The MI6 flag-flying is both bizarre and incredibly creepy.

"Richard Moore, who is known as C for Controller, said trans and non-binary spies have helped make the secret service stronger."


"Non-binary" has been a thing in the UK for about 5 minutes and already there have been "non-binary spies"?

Trans spies? My first thought is that these are the weekend transvestites Miranda Yardley talks about:

*Cross-dressing All The Way To The Top: Where All The Transvestites Have Gone*

"I often have people asking me ‘where did all the transvestites go’? The whole point of the ‘transgender’ movement is to politically homogenise a broad variety of behaviours foundational upon sex-based stereotypes and present this as a normalised, harmless (even vulnerable) minority, and this is done in a way that conceals the sexual imperative of this type of male behaviour.

Bunce likely is what used to be known as a ‘dual role transvestite’. This is a man who cross-dresses in order to relieve his gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is, itself, not a discrete condition, it presents with symptoms of (sometimes sexually) obsessive behaviour and depression. Sexualised appearance to the contrary (as the images show) Bunce has likely left his sexually active cross-dressing phase behind him and is now entering a comfortable ‘middle aged’ relationship with the ‘woman’ that is himself: this is his equilibrium. Anne Lawrence is, as ever, the answer to how this process happens. I would suggest that once his children are out of full time education, give it a couple of years, and Bunce will transition: he will become yet another autogynephilic transsexual."


Maybe Transmen might make good spies? I thought this article by Holly Lawford-Smith was very interesting:

*Trans men are men (but transwomen are not women)*

"All of this has serious implications for the claim we started off with, which was the adult human male’s claim that he feels like a woman. For him to know that what he feels like is how being a woman feels, he has to have some idea of how being a woman feels. Given the overwhelming androcentrism of our culture, it is highly unlikely that he has any such idea. Most likely, what he thinks he knows about women he has learned from men. When a male says that he feels like a woman, he is most likely mistaken about what being a woman feels like, and so mistaken in making the comparison. Thus feeling like a woman is insufficient justification, in most cases, for literally being a woman. So at least on the strength of the phenomenological (to do with how things feel), doxastic (to do with beliefs), and epistemic (to do with knowledge) claims to womanhood, the transwoman is not a woman.

Trans men, on the other hand, are in the same position as the woman writers of male characters, whose success rate seems to be noteworthy. Trans men, being steeped in androcentric culture like all the rest of us, have ample knowledge of what being a man feels like (or at least, as good as it gets without literally crawling inside someone else’s brain). When a trans man says ‘I feel like a man’, she has the relevant bits of information: she knows what being a man feels like, and she knows how she feels, to make the comparison. The trans man’s claim is justified, where the transwoman’s claim is not. We have a reason to accept the trans man’s claim as true, and so to accept her (now ‘him’) as a man."


It still seems very weird for MI6 to be flying the Trans flag though. Unless "non-binary and trans people" bring something special to spying, why even mention it?

If it is not just virtue-signalling, what is it all about?

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I have had a bit of a root around the internet and found some "trans spies". Possibly spying is a logical occupation for people who already have a lot of practice pretending to be someone they are not, spending much time and money disguising their appearance and gaslighting everyone they come into contact with?

The histrionics we see today are not confined to actual trans people and I wonder of they are just a product of our time and the gaslit wokerati?

There is a recent YouTube video by a Doula in the USA in which she describes the reactions of other women on a Fertility Awareness course when she continued to use "triggering" terms that made them "feel unsafe". Terms like "woman", "mother" and "vagina" (instead of "front hole").

She was thrown off the course after a Zoom session when the other women started shaking and crying. This was during a role play where she explained to a facilitator role-playing a transwoman why she would not allow the transwoman to be admitted to their education group. I think in the past we would have called that sort of behaviour plain "flakey" rather than "snowflakey". Either way, there seems to be a lot of it about.

*Driving Smart Women Mad | Cancelled for Saying WOMAN | Part 1*

Whose Body Is it - 5 April 2021


*Driving Smart Women Mad | Cancelled for Saying WOMAN | Part 2*


"Recorded October 23, 2020, I share my story of getting kicked out a 2 year Fertility Awareness Teacher Training for using the words woman and mother. Buckle up!"

