No cerebral palsy as far as I know. I'm the lucky lucky woman who has to get the bus with him on a regular basis. Him glaring at my dino badge me glaring at his trans stickers on mobility scooter. Wings over Scotland have an extensive blog post about this bloke. Only moved up from Liverpool a few years ago. Says God told him to transition. Not a mental health condition at all...

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I don't envy you but are you his GP, consultant or close family member? How would you know?

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Aug 24, 2022
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I agree with you - I am also high achieving against the odds and struggle daily. We do this invisibly. I am not excusing him in any way. He has shown himself to repeat the same behaviours and attack and harass women indiscriminately and trans rights activism has been a very good hobbyhorse to fit with his other behaviours. Raging misogyny being one, and that's not a learning disability, or physical or mental health condition (maybe it should be).

I really am not defending him - it's an inability or overcompensation in others that enabled him to get so far and his threats became so florid before anyone stepped in. The footage of him last year on several occasions left me chilled.

The whole 'be who you want to be' nonsense of genderology is the pure essence of how this man got so far and how many excuses were, and still are made, for him.

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If the DSM wasn't written by a bunch of entitled wankers, I think racism and misogyny and every other senseless prejudice would be included as mental health issues. These are not the characteristics of relatively healthy people (I say relative because how can any of us be truly healthy in an unhealthy society?).

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At the risk of seeming unkind, I think the walkers could be needed by some due to osteoporosis, but people with this condition, don't usually move so quickly. I have noticed a proliferation of sunflower lanyards amongst TRAs and gender ideologists too. I think that sometimes this may be due to actually having a hidden disability, but I think that some of these people also self identify into disability and victimhood, as well as it being a tool to gain sympathy i.e. nasty terfs protesting at poor disabled transfolx who just want to be accepted and pee.

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You don't sound unkind, but realistic and yes, and it really pisses those of us who work in this field or have disabilities ourselves off. We've raised this many times in meetings - many people do not like displaying anything that 'shows' or 'proves' disability or chronic conditions and sunflower lanyards seemed to be appearing a few years back as a way to signal anything other than a genuine need for support or reasonable adjustments. It's seen as a performance by many. Yet again, those with needs miss out. And he may have needs but they need to be addressed not coddled. Anything 'invisible' is often equated with imaginary or mental health.

That's how this abusive and threatening man got so far - some #BeKind and misplaced sense of pity, fear, or confusion.

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Please can I ask that we resist guessing as to whether this man has specific disabilities like CP or not. None of us can know. People with disabilities get this all the time - we know enough from his behaviour to know it's entirely inappropriate for him to have been employed in the position he was by the SNP.

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True. Let's cease conjecture. I may well be wrong. I just wanted to offer it as an explanation for why so many 'trans' people look so unwell.

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In this case I really do think he may have cerebral palsy, and yes he Usain Bolted with that walker and lanyards, then looked sheepish when a police officer wandered in to stop him, but who cares. The man needs specific help, to be away from women, and not to have his head filled with whatever woman-hating anti-English hate-baiting sentiment is being dreamed up this week. We are not our politicians or their policies and the way the SNP have been using men like this to ratchet things up is more than unpleasant - it's genuinely dangerous to be encouraging.

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Hi Graham, That broadcast was really persuasive. Portillo gave you space to tell the story - a welcome change from some of the previous hosts. Thank you.

I learnt something from it too - had never connected the osteoporosis that oestrogen brings with that bully shoving his walker at the woman in the Scottish crowd. Thought he was using it as a weapon, not a 'crutch'.

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If you can bear it, look at images from many of the TRA protests or marches and you'll see many of them use mobility aids. It's also been mentioned before (on here and in other pieces and places) how sad and lost and vacant (or angry) many of them look. How many have self-harm scars as some badge of honour. The use of mobility aids has caught the eye of many of us and those who use similar aids. I also always spot it in areas which are more exposed to deprivation - more people using sticks and crutches. Fewer wealthy, sprightly and healthy 85 year olds pounding the streets. So maybe they had existing disabilities and were drawn to this ideology (to feel less 'othered' perhaps) or the effect of filling their bodies with the wrong hormones and surgery is causing degeneration, sickness and symptoms like we see. This is how 'inclusivity' has become so confused. Anyone with a disability is now compared to someone trans, as they are both 'other', which is 'othering' and excluding disabled people all over again in new ways. There's a whole part of 'Queer Theory' devoted to disability and health/ill health - misdirecting and corrupting what's been written in various Feminist waves.

