The Greens are losing some of their best due to the havoc being created by the trans issue. I don't think it would be too extreme to state the damage may be existential. Or that whatever remains may have little resemblance to what has been.

After voting Greens from 1998 I walked away myself in disgust 4 years ago and will categorically never, ever support them in any way for the rest of my life. It is humiliating to have believed they were genuinely progressive, visionary and ethical.

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Many women are politically homeless right now as no party is serving their needs. I will be supporting the Party of Women at the next election.

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I understand.

And yet, there is nothing braver than deciding to stay and fight rather than running away.

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I liken it more to divorcing a toxic partner rather than staying in a dysfunctional relationship.

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I hear you. But what if the partner is acting that way because they have a brain worm?

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I was tempted to be really cynical for a moment and suggest the sick partner go into a euthanasia program...

The marriage analogy wasn't a good one.

As a citizen I shop around for a political party to support that seems to broadly represent what I think are the best policies to flourish society. Its surreal to me the Greens hardly ever talk about environmental issues any more. Their silence makes me suspect they worked out their conception wasn't based in reality, that it was perhaps alarmist and not the best approach.

I have no energy to contribute towards guiding the Greens to realising they have dived into the Woke abyss.

Shopped around and found another political party to support and vote for that seems grounded in reality.

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What admirable strength and integrity in this letter!

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The Green Party is allowing the trans activists to completely destroy the party. Zoe is the 3rd Gender critical co chair of Green Party Women to be suspended since 2021. The leaders are weak and want to keep everything covered up and smoothed over, and they are happy to drive out women who get off their knees and stand up for ourselves.

Carla Denyer, the 'queer' co leader thinks LGB Alliance are a hate group , and Zack Polanski said people who say men are not women are not welcome in the Green Party. Good members are leaving as they see things are getting worse not better, and that the party is likely to be shredded in court.

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And yet some brave principled women are deciding to stay and fight for the soul of the Greens, rather than running away.

In the end, KJK may be right – GCs may have to found their own party. But it's great to see some Greens not giving up.

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Yes, there are women who have stayed to fight - I keep trying! I have had 4 no fault suspensions, 3 disciplinary suspensions and been expelled twice. I appealed against the last expulsion in July and have been waiting ever since for the outcome, a decision that was supposed to take 2 weeks.

The reason we keep going is because the Green Party has a core of good values and great people.

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Exactly- the majority of GP members have good values- and many of them are not even aware of all this behind-the-scenes rule-breaking law-dodging skullduggery by the TRAs, who took over the party from the 'Green wave' of 2015(?) onwards. Well done to all the whistleblowers who are exposing the truth in court.

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Thank you for fighting! You are a model for the rest of us.

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I hope this women’s determination and intellect inspires others to emulate her bravery.

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At least in the UK you have some GC Greens. Here in New Zealand, we haven't any. Here the Greens were leading the charge against that "transphobic" KJK when she attempted to hold one of her Let Women Speak rallies in Auckland. I would love for a journalist to ask the Greens why they are so supportive of a lifestyle that creates such an oversized carbon footprint. Everything you need to maintain a trans life is imported if you live here. I am evil if I use (and reuse) a plastic bag or god forbid, a plastic straw, but all those single use plastic bits and bobs needed to support the delusionary thinking that underpins the trans existence is fine by them.

You cannot maintain a concern for the environment while at the same time promoting a belief in the cult that is transgenderism. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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I hear you! It is ridiculous that some leading Greens want to restrict putting growth hormones into cattle but are fine with putting them in children.

I do not think the majority of members think that way, but they are unaware of how much power the trans lobby has in the party.

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Yes it s a total nonsense. I've never understood why any Green Party is so far left. If you care about the environment how does ledtnsnd right on other matters even come into it. You'd think you'd end up with a less extreme outlook. I just don't understand the trans cult is such a big deal for them. But either way I truly pity any sensible GC people in Canada, NZ, Aus and USA (and probably in that order). Those countries seem to have gone off the charts on gender woo. Good luck.

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I keep saying- Trans is NOT a Left issue- Left parties were all infiltrated by TRAs, who tricked people into thinking trans was a human rights issue. It isn't the same as Sexism, Racism, Homophobia. But trans policies became embedded in Left parties.