(She has got some fantastic Gender Critical / Radical Feminist videos on her Channel - well worth a look!)

Anyway, some trans spies I found . . .

*A Gender Variance Who's Who*


Extensive details on seven spies.

*Coming Out as Transgender Made Me a More Effective CIA Officer*

Jenny Hall (not real name) MARCH 20, 2017


*CIA Has Dedicated Program to Recruit Transgender Individuals*

18 Feb 2016


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The "Jewish conspiracy", I've definitely encountered that online before. The religion of Pritzker and/or Rothblatt is irrelevant. The fact that they are absurdly wealthy and highly influential MTF trans-identified males IS the issue. The movement literally has billionaires funding it, and the continual framing of everything as TRAs fighting for the "underdogs" is so far removed from reality.

That doesn't mean that a trans person you know has access to that funding, but it means that suggesting trans people be provided with third space options so that both trans and women's rights are considered equally, is perfectly valid and entirely possible.

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man that sucks donkey balls that the Connecticut athletes got a crappy judge right from the start. it's not a good sign. Wow but these guys love them some trans males. I just learned the word "gynandromorphophilic" yesterday and it's like a light turned on. So many men either hate feminists or fetishize having themselves a ladyboy (or both). So depressing. Those poor girls. The only thing I can say is we may be witnessing the birth of another wave of feminism. That professor that just won his suit in the pronoun war said he'd refer to the student by name, but he would not use opposite sex pronouns (interestingly the discussion with the student that spurned the court case ended up being scary as he said the student started circling him and acting threatening when he refused to agree to use female pronouns with the male student)

Oh, some good news, Arkansas gov't overrode Gov Asa Hutchinson's veto today and banned medicalization of minors. Score one for morality. This will save some kids I guess whilst someone sues and it works it's way through the courts. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/04/06/arkansas-transgender-surgeries-bill-legislature-overrides-gov-asa-hutchinson/7112107002/

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Men of all races hate women and children. Simply won’t allow us to be free from serving their needs. Pathetic cowards.

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In fairness to Andrew Sullivan, he's generally solid on this issue and on all issues he's beating the drum for journalists being led by the facts/evidence and not ideology

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Does anyone else have issues with that video (which is correct about the abusive tactics) going off the rails and thinking that there's such a thing as racism towards whites? That's the same as saying women can oppress men. It's helpful to point out the tactics and how they mimic abuse tactics but that youtuber does not at all understand the hierarchies of oppression behind the control and therefore doesn't always see where the power is. Its more like she just doesn't like ever being told anyone else is oppressed - helpful when she is able to actually point out those falsely claiming oppression but watered down when she thinks Covid precautions and calling out American racism are also oppression. It really soils the message.

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No. I don't have problems with Arielle. I've been watching her for about ten years. Your post reads to me exactly the same as all the woke stuff of this generation: 'is it okay to like this?' 'is it okay to say this, instead of the accepted talking point?' is it okay, is it okay is it okay, that we don't march in lockstep, that we might disagree, that I might be offended, that I might like eighty percent of what someone says but since the other twenty sucks they have to be canceled. I watched a ton of her videos today, including this one, because I even came here. Stop purity testing everything and every one, that's the whole problem with gen z cancel culture, and it only works on the internet cause without the internet concealing the truth every single human being falls short.

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I agree. Many people knee jerk accept trans ideology because it seems to be the progressive badge they want to wear; anything but the bigot badge. Maybe, at the same time some people could be less black and white about right wing and left wing; and listen to more opinions from both sides, be more able to debate without insulting, and accept that it is rare to agree 100% on all topics with anyone - we all have different lived experiences. Trans ideology, in my opinion, is peak-woke and unites honest, thoughtful, sometimes brave people from right and left.

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not at all, I simply believe that the reasons someone appears to be opposed to something are important. People can oppose compelled speech while still being in favor of the trans ideology and its antifeminist and homophobic aims. Its about what is going to work in the long term, liberals can potentially be peaked with the truth, conservatives maybe less so. It hurts the cause when TRAs can point to Rand Paul and say we are aligned with the worst of humanity even though he is not at all on our side in any way shape or form (and vice versa). As I said, what Arielle says about abuse tactics is totally true but she is certainly not the only one to point that out and it hurts an already underdog cause to risk being aligned with people whose agenda is otherwise in opposition to GC feminist aims. The trans lobby knows how to use ad hominem attacks against CG feminists and that they wont be investigated or questioned and its not going to help the cause to be aligned with those with completely different aims.

