Such a great letter! I hope it has the effect that it should.

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An excellent letter and as the writer says, they've now been given due warning. I do hope the names of every one of the board who take the decision to continue (which they will as sure as night follows day), are noted down so they can be reminded of their cowardice when the time is right.

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Those drag acts are repulsive. If my parents had taken me to such a display when I was a kid, I'd have been repulsed by the entire human race quite honestly. What a puke fest.

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I think some of them look really grotesque and scary.

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If misogynistic and repulsive parodies of women have a place anywhere, it is with adults who consent to being present, not with very young children who do not. This isn't entertainment, it's not a learning experience, it is abuse. Have things really become so fucked up, that people facilitating this actually believe this is about promoting inclusivity and progressiveness? I don't think so, not if they stop and think about what is happening when a man done up as some painted horror is demonstrating twerking to a group of six year olds. They are afraid of attracting opprobrium from people whose opinions shouldn't matter to anyone. So what will they stop at as the bullies demand more and more?

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I wish people would engage their brains. If they would be uncomfortable with a male builder (nothing wrong with brickies I hasten to add, just an example), or any other adult male they didn't know, mingling with their kids, reading literature which broke down boundaries, demonstrating twerking, showing their crotch or butts or having their kids lay on them, then why are they ok with it when they put on a goddam awful dress, hideous make-up with a trowel and high heels? They will not stop. I think many of them are more open than ever about paedophilia and bestiality. I think many of them want to see womens rights erased entirely.

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Those men are extremely frightening and confusing to young children. The teachers have acknowledged as much by being present and very close to their pupils. Most teachers are alarmed.

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Actually, did those freaks get CRB checked?

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No one can play ignorance now … warnings have been put out about gender ideology with facts, receipts, proofs and truths!

"Ignorantia juris non excusat[1] or ignorantia legis neminem excusat[2] (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not"[1] and "ignorance of law excuses no one"[2] respectively) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content."

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When I first read the Museum’s “queering” promo, I misread the blurb. Instead of reading about the service provision of a BSL interpreter, I read — a BS interpreter! Think both might be needed.

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I'd be happy to apply for the position. Wouldn't that be a great job!

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Tired of museums/historic places promoting Queer Theory. I had a rant yesterday about Historic Royal Palaces posting about a random dysphoric mentally ill bloke in 2016 with the weakest link possible to the Tower of London (he pretended to be female to when he deserted the regiment that was HQ'd there). So desperate to push transgender that they clutched at this pathetic story.

Cue a thread of people arguing about it and the words homophobe and bigot thrown around like confetti when people pointed out that it has nothing to do with any royal palace and there was no indication the man was even gay or genuinely dysphoric!

Tired of the propaganda.

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4 to 7, FFS. I watched the Andrew Doyle show 'Free Speech Nation' on Sunday night. He had a woman on, name forgotten I'm afraid, who said in mediaeval times schools only trained children (boys) to be priests. And we're there again. It's so clear once you see it, schools oozing queer theory & gender identity ideology and also places where kids might go for holiday fun. Like libraries, girl guide camps. Give them the child before he is seven and they'll give you the man. Or, nowadays, the transwoman, drag queen, puppy fetishist .....

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Only one thing to say... Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!

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I will be interested to see the reply! What a outrage this is. Annette Lawson

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My version of the Staniland question, (also ignored when asked) is this:

As a naked male in a changing room, are you comfortable with a seven year old girl coming in and undressing in that space? How about an eleven year old child? Thirteen? Fourteen? What age group would be uncomfortable/comfortable for you?"

I know it's wordy, but tried it out on my twenty-year old son. Immediate reaction was rejection of the idea, but then he made the point:

"It's hard to know what you would do. I'd want to get out of there as fast as possible, but then you'd be leaving a girl there with men that didn't want to get out of there as fast as possible."

Safeguarding is not just a tick box exercise. It requires consistency, precautionary principles and considered evaluation.

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The best aspect of looking at the question from this perspective, is that the discomfort and understanding of safeguarding is immediate and real. Yet, none of those males will be at risk of physical or sexual abuse from a young girl.

It shows that safeguarding single sex spaces retains importance as a place reflecting existing social practices, not only based on predicative use of sexual predators.

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Except it usually ends with one or more of these drags having an extensive criminal record for being a nonce.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

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I have Tweeted them. It adds to the "volume" of protest.

And then I checked other libraries, starting with my local one (Hammersmith) which, I am glad to report, showed no sign of "infection". But British Library is promoting an LGBTQ+ "History Month". I tweeted below: "take down this filth" - the problem is separating the T which is the true filth.

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How absolutely gross this is. Children now being groomed openly and their impressionable young minds filled with this nonsense , softening them up for predators in the future. All this being done openly right under the noses of the people who are supposed to be running this country

Men's sexual rights ,fetishes and paraphilias now trump absolutely everything. So shocking and disgusting but well done to the letter writer and to the journalist who exposed this on the video.!!

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Is that Monica Sulley (Tetley) shown briefly @ 0:03, of Girlguiding UK and now Scouts Nottingham Inclusion advisor?

I wonder what context this clip was in for the 2020 video.

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A great letter and I would definitely copy in Nadine Dorries as Sec. of State for DIgital, Culture, Media and Sport and Keith Aspen, leader of York City Council with an added complaint about use of tax payers' money for child grooming. York Museum appears to get most of its funding from the Arts Council and York City Council.

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A quick note for anyone interested in taking this further. The event is actually taking place at York Art Gallery. Whilst ultimate responsibility lies with the Trustees, may also be worth approaching the Art Gallery directly https://www.yorkartgallery.org.uk/

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