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It's all about "intersectionality" for them now, thanks to academic trends in the humanities. It's not good enough to be pro-environment, you have to ALSO be pro-BIPOC, pro-queer and pro-trans, which ends up meaning being anti-white, anti-straight and anti-LGB, as well as anti-reality.

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If Scientology was a political party

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well, TRAs have infiltrated and taken over all of the 'Left' (ie. all parties other than the Conservatives) parties in the UK. TRAs have hoodwinked people into thinking that trans is a human rights issue.

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What an incredible & shocking sequence of events. I wish you all the success in challenging this madness.

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Grouchy Marx once stated, "I would never be a member of a club that would have me as a member". I would never be a member of a party that doesn't recognize women.

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I understand. And yet, there is an element of giving up to that that brave women like Ms. Hatch are refusing to give in to.

The problem is, there is nowhere to hide from the gender cult.

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It actually makes me laugh how many more brainwashed organisations break the law like a petulant child defying its mother and then they get taken to court and lose and then they have to cough up loads of money. And then like said petulant child repeat the entire sequence again. Bye bye Green Party you will be bankrupt in no time.

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Yes. What is troubling me is that this seems to be the status quo though, the law is being used as the eventual backstop and we are being dragged through the mud and shit repeatedly, often for years, despite a halfwit knowing the outcome from the start. Then what a surprise, cases are found in our favour as we abide by the law of this land and yet those who don't are getting away with this repeatedly. These are long, painful, arduous, expensive processes and the process is the punishment. Something needs to change and what also greatly concerns me is how that is done is often very unpleasant and universally damaging - everyone loses despite being right or wrong. We get knee-jerk reactions and swings in the other direction after the pressure builds quite obviously.

There are many happily going about threatening and abusing others, so that damage is being done to individuals, groups, institutions, civil society and trust yet few seem to know the eventual facts of these cases or judgments. Then the chancers ignore that and try it again. Then have instant memory loss despite the grotesque and regularly growing piles of evidence. Having case law and our entire criminal justice system seem so ineffective and weak is alarming.

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Yes absolutely spot on. It is a tedious and painful process for those who do take the fools to court. But it's only relatively recently that people are doing so (thank you Maya Forstater) and I hold out hope that the Penny will drop for the ideologues at some point soon. It is an absurd time we live in.

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Yes, thank you to Maya :-). And others for whom I have my fingers crossed. These are zealots promoting this, so they are totally convinced of their own brilliance and right-side-of-history-ness. I guess us women should be glad we have any rights at all as some sods are trying to pinch back every single one under the guise of 'equality'.

I really do think no pennies will be dropping, they will not be told and despite the clanging of thousands of bags of small change raining down they will still resolutely deny what they choose not to know or what they pretend to. Then argue the toss about which is which!

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Well they are in the minority -though you wouldn't believe it. Sense will prevail. I have no doubt. The more court cases won, the more people oppose it vocally(which is only happening relatively recently) the more this shameful scandal will fizzle out. I'm certain of it. There are many new organisations now fighting it and I have hope.

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The greens are a bunch of fruit loops. They care nothing for the environment which is their raisin d'être and never speak on this issue of late. They should be called the women hating authoritarian trans ideologue party. I have no words for the nutters running the show. What an utter farce

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TRA zealots snuck in and took over the Green Party- and all other 'left(ish)' parties in the UK. The majority of ordinary members do not even realise the GP is in court to defend itself against GC members who've been bullied or expelled- because the GP doesn't inform members, and the newspapers and BBC will not report on bad behaviour by TRAs. The leadership and head office, have a stranglehold over the party, but do not represent most members.

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Perhaps, but then why aren't the other normal people in the party speaking up and taking down this tiny minority when it affects them directly. And why did they infiltrate only left parties and not centre or right leaning parties? Even outside of trans issues I also haven't ever understood why the green party is so far left. If it's about the environment, there are people from all political persuasions who care about that, even me, a centrist. Anyway, probably best to keep party politics away from the important discussion of the cult.

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Centre parties did get infiltrated (the Lib Dems for one). The right have too, though to a lesser extent (see Jamie Wallis). I think it's in part because they tend to be more traditional in general, more religious (so less likely to join a new cult), and less involved in the social justice movement which the TRAs have co-opted so successfully.

Then there's the possibility that, once the left had been infiltrated, the right may have seen the obvious open goal.