So many TRAs act in greedy and narcissistic ways - they take over the characteristics of others, so it's hard to tell what's legitimate from observation. Activists collect any available vulnerability and we know they like to pretend they are as physically vulnerable as women and small children. They are always the most special, need the most protection, even when threatening those who are. It's delusion on top of delusion. The lack of follow-up means guessing the level of disability and ill health caused by 'trans healthcare' is almost impossible (until now).

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You missed the best bit, Graham. This "witch, witch, witch" person with the walker was recently appointed learning disabilities officer for the SNP. AND they've just appointed a man with no medical or counselling training as 'Period Dignity Officer' in Tayside to advise women about menstruation and menopause.


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He didn't miss it - it's mentioned in previous articles here. They are linked to above.

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The Portillo interview was great. And now, are the SNP going to take any responsibility for this man and their part in his spiral out of control? Look back at how he has been championed and celebrated by that party and it must have felt wonderful to be him and so lauded. Think of how many women he has openly threatened online and physically intimidated in person. It's not believable that no one was aware of his behaviours. Disturbingly similar to many others and also the Greens and Ashton Challenor. Also untouchable.

Look at this from 28th Nov 2021:


I know it’s the clown world weekly, but this shows how they’ve taken anyone blaming ‘Westminster’ for anything and everything to new heights. SNP are seeding hatred. I believe this to have already been after he made public attacks online to at least one UK politician (and since many more).

‘Alexandria Adamson, who suffers from cerebral palsy, depression, type two diabetes, sciatica and PTSD, said that passing the motion would “transform the lives of people with hidden disabilities”. She said that in the past decade her conditions “have been growing more profound due to the alienating oppression, hostility, austerity and hateful practices and attitudes of Westminster control”.’

He suited the current SNP and current Scots gov narrative. He also blames women for everything in his life and not being the success he believes he should be. He stated online that it's 'equality' and his 'right' to be successful.

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Thanks for this information. I think you have a point. The witch accuser sounds like a very sad person indeed. The personification of resentment and vindictiveness rolled into one being, perpetuated by the toxic misogynist environment in Scotland.

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Great point on the osteoporosis but when you see the large number of they/them pronoun users on Twitter its always combined with a side note of 'Autistic'.

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Graham, thank you for this interview and all that you do to get people talking about- and understanding- this ideology. I think you are a hero for puttng youtself out there and speaking for the silent majority and I am very grateful for it..

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Maybe the use of walkers, is to play another 'victim card'- "Hey, look at poor me, I'm not well... you should show me more sympathy." And/or to mask their aggression and violence- "but officer, i'm disabled, I can't have assaulted those GC women- they viciously threw themselves under my mobility aid." (I'm just thinking aloud here...)

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Graham - Osteoporosis is what happens to thousands of women after the menopause when oestrogen, progesterone & yes, testosterone decline from our mid 49's...I hope you read this as this is what I've wanted to highlight for a long time. Am happy to talk to you but don't know how to contact you. Please look up "menopause symptoms" there are 30-40 with the most serious being osteoporosis, heart disease (including stroke), & dementia & severe emotional symptoms including suicide in some. As most peri/menopausal women know hormones are hugely powerful & as a women who naturally lost all her hormones in my 40/50's and then had them replaced with HRT (including testosterone as it is being recognised as hugely important for brain health), young women having their hormones blocked/adjusted has always horrified me as I and thousand of other women know these affects are so debilitating. There's some amazing women explaining the menopause (ie loss of oestrogen, progesterone & testosterone) and I so so pray that hormone blockers and other treatments do not cause this in these young folk. Hormones are so powerful and so not understood in the medical world & this will be such a tragic legacy so I sincerely hope my fears are misplaced.