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"it hurts an already underdog cause to risk being aligned with people whose agenda is otherwise in opposition to GC feminist aims." you can't control this. They are pathological liars and will say it whether it's true or not, they've been doing it for a while now. You can't control what they say or do.

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I feel like we have watched two completely different videos.

Where does the video "go off the rails and think that there is such a thing as racism towards whites"? If you could reply with a timestamp that would be really helpful because I missed it.

As far as "thinking there is such a thing as racism" is concerned, it depends how you define racism. You seem to be using a definition that construes interpersonal behaviour within a model of group-identity hierarchies of oppression. Therefore, at an interpersonal level, behaviour can only be classified as "racism" if a person is "punching down" rather than "punching up".

I am in the UK and I have been struck by how the woke left in the USA seem to be in a tizzy at the moment, wondering how to "correctly" characterise the frequent incidents of extreme, random violence being meted out to Asian Americans (mostly frail elderly) by Black Americans (mostly younger and male). "Correct" as in "politically correct" according to identity politics. It is really something to see news presenters fumbling and stuttering due to the cognitive dissonance of having to report racist incidents, including those where people have been killed, that do not fit identity politics orthodoxy.

(I wrote that before watching the video and see that Karlyn Borysenko covers the attacks on Asian Americans by Black Americans. She includes the bizarre claims by some on the woke left that the cause is "White Supremacy" and, of course, Donald Trump. Also that Benjamin Boyce covers the issue of the interpersonal being politicised to the extreme of everything becoming about power and control.)

Reliance on theory without attention to evidence is also the only way to hold fast to the notion that women cannot oppress men. Have you really never come across a woman oppressing a man? (Genuine question.)

There are even stereotypes of this, eg. the henpecked husband, the pussy-whipped boyfriend. Male underlings have won cases of sexual harassment against female bosses. Groups of women are also quite capable of oppressing groups of men, typically in the workplace.

I don't perceive Arielle as rejecting the idea that anyone else (do you mean anyone other than herself?) is oppressed.

Covid precautions as oppression? Well, she made two fleeting references to lockdowns:

"Let's just see how many of these these people who claim to be loving, um, are guilty of, let's just go. OK, number one: Stop seeing friends and family, it is all about control. (Hello lockdowns.)"

(lots more spoken before we get to number two)

"Number two, they won't let you go out without permission. Go into chick-fil-a, you're a bigot. Seen hanging out with somebody that's on the other side, you're a [ __ ] traitor, you're a racist traitor. Leaving your house during lockdowns, grandma killer."

That's it on "Covid precautions".

The first example, of course lockdowns are about control. Some people think it is legitimate and necessary, others not but it is undeniably "control".

The second example: if you've not come across people claiming that anyone who leaves their house during lockdown is a granny-killer, I have. All over Social Media for the last 12 months. The only exemptions allowed by the most fanatical would appear to be the workers who bring goods to their door, who they unaccountably fail to mention.

I don't know what you mean by your last comment, ie. that Arielle thinks "calling out American racism is oppression".

It is genuinely fascinating to me that, presumably coming from quite different perspectives, we have seen the video so differently and that different things have jumped out as important.

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what she's saying in this vid is so important, it's all about narcisstic abuse and i've been noticing over the past month, as someone a child of two NPD parents, that this whole collective group is behaving as a narcissistic hive mind. The means is social media and the internet. I spent years in the yahoo groups on adult children of borderline and narcissistic parents (before they got rid of the 'groups' feature) and I related so much to this video. And I've been increasingly concerned cause in life with a narc, an individual, they tell you something totally different, and it's true. I have to put it into practice daily, as I live with my NPD mother. you have to gray rock them, you have to go LC/NC or no contact / low contact and interact with them as little as possible.

So now I'm really reassured my decision to leave the major platforms was the right one, and also at the same time I'm worried for the people who stayed. Cause the people who were driven off, like Graham Linehan and Posie Parker, have been doing fabulous work, and they have given us a place of safety again where we who are of like minds can interact, with few trolls. As someone in the US this is important to me cause I can follow the overseas news which I used to do on twitter.

