Nov 5, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, ripx4nutmeg

He might be awkward but he is confirming that puberty blockers are experimental and being used on children, the co-morbidities of gender dysphoria with anxiety, depression and autism, the negative effects of hormones on fertility, the strength of gender stereotyping, the prevalence of trauma, the common confusion and fear/ homophobia about sexual orientation and the fact that children can and do change their minds. That's all there. "I'd love to be able to change society and take gender out of it altogether". I think this guy is not evil but is having to wrestle within an ideological straightjacket that sees him delivering the gender unicorn and ultimately give his religion what it wants because it is stronger than him. This is why he is so hesitant and struggling to speak in a straight line, like anyone trying to defend the indefensible. He suffers from the same cognitive and moral dissonance as the good priest or the reluctant gangster. Even the guilty need rescued from this mess, but guilty they are.

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He claimed puberty blockers are reversible, but he must know that’s not true.

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Don't you think that the ultimate evil doesn't come from evil people but from an underlying programme that brainwashes good people into doing evil things? (Though, to be sure, the programme in question could well be hatched by those who are evil. In which case, THESE people are the most evil.)

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I could not listen for more than two minutes. The fact that he (deliberately?) swallows many of his words/truncates his sentences for me shows his awareness of and awkwardness with the lies he is promoting.

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That's exactly what I thought. And couldn't listen to all of it either.

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I see what you mean. Very long winded incoherent nonsense !!

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He's also doing everything he can to cover his arse. So many GC points in there you'd think he was on our side!

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I strongly suspect he is walking a tightrope. He may be saying things he does not believe because he is a fraid of the consequences if he speaks out too much. Impo9ssible to tell though without knowing what he believes but I see this in people at work. Lots of "erms" there too.

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He starts off with ‘it’s really, really complicated “ which is code for “if this sounds like nonsense it’s probably that it’s just too complex for you to understand “ 😆

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That's also become almost an additional code word in health and social care for when we fuck up, oh sorry, but it was complicated. So? And? Even if it’s no such thing but it’s been made complicated. State it early and your back is covered in case anything goes wrong. Things that a few years ago were fairly straightforward. For the most basic of preventable failings in care it's the get out. I hear it as 'well what did you expect?'. But then the thinking is like drafting a bill to say that the definition of gender is gender. And bollix is bollix.

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Another member of the under intelligent, over educated tribe! I almost feel sorry for him and then I think of how he contributes to damaging children 😢.

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That's a lot of words to say "we don't know what the f*ck we're doing."

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Shocking. Watching it felt like he was taking the piss, was waiting for 'April Fool' til i realised it wasnt April and if it was it would have been one of his 'beneficaries' names.

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I've been waiting for someone to shout 'April Fool!' for almost 5 years now.

Not happened yet.

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Have been thinking exactly the same. Was pondering whether to save expressing it for March 31st though. Every single horrific detransitioner story, or male trans sex offender, or make dominating women’s sport, I wait for lawmakers, leaders and media people to wake up and just stop this nonsense. Positive changes are happening but it’s too slow.

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‘First do no harm’ or in Dr Kelly’s case ‘let me mumble and stumble over the fact that I medicalise children with absolutely no evidence to confirm that I am in fact doing no harm’.

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Precisely eleven minutes and two seconds is as long as I could last. What a monotone! Your description that “…he seems to specialise in using the most amount of words possible to convey nothing…” is spot on!

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022

Oh my. You know the phrase "things can't get any worse"? Well, scrap it. We don't need it anymore! 😂

We always "wheel it out" [the graph showing the EXPONENTIAL rise of children being referred to gender clinics in recent years] and he asks "what's it all about?"

Erm, well, ah, you see, "Doctor Gender Identity".... the answer is YOU! YOU LOT!!

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Please consider physio-therapy, with the psych evals for abuse, ADD, OCD and other co-existing conditions. Listen to Sinead Watson and Kiera Bell, Ritchie Herron, Cat Cattinson, Walter Heyer, Hasci Horvath.

For reconnect, thru vagus nerve, mind/body:


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Thanks for those recommendations. I don’t typically care to listen to the testimonials of Christians, as I’m a survivor of evangelical religious abuse and they’ve never cared to hear mine, but I took a chance with Walt Heyer. What a fantastic specimen of a man, a truly human being. I’m just so sorry that he (and others in a situation like himself) was convinced that he needed to take such drastic measures. He’s such an advocate now for vulnerable children and people like himself. Wish someone twenty years ago had taught me how to reset my vagus nerve, but better I learned it late than not at all. Thanks for promoting antidotes to bodily dissociation such as Feldenkrais, dance, etc. so consistently! They are sorely needed.

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I appreciate your comment. I think Walter Heyer is the only one on my list who preaches religiously. Evangelicals and other traditionalists take the Bible too literally, are missing the context of antiquity. I've noticed some detrans men and women find religion. It's understandable they need a source of hope.

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Sound like sales reps, hopeless ones

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"gender roles.....what does it mean to play be really big into football"

Well, it depends where you live. In the UK it makes you a boy/man but in the USA you're a girl/woman but society is slowly changing these stereotypical roles which is something he said he wished he could do. In effect what he has said is that he can't change society so the children have to change to fit in. This is so regressive.

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A less interesting and far more sinister Judith Butler

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Lost me when he stated in his opening sentence 'i was originally Irish'".

Incoherent bollox

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Aahhh...my ears are actually bleeding! 😤

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I stopped watching the moment he used the wearisome 'assigned' for sex ("or as some people call it, natal sex").

However, from the transcripts it's clear that he does at least acknowledge that puberty blockers are an experimental are and they come with downsides. Interesting...

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