would happen if an angry woman literally kicked a man's naked butt out of the women's changing room? She'd likely be arrested for assault, but in Court, would a judge and jury dare to find her guilty? This is where we'll need to go eventually to get them OUT of our spaces.

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Some brave person or organisation needs to sue.

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Meanwhile the Equality Act petition set up by Maya Forstater just hit 101,000 and is still rising, showing that women and men in the UK are fucking done with this shit.

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The sign for females needs to be changed as it is false advertising, if should be changed to male because that's what these mysogjnistic twerps mean. There is no safe or dignified place for natal females to change and so a boycott is the only thing that may change their minds

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The good old UEA. They can't help themselves can they.

They just want to tick a Stonewall box and ignore the law of the land.

I have been reliably informed by Norfolk Police should he do it again - parade around in the ladies changing room with his tackle out...that IS indecent exposure NO MATTER how he identifies. Next time call the police. Take a photo if needs be. But make sure you notify the police. And keep notifying them every time he does it. The UEA need a police visit?

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“As a woman I am very happy to say that a woman is NOT just someone who self identifies as such. I do not check the genitals of anyone who informs me of their ‘gender’ through verbal or non verbal presentation. There’s no need. Humans have been clocking other humans’ sex for millennia without the need to do so. Anyone who suggests otherwise is leaning perilously close to being put on a sex offenders register. Or should I say ‘gender’ offenders register?”

Matthew Fulton-Mcalister is a full on numpty. His failure to think through to consequence is exceedingly dangerous for women, vulnerable boys and men, and children.

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Turns out my using the C word on Twitter only got me banned for a couple of days so I went straight back in and gave Mathew Fullof-crap a piece of my mind. Plenty of rebuttals I'm happy to see, which he actually reads as he's responded.

Bloody victim blaming, yet again.

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We don’t need to check someone’s genitals - usually we can identify a man with one glance (and that’s before they remove their clothes). If any doubt remains we can check for the Adams Apple. They always try to deflect by making it seem we are the pervert.

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No man with any decency would do this to women, girls or children. This is a ploy to excuse deviant men. In Scotland, Dame Helena Kennedy is drawing up a template for five different pieces of legislation, all dealing with misogyny. There's a big but, though. None of these pieces of legislation will be of the slightest use in a situation like this, if this deviant male claims to be a 'trans' 'woman' because it must be shown that women and girls will be put in fear and alarm.

You can bet your bottom dollar that the parasitical, odious and vile Stonewall will argue that women and girls cannot be put in a state of fear and alarm around a 'trans' 'woman', and the bears of little brain will defend them. Dame Helena is a supporter of the 'trans' ideology. That the GRRB was brought in first was intended to give these larping men the right to do as they please, basically, and, LEGALLY, no female could object, even if there was misogyny legislation because "stunning and brave... " and "TWAW". No, they are bloody not! They are men larping as women, and I don't care how long they have been 'transitioned'.

A GRC gives all men, if self-ID is successful, the right to legal womanhood. That is why we have been fighting so hard in Scotland to stop this GRRB from passing: any man could gain one, quickly and cheaply and there would be no comeback from the 2010 Equality Act. Stonewall rides roughshod over the EA and tells its vile 'trans' activists to ignore the law. Oh, no, say the politicians, it is only an administrative matter. Like hell it is! Every Tom, Dick and Harry, but especially, Dick, would have wanted a GRC precisely because it is a legal document which would have been opened up to all men, not the few as it is at the moment, with no medical diagnosis necessary.

Be careful, England and Wales - and NI - this is a con to allow all men access to female spaces, rights, sex-specific jobs, healthcare, sports, services, et al. By ignoring the law and the legal protections for females, they will eventually create a two-tiered set of laws against public decency, then, just one - and you can be absolutely sure that they do not intend that those laws will defend female rights. They lied through their teeth to us, and your lot will lie through their teeth to you.

They do not want the extra expense of having to create third spaces for the larpers, autogynephiles and sundry other fetishists. They know they want access to our spaces for a reason - and that the reason is sexually-motivated. Yet, they forge head with this utter bilge and ordure as if it were set out on tablets of stone. Let Stonewall and its equally vile arms pay for third spaces out of the very generous subsidies they get that no other group gets on such a wide and deep scale. The politicians' lies and deceit make me sick now. I loathe them for their cruelty to females. They must really hate us to do this to us. Larping men are a subset of MEN. Men can deal with them.

Legal challenges need to be threatened now every time these creeps try to harass and alarm us and satisfy their porn addiction. Never forget Sarah Everard, who did not need to die. Her murderer was allowed to practise his fetishes with impunity, and a young women was brutally abducted and killed so that a man could use her body as if it was his right. Every psychologist dealing with these people know that their fetishes can escalate. Every politicians has access to the internet where a mountain of corroboratory evidence exists. They KNOW! They all KNOW!

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I don’t need to check a bloke’s tackle to know he’s a man. The 5 o’ clock shadow, voice and head tilt are usually enough.

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Here's a term I gleaned from an interview with the author of Time to Think, the Tavistock malpractice history, which will clarify a great deal. Rather than call the small pharma-funded studies in Holland "The Dutch Studies" as if they were properly conducted and peer reviewed, call them by the name of the drugs company, The Ferring Studies. This is completely justified, as the researchers did not halt their "research" when 15 of the original subjects dropped out, bringing the N = number to 55. Then two subjects died. One as a result of "bottom surgery." The response was nil.

I'm introducing The Heggen Lexicon, with more accurate and descriptive language for all aspects of "trans ideology." Cross-sex ideation is the first term.


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Everyone who cares about female safeguarding needs to boycott these cowards.

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