Shouldn't these people be immediately suspended? Surely employees should be expected to respect the law?

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Especially organisations funded by the tax payer.

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I hope Baroness Nicholson is onto this. It’s an absolute travesty that any government employee feels like they can openly flout legal guidance produced by governmental bodies. This genie never should have been allowed out of the box.

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Indeed, there are very few areas where civil servants and other public employees can publicly announce they will just break the law in the discharge of their obligations - and have done so in the past - and can get away with it. These areas usually concern laws which demonstrably violate human rights, and, sadly, these exceptions are rare and far between. Anything else isn't tolerated and there is a reason for that. Imagine someone working for a tax authority announcing he won't be applying tax codes to whatever group of people. And that wouldn't even be putting vulnerable people at risk, as this manouever does.

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We can't leave everything to Emma Nicholson though. We need to take action.

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True. She has reach and contacts we can only dream of though.

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We who understand autogynephilia - which includes the entirety of the terven - see damn well that big ugly pink-haired brute is one - and textbook. A complete disregard for women, and their need for "privacy, dignity and safety". A narcissistic compulsion driving a need to penetrate and violate distressed women's most private spaces and protected places (sounds rapey doesn't it? Yeah.....). Also to continue with the hideousness of shoving kids on meds (GPs are now getting a financial incentive to do just this) without any decent counselling - meds which will damage their health and shorten their lives, because these poor souls form a very useful part of the "trans community". Within which grown men hide at best, abuse at worst - the "trans community" includes young women and children - harmless, vulnerable and in need of our protection which we're trying to give - but also perverts, predators and paedophiles. To them, women and girls, young boys too, are simply collateral damage (at best).

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“I’ll gladly shit on the floor of any business that does this”. I’m sick of being a tourist in these people’s transgressive kinks.

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The tax payer funded NHS managers who are going along with this need to be immediately suspended and then disciplined if not sacked - how dare they take our money to promote this mans wank fest - its time they paid with their jobs and pensions

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At the very least their superiors need to have a serious word with them about this behaviour. Believe whatever you like in private - the tooth fairy, astrology, faith healing etc - but at work in the PUBLICLY FUNDED NHS - you'll obey the law and not show off on social media about how you intend to break it.

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I agree but these are the heads and next in chain must be either NHS England..Dept of Health or Minister for Health

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

So the NHS kills 300 babies and dozens of women because they lack the funds to provide needed cesareans, but they have plenty of funds to hire "Tara" to do whatever he's supposedly doing?

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"He" Tara is a Catholic prick and a half!

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Kidding himself that he is a Catholic if he's into BDSM, pet fantasies etc, not to mention claiming to be a woman when he's a man.

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I have heard that there is something of a connection between being into BDSM and growing up Catholic; given the Church's reverence for suffering, and enduring extreme physical pain in particular (all those martyred saints!), this isn't too surprising.

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Catholicism includes good people, but also many evil abusers and perverts. E.g. Jimmy Savile (documentary out now on Netlix), and members of the priesthood.

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As does all religions and those of no religion

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Rather than demanding cesareans we should be demanding men out of obstetrics, health care which focuses on health and not profits or ideology, and societal care for women and children. It is much better for babies to be born vaginally -- they are washed in the mother's antibodies -- but this assumes excellent prenatal care, access to good nutrition, lack of stress in mothers' lives, etc.

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Yes but there are always instances when a baby cannot be born without medical assistance. Myself and my son (and later my daughter) would be dead if it had been left to me and a midwife.

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I know this happens. But I think it would happen a lot less if women and their babies were healthy. I will once again note Martha Ballard's life as a midwife in an outpost of 18th-century colonial Maine: She lost no mothers and no babies, and that should tell us something about modern-day obstetrics.

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The United Kingdom Parliament has charged the Commission with providing legal guidance on equality legislation. It did so in the Equality Act 2006. For activists to launch a (rather hopeless) judicial review on whether the guidance complies with statute would be unobjectionable. But for public sector staff to press for a campaign of disobedience against such guidance is quite another thing. It is an attack on both the sovereignty of Parliament and the rule of law, and should merit dismissal.

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We can all see the damage that ensues when the NHS is gripped by an ideology. Most recently, in the news, we have seen the devastating damage arising from the belief in natural births are best. Now we see how they have been gripped by transgender ideology. We can't wait for a 10 year investigation to uncover the harm. This has to be eradicated now and it needs the government to do something about it. NHS Staff that lie to the police and pervert the course of justice need to be prosecuted.

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Just had the heat turned up again....my blood is boiling! Why are these mentally deranged people in charge of our health system. The lunatics have totally taken over the asylum ...help!!!

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I can only imagine their appointments to these positions, are a part of the Stonewall recommendations. If that is the case, it’s clear how deeply embedded they needed the ideology to be. It seems Stonewall was given unquestioning leeway, and here we are …

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Stonewall are responsible for the most disastrous misinformation spreading we've ever seen. Why was it that no one noticed in those hallowed halls of our legal system. Our MPs... judges, lords and ladies etc .you know those people paid with our money to protect us?? I do acknowledge that it was a baroness that did the weeding, thanks to her. We need to make sure it is not challenged in the courts.

