The Greens are losing some of their best due to the havoc being created by the trans issue. I don't think it would be too extreme to state the damage may be existential. Or that whatever remains may have little resemblance to what has been.

After voting Greens from 1998 I walked away myself in disgust 4 years ago and will categorically never, ever support them in any way for the rest of my life. It is humiliating to have believed they were genuinely progressive, visionary and ethical.

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What admirable strength and integrity in this letter!

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The Green Party is allowing the trans activists to completely destroy the party. Zoe is the 3rd Gender critical co chair of Green Party Women to be suspended since 2021. The leaders are weak and want to keep everything covered up and smoothed over, and they are happy to drive out women who get off their knees and stand up for ourselves.

Carla Denyer, the 'queer' co leader thinks LGB Alliance are a hate group , and Zack Polanski said people who say men are not women are not welcome in the Green Party. Good members are leaving as they see things are getting worse not better, and that the party is likely to be shredded in court.

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I hope this women’s determination and intellect inspires others to emulate her bravery.

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At least in the UK you have some GC Greens. Here in New Zealand, we haven't any. Here the Greens were leading the charge against that "transphobic" KJK when she attempted to hold one of her Let Women Speak rallies in Auckland. I would love for a journalist to ask the Greens why they are so supportive of a lifestyle that creates such an oversized carbon footprint. Everything you need to maintain a trans life is imported if you live here. I am evil if I use (and reuse) a plastic bag or god forbid, a plastic straw, but all those single use plastic bits and bobs needed to support the delusionary thinking that underpins the trans existence is fine by them.

You cannot maintain a concern for the environment while at the same time promoting a belief in the cult that is transgenderism. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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If Scientology was a political party

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What an incredible & shocking sequence of events. I wish you all the success in challenging this madness.

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Grouchy Marx once stated, "I would never be a member of a club that would have me as a member". I would never be a member of a party that doesn't recognize women.

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It actually makes me laugh how many more brainwashed organisations break the law like a petulant child defying its mother and then they get taken to court and lose and then they have to cough up loads of money. And then like said petulant child repeat the entire sequence again. Bye bye Green Party you will be bankrupt in no time.

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The greens are a bunch of fruit loops. They care nothing for the environment which is their raisin d'être and never speak on this issue of late. They should be called the women hating authoritarian trans ideologue party. I have no words for the nutters running the show. What an utter farce

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I'm a member of the Green Party who only joined in response to a plea for women to join to try to get the GP back on track. They, like so many others, have totally lost sight of their core mission.

If anything is bringing them into disrepute, it's the recent guidelines by their LGBTQIA + group, which is draconian, insane and dangerous.

Good on you, Zoe. I'll be at the Thursday meeting.

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Thank you Zoe. I am still a member despite all my brain cells clamoring at me to leave. I commend all of you trying to stay sane and rational, plugging away under this relentlessly unhinged onslaught. It's a hard decision to know whether to remain and fight for what many of you and we want to stand for rather than the bizarre sect thinking that has taken over this political party. There aren't many options.

The case study of the harassment anyone holding your legal views has been facing just since 2021 is beyond belief. And still they keep targeting you. They are zealots and how anyone cannot see this is not believable. They know what they do, they do this with such gall, with smug, arrogant impunity and they expect to get away with it.

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The Green Party Leadership are unable to stand up to the trans-activists in their own party. Are these really the people we need to be in power and be able to tell Putin to stop oil and gas production, to tell Hamas and Israel to put down the weapons and negotiate a peace and to take on the powerful fossil fuel and industry lobby in the UK.

We need people like Zoe Hatch and Emma Bateman who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.

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There's no other political party fighting for the planet so I'm staying put to continue the resistance to the extremists' takeover.

If you look at so-called Gender Critical views they are completely in line with the majority of the public - only called 'hateful' by the extremists' as part of their propaganda war.

That war only serves Big Pharma, private medicine and predators happy to hide in plain sight amongst 'queer' tribe - a tribe deliberately expanded to include anyone who feels any any way 'different'.

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Thank you for this. This attack is being driven by mentally ill men. So good to see a woman stand up strongly to them.

That's the way to beat these bullies - refuse to back down, go on the attack and stay on the attack. Be loud.

The men have the advantage of their testosterone–fueled aggression and the confidence that comes from a lifetime of entitlement. It's really hard for women to match that, but it can be done, as we have seen in the past.

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So they prove Zoe 100% correct by suspending her..

They can't do that. They're breaking the law

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