🏳️‍⚧️ Thrilled that our motion supporting the trans community was passed unanimously by Norwich City Council!

🏳️‍⚧️ The council states clearly that trans women are women, trans men are men and non-binary people are non-binary.

🏳️‍⚧️ Transphobic extremists are not welcome in Norwich!


These people are mental!

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The first time i saw this flag I thought babies - blue for boys etc - this man is a sick fuck.

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The sandy haired boy on the left of the photo knocked on my door when canvassing for the greens. I asked him if he could tell me what a woman is at which he started backing down my path stuttering that he knew nothing about that stuff and he was canvassing about local issues. FFS what a tosser!

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It's no surprise that the pink/blue flag has dodgy origins. Remember the excesses of Alfred Kinsey, John Money and Volkmar Sigusch? The entire field of "sexology" evolved out on its own limb, without supervision or review by other branches of the field. There is no "mainstream" here.

Meanwhile, Feldenkrais, Alexander work and other physical therapies, the work of neuroscientists Bessel van der Kolk and Norman Doidge are ignored. Their work is cited in trauma research but the "gender experts" have their own special and unique "affirmation bubbles."

Alternative somatic healing work, accessible and free:


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Do we have a list or spreadsheet of which councils are passing this shite? I know there was a live Stonewall listicle of shame, but it would be interesting to see the locations. Maybe you could post here asking people here to send them to you? I assume Brighton & Hove is pumping these meaningless misson statements out. And the former lair of the non-binary Mayor.

I have an informal working copy one in my head but it would be interesting to see places where all unis, colleges, schools, hospitals, councils and police forces are at this.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

The link to the Reduxx article is coming up as unsafe. I know Reduxx is safe but maybe that particular link is coming under attack?

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Diversity ,Inclusion and Equity should DIE !! It's become the most hateful and inhuman "policy" ever and only benefits predators and paedophiles. It's caused so much harm already ,and the "inclusion" part of it excludes most women !!👎😈💔

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I wonder what went on and what kind of horse trading there was with Labour over this?

Cllr Alex Catt @CllrAlexCatt


Replying to @CharlieXCaine

Thank you 💚 Was disappointing to have Labour amend the motion to remove commitments to a trans homelessness strategy and strangely removing a commitment to flying the trans flag on trans day of visibility and remembrance but still glad it passed!

Why isn't there a trans bread bin strategy or trans envelopes policy. They've really fallen for and are pushing this most vulnerable of the most vulnerable lie aren't they.

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Similarly, ‘cis’ was coined by German sexologist Volkmar Sigusch who believed that paedophilia is a sexuality.

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I can’t open the redux link as my iPhone software keeps informing me the connect is not private and may help others steal my financial details etc. ???

Did anyone else get that warning?

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Shocked that the form at an independent chiropractor's office here in the States demanded: Gender, Gender at Birth, Preferred Pronouns. I savagely inked out the obscenities and wrote in Sex-Female, Woman XX.

I quit after 3 visits. Car accident insurance company gave me up to $10,000 worth of treatment which the doc was aware of.

I take malicious joy in depriving her of the income .

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

I have a new job - read a contract that said all refs to one gender is deemed to apply to the other genders - PLURAL FFS. How much was that lawyer paid to write that careful guff just in case .... OF WHAT FFS???????????????????? EDIT - no refs to 'sex' anywhere - apparently it doesnt exist or is meaningless fact. EDIT 2 - not sure there were any refs to him or her or male or female anywhere. You know why? In this case it was irrelevant yet gender/s apparently important to state. WHY? EDIT 3 - yeah I'm slow on the uptake. Made em look 'inclusive'. Doh. EDIT 4 - we have male and female toilets. EDIT 4b - sry for this rant. EDIT 5 - been a difficult day. EDIT 6 - yes this stuff gotta go on next amendment if anyone can be bothered ... once Mermaids n Stonewall n Tavistock etc lose their credibility n unnecessary harmful surgeries etc is stopped ....

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The Green Party really needs to stop selecting children.

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Only one slight head tilt !

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What an unimpressive-looking crew. But they have invoked the mantra, so they are protected from all criticism.

Somewhat related to this subject: If there's going to be a snap election called anytime soon, I want to have already asked my local Tory MP, as well as the Labour candidate, a couple of questions. You all know the kind of questions I'm talking about... Before the last week or so, I doubt that my vote would have made much of a difference, this being a very safe Tory seat. However, a week is a long time in politics. I have no idea where this particular MP stands on the self id issues, the TWAW mantras and so on. He's fairly unimpressive on the whole on most other issues. The Labour candidate, I know nothing about, but I do know his predecessor somewhat, an unsuccessful challenger to this current MP, and I know he's a very decent and good man. He's busily campaigning on behalf of his successor right now. Anyway, I looked him up on Twitter, the previous Labour incumbent and all-round nice guy, and there it was, a freshly minted he/him in his bio. Hmm.

So, any suggestions on what to ask specifically of these people and how to word things? Any top tips? Thanks all.

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