YOU'VE felt unsafe? Not as unsafe as a petite woman feels when a big burly bastard barges into a women's space, even if he has long hair and a dress!

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This vindicates my decision to cut up my LD membership card a couple of years ago.

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I did the same. I was asked why I left the party and explained it was because of its position on women’s rights. Nobody followed up with me of course…

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They do not want your vote and they think they don't need it. lynn Featherstone MP: “I also have a message to those people who believe they can restrict trans women’s rights, deny their human rights, or exclude them from women-only spaces in the name of feminism: You are not feminists. Your views are not welcome in the Liberal Democrats.” You, in short, are a Bad Person, and The Good People of the LD's don't want heretics

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She can say what she wants. Wouldn't vote LD, SNP or Green anyway... Am happy to be a heretic, tipsy witch, crone, bad person... If it stops them getting in anywhere. I k ow I am a socialist and a feminist. Don't know what Lynn Featherstone is though...

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When I saw the author announce that "one in eight trans people have been physically attacked at their work place" I wondered where the hell that statistic came from. Then I realized it was from Stonewall.

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I bet Stonewall enjoys making up false stats -- because so many people believe, transmit and repeat them. Said often enough, it becomes "truth", "fact". A perfect propaganda machine. Heinrich Goebbels and Edward Bernays would have been proud of Stonewall's productivity.

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Thanks. I kind of knew that was their point of view but to see it in such stark terms is infuriating.

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Same here. Radio silence from head office when I told them. My local party were more engaged in understanding my reasons, but it was seen as a clear break point that couldn’t be resolved.

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Fucking Hell. They're leaflets, the worst that could happen is Charley receives a paper cut. Unsafe? Twat.

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I happen to have an extremely painful papercut, you want my annihilation, don’t you ?

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This comment confirms what I've always thought about the two sides of this. Their side has rape threats and grease fires. Our side has wit, humour & intelligence.

Thoughts and prayers on the paper cut.

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Thank you Winston, we’re on the right side of history 😊

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Be brave Jan, be brave. And stunning too if you can summon it under the weight of the papercut and how it's changed your life.

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Science backed me with this, and of course it lets me be my true self. Being marginalised and seeing the hate that was being aimed at people like me, we just want to live without fear. I only want to be happy 😊

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022

And to pee! Specifically in a restroom designated for the opposite sex! After all, isn't that the very DEFINITION of happiness, Jan? Forget about love or a rewarding career or world peace; it's pissing your way to ✨GENDER VALIDATION✨that makes life worth livin'! (Especially if you can make others uncomfortable into the bargain!)

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Oh Jan, stop weaponising your trauma

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I just want you to stop being such an unkind person Ellen, where’s your humanity ?

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After a period of self-reflection I have now Educated Myself and want to offer a full and sincere apology for my harmful words. From now on I will strive to Do Better in my journey towards Dinclusiveness

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I wondered if you needed to be further educated, I had several links ready to send you, but I see now you will become an ally. I appreciate your recognition of the struggle, and the movement, which the vast majority agree with. Paper Cuts are Cuts. #PCAC

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Namaste, friend

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Wot about teh paper h8tr!?!

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Just tell me you hate papercut people.

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It would be entirely appropriate for The Glinner Update to be called 'For Fuck's Sake!'

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"Paper cuts? Them's the worst!" (quote from a comedian which I shall never forget)

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Wow, the mind-dissolving drivel these people spout makes me despair to the point I feel numb. I start to wish that an asteroid would just put us all out of our misery… But then I remember all of you wonderful people exist. Thank you all for fighting against — and Mlle Clunge, et al. for writing about — this shit! Let’s keep at it. Reality and truth have to win in the end.

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Democracy Coma gets all the credit

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Oh yes, of course — thanks for flagging. Thank you Democracy Coma!

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Bloke built like a brick shit house feels vulnerable when faced with a couple of tiny women. Useful idiots prop him up. What a world.

