Mar 28, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

As a gay man this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. What's even more worrying is the push for this sort of thing currently here in Ireland being championed by all the usual suspects.

I hope you won't mind, just a little about how I've gotten here. As a fully paid up leftie gay when I originally heard Graham had been banned from Twitter, I didn't pay much heed. He was a transphobe, hateful to the community, served him right. It was only when JK Rowling was getting cancelled that I began to take notice. Here was a woman who had told of her abuse getting told to die because she wrote what a woman was. I began to follow some of the women who had stood up for her and it peaked my interest but nothing more. But then I noticed that some of the accounts were getting suspended and banned. I may be male but I strongly support feminism. I started to follow more "Terf" accounts and found that far from the monsters I had been led to believe they were, they were actually making strong cogent arguments and the actual bullies were on the other side. Yet rather than ban the people calling for them to be raped and murdered, twitter was banning the women. And I began to wonder was Graham really the mad transphobe he was made out to be and that led me here.

I subscribed to the email and started to actually read and "follow the receipts" and it turned out that what he was saying was not only true he had devoted his life to standing up for women and safeguarding children and lost so much in the process. He had more in common with Emily Davison than the progressive feminists who are busily eroding all the hard won rights of women.

And not content with destroying the rights of women, the hard won rights of gay men and lesbian women are now being trampled on. And so few seem to see it. Yes there are some like James Dreyfuss but if others are aware of it they are too afraid to speak out for fear of being cancelled. It's horrendous. The woman in the Mr Gay England contest is an actual homophobe who spouts homophobic content yet is given a free pass by twitter. The guy who points it out is hounded off social media. Truly the world has gone mad. So here I am, now a paid subscriber. I've no idea how we can win this and shake the world back to it's senses. I despair at what is happening. Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get it off my chest but obviously couldn't on Twitter or Facebook.

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Welcome! I just became a paying subscriber after Jesse Singal (whom I support on Patreon) seemed to toss Graham under the bus when TRAs were shrieking that Substack needs to deplatform him. I'm hoping you got a bump in subscriptions, Graham, and that it helps Substack see that they have no business engaging in censorship.

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It's a long, hard slog but we're all determined to win this. It's the hill we really are ready to die on. Link up with as many like-minded people on Twitter as possible, you'll need the support to remind you that you're not the crazy one. There'll be many straight & gay ppl in any Gender Critical person's Friends list to Follow, all united in the one goal. I only returned to Twitter a few years ago, solely for the purpose of fighting this. You'll find many sound ppl to Follow. N.B. Edited to remove my Twitter link - can't be too careful lol - and reposted.

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It’s only when enough men like you are “peaked” that this will turn a corner.

Women don’t matter much and they will be silenced indefinitely, unfortunately, until enough men wake up.

Let them come for the gay men, let them come for the heterosexual men!

Tell your friends and family, on the spot they will be scared not to toe the line, but seeing other people speak up, seeing their numbers increase, will give them courage eventually.

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They came for gay men already - the "Boxer Ceiling" is just as much a thing as the "Cotton Ceiling":


Where they FINALLY made their big mistake was going for straight men and - BOOM! - a 16 year old kid on TikTok unwittingly launched the SuperStraight movement.

Do not underestimate the impact that is having, particularly on the younger generations. It quickly morphed into "LGBS" and is doing fantastic work spreading the word and uniting Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Straights globally. There are assorted, active "Straight", "SuperSexual" and "LGBS" groups on all social media platforms as well as "underground".

For example, the "Super International LGBS" Facebook Group, which is run by a Gender Critical gay man, mobilised to support Sheridan Sinclair on Facebook within minutes of the story being posted.

Some of the SuperStraight Twitter accounts are trivial and dedicated to posting memes but there are accounts for countries all over the world and they are a resource that could be harnessed for the greater good.

Hamza Watani, who runs the SuperStraight Discord, is well worth a follow:

"Identity Politics is Being Pushed Because it Disrupts Class Analysis" -Hamza Watani


"Hamza Watani joins me for an in depth conversation on the nature of identity politics in disrupting conversations around class. We also talk about the super straight movement, gender identity ideology, the current state of the left and much more.

"Everyone who is debating or fighting with the trans activists have basically been crushed. Radical feminists have been completely censored, every part of their movement has been beaten back. They have a slur that no one sees as a slur... If you call a man a TERF, it means nothing. But when you call a woman a TERF, there is an implicit statement of violence behind it. There is a threat behind it. You see that whenever people talk to women and call them TERFs and all that. It’s like 'these fucking TERFs, we’ll get them…' That just can’t be done in a civilized society. Somebody’s got to talk about that." -Hamza Watani

Hamza's links:

twitter: https://twitter.com/WataniHamza

substack: https://hamzawatani.substack.com/p/superstraight-the-rise-of-super-sexuality

(Crossroads with Sasha White is an interview series about free speech, censorship, and gender identity ideology.)


