Feb 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

My response to Stella mis-quotes the fine wordsmith of Leytonstone tube station; YOU AIN'T NO FEMINIST, BRUV.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Brilliant compendium! Doubt you will receive any answer from Stella . . . For to answer, Stella would be forced to agree with you, and that's not in the cards, is it?

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Yes. Absolutely brilliant compendium Graham.

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I’m glad men like you can see the fvckin shite show this. Thank you for your anger. Your compilation of the absolute bollox this bs is, is spot on. Thank you for continuing to speak out. You’re making many braver.

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Stella Creasy - 'Too long, did not read'.

Also Stella Creasy - 'Too long, did not read because the content does not support my illogical and indefensible beliefs, and those which I have now sunk too much time and effort into holding and promulgating that there is no way escape'.

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“If Eddie Izzard can get in, so can Karen White and Aimee Challenor, that’s why it bothers me.” Eddie Izzard bothers me too.

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Eddie Izzard probably bothers me more than the other two, who are accredited psychopaths upon whose psychopathy there is probably consensus. Izzard, on the other hand, is an example of 'still water runs deep' - except that in his case the water is stagnant, shallow and full of shit. However, the 'still water runs deep' adage holds in the sense that no-one really knows or suspects the depth of his psychopathy on account of his being totally mainstream and accepted. He's long been on the short list for 'national treasure', 'our Eddie' hasn't he? So someone so beloved of the wokerati and the uninformed among the hoi polloi can hardly be subject to serious doubt, innit? No, I maintain Eddie and his ilk are far more dangerous than a whole prison full of Karen Whites and Aimee Challenors, for the very reason that he inveigled himself into people's hearts years ago, and we generally forgive our comedy heroes anything, don't we?

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Right; Bill Cosby was a beloved comedian and father figure in the USA for years, until he wasn't....

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This is a great skewering of Izzard's male entitlement. Writes in his autobiography about his first time cross-dressing in public, and using the women's public toilets in Highbury fields. When he encounters some teenage girls who are confused, and don't much like him being there, somehow makes HIMSELF into the victim. With a side-order of stereotyping disdain for the girls.

All respect for Izzard as the 'action transvestite' and great challenger of sex stereotypes went out of the window for me, right there:


And it was increased by him then claiming female pronouns and wiffling on about his 'boob fetish' in Hattenstone's credulous hagiograhy of him in The Guardian.

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Yes, executive transvestite was respectable.

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Ah yes. Love Eddie. He's great isn't he? Girl mode. Bit of harmless fun really isn't it? What's all the fuss about?

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Excellent Graham. Quite a list. Shame Stella Creasy won't read it - she'll probably call it "abuse".

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Yep. Anyone disagreeing with her is abuse.

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Couldn't put it better myself. She can call herself a feminist until she's blue in the face, but she ain't a feminist.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

If you do send this Graham, I'd add this for Stella to read (over 700 ordinary women's - and some men's - experiences of 'gender ideology' - why they care and what it has cost them. I'm one of them: https://gender-dissidents.net

The 'patriarchy' is loving gender identity ideology. Men get to tell us what we are; some men get to do whatever they want and go wherever they want, and other men and women such as Stella (who is worried about upsetting those men) get to judge, demean and harass woman. All in the name of 'progressiveness'. It's quite the wheeze for the Patriarchy. In Connecticut, men, supported by trans groups have managed to close women-only gyms. We aren't allowed to have nice things, you see. Now tell us, who is 'losing rights' in this mens-activism-disguised-as-'kindness'?


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Thanks for sharing that. Absolutely mind-blowing.....

'According to two men, a policy allotting workout rooms to be used by women resulted in men having to wait to use workout equipment in the general areas of the fitness centers' - change those laws so those men can lift in a timely fashion and balls to the women! As you say Patriarchary loving this gender ideology

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Thank you for sharing this. I was about to ask if there is a record of all the effects this is having

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Blimey. Wow. Where to run and hide from that response?!

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Very, very good. Thank you Graham. I hope you actually do send that response to her.

As an aside, that photo of the two cyclists side by side is wild! How could anyone deny the absolute injustice and nonsense that is allowing "transwomen" to compete against women, after seeing that?

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I believe that's Rachel McKinnon, who has now changed ‘her’ name to Veronica Ivy.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Thank you! Has 'she' got something to do with Fallon Fox? ('Rainbow Fox Racing').

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Dunno. ‘RFR’ probably a corporation for that cyclist's income-generating activities. But this is just a hypothesis, based on zero info.

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You're on fire!

Thank you

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Wow, righteous questions indeed. Wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of this volley! But Stella Creasy’s bonkers “feminism” does need confrontation.

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I bet the 'high volume of abuse' was just real feminists telling her how wrong she is on this issue, not actual abuse.

Always playing the feminist card as an excuse to wail about bringing her babies into the Commons.

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It never fails to amaze me, to people like Stella, the patriarchy stops being the patriarchy the second it puts a dress on. Observable reality and biological fact mean nothing when the Emperor gets new clothes, something cute with matching accessories and kitten heels.

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I don't think the old boy's club changes when their clothes do.

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And make-up. Don't forget the make-up! Complete with elaborate make-up "routine", preferably posted on YouTube or TikTok!!

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Well, clothes may make the man but women are more complicated.

Apologies for the snark but this "being a woman" thing winds me right up.

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Oh yes, and me.

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Excellent, Graham.

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