The reason I left, personally was I have schizophrenia, that came about a few years ago (it's possibly a by product of menopause, not sure, I just found out that that happens in a very small percentage of females) but anyway my symptoms were very exacerbated and getting worse after being low key for a while. So I finally cut twitter loose and my improvement and reduction in symptoms was staggering. I realized my body/mind knows when I'm interacting with sexual predators (trans AGP and worse) whether I am cognizant.

I realized after being gone a while that the TRA were absolutely draining my soul. Just like Arielle says they wish to cut us off of everyone who supports us, cause that's what abusers do. And control who has access to what information, Karpman Drama Triangle stuff. So we have to GOOO, we GC, femininist, anti-child predation and child medicalization folks. Can't have us hanging around protecting children, their prey.

So seeing that symptoms of abuse wheel Arielle used was so inspiring to me, cause now that I've had this dramatic improvement of symptoms I want other people to realize the cost to our psychology of interacting with these energy vampires, leeches, and loons.

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You are so right about that, the message about narcissistic abuse. I agree 100%! I also understand everything you are saying about the effects o NPD and I know that just reading about and hearing about the tactics of narcs is so important both to allow people to recognize what they have been going through / how they’ve been manipulated but also to hopefully disarm the people trying to do it on a mass scale. I think the problem is that I was responding to an overall trend I am seeing (unrelated to the abuse comparison) and I should not have chosen to do so on this post. I should have instead made a blog post about it on my own page and worked it out there and not made an issue of it here. I did not mean in any way to invalidate the point of the message (indeed I believe the reason for posting it was the comparison of the abuse wheel) and I am sorry for that. At times I do respond too quickly to things and I will give more thought. I learned something from you today, so thank you

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I'd be really interested in reading your blog if you could comment with a link?

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shit I just lost the whole comment. I will try again. I had been watching the channel in general so I was more commenting on the whole oeuvre. It happened to speak to something I had been giving a lot of thought to lately, that individualistic objection to being told what one cannot do. And no I do not believe women oppress men even though some individual men might feel put upon by individual women - oppression happens systemically, individual occurrences vary but do not negate a sex hierarchy just as individual variations do not negate a race hierarchy. Etc.

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Thanks for replying. I have only watched a handful of Arielle's videos so I can't comment on her channel in general.

I think from what you say that we are probably closer in agreement about power hierarchies than I first thought. Not complete agreement, but closer :-)

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Goes to evidence this is all a psy op by a very few extremists to distract from the real inequality and oppression which remains unresolved.

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It also goes to show that only the gender-critical feminist analysis is going to successfully counter the trans lobby

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lol the only reason GC in America have even a glimmer of hope of doing something about this lobby in the US is the religious right agree with us on certain issues. Trans ideology literally has the whole left on their side. Without the GOP obstructing the equality act and the sports issue, the left would steamroll right over women. There is not a single legislator in the United States that I know of that could be called GC, not one.

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the religious right does not agree with radical feminism in any way, they may be against the trans lobby but for the very opposite reasons that we are, and the results will not be the same. While in the short term it is good that anyone is blocking "equality" pro trans bill the longer game absolutely requires progressive participation. If the GC crowd ever gets accused of being aligned with Rand Paul it's over, the TRAs will take everything. Look, I know exactly what you are saying and we don't even actually disagree.

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the feminist /GC contingent is already accused at every opportunity of being alt right/right/far right/conservative/white supremacist etc. Progressive legislators are giving a full pass without question to the trans lobby. The right are the only ones standing against medicalization, look what happened in Arkansas today. If you think it's over if they accuse GC of that in the future well then it's already over cause they've been saying it for years now, and orgs like Wolf etc have already aligned with Heritage on certain issues.

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Great satire on Rand Paul here bridges have a right to collapse and it’s not Governments role to repair them 😂

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So much abuse to counter all to distract from a handful of men holding us all captive by hoarding the worlds wealth which isn’t even real, only destroys and should be redesigned and used to sustain our lives and the planets life. They throw women and children to serve their basest motives and bribe them to continue. Revolting.

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