My mate attended and said it was good to talk to some of the attendees and they were nice enough to thank him for being there in his Adult Human Male T-Shirt.

His dad and uncle fought actual Nazis,his uncle died doing it and his take on the dribbling no marks bleating their daft ignorance about taking Nazis off the streets was that they were the type who'd scatter in seconds.

Many men really hate women. The Trans side demonstrates this clearly.

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The kind of men who hate women have always found ways of making their contempt clear, and all that still goes on, of course. But men who probably lack the authority to restrict women's freedoms in more complex, inexplicit ways, get to scream abuse at us via aggressive trans activism. I'm sure that plenty, perhaps most of couldn't give a shit about trans stuff, or how 'marginalised' TIMs are - and what a joke that is. It's a party day for them.

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Agreed. I doubt they all care about twans wights, they just want to wear intimidating masks and work off their testosterone thinking they're the new macho men. Doesn't make them any less dangerous.

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yes, it's their weak and thwarted anger that could be dangerous

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"Nazis", squeal the TRAs, as they advocate for banning homosexuals from free association, sterilising autistic children and medical experiments on the mentally ill.

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Yes. Also, wanting to ban all political opponents, and burning (science) books they disapprove of

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Strict gender roles, blacklisting, gutting workers' rights, whitewashing prostitution and trafficking...

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We could almost call them fascist misogynist transactivist scum, where only "scum" would be insulting

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Good see you, Emily. I just left Spinster because the rabid racism made me sick to my stomach.

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And they scream "Nazi scum" at a Jewish woman, to drown her trying to speak about the deaths of her relatives in Belsen, a Nazi concentration camp.

Failures of the UK education system peddle ignorance, racism and misogyny

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The trans movement is the biggest misogynistic movement in the West. It’s a way for men to try to control us (again) by trying to get into our single-sex spaces, jobs, refuges, sports and jailed; to abuse us, threaten us, cancel female-specific language (ironic given that they think they’re women!) and tell us they make better women than we do. We beat them once before and we’ll do so again with the help of the many men who know how nonsensical a man pretending to be a woman is. Could one of them even be Billy Bragg now that he’s seen how the land really lies?!

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An explosion of overt misogyny seems the inevitable byproduct of the basic transgender project, to bring male paraphilias out of the closet and normalise them: exploiting the prior success of the LGB movement for their own ends. And even managing to con some LGB support while indoctrinating and sterilising gay kids to swell the ranks of the trans cult.

What else can you expect but misogyny from a movement centred on the demands of narcissistic male sexual fetishists?

When no-one else matters! Women least of all: both as victims of male oppression but therefore also as competitors to greater trans "victimhood".

And as oppressors: women are enemies withholding trans-identified male validation and demanding conflicting rights.

Every aspect of this conflict is exemplified in the battle over women's "safe" single sex spaces.

And given females are "naturally" inferior to males, this female intransigence is even more intolerable!

(And the resulting open warfare is a great opportunity for all misogynists to join in)

The warcry TERF identifies the biggest trans enemy: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist SCUM for trans warriors (males plus handmaidens) to KILL, DIE, DECAPITATE...

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I don't hear men speaking out against porn - except Robert Jensen and about 3 other men world wide. Anyone serious about fighting misogyny can start there. Porn is for jerk offs. So many jerk offs never quite nailing it because then they'd have to take a look at their own pro active woman hating

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Thanks for the summary, JL.

The last quote from Quentin Letts is perfect :)

I think the Liverpool police failed badly ( or deliberately?) as compared to the Dublin Police when, for the first time in the three LWS rallies I have attended, I could actually hear the speakers!!

Will cross post


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Letts nails Labour too, in his closing sentence about the Labour conference nearby, where "a party official, Harry Donaldson, assured delegates 'everyone has a right to live their lives free of abuse'."

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yes, and you might expect a large number of people from Labour conference could spare some time to support free speech for women...

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Ah, but the flaw in that way of thinking sanctions not "free speech" but licence for bigots, to express hatred and transphobia! And that's "literal genocide"! A violent assault on the "most vulnerable and marginalised group ever!"

