That link doesn't work for me.

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Worked for me after removing the "?s=20" from the end of the link

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Love the work you do, nutmeg. 👍

Never have I seen so many people who should be kept as far away from children as possible actually being enabled by government bodies to corrupt them.

We must always be on guard, but now more so than ever as the erosion of boundaries is promoted by the inclusion of queer, ie. pushing to have things outside the norm seen as acceptable in the public sphere. And those who advocate for it will tell us that we're prudes, possibly even liken us to old-school homophobes who saw anything not hetero as wrong. It is a false equivalence. Queer is not about gay anymore. It is about constantly repositioning the goalposts of what is okay. Redrawing the line in the sand. Pushing furries, kink, and drag into places that children should feel safe is grooming, there is no escaping that truth.

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Apologies, should've thanked you too, Graham. 👍

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i'm not sure it was ever that clearcut between gay/queer -my experience of the 'gay' scene (london) is that it was a bit edgy in alternative spaces, and to be wary of going south of the river.

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Well said.

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Whatever happened to libraries being quiet places where one could read or just look out the window? Is everyone on this site aware of the exhibit that was shown at the San Francisco Public Library of weapons to be used against gender-critical women? The librarians at the local library at which I had to pay for a card seemed quite dim to me (then there's Barbara Pym's statement that librarians hate books), and allowing this obscene nonsense in a library rather reinforces that idea.

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It's happening in the US and Canada as well. I haven't come across any articles about possible funding from lobby groups to promote the queer agenda but it wouldn't surprise me.

I had always thought of libraries as politically neutral, maybe slightly liberal inasmuch as freedom to learn about anything and everything.

The whole woke movement seems to take the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" technique to a new level. Destroying/censoring statues and literature of historical importance because it's not woke enough. Like hang on a minute, let's have a dialogue about what those people did and keep it in context with history. We're all very aware of our ancestors transgressions but we shouldn't be scrubbing their existence from history. We need to learn from it to do our best to not let bad things happen again.

The movement has certainly helped to open up discourse about institutionalised racism, I can't understand how sexism, paedophilia, and grooming gets a pass. 🤷

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I too do not believe in erasing history, I think it's very dangerous. I liked the black historian in Richmond, Virginia, who said we need to keep statues and include informative plaques. The Unitarian-Universalist church in Portland, Maine, got rid of a tiny plaque near the floor which noted that Jefferson Davis, told to summer in a better climate, attended the church. Is this a liberal thing, to just wipe out history because it's unpleasant (if not horrifying?).

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Peter Tatchell wrote an entire chapter called "Questioning Ages of Majority and ages of Consent" in a pro-paedophilia book called The Betrayal of Youth. Society seems to have a blind spot when it comes to this and I can't understand why no one brings this up when talking about him, and just focuses on his positive work.

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Tatchell's a dirty old man who boasts of the pleasures of "intergenerational sex" which is a euphemism or dog whistle for paedophilia.

He definitely wanted to lower the age of consent to 14 and - possibly - to ELEVEN although don't quote me on the latter; it may have been one of his perverted cohorts who lobbied for that insanity.

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Because they are too afraid to put their necks on the line and be derided as homophobic.

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What a massive cock, and I don't like the dildo either. How do these groups have any support from tax payers? HELP!

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Absolutely extraordinary that anything that can be branded queer or painted rainbow - including a giant swinging dildo on a monkey fetish suit - overrides every element of basic safeguarding. And people just watch & wonder what we’re going on about.

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It's infuriating. Although, I did have a moment of levity seeing all the folks wearing Muslim garb on the street while a multicolored monkey bared its ass and balls at them. I wonder what they were thinking? This is so disgusting and to be honest, the fact that it happened and that people would defend it makes me lose hope for the world. It's not okay to corrupt kids like this.

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We just started thinking and talking about boundaries within recent memory, and now we're supposed to ditch them.

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Hey kids, it's okay to say no and to assert your boundaries, unless they're draped in rainbow colours with huge cocks or dressed in drag twerking their ass at you.

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There are two types of people. People who can answer the Staniland question correctly and people who need their hard drive checked.

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You’ll notice the latter group never answer though. The most they come up with are word salad non-responses or “ shut up Terf”.

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I wish it were only young men. I've also been shamed by my own female friends (I'm 30) for having sexual boundaries. They truly believe that predatory Western men with political power are the most oppressed type of women to have ever walked the Earth. So stupid. I have little hope for my generation and I hope the ones below mine will finally learn how to say no to this rubbish. I think they'll either respond by being totally brainwashed into it or they will be collective rebels. Time will tell.

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Oh, and some definitely think they're fighting for the underdog. They're rebelling against "the man" or whatever doncha know. 😁 SJWs need their causes.

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Women participating in and promoting their own oppression isn't new I'm afraid. They've been duped into this movement being about liberation and equality. And some will feel like fighting against patriarchy is dangerous. They'd rather cling onto a bad system where they feel they fit in than risk upsetting men.

Any examples you try to give them that demonstrate what a bad idea self-id is, they'll accuse you of lying, exaggerating, of hatred, transphobia, anything really to not disrupt the fantasy they've bought into.

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Spot on, thank you. I'm sorry to say, some friends of mine have taken absolute glee in telling me what a terrible woman I am - a prude, backward Conservative. Boundaries are bigotry. I think they enjoy the power trip they seem to be on. I often wonder if they'll change their minds after having children, becuase then it won't all be about them (and their egos) anymore.

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So I forwarded email to my SLT (senior leadership team) for a discussion about safeguarding- and it was quarantined by IT for profanity. So we can’t discuss it yet a library can expose the monkey dildo to young people.

I even tried changing the name on the header to safeguarding and couldn’t get it through

It’s beyond ridiculous

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Brilliant round up.

Far as I'm concerned I'm withdrawing my support from libraries. They have gone way to far.

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Sad, isn't it? I've always supported the local library, took my kids when they were little on a regular basis. Although that was nearly 20 years ago. Not sure I'd recommend it these days.

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Horrific. However I did laugh out loud at the title of the post!

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I'll admit to a chuckle when I saw the council guy defending the twerking drag queen was called Mr Butt

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The sexual corruption of infants, alas, always the end game for such degenerates. But the feigned ignorance of those who sanction the corruption really fucks me off; from the "fake news" dismissals to the hollow "we're investigating" platitudes. They know the score; they're knee-deep in the fucking sludge. The "got it, flaunt it" tweet encapsulates it perfectly.

Keep doing your thing, nutmeg. JL and yourself are bastions of morality against the tsunami of poison and perversion 😎

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I don’t understand why the useful idiots never come to the realisation that they will be lumped in with those who need their hard drive checking when this all goes tits up. And it will go tits up.

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More red flags here than there were England flags waved around last Sunday.

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I do wish the little sleuths at Kiwi Farms would do their stuff. The "got it flaunt it" guys at Redbridge & Exeter Libraries can't get away with this behind the G&T shield 🤬

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In what world is this "art" . I mean who in the art's council goes "hmmm Gimp monkeys, give them money"

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I saw that Prior person saying the rainbow cock monkey is fine because kids doodle genitals. It means nothing. I was making dirty innuendos at just 8, but stuff like that would have freaked me out. Big difference between kids making jokes about fannies and balls and "doing it" to grown adults dressed as penisy animals coming to the library.

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