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They is female, but otherwise your summary is correct.

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With "You know science now recognises at least 6 biological sexes right?" Charley Hasted has passed an oxymoron. A remarkably ignorant assertion from this StunninglyBrave™ specimen as in humans there are two sexes, but science is never so vague as to conclude there's "at least 6" of anything.

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Hahah, yes, this is a perfect example of their mind-dissolving drivel. Made me laugh out loud. StunninglyStupid™

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Backatcha! StunninglyStupid™ made me lol.

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He's got to keep it open for 'science' to recognise another 6, or 20, 50, etc, biological sexes. Maybe science will also discover there's a Terf gene, or Terfavirus that's antibiotic resistant and can only be controlled by isolating, censoring and demonising the carrier.

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Yes there are eggs, sperm, speggs, ergs, erms and spergs

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Yeah, I wanna know the NAMES of all these surplus sexes! And what kind of genitals they have. And gametes. And which sexes they can conceive fertile offspring with. (Plus let's meet some of these offspring.) And HOW THE HELL THAT EVEN WORKS. I'm picturing a bizarre alien mating ritual-- possibly facehuggers and chestbusters are involved? And a Cthulhu-crotch? Maybe biting someone's head off during the proceedings?

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However weird or horrific the truth might be, we need to know because one way or another they're bound to be discriminated against, and marginalised. I wonder if we're all related.

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OK, now I want to write a Cthulhu Mythos satire where the fanatical cultists are just these types of people. Hectoring the rest of us with: "How can you run in terror from poor Hastur the Unspeakable??? Do you want him to DIE??? Just because he's an unearthly horror from another dimension! How do you know that he doesn't identify as an adorable little anime girl? And quit swiping left on Nyarlathotep, you bigot! We need to be inclusive of entities whose mindbending wrongness drives viewers insane. Be Kind! And anyway you might get some totally cool mental illness out of it!" Anybody who tries to raise the alarm about the Great Old Ones taking over the world and obliterating humanity gets fired, deplatformed, cancelled, and pressured into dating some shambling THING with slimy tentacles and no face.

I mean... it was Cthulhu who threw the first brick at Stonewall, after all.

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I'm feeling most upset my that Richard Smith has made two basic spelling errors in one Tweet: too/to and you're/your.

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Also "apart" for "a part."

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Yeah ,I noticed that ,too. Lol😂

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Here's a crime against the word 'literally" from one of Charley's supporters: https://twitter.com/huxley06/status/1519775983062159360

"They are literally campaigning against charleys (sic) existance (sic) that’s just hate and not a legitimate protest in my view. How can you justify it?"

*my sics

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So heartwarming to see all those lovely, compassionate Lib Dem councillors and representatives rushing to comfort the shaking, angry Charley. Sending hugs and kisses, telling him to stay strong when vile terfs make him feel unsafe, etc. All because some women have organised in response to how people like Charley and those wiping his arse are undermining women and women's rights.

Apart from being histrionic and misogynistic, he also gives the impression of being an idiot. He states that 'science recognises at least 6 biological sexes' but doesn't bother to refer to the science. Presumably, either an equally stupid/deluded person told him and he believed them, or, like other TRA's, he sees no need to back up what he says. If something's not working, simply abandon it and make up something that does.

It's absurd that people like this are being listened to and taken seriously to the extent that what they say, regardless of how incorrect, bigoted, aggressive or woman hating it is, is rarely challenged. And when it is challenged, the person immediately loses all the qualities and goodness they had and becomes a tranphobic 'hater'. Including those who are trans.

I became a party member when I gave up on Labour, now they're both in the political bin as far as I'm concerned.

