There is no Jonathan Harrow on the nursing register. It is illegal to be employed in a registered nurses role when you are not on the register. Either he’s LARPing, or the Trust employing him is also breaking the law.

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UPDATE: Since publishing the above I've been told by a reliable source that he works three days a week for a chemist in Hampshire as a vaccinator on a zero hours contract. He may have been a nurse practitioner in the past but his licence / status has lapsed. He's starting a new role in Essex probably next week working with vulnerable people in their homes and doing incontinence care. The story about the female patient is almost certainly a fantasy, and the history of PhDs is also a fantasy, but it looks like he does or will go into the community wearing a nurse's uniform and doing God knows what

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I have complained to the RCN that one of their non-nurse members is passing themselves off as a Nurse Practitioner on social media. https://www.rcn.org.uk/contact/Complaints-form

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The RCN aren’t interested. Said try the NMC, but he isn’t a registered nurse so what can they do.

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Thank you for the update. Incontinence care? That's not at all an incredibly sensitive area. Oh no. F**king hell. I had a nasty feeling he might get round requirements by being 'in the community'. You have to complain, complain in the right way, and ideally have more than one complaint about services in the community. So services can build intelligence about where or how things are going wrong.

By doing what he has done on social media, and his very confused ideas, he has already shown that he does not appreciate or understand boundaries. Oh and makes shit up so truth might be a little tricky as a concept. *KLAXON*

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As if older women - or anyone really - with incontinence issues don't have enough to deal with without this man entering their own homes. Terrible.

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Just putting this here again to remind everyone :-)


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This man is passing himself off as a registered nurse on social media. His employer should be made aware of this.

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Hey NHS, what about a 'don't bring your fetish to work day'?

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His Linked In says he is a doctor and vaccinator. Not a nurse. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jon-harrow-b81a9049

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According to his Twitter account, he starts the job next week (although on Facebook he's said he's already started it). Some things certainly don't add up https://twitter.com/mabel1965/status/1527984323349073920

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He also claims to have sung backing vocals for Kate Bush, has written plays for the radio, is a session musician and has been an extra in several sitcoms. https://www.starnow.com/u/jonharrow/about/ It's looking more and more like he's a fantasist. It could just be that he's created this online medical expert persona and has bought a nurse's uniform, and is now popping up on NHS social media pretending he works for them

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Let's hope so and that he hasn't passed through several recruitment stages.

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Yes. Plus the NHS complaints service could very easily have said 'please rest assured we have no record of this person working for us', and that would have been that. But instead they presumably just saw criticism of someone who says he's trans and thought the best response would be to have nothing to do with it

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It's great isn't it - a complaints service that backs off from complaints. Nothing to see here eh. When report after report says be honest, open and transparent and tackle things early enough, so they do not take months and many years of convoluted 'processes' to delay rectification or heaven forbid anyone learning, changing or improving.

So, NHS, can you clarify, are you or are you not open to complaints?

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I wonder why he has chosen the name Mabel? Extremely unusual name for someone of his age! Must be another example of desire to stand out.

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You’d be surprised who gets through NHS recruitment. The whole system is corrupt. I’m going with fantasist, no one wears their badge on their collar 🙄

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I need to see his 10m swimming badge before I really believe him completely and let him take my appendix out through my right ear. And I do hope anyone in healthcare recruitment looks at the reaction to and comments on this piece.

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He’s changed his Twitter profile to Assistant Practitioner. These are not nurses.

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It is possible to have the title of doctor by qualification and work as a nurse. The title isn't normally used while working, because it's just too damn confusing!

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He is not a nurse, he is not on the NMC register. His twitter suggests he has worked in some capacity as an Associate Practitioner.

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That's interesting. In the U.S., for example, a registered nurse cannot work as a nurse's aide unless they resign from the nursing registry. And I'm guessing medical doctors cannot work as nurses unless they resign from the medical registry.

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Medical doctors cannot work as nurses as they are not nurses.

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I vote for LARPer/fantasist

I mean, look at all those concurrent employments.

Not to mention the ones listed in this profile which don't appear in the one above.


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A friend of mine has just found this listing. Yet another, very different, CV


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Utter fantasist.

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Ah, the old nurse fetish. But his time, turned on its head. The AGP man becomes the object of his desire. For gods sakes, female nurses wear scrubs -- pants and top. They don't wear skirts. Pure fetish.

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He's "still pinching himself that it's all real". "Gender" euphoria. AGP. Fetish. No patient or colleague should be coerced into cooperating with his obvious paraphilia.

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He’s not a nurse. Playing dress up.

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Community-based nurses don't wear uniforms. Hospital-based nurses wear scrubs. Does sound v fishy.

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No, some hospital nurses wear uniforms, depends where you work and your role. Nurse Practitioners definitely wear uniforms.

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Ah, ok, thanks. I have to be regularly treated by nurses and have never seen one dressed like that! Except in care homes and schools. I'm sure you're right; not trying to argue! (What's the difference between a Nurse and a Nurse Practitioner?)

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There are all different kinds of nurses. Practitioners have gained further training and qualifications to become experts in their field and can practice more autonomy. In some areas they are also nurse prescribers.

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And senior nurses still get to wear the formal stuff, skirts and belts etc.

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Belts are no longer allowed. Health and safety issues.

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Aha! Thank you. I'm always intimidated by some uniforms anyway. What's the guy in the picture wearing round his waist?

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A belt. He’s playing, surprised he didn’t wear a cap.

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My sister is a nurse practioner, wears a tunic and trousers. She hasn't worn a dress uniform since the early 90s

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Not in the U.S. They may wear a white coat over their clothes, but that's it.

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I can't remember the last time I saw a nurse on the wards wearing a dress. Some (few) practice nurses only.