Whereas women must check their privilege. With no such thing any longer as oppression of women. That's old hat, solved, irrelevant. What the New (Queer) Progressivism demands is ardent protection of the New Most Greatly Oppressed. Also irrelevant that rhey happen to be males threatening the right to safety of females. That's old hat too, especially now rape is effectively legalised: when only 1% of sexual assalts results in a successful conviction, and less than 50% of sexual assaults are even reported to the police, what earthly point is there in listening to women complaining? Boring.

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"Oh great, at last, somebody gets it- I'm so used to being triggered by these bigots who won't let me do what I want-, and won't use my pronouns- won't even let us have drag queen stories FFS- but you've educated yourself, and addressed your "Non-Trans privilege". But you'll still need to change your name- 'Ms' what's that all about!?" (Note- may contain sarcasm)

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What is so bizarre is how they (Labour and Liberals and Greens and SNP and...) often make these statements, often firmly with the bestest type of most self-identifying vulnerable aka 'trans' identifying fetishistic abusive men in mind without seeming to realise as they say these words who that also then logically actually applies to - it is women who they are saying they will protect and allow to live "free of abuse". It's seems like a very simple kind of gotcha for the not-very-bright. So, to clarify, that right applies to women then? Oh, well, um, erm, oh I, er splutter splutter, I suppose women sort of count as everyone...so grudgingly I guess I've just admitted they must have some rights too...

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Liverpool police did a very poor job. I think the standard was set in Glasgow for how to keep two sides separate and I’m glad to hear Dublin did the same. It is truly shocking to see the spite and vindictiveness coming from the transactivists. What is their motivation? What do their mothers think about it? Some of those photos identify them clearly. Would you employ men like that? What is their day job?

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What's their motivation? Their motivation is that they hate women. Who knows why, but they are in exactly the same field as the incels, the Andrew Tates, the mens's rights nutters, the witch hunters of the middle ages. Trans activism is just the latest shape shift of misogynist thugs.

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Men hate women because they envy us and resent the fact that we don't need them as much as they need us, and because religion has taught them the last thing they need to be taught, that they are better than us and entitled to dominate and control us, teachings many women believe and uphold too. Strong men love and respect women. They are few and far between, alas.

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Yes. it's self-perpetuating if toxic macho men try to define themselves as strong, by putting down 'weaker' men, and more particularly putting down all women. Not all of us men want to do this, and we need to keep working against this toxicity. Misogyny is not simplyna 'Women's Issue', because it is us men who need to change our attitudes...

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A misogynist is probably a huge bigot in other ways as well, and likely an entitled jerk. Who wants to be around that kind of pathetic negativity and obsession with victimhood? That’s gotta make normal, rational men feel uncomfortable.

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Agree. I was at the Glasgow LWS event and we didn't hear anything from the TRAs. They were too far away. Well done ,Glasgow police x

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They're posh boys who either live off trust funds or have cushy sinecures in middle management, it's not like their jobs are ever going to be at risk.

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They have a very strange look about them. Chaddish you might call it ;-) that strangely self-assured Young Ones sneery cockiness. You can almost smell it. Slightly puffy, smug and ill. Totally consumed with hours of practised rage and self-righteous spitting vitriol. They thoroughly enjoy doing this and see it as an entertaining hobby. Like they turn their deeply embedded inadequacies into pure balls of vile hatred and use this movement to dress that up as something vulnerable and worthy of attention. How the hell have so many fallen for this.

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They're nothing like Chad, Chad is an authentic working class man of the people, as you can plainly see. It's his 100th day of being a boy. He does agree with you about the Young Ones though, he likes Rick. https://youtu.be/tliZcW-r2Hc?si=t7puY6RtSm3KB3zw

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100% Agree. Police Scotland did very well in Glasgow.

Merseyside Police were shockingly inadequate. Can't help but think it was deliberate.

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The kind of men you only ever wanted to kick the shit out of back in the days. The nutters who got out of bed hating women because that's just who they were--- the guys who whined everyone to death if they couldn't bully . Creep-punks.

