Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Having worked for more than 20 years with the most marginalised, abused and vulnerable communities in the UK, I know that transpeople are not it. They should walk in the shoes of homeless people who sleep on the streets, then spout this. Homeless people are sexually abused (men and women), spat on, urinated on, shat on, beaten up, offered food that people have urinated in, have their meagre belongings stolen or set on fire, are harassed by the police as well as passersby. They are refused support in some organisations unless they go to a prayer meeting. They don't have access to health care until they are really ill.

I am fed up of transpeople complaining about waiting lists for treatment. Very few are at the end of their tether, most just have a desire...

Today I met a man who I supported 20 years ago. He is an ex-soldier. Had fought for his country. Ended up sleeping on the streets due to his marriage breaking up. Wife fed up of the nightly nightmares due to PTSD. We rehoused him and he still has his house, but he only has one leg as when he was on the streets he got an infection, which eventually turned into gangrene and they had to take his leg. That goes along with the eye he lost and the hand that he has no fingers on. This man fought for his country... He doesn't complain. He is grateful for everything that was done for him. We had fish and chips together and caught up. He mentioned the trans argument. His solution... National Service!

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Thanks a lot for the perspective and the sterling work. Your man's National Service idea reminds me that Eddie Izzard once did a routine (back when I respected him...) about the benefits of a Transvestite Brigade (the element of surprise is important in battle!) so he could be on to something!

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Thank you for supporting vulnerable people. A lot of social justice warriors are completely unaware of the high suicide rate among white men, and ex soldiers.

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Remember ... trans people are more likely to be affected by homelessness than any other demographic 🤪

Just ask Stonewall 🙄

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Even now, and I admit I am only on the fringes of homeless orgs, there has only been reports of 2 street homeless transgendered people in the last 10 years in one of the biggest cities in the UK. So what does that say for Stonewall's figures?!? There may well be transgendered people living on someone's couch, but that does not make them vulnerable in the way street homelessness does.

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Typical Stonewall. They must be conflating outright homelessness with temporary accommodation to fit the victim narrative.

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I cannot say I have seen the figures for the whole of the UK. But if one nation is reporting this, I suspect the rest may be using a different set of stats to gender sympathy. Street homeless people are the most vulnerable, abused and marginalised group of people in the UK.

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Infuriating to say that the Trans "community" is so threatened. It's ridiculous exaggeration when you compare these real statistics with the much higher number of Women murdered on a weekly basis in the UK.

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Indeed - when you and I go to bed tonight, 137 women will have been killed. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. And they wonder why I'm filled with scornful, mocking rage.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Great article. Really good point about shutting down debate with an unproven statement. The trouble is those sound bite statements are quick and easy to make. Countering them with carefully considered evidence and unpicking the nuance of what’s actually going on takes time, consideration and access to verified facts.

I try and keep some of the stats in my head but it’s all so overwhelming, it can make it difficult to argue with the mantras because the TRAs are coming from a place of simple-minded chants, while we have the long history of one medical or social abomination in our heads. I wish I could see this jumble with more clarity. Nutmeg’s articles really help!

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Brilliant collation of stats Nutmeg, thank you

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I should add it would be good to overlay these stats over Actually Karen’s video to show the reality opposed to the hand wringing nonsense the politicians are coming out with.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Brilliant article. You are saying exactly what we've all known for a long time and shame on all public figures who spout this nonsense !! It's well past time for the mainstream media to become involved here and start reporting accurately on the subject because that's their job

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Yes, they've all been complicit in the spread of lies and misinformation. I'd settle for all of them to skip the apology when it sinks in how wrong they were, if it meant they would just do their bloody job and tell the truth. The rot has set in very very deep, top levels of management and admin, and it won't be undone quickly unless they stand to lose financially from it.

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Excellent work as always

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

At last! I've been bellowing 'show me the evidence' for months. Thank you ripx!

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Nice work nutmeg. Lately I've been having dreams where Keir Starmer says, "Did you know trans people are forced to levitate by evil swans AND pick olives from the eyes of dead clowns?" while journalists just nod along and say, "Yep. Nothing worth challenging there..." But now you have given me ARMOUR. I thank you.

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Nice one Trev :-)

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

What a read! An incredible debunking of the crazy makey uppey stats that they all come out with. I was upset to read about the autistic boy asking the police officer whether they were a boy or a girl and getting convicted of a hate crime. Such madness, it makes my head spin sometimes. Thank you Nutmeg for your tireless efforts.

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Convicting that child of a hate crime is vomit-worthy.

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Thank you Nutmeg! And all of you on the Good Ship Glinner.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

This is such a great resource for rebutting TRA catechisms- thank you ❤️

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

One tiny missing stat is the one showing how financially impoverished and disadvantaged are all these leaders of business, politicians, celebrities, posh students etc?

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Many thanks - this is reference quality!

The hounding of Kathleen Stock came up on Question Time yesterday, and by Auntie's current performance there was a notable outbreak of reality (starts 39'40"): https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0010k4m/question-time-2021-14102021

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There was a notable outbreak of Robert Winston too. Cheers for that!

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Thank you for the link. The Labour woman rolling her eyes wasn't great and was obviously disrespectful. Seeing as she was asking for respect it's plainly hypocritical. The audience member and their concept that you should be safe from being exposed to different or uncomfortable opinions baffles me. How can she be studying theatre where you embody the lived experience and character of another?

I wonder if there will be a review of gender reassignment vs gender identity vs gender definitions in law as these seem to be used interchangeably and often misunderstood.

Gender reassignment was supposed to be a considered and timely process. Now it seems you can choose to identify as what you like and demand inclusion and the rights of the sex you identify into without much more thought than that.

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I become infuriated with the constant denial that self-id won't be abused by predatory males in women's spaces. All this pretending that we don't know women are vulnerable compared to men. And pretending that some men have female brains and they're perfectly harmless in our spaces. Pretending we don't know who's a man or woman. Just stop it. Stop pretending.

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They use that rhetoric and false statistics because they know most people would see it as highly offensive to question it. They rely on people being too kind and polite to be skeptical about, of all things, claims of suicide. And to be fair, the higher up a politician is, the less likely they would be to do any research on it; they have staff and advisors who tell them what to say. This article should be sent to all MPs, NHS admin, educational institutions, and other major bodies that have bought into stonewall propaganda.

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The classic narc DARVO writ large. Poor ickle poppets.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

Excellent article, thank you, Nutmeg!

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