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May 25, 2022
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Is it a fetish if I like to see people properly attired for the job? 😁😁(Mind you, one of the most alluring scents for me is (was) the old phenolic disinfectant, so maybe I really am a weirdo! 😂😂)

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He's like those men who used to go to fancy dress parties, dressed in the sort of nurses' uniform that only exists in 'Carry On' films. Makes my flesh crawl.

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legal action is looking the only way

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I would have absolutely no problem in having a male nurse , but this thing and his ilk , git yersel tae fuck

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I think I have to clarify that , if I was an abuse victim then yes I would demand a female therapist /examiner

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No, you don't have to clarify it. I've had male nurses and they were fine, but they weren't goddamn freaks.

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I still can’t believe we’ve a liar at a rape crisis scotland and it’s ‘ok’

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I blame the women in charge of that centre. they chose to hire him.

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With the usual and expected caveat that, yes, there are many wonderful, caring and committed health professionals, I have come across plenty of (generally male) doctors who are either clueless about women's particular health needs, indifferent, or even sadistic. I speak from the experience of being a patient in the US and within the NHS systems. Neither system is stellar and each is bad in its own way. With this particular character, Harrow, I'd go with sadistic but with an added dose of entitlement. He will now be emboldened by a class of bureaucrats in the 'caring' industry who, in a rape crisis centre, for example, hector women at their lowest points about reframing their trauma and 'educating themselves', just as he also did when he took it upon himself to educate this young woman patient here. And then there's the presence of Stonewall in the NHS, never backwards about coming forwards when it spots an easy mark to shake down with its Diversity Champions racket. This and the other stories are yet further examples of the arrogance of health professionals who fail to centre the patient, all backed up by the complacency of the institution itself, and which takes advantage of a population that is supposed to be eternally grateful, no matter what harm the NHS might do. These are examples of safeguarding issues nervously put aside by weak management to accommodate a new, sacred class. A disaster is waiting to happen. Although, as Emma Nicholson explained in the House of Lords, the disaster is already now and happening.

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The NHS is weakened and under attack. It does feel like this lobby are picking at its bones and it's not able to defend itself on all fronts. They are scweaming about their rights as it collapses and they stick the boot in even more.

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I think this is exactly right. The NHS is weak, the education system is weak, and so the vultures are circling.

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Having said all that, I think this guy is completely bogus, in more ways than one.

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He's got to be.

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If you read the health press it's fairly dire with leaders of hospital and ambulance trusts warning about imminent collapse. That's not gone away, it's just revealed how bad the pressure is, and it's everywhere yet apparently hidden. Staff and regulators are constantly issuing reports about substandard care. Members of the public are considering suicide and taking loans to cover the cost of delayed care. Staff are leaving. We can't fill roles. Services are breaking or broken.

And this lot are getting thrills 'educating' patients and getting to wear a dress to fulfil some fantasy of who they wish they were. Ooooh lucky them. My patience is thin. What the hell has that to do with conducting your duties in an appropriate and professional manner?

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I just saw an article about what is a society (the U.S.) coming to, when it can't even feed its own children? [baby formula shortage] There is no reason for the NHS to collapse except underfunding and spending money to support Stonewall, etc. It would also help if they would grow up and recognize chronic conditions such as hypothyroidism; they'd save a helluva lot of money if they treated it instead of its symptoms.

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The medical model is to keep you sick and "manage your symptoms". until you finally die. The drugs companies would not make anything like the profits they do if they cured you! And the American drugs companies know the NHS is the cash cow that keeps giving.

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Totally! Squeeze every last penny out of you before death, and after death if they can! (Just to let Americans know: if you receive hospital bills after a loved one's death, DON'T PAY THEM!) And this is what disturbed me when I learned that a national health care system treated chronic conditions as badly as they're treated in the 100% profit-driven U.S. medical-industrial complex. In the U.K. you have to go to a private doctor in order to get proper thyroid medication. Have you ever read anything about why the NHS is so beholden to U.S. pharma?

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Hmm, there is no such thing as a trans female,

Jonathan's lack of basic biology knowledge is concerning for a nurse.

Funny how one word gets co-opted to mean something different and that becomes accepted by the chattering classes, another word is also rapidly colonised.

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Calling himself a "trans female" confused his patient sufficiently to get her consent to his treatment of her. Language is their main weapon, from confusing sex and gender to slugging women with threats of death and rape on social media. It works, as it did here.

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Having read through some of the comments, it’s looking like that incident only happened in his head. Which is a relief.

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That uniform is suspect too, never seen anyone wear one like that in years. Things missing too. Nurse Practitioners at the North West London University Trust wear Navy blue with red piping. He’s LARPing, it’s a fetish but claiming to be an RN, and his so called ticking off of a patient is unprofessional and puts real RNs in a bad light.

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Asleep at the wheel, the lot of them. This has ALL unravelled on their watch.

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I find it very hard to believe that a woman asking to be seen by a female nurse would accept this person treating her. Therefore I call bullshit, and await further posts from the ladies where a ‘cis’ woman asks to borrow a tampon…

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I wonder if the Trust he claims to work for is aware of his social media posts. It does them no favours.

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Liverpool women's hospital is apparently in consultation to drop the qord women's.

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Appalling! Just reinstated into legislation about maternity ("pregnant people")!!! It's not him who has to pinch himself, it's the rest of us who are seeing women's rights, even existence, destroyed before our eyes!

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So what do they intend to rename it? Liverpool Hospital for Cervix-Havers? Liverpool Hospital for Bleeders? Waiting with baited breath....

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Liverpool Hospital for Non-men, I expect.

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I have made a complaint to the RCN, telling them one of their non-nursing members is passing themselves off as an RN on social media. You can do the same here. https://www.rcn.org.uk/contact/Complaints-form

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