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As far as I can discern, and not that it makes a huge difference, Charley is not a man pretending to be a woman, but in fact a girl pretending to be nothing (aka non binary). So if there's any erasure going on here it seems to be a spectacularly self inflicted variant. If I'm right then I assume no women's campaign groups would be campaigning to exclude Charley from their spaces even though she herself would apparently want to exclude herself. Or what? This is extremely confusing when girls start identifying as "non-binary". What does that at all mean and which spaces is it they believe they're being excluded from? Would it actually be "transphobic" then to give Charley access to women's spaces because that would be denying it's identity as non binary? Help! It's a quicksand all this nonsense, and my brain hurts

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I would hazard that 'self-harm' (or rather denial-of-the self) might be part of what drives someone like Charley. Self-acceptance and feminism used to help girls like her - who felt they didn't fit in for the many and various reasons that have dogged women for ever. But now the 'answer' seems to be outright denial of the reality of being an unusual woman.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

A female pretending to be male must necessarily take the trans-identified male side -- of refusing to be excluded from female spaces -- for her to truly identify as male.

The objective issue that she's demanding access to a space she already the right (as a biological female) to be in, is beside the point: because "gender identity" trumps sex.

AND ANYWAY all this is in LaLaLand where she IS a "man" therefore "male" therefore aggrieved not only for self-as-rejected-transman /male, but on behalf of ALL such excluded and rejected actually male trans-identified persons.

HOWEVER she can't (yet) quite accept she has truly and COMPLETELY changed sex, so is taking refuge in being "non-binary" as a useful limbo.

It makes a mad sense. This is a cult. They are indoctrinated to believe they can change sex. But sex is non-binary... so bring on the whole 73 varieties.

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I see, thanks, I thought Charley was a man identifying as a woman. Being non binary seems to have become a separate identity for people who aren't enclined to be gender conforming but would prefer to conform to something else. Whilst it might not be possible to *know* what it feels like to be a man or woman, both men and women know what being recognised as and treated as one feels like. Neither she nor anyone else has a perception of what being treated like neither sex from the beginning feels like.

Charley, like all other women claiming non-binary status can reject particular gender norms associated with her sex, that but it doesn't eliminate the material reality. Lots of women do that and have for a long time, usually to help other women who want to do the same thing, and remove some of the disadvantages that have been unfairly imposed.

Charley can regard herself any way she wants, she can can reject gender norms and come up with her own conclusions about her identity. What she can't do, is draw those around her into that and ask or demand that they dismiss literal truths because it makes her feel better. Some therapy would help far more, and there are therapists prepared to explore identity from this perspective.

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really "terfifying" being attacked by words.

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It's all he's got, and he doesn't need anything else. Not when the mantra about trans and NB people being "the most marginalised and discriminated against" is virtually played out on a loop by a whole list of institutions, including the one he's part of. He must have been mentally thanking those women for giving him an opportunity to draw attention to how vulnerable and marginalised he is. What a fucking ridiculous situation we're in, when we're wasting time taking about a dick head like him. We should be able to dismiss him and then forget about him.

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This era will one day be known as The Great Bullshit.

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Yeah, and when that day finally comes, people won't believe what's going on now was ever allowed to happen. Not even allowed, but given so much help along the way, causing all kinds of damage and permanent harm to kids, young people and anyone vulnerable.

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True. Who will believe this in future if they haven't lived through it ? Totally crazy x

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I had to deal with an Irish racist on here yesterday; people still don't believe there is such a thing as racism (just anti-Irish racism, which doesn't even exist! sounds a whole lot like poor wittle twans to me). So I don't think the day will ever come when people are filled with disbelief about transgenderism. Considering my background, I am filled with disgust and rage at people who want to blame African-Americans -- who have survived the worst horrors imaginable -- for their own circumstances.

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With some exceptions, I don't think people are ever going to disbelieve the existance of racial, ethnic or religious prejudice, if they're being truthful. In the future, no one is going to need to refer to the past, because unfortunately those prejudices are still going to be present in societies. The same is true regarding the oppression of women, but there's bound to be some incredulity that it was enacted so ferociously, decisively and rapidly under the guise of a toxic ideology that infected so many, and was hugely profitable for the ones responsible.

