The claim of 'feeling like a girl on the inside since childhood' is often made by TIMs & it's BS.

It's a sexual fetish, end of story.

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It never fails to surprise me that people ever fall for that. But then again we don't often meet people who flat out lie to us or who have lied to themselves so often they believe their own lies - at least not on that scale. (We have all lied and lied to ourselves and we felt bad about it when we caught ourselves doing it. Which is not always tha case, btw. We then usually try to justify it.) Plus, most people seem to have no idea about the concept of projection in psychology and seem to know little about how unreliable our memories are. And no one ever calls this out. No one.

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As an atheist from Northern Ireland who attended a state grammar with more than a few creationist pupils I almost feel lucky that I got my bullshit inoculation much younger than most mainlanders.

Refuting the argument from bananas fifty million times before you're twenty will do that for you...

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Your a registered nurse not a psychologist

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What's the point of these arseholes? They serve no purpose, everything they do is self aggrandising, narcissistic bullshit & the more attention they get the more they get their rocks off. Kinkshaming should be mandatory - either that or grannies & grandads need to get THEIR sex lives in the mix - see how the weirdos like that.......!

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It should absolutely 100% be made clear to everyone in civilized society that there is nothing wrong with kinks and fetishes between consenting adults, but if the general public know your kinks and fetishes then you are a disgusting person.

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Social media has so much to answer for, especially those who have grown up with it (I use the term 'grown up' in a relative fashion). So many now live their lives through it, immersive VR computer games etc, no wonder we now have this new world where actual reality is scorned. I'm in my 40s and I must have been one of the last generations who came through the whole of childhood and teens without all this crap, and I'm thankful for it. I suppose if you live your life through artificial worlds, denying objective material reality is the obvious next step. We used to call delusional people mentally ill, now we celebrate and fetishise them. What's the quote... "don't be so open minded that your brains fall out".

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That might be the sickest trans person I've seen. I am gonna go out on a limb and assume he's an autogynophile. And as such, women and girls are not safe around him.

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I don't know what he is and why he is the way he is. What I see is someone who has destroyed himself and who revels in that fact - and who shockingly gets a platform to promote the fact that his own obsessions have eaten him up completely as something emancipatory and so cause others to destroy themselves as well. He is someone who clearly has no limits and no self awareness in any meaningful sense of the word. Safe to say he has no concept or regard of other people's needs and feelings. This makes him a threat, and as you say, mostly to women and girls.

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Agree. He fits all of the descriptions of autogynophelia, which is what I based my opinion on. And yes, he's a sick, sick man, and what he is doing is harmful. Normalizing pathologically sick behavior which injures women and girls.

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What a really sick individual this man is ,and early there are many more like him. Can't believe the Canadian government allowed a pervert like him to " advise " them on policy making.. It's really no wonder that Canada's in such a mess and definitely no fit place for women and girls to live in. Sadly ,thanks to our stupid governments ,institutions etc ,this toxic infection has spread rapidly to the rest of the English-speaking world ,and is even more dangerous than coronavirus. Wish there was a vaccine against it. Keep up the good fight 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Canadians must be so proud !

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So sick and delusional. Being a woman is not a fetish! We do not go around permantly aroused at wearing our bodies or clothes. Why can't people see that this is the ultimate objectification of women? They don;t feel like women, they feel like an object that arouses them.

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It is so glaringly obvious it blinds people. They can not imagine that "Nina" Arsenault is about anything else than a fetish that has taken full control of him. Apparently they convince themselves that there must be something very sincere about him.

I partly even understand that. To be so fully obsessed with oneself and with one's own fetish is an experience most of us are fortunately spared. That makes it harder to imagine that there is people like that.

Nevertheless I find it disillusioning and even scary that someone who advertises he is all about his fetish - one might even say he advertises he IS his fetish - just hast to throw in a couple of buzzwords every now and then and comes across as someone who promotes a struggle for liberation of sorts.

Of course, this is an integral part of trans ideology, albeit seldomly as extreme as here. Nevertheless, this goes a lot deeper than "just" trans ideology. This would not be possible if there were not powerful societal currents that glofiry "authenticity" and tell us there is really no objective reality and it's all about how we feel. Liberation from material reality, so to speak.

Well, that liberation from material reality now stomps on the streets of the Western world against any measures that could at least curb the pandemic in tens of thousands of boots, got Donald Trump elected as President of the United States not too long ago, and calls itself Nina Arsenault in other places.

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One sick dude...I will not worship at the alter of trans.!

They are a twisted bunch...only the twisted doctors who rake in millions for their mutilations ...are worse.

Capitalism at its finest.

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The disturbing content presented by some influential trans-identifying males (males such as Nina Arsenault and Andrea Long Chu) in illiberal "liberal" colleges and entertainment centers, and tauted by the illiberal "liberal" media, needs more press coverage so that working class Janes and Joes can know the horrors that the authoritarian, misogynistic, homophobic gender identity movement hides.

Thank you, Graham, for calling these horrors out.

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The Dereliction of Duty towards The Children, globally, is beyond shaming.

We have let The Crazies take over....again.

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"Despite Arsenault’s many admissions of being sexually aroused by imagining himself as an objectified woman, and sadomasochistic sexual performances involving self-flagellation, he continued to be praised by Canadian mainstream media, platformed, and cited in academic literature."

Because they're scared to say he's only one more tedious, narcissistic sexual-fetishist with zero academic, creative or intellectual validity. Give your grubby little kink a veneer of pretentious twaddle and Canadian academia/media will be too scared to admit that's all it is, for fear of being branded "conservative" by the rest of the herd.

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Well, you can certainly tell that he has had 60+ surgeries, apparently performed by Sweeney Todd. When we originally watched the film Brazil, there was a sequence in which mom's face melted into her neck because she had had so many surgeries, and I couldn't stop picturing that scene. (Interestingly, when we rented Brazil years later the scene had been deleted, very annoying as it was extremely funny.)

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I wouldn't date a trans woman because I am a heterosexual man. Aside from that, the unresolved mental health issues and the willingness to have unnecessary medical procedures are other things I find deeply unattractive in people of either sex.

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OMG, we have an answer to the Staniland Question from James Max - details on my blog below -


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Blimey. James Max sounds massively confused, as if he's just thinking about this stuff for the first time. He obviously hadn't figured out what he thinks before the interview; better late than never!

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Scare quotes again. Is he trying to imply This Never Happens, that no such right is being demanded, and that therefore he is answering a purely hypothetical question?

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After the Rolling Stone article UGH! then this do we have to keep seeing this sort of stuff so graphically? It does not feel right to me.

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I had to stop reading halfway through as I’m currently about to enjoy some posole and don’t want to ruin my appetite.

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