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As Fintan said, the UK Lib Dems, Labour, and the Scottish Nationalist Party have all been captured by undercover TRAs. Even the 'Women's Equality Party' says transwomen are women, and so they have to allow male members in drag....

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^^^Listen to this guy doing the "We had no idea, we were at a friend's house at the time, there was a terrible fire, a huge flood....it wasn't our fault!!!" routine!!

You openly welcomed trans activists into your party, there was no "undercover", lol.

Radfems have been fighting trans misogyny for over 12 years, where were you?

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There was no "sneaking in", the GP welcomed in the spores of its own rot, face it. It was already busily engaged in intersectional cannibalism before the TRAs established themselves as the biggest cannibals of the lot.

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This is what happens when all the sensible people give up and leave.

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please see my comment above, to ThoSheBeBut.. about how the party has been captured by a small clique of zealots, voted in by as little as 2.6% of members. But they now control it..

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Sounds like the party could be captured by a small clique of zealots at any time, based on your description of its structure.

Maybe you were part of the previous ruling clique and are reacting to a loss of power?

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I'm a member of the Green Party who only joined in response to a plea for women to join to try to get the GP back on track. They, like so many others, have totally lost sight of their core mission.

If anything is bringing them into disrepute, it's the recent guidelines by their LGBTQIA + group, which is draconian, insane and dangerous.

Good on you, Zoe. I'll be at the Thursday meeting.

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Thank you Zoe. I am still a member despite all my brain cells clamoring at me to leave. I commend all of you trying to stay sane and rational, plugging away under this relentlessly unhinged onslaught. It's a hard decision to know whether to remain and fight for what many of you and we want to stand for rather than the bizarre sect thinking that has taken over this political party. There aren't many options.

The case study of the harassment anyone holding your legal views has been facing just since 2021 is beyond belief. And still they keep targeting you. They are zealots and how anyone cannot see this is not believable. They know what they do, they do this with such gall, with smug, arrogant impunity and they expect to get away with it.

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Same. We just have to hope that all the court cases coming up, shine enough of a light on things, to alert the general membership. The leadership are probably ready to bankrupt the party if needbe, to 'stand up for trans rights', in court cases they will keep losing.

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Me too. Membership hanging by a thread, but I haven't left yet.

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There has just been an internal GP(England and Wales) election for post of 'Equalities Officer', done online. This was interrupted by a claim from the party that 'something was irregular- and now one candidate has withdrawn'. There had been 2 TRAs before, but one went leaving a final choice of only one TRA candidate ( jobshare of two blue haired teenagers)- or somebody who said that party disciplinary procedures must stop being abused (hooray). (I suspect they realised the TRA vote could be split, and let a sensible person win...) Glad to say the non-TRA did win eventually- but only by a slim margin. And what was the turnout of eligible voters? 7%. Less than 8 percent. That is all. If members even notice an email, that appears randomly with no warningl- and they go through the hassle of logging into members site, trying to find election stuff, wading through boring and waffling manifestos, finally they may vote- if that even works properly. The party is making it very hard to be involved. And deliberately not keeping members informed. (Other people were elected recently, on a turnout between 4 and 7 percent- which means the winners might only have the votes of between 2.6 and 3.6 percent of total membership. When you cople this with Conference motions" they" don;t like, will be refused for debate- And any members who talk about this, may be threatened, disciplined, suspended or expelled. THAT is how the cuckoos in the nest can run a party they have captured.

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It sounds like you are talking about the normal operations pathways of the party, which happen to be being used for purposes you dislike right now. Did you have a problem with low turnout and bad administration before this?

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I had and have a problem with low turnout and bad administration in all politics. And I am very concerned with why and how pointless a lot of political posturing is when they achieve nothing for people locally or nationally.

The party has been captured by some zealots and that is obvious. That is not good for anyone and will make the Greens even more marginal. We need proper opposition parties for a functioning democracy. We need proper discussion about the environment and how we all live - that's being sidelined and distracted from by this.

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What I meant was, were low turnout and bad admin occurring prior to the TRAs taking over. My guess is yes. Party operations were already primed for control by a small group, and most likely already WERE being controlled by a small group. But he's only complaining about it now it seems.