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I had a surgical complete hysterectomy when I was 42 years old, and I have never experienced the least sign of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is entirely avoidable for women (I have no idea if it's avoidable for people who take wrong-sex hormones), but for some unfathomable reason doctors seem to do little to help women prevent it. I'd have to go look up the info, but it is apparently a serious killer of women in the U.K. due to what happens after bones are broken. (FYI, one doesn't fall down and break a hip, one breaks a hip and consequently falls down.)

How did I prevent it despite having no ovaries? I've taken minerals my entire adult life and I do weight-bearing exercise. I believe it is one reason women get heavier after menopause -- the additional weight of 10 pounds adds to the effect of the weight-bearing exercise. Or you can take up horseback riding!

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There are muiltiple factors involved in post-menopausal osteoporosis, including genetic predisposition, smoking,, diet etc. So some wonem get it and some don't.

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NO WOMAN NEEDS TO GET OSTEOPOROSIS. It is totally preventable. Every woman I've known who got it -- a neighbor broke her tibia walking down a short flight of stairs! -- was doing nothing to prevent it, and doctors here in the U.S. do nothing to prevent it until you've already broken a number of bones. I have fallen off horseback from a height of 5-1/2 feet at speed (the last time onto rocks) and never broken any bones. And I will add that I had a crap intake of minerals when I was adolescent -- my mother became a food nazi and I wasn't even allowed to eat healthy foods -- but when I left home at a young age I started taking minerals and guess what! I no longer got cavities in my teeth.

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Susan, have been following this discussion with interest. Please can I just ask, when you say 'I believe it is one reason women get heavier after the menopause' - what is the reason? Thanks

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Because increased weight increases the effectiveness of weight-bearing exercise. You should see the photographs of farm women in Maine in the twentieth century. They are big, sturdy women who look like they could pick up a man and toss him 100 feet. I think it is natural that women gain some weight (I don't mean 50 pounds!) after menopause. You can also help this along by using weights such as hand-held dumbbells when you exercise.

Who is most likely to get osteoporosis? Small, thin women. I had a friend who broke innumerable bones who did no weight-bearing exercise, just swimming, and it was years before they started infusing her with calcium. She was a Type 1 diabetic and even her doctors told her she needed to gain weight; she was extremely thin and kept pointing to her tummy to say she was too heavy. What she was pointing at were her internal organs! I worked with a small, thin woman who thought adding a tablespoon of milk to her coffee would make a difference in possibly contracting osteoporosis! No, dear, you need calcium and magnesium, and in sufficient quantities (I currently take 1266mg calcium and 333mg magnesium, but everyone has to find the right amount for themselves; calcium will tighten your bowels and magnesium will loosen them, something I don't need!).

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Great stuff G. Nobody that listened to that could be anything but horrified.

Not that youngsters will be listening to Times Radio 😩

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It's been mentioned in articles and interviews that he has cerebral palsy.

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Men who cross-sex ideate and take the drugs, have surgeries are also known to have a greater risk of getting multiple sclerosis. As well, anyone taking Finasteride (Propecia, Prosca--Merck Pharma) fo prevent male pattern baldness (often listed as second drug to ask for if you look up how a girl can try to be a boy) there are great risks of depression, suicidal ideation, additional organ failure and the like. The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation (formed by mostly men but also members who did the cross-sex schedule) sued the US FDA to take it off the market, failed in court, but FDA now requires more warnings. Arty Morty said he took Finasteride for a short time, and had not been warned.

More at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com

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What tf is wrong with you? This is vile misogyny. You just called women in their 50s “old women” and said menopausal women having rotten vaginas and organs. A woman taking Testosterone is nothing like menopause. Menopause is not high T. You also praise T as a wonder drug and talk about estrogen like the shitty hormone that inferior females have. Give your head a shake and think about the sh*t coming out of your mouth. You are literally using misogyny and ageist bs for clicks.

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I'm afraid, my dear, that vaginal atrophy is indeed a thing in older women. I wish it were not so.

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