There are other "Super" Discords and, interestingly, the most active seem to be the "LGBS" ones and have a good mix of sexualities as well as, again, global reach.

Discord will probably ban them when they find them but there are also independent forums being set up as refuges when the inevitable happens.

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There's light at the end of the tunnel. Things look bad in Ireland - worse in Canada - but here in the UK the Keira Bell case really changed things, and more and more cases are going to be reaching court as time goes on. It's spread awareness and given people more freedom to speak up. The judgment is a fantastic resource to keep to hand. It's concise, easy to read and from an impeccable source. It contains a devastating critique of the Tavistock and the unevidenced assumptions they used to develop their diagnostics and treatments. I have a few images of key passages saved, those plus a link to the judgment itself win many of the arguments you encounter on SM. It's more difficult to make spurious accusations of hatred etc when you're quoting from a High Court judgment. Truth is, the TRAs can't handle the facts because the facts are always against them. Stick to sourced facts (including real-life stories from people like detransitioners) and they usually bail after a few exchanges. The important thing is though you've planted something in their minds. You've confronted them with truths they can't unsee, and as you've found yourself that has an effect. Most of them aren't monsters, just misinformed or rushing on the buzz of being part of a righteous mob.

CR makes a good point below, sadly. In a just world, the voices of the brave women who've led the resistance so far, and often paid a heavy price, would have put this matter on the front pages. As a man - when they clock I'm a man - I've never received anything like the abuse women get. The TRAs targeted women almost exclusively, which is how it has stayed under the radar for so long. I think it was a conscious strategy, partly they were cynically exploiting our society's sexism to establish themselves, partly because that was the point: to abuse women and bully them into having sex. Men have a duty to stand with women, and I think they will. For all our faults, most of us will not tolerate anyone mistreating our daughters, wives, sisters, mothers, friends, and despite the widespread domestic abuse, we all know violence against women is wrong, even those who do it anyway. Add to that the revulsion at the thought of our sons being castrated. I don't think any of us could bear to think of what it must be like to have the surgery and then realise you've made a terrible mistake.

We need to ensure more men become aware more quickly. A lot of us don't know what's going on. I've always been pretty well informed, but I had no idea of the full horror until I saw the phrase "Cotton Ceiling" and Googled it, I think 3 or 4 years ago now. After that, the more I learned the worse it got.

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Thank you, I've followed you.

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Thank you. Following now.

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

It's appalling. I always enjoy Sheridan's thoughtful takes and disgusted he's been bullied off social media. I hope he knows how much support he has.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Have the activists run out of women and lesbians to harass? Horrible as it is, this might be the start of a change of attitude towards those bastards since gay rights are now coming under fire from them. I do hope so. This is my first post so, just to say, thank you for fighting for us when it costs you so much.

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

This looks like one of the "non crime hate incidents" as challenged by Harry Miller of Fair Cop.

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Too stupid for words. The police won't give a shit about an upset female.

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It's absolutely pathetic that we are at the point where someone stating a biological fact can be treated as a hate crime.

Also a ridiculous waste of police resources.

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Anything can be treated as a hate crime.

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Amazing misdirection going on there: "BeingYouIsNotACrime." No one said it was. Stop acting like you're gay people circa 1955.

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But what being me means being a 3 year old girl? Being myself and being true to myself I’d like to play with other 3 year olds.. a crime or not a crime?

I need to be told I’m not a 3 year old girl and this doesn’t not mean me not being allowed to express myself as I see fit, provided I follow the law. It’s important I’m being told there is reality, there are my feelings and there already other people’s boundaries too. All are important, my feelings don’t trump the boundaries and safety of little girls. My liberty and rights exist when and if other people rights are not infringed upon.

But if I’m not told that, if people are too scared to tell me, for whatever reason, who do you think it’s being put at risk? Whose rights are being infringed? Whose feeling we’re not going to hear about?

None of us live in a vacuum, none of us can “identify” into what we’re not, when it’s at the expense of other people.

One is a dress up party where you can “be yourself “, one is life where “being yourself” means, for a start, imposing your lie on other people. One is having a right to expression and not being discriminated against because of that, one is taking over reality at others people expense.

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Did Sheridan Sinclair voluntarily delete the Substack or was it taken down? How is Substack about those sorts of things? I have just started writing here and I am wondering if I will be in trouble for talking about this stuff.

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He deleted his account himself:


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oh gosh, thats awful. I don't blame him for deleting. I hope they are both ok.

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There are people in this thread who are in touch with him and there are other friends of his on Facebook passing on good wishes. I hope they are both OK too!


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Has anyone got his article archived?

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It is linked at the top of the article. Here it is again :-)


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Thank you! I don’t know how I missed it.

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They obviously have a keen sense of history and decided that the 28th would a good date to bring back Section 28 - only this time do it properly and make it stick.



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Has been he taken off substack?! - Sheridan Sinclair that is

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He deleted his account himself.

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