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Yes of course they were but it's been adding to the disenfranchisement and exactly when things were happening or might have been happening in retrospect is hard to guess let alone agree on. It's the way with political parties, small political parties and local groups of people - any people. I genuinely don't think he is 'only complaining about it now'. And if he is, I also think it's a waste of our time to be trying to find people to blame as we could be here all day. He has commented with reason and fairness, and knowledge for quite some time. I have appreciated his comments. So, we blame all men, or some, or all women, or some, or we blame all those who call themselves feminist, or all those who don't call themselves feminist?

Many people and many men ignored many women for a very long time - centuries or thousands of years depending on your viewpoint. Many women do. Still do. Many men (and women) in nice liberal and democratic parties, or on the 'left' as they self-describe. Many men have finally seen the revolting and harmful way we women are treated, how their partners and daughters are treated, how their lives and spaces and rights are compromised or removed, and have decided it now matters to them. It's slightly affected some who are starting to realise who chose to look away and think it didn't affect them. Plus ça change, but I would rather we worked together. We can recriminate at our leisure afterwards.

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That's very eloquent hand-waving, and I generally agree, but it doesn't change the fact of the GP dysfunction that allowed this to happen. Hopefully if they can get their party back they will have the sense to fix some things. I do agree that the TRAs do not represent the majority of the party, and I also think that some GP members who can see the toxicity of TRAs are trying very hard not to acknowledge the larger issues of the woke cannibalism and Marxist efforts at destabilization going on.

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Well, well, well, thank you Harry C! They are making it hard aren't they, I wonder why that is. If all members are even sent, let alone notice an email - I knew nothing of this and received none. I have tried (and was successful in) voting before and have found it a silly and unnecessarily silly process. The manifestos were dire and I watched a few times with half an eye as they got away with silencing people in online sessions (hustings? I can't remember now). Only a few stood out as being written by sane people. I am astounded that this is happening - all you describe - in a party with an MP who aim for more and do have a foothold in UK politics.

What always strikes me is that so many are spending full time working hours working on this totally empty fluff that has nothing to do with our environment and takes days to read through. And I'm always left feeling slightly less informed after. And a lot angrier at the total waste of what they are up to. Surely they aren't quorate or are there no such basic standards? They really are keen to ostracise, offend and pillory members and are very determined we aren't allowed in their little club yet still take subs. So we accept it's a husk of a party until enough legal action changes this?

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The Green Party Leadership are unable to stand up to the trans-activists in their own party. Are these really the people we need to be in power and be able to tell Putin to stop oil and gas production, to tell Hamas and Israel to put down the weapons and negotiate a peace and to take on the powerful fossil fuel and industry lobby in the UK.

We need people like Zoe Hatch and Emma Bateman who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.

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There's no other political party fighting for the planet so I'm staying put to continue the resistance to the extremists' takeover.

If you look at so-called Gender Critical views they are completely in line with the majority of the public - only called 'hateful' by the extremists' as part of their propaganda war.

That war only serves Big Pharma, private medicine and predators happy to hide in plain sight amongst 'queer' tribe - a tribe deliberately expanded to include anyone who feels any any way 'different'.

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Thank you for this. This attack is being driven by mentally ill men. So good to see a woman stand up strongly to them.

That's the way to beat these bullies - refuse to back down, go on the attack and stay on the attack. Be loud.

The men have the advantage of their testosterone–fueled aggression and the confidence that comes from a lifetime of entitlement. It's really hard for women to match that, but it can be done, as we have seen in the past.

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So they prove Zoe 100% correct by suspending her..

They can't do that. They're breaking the law

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over the last five years, many active members have been insulted, harrassed, disciplined, expelled... which is why there are three cases actually coming to court (though it taks years to get action going.). Please do not think the majority of GP members are too weak or stupid or idle, to do anything. But when there is no forum available to discuss (because head office controls website and social media and Conference) and, not many local meetings -often only a local AGM every year (which will be dominated by a core of activists who vote down any criticism). Because there is no reporting back to the ordinary members. many are unaware of the reality. The situation is EXACTLY the same as in general public debate, or many workplaces- the moment a GC voice is heard, they get attacked as being bigots, And as we know, JKR, Our Graham, Kathleen Stock etc have broken no law- their bullying critics are the ones breaking the law, but they get away with it....

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Well I don't see how they can lose in court. I wish them the best of luck and WHEN they win that it sets a precedent to others

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