Again, a repeat offender gets a caution. An invitation to continue getting erections under his spinny skirt while abusing women. Women with their children on hand.

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Does this fall under the heading "But it never happens!"? A man in a frock physically attacking a woman in a way that could lead to serious injury? Of course we know it happens, and will continue to happen because one of the roots of trans activism is hatred of women who do not comply with gender stereotypes. I've seen some of the usual suspects, and a few new ones, on Twitter defending this objectionable man by suggesting either a) it was a false flag by the organisers, b) actually started by women, or c) it was the women's fault for marching.

These people make me so sick. I hope that karma visits them with extreme prejudice, soon.

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Dawson, et al, are making the hatred they feel towards women crystal fucking clear. They are abusive men who want to dominate and harm women, no one should be defending them because they put on a dress and demand to be called 'she'. Call them what they are, dangerous, predatory men and respond to them as such.

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Violent men always seem to regard their assaults as deserved or provoked by the victim. (Victim-blaming is as old as the story of Adam & Eve). So the perverse logic of these unprovoked attacks is, presumably, that women protesting against male violence are actually "asking for it". And violent males oblige by responding accordingly, to perceived provocation. Probably even welcome it.

The "baffling" and "irrelevant" earlier interruptions by a male shouting transgender slogans seems to discount the narcissism of TRAs: for whom the only "meaning" of feminism is as adversaries. Any wider context is irrelevant. And may even offensively fail to include trans issues! Be damned if you do, be damned if you don't.

This same narcissistic attitude has been displayed in the current Employment Appeal Tribunal hearing of Forstater v. CGD: where CGD's head of HR (& various other posts) repeatedly & consistently fails to have made any attempt to see Maya Forstater's case from her point of view: that sex is real and matters, and cannot be trumped by "gender identity". Her view. her reasons, simply don't count, are of no interest or significance. Beyond being "bigoted" and "transphobic".

No acceptance, no tolerance, no understanding, no negotiation, no debate.

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Mar 15, 2022Edited
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No, it would never be his fault: due to double standards. Always someone else's fault.

So other people might very unfairly be the cause of his getting a prison sentence. With only assessment of his record, if they do an assessment, to prevent his being housed in a women's prison.

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I used to be a big, strong woman, a woman who could swing an eight-pound splitting maul, harness a 1700-pound horse, and lift a 100-pound bag of grain. These are the women needed to provide security for demonstrations, women whose size and strength will intimidate the Dawsons of this world. These men only attack women they think are less powerful than they are.

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Ditto. And then age got in the way! Now I am just gorgeous!!!

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You're right, bullies pick on weakness. They only respect strength. We need some female Amazons to intimidate the bullies

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How is it that after physically hurting Belstsffie and another woman, Pink Hair was not charged with a crime? I don't understand.

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Not deemed serious enough, but it'll hurt him once he leaves the uni-incubator. He's been in trouble before, so he's got form & prospective employers may not like that.


Cautions are given to anyone aged 10 or over for minor crimes - for example writing graffiti on a bus shelter.

You have to admit an offence and agree to be cautioned. You can be arrested and charged if you don’t agree.

A caution is not a criminal conviction, but it could be used as evidence of bad character if you go to court for another crime.

Cautions can show on standard and enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.


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Is a caution really enough for a repeat male offender, committing two unprovoked physical assaults to head and neck (never mind the milkshakes)?

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Apparently so, according to GMP. Something tells me it won't be his last encounter with the law, so let's be hopeful - he just may yet get his day in court. And face consequences! In a male prison!!

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I very much hope so!

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I see. And thank you. I just do not understand this response to actual, physical violence. Were the victims unable to press charges? How would such an inadequate responce be left up to the police alone? Here in the states victims can choose to press charges.

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Thanks, beverly, just what I was thinking. And a civil suit would be an excellent idea, but it seems that in the U.K. that requires hiring an attorney which can be expensive (apparently they don't work on contingency fees like American lawyers do).

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It’s my understanding ‘erin’ is the same guy who complained to police about razor blades under stickers, and caused a disabled woman to be arrested for said stickering. He also wrote about his guts hanging out, and he had to carry them to hospital.

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Yes, that's the one. I hope he has a run-in with an aggressive door one of these days.

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I think that was ‘Layla’ Stokes who makes a habit of decorating Cardiff with cartoony misogynist stickers. ‘Erin’ seems slightly less creative and rather more violent.

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I hope he makes a mistake someday and tries this shit on with someone who isn't as committed to nonviolence as feminists are.

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I was there marching with the other women on Saturday. It was very peaceful (until that guy and friends turned up!) and we were very respectable of the public and handed out leaflets. I would do it again in a heartbeat we can't let them win. We must protect women and children from male violence.

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The police and our politicians are facilitating this massive escalation of misogyny.

Their spinelessness in public policy and application of the law makes them as guilty of this violence as the actual perpetrators. Appropriate intervention would minimise (if not stop altogether) this male aggression and violence.

It also highlights that the mantra “TWAW” is an absolute lie - before men were able to claim they were women and have the violent crimes they committed be recorded as being committed by women, the numbers of violent crimes committed by women was minuscule.

Not our sex, not our crimes.

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Try telling Keir Starmer, Anneliese Dodds, even Harriet Harman (as a former champion of women's rights) that TWAW is a lie. It's official Labour policy.

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So a woman stickering in Wales gets detained for 12 hours, her phone sent away for forensic analysis and a warrant to search her house with books removed, and this violent thug gets a caution. This coming on the back of the news about the 15 yr old dragged out of an exam for a body search whilst on her period really tells us whose side the police are on.

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It does indeed.

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"Erin" Dawson is clearly trying to find the line at which he will face genuine consequences. Punching women to the ground is apparently insufficient. There is no reason to imagine he will not progress to more serious assault.

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How much more of this are women expected to take ? When women can be attacked in broad daylight by openly misogynistic and violent men ,then the world really is screwed. Shows how much support there now is for violence towards women , including rape and murder !! What kind of MONSTER have Western Governments unleashed here ,by allowing this abhorrent cult to take hold ?? God help us 🙏👎😭

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I read somewhere that this man is a nurse/nursing student at Salford Uni. Anyone know if this is true? There is someone of the same name showing on LinkedIn fitting that description, with red hair and a slightly more feminised photo. If that is him, the Nursing & Midwifery Council should be interested. (That ED is a mental health nurse).

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Send this article to the Nursing and Midwifery council just in case .

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As he's a student and not yet registered the NMC may not be interested. Yet. When he comes to apply for jobs, he may find his caution follows him round like a bad smell.

I find it especially worrying that he's aiming for mental health nursing. Such poor impulse control doesn't bode well.

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He's looking for people he can bully.

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And there are sadly, quite a high number of bullies in health care.

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Classic Smiths line x

Disgraceful men pushing their white male privilege!

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His women-hatred is as obvious as his cock and balls.

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Appalling . A bloody caution ? Aye the patriarchy stands up for it's own again. Solidarity to Belstaffie and Gemma .

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Nice skirt although, as a woman, she should know not to dry it over the corner of the radiator.

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