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I’m sure there are many politicians who cannot relate to LGB politics, so Stonewall had the reputation they knew what they were doing. Let them get on with it, and it seemed to be fair and kind and inclusive ( gags ). I’m sure any concerns raised were either ignored or referred back to the fount of all knowledge, Stonewall themselves.

Complacency and a strong case of ‘I don’t want to really get involved’ and there you have it.

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So many red flags 🚩🚩🚩🚩

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Failing to adhere to NHS regs/guidelines & inciting others to do the same should be regarded as gross misconduct & dealt with by summary dismissal. They could have just gone on strike to register their opposition but then again, who would miss them???

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How do we raise awareness of these eejits in the NHS who are saying they will not uphold the law of the land? Writing to MPs, to the Secretary of State for Health, who should surely have been made aware of it by now ... what else? It's outrageous.

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Yes, all of the above, Anne! We need to contact (and keep contacting!) our MPs, government ministers, hospital bosses etc etc... Not just to register our opinion but to ask questions. Eg what guarantee can be given that we, as women, and our daughters, mothers etc etc can will have our LEGAL sex-based rights protected in view of this story etc etc.

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I thought the narrative was that women should shut up about our rights because they’ll come for abortion rights next.

Turns out the calls are coming from INSIDE the house of TRA.

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Of course. The trans lobby are a Men's Rights group.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

The threat of litigation should fix this. Baroness Nicholson currently knows of ten cases of sexual allegations against trans-identified males in female wards. Now that there is clear EHRC guidance, I can't see a hospital Trust risking a cripplingly-expensive lawsuit just to keep its gender clown car happy.

And if that other dude (who seem to think he's Emmeline Pankhurst) wants to strip off and pee on the floor, he'll get charged with (I'd guess) Indecent Exposure or Outraging Public Decency.

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I remember Willoughby saying in an interview he hadn’t had a date in twenty years so maybe he’s just looking for an excuse to strip off for something!

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Maybe he wants to show us his " cervix " ,as he previously promised to do ( by tweet ) What a comedian !!🤪🤔🙈

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I think he’s longing for an invitation to do just that. Nobody’s interested in him or his phony body.

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Yeah and he obviously doesn't know what a cervix is or even where it is. No man has one and it can only be visualised in women with the aid of a speculum and a torch !!

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Yes, probably referring to his neo-vagina.

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

Can't underestimate the role that sheer ignorance of women's anatomy has played in all of this.

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Bloody hell! Ten ? That is horrendous. I bet it is more . Some women may not feel able to disclose yet . Ten is horrific enough. And these beasts deny women and girls the chance to be healed , recover ,even die with dignity and privacy. Evil !

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This is relentless. 💯voting Tory. Fuck this

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I’m with you. First time in my life

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If you have an SDP (yes they do still exist) candidate, you might consider voting for them. They haven't sold out to the TWAW mob.

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But what are the Tories doing to stop this? Nothing. I wont be voting for any of them. Labour would make it even worse and Boris is doing nothing. They are in our changing rooms, hostels, hospital wards , schools now and no one is stopping them and they have so many people backing them up like that creep in the tweet.

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My lodger is an NHS nurse from Southern India. She has Indian colleagues who have to share a changing room in the hospital with a transwoman. They are absolutely mortified but very scared to say anything or complain. They would not normally use the few cubicles, but now do all the time in case this person enters the area. It makes them feel unsafe and also wrecks one of the few private and social spaces they have. I understand why as marginal women they feel they cannot speak out. Any suggestions on what can be done to support them and raise awareness of this?

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This is exactly why we need to be supplied with single sex spaces without fuss or furore. Yes, I totally understand why they are afraid to say anything, especially in such a 'captured' organisation. I'm afraid I don't really have much advice to offer. I'm guessing they won't feel comfortable approaching their union (if they have one) or their direct boss? Perhaps they could get in touch with Sex Matters and/or Fair Play For Women for some guidance and advice?

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That is appalling. I would hate that. They are honestly of the lowest putting women through this . The blooming trade unions should be all over this but they are captured too!

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Write to the Health Service Journal www.hsj.co.uk. Someone can enquire on their behalf and explain there's something they'd like to bring to their attention. Their journalists will be interested and you can arrange to provide information anonymously where needed. They will appreciate the sensitivity for those women, or any staff. If you don't get anywhere for whatever reason, please try again, and know there are people that care very much that staff are heard. Let us know here if they respond and if not, I'll think of another way.

If you weren't aware, the HSJ interviewed a former senior member of NHS staff, Kate Grimes, and it caused an enormous backlash. Then they asked a trans person to have a 'right of reply', and it descended into chaos. I think they were unaware - as many others were and still bizarrely are - of the nature of how activists had been behaving until that point.

I think Kate Grimes was brilliant and brave for what she did and her speaking up, from within the NHS, was a turning point. She was at the LGB conference too, so check her out there and in the archive on here.

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Oh, and the NHS are grappling with workforce issues of low staffing and bullying cultures. It is really not a good look to have staff being treated in this way. If it helps, please let them know that many of us know this happens and is utterly appalling. Unfortunately less can be done unless the data is there (same with low reporting of rape).

It is in the nature of some abusive men, and from incredibly senior men, within the NHS to pick on younger and female staff and from certain backgrounds in particular those who come from abroad. This is an identified pattern over decades. Any difference or characteristic that brings or can be made into a vulnerability.

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