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Do any of you also believe that "patriarchy" exists? Unfortunately that ideology underpins all other narrow-minded and dangerous ideologies (trans ideology, for instance). Sorry for going way out in left field seemingly. Maybe I have a one-track mind, but few of the -isms or other ideologies will ever disappear until the over-arching one disappears. Not that I think all a**holes will disappear if/when patriarchy does, a**holes are sadly part of the human condition.

Anyway, just food for thought, I'm not expecting replies.

Best to all!

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Whatever happened to "sticks & stones ..."?

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Question to Ed Davey - did you read the book by Helen Joyce? It explains why men are presenting as women in work

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If Ed hears you, and decides to raise the issues at LD HQ, I imagine the scene would be something like this: https://ibb.co/BGtx3mq

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Ed has made his views very clear to women here on a MN webchat: https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/mumsnet_live_events/3614469-Webchat-with-Ed-Davey-Lib-Dem-leadership-candidate-on-Tuesday-18-June-at-1-30pm?

Precis: transwomen are women and our arguments about single sex spaces are 'unconvincing'. Fuck him

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Ed Davey is drunk on anti-science gravy.

I believe this is why LD have failed to gain traction despite The Johnsons' ongoing omnishambles. Same for LP & GP: peddle obvious BS to the public, and the electorate with even a basic grip on reality run a country mile.

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Hasn’t the victim card been overplayed enough by now ?

Who do I let know how ‘unsafe’ I feel, being surrounded by these pathetic wimps and their enablers ?

I’m a vulnerable minority …..

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Would you mind if I switch to 'girl mode' before replying?

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girl modes are girls!

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Can stupid , deluded and downright pathetic be included . Omg I’ve just made it up to a trillion genders

I’m so fed up with this shit

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It's disappointing how clueless the LibDems are. It's an illustration of how the lack of an ideology can lead to empty-mindedness rather than open-mindedness. Rather than thinking, "Hmm what's really going on here?" and looking into things properly, it's, "Yeh! Quick easy progressive virtue-signalling points! Grab now!" The pharmaceutical industry cash up for grabs doesn't exactly help either. Neither does the current censorship and cancel culture that is incompatible with a functioning liberal democracy.

The question for the LibDems now is this: At senior level, is notice to be taken of the way things are now going, and an exit strategy developed?

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There was hope when Davey took over from Swinson that they'd realise what a monumental chest she'd made of herself in interviews (not being able to define 'woman' on a radio show). But in fairly short order he doubled down with 'be kind' and Transwomen Are Women. They also took in 'Aimee' Challenor after he flounced from the Greens So, no - like Labour, who have been warned, repeatedly by their own female members, and voters, I don't think they are anywhere NEAR understanding yet. I have no inside info, only what I read on Mumsnet, including the webchat in 2019 (I referenced above). I know there has been action from Libdem women, but no sign leadership are listening. They are still for Self-id and TWAW

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In 2017, Mr Hasted was identifying as male. Whilst standing for Parliament in a Welsh constituency, he gave an interview to a Welsh paper in which he is referred to as Mr throughout.

An odd coincidence is that he excuses his apparent lack of suitability for a Welsh seat by saying that he has strong links to Bridgend through his family. Bridgend is currently represented by Jamie Wallis.

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Thank you for this interesting information

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Gross !🤮 Surprised these people don't choke on their own lies ! They forget that all the " KILL TERFS " posters and t-shirts carried , and worn, by them ,while they spew filthy obscenities and threats towards women, are a matter of public record All this while claiming to be " victims" Makes me sick but kudos to the person who posted this 👏👍❤️

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But all those KILL TERFS, etc, are what women deserve, didn't you know?

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Yep. Burning is what Heretics deserve. All you need to do is identify women as heretics and we get what we deserve. Religious misogyny. So Old School

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