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Licensed mysogny.

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They're just as bad as Hamas.

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Was there too much wine in my casserole or was it a different billy bragg not talking shite ?

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It’s a woman Petal using the handle ironically. For a millisecond I hoped he’d learned to be a better man but - not yet.

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Aw bollox (lol )

Should have known better he was always a twat

Still the wine in the casserole was nice 😂

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Wine in casserole doesn't have any alcohol. Maybe you were drinking it while cooking?

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I love to cook with wine , sometimes I even put it in the food 🍷😂

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I stole that , can’t remember from where but hey ho

Buggering off for a wee while , some folks getting on my tits

Night all nice sensible peeps

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I'm sure I've seen that line on a birthday card.

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I think it was Keith Floyd?

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Hence the reason I don’t do sm , idiots boil my pish

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Maybe you need to buy a sense of humour , I’ll give you a quid

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Aww the baby farts are out on the streets, hasn't mummy put manners on you twats yet? Ignorant, mysoginistic disgusting maggots, and the police were bloody useless

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Such a good look , isn't it ?? A bunch of bullying MEN shouting at WOMEN. Enough to peak the world ,I would've thought !! Thanks JL x

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You know the many different types of research in how we filter information, perception, awareness and through sleight of hand, or distraction, or task choice or overload, context, presentation of task, pressure, influence, tiredness, impairment etc and I wonder how this is not klaxon clangingly obvious to more people who see these images or read about this. Or how it's obvious, they see it, then do a swift internal justification for it, link this to their existing 'beliefs', slot that into one and filter it into the box(es) marked 'shrug' or 'can't be ar*ed' or 'women deserve it they're nags' or 'not my problem' or 'too busy' or 'they're only standing up for their rights, they're so vulnerable' or 'it's a bit of fun' or a host of other rationalisations and excuses to justify this corrosive, weak, endless patently male rage.

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It's simply "toxic trans-culinity."

And very disheartening.

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WTF is going on? Why are the authorities allowing men to attack women in this way? This appears to be becoming a very dangerous situation for women. Like we haven't had to put up with enough shit in history from (bad) men (not tarring all men obvs). Where has all the common sense gone? I'm almost speechless.

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I attended this LWS in Liverpool, the TRAs were so much noisier than it seems on the livestream or YouTube recording. Those masked aggressive men and the deluded women really are vile and psychotic. Their signs were mostly telling women they are c**ts and to f**k off. Calling us Nazis and fascist scum for the sin of daring to gather together in a public place and talk about womens rights being eroded, sexual violence against women and the priority of men with ladyfeels over womens safety and the safeguarding of children. I used to be a leftie and quite sympathetic to these mentally ill people with body dysmorphia, but not anymore. They've proven themselves to be narcissists who only think about themselves. They are detached from reality, and can't think beyond their own imagination, their personal virtual reality. They are so lost to the ideology that actual objective reality is unthinkable for them. If only they could see that it is a much healthier place to be.

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I used to be a leftie also, but this is just too much! This is not liberal.. this is regressive!

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Ditto. I am more of a liberal now. This insanity made me realise I was also in an ideological cult. Clearly this is not the right side to be on.

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It's like a sea of wojak memes made flesh. The absolute state of them.

Though as an old school leftist I'm not surprised to see the SWP there: they're a grotesque regressive Trotskyite bunch with a long history of covering up sexual assaults and rapes in their ranks (they only just had another one of their leaders outed as a paedophile recently), trying to jump on any bandwagon that will have them and infiltrate and wreck any actually progressive movement for attention and funding. They'd probably call me a tankie though, that's what they call actual socialists.

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I could almost hear the immortal Brenda from Bristol when I read that!! Not another one...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6-IQAdFU3w :-)

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I was there on Sunday. I can’t take seriously anyone who screams: “Rght-wing / Facist / Nazi scum / Evangelical anti-abortionist Christian piece of shit” at me (the last one wins the prize for most creative insult 😂🤣🤣.)

The baying mob are running the show. How the hell did this happen and why on Earth are Billy Bragger et al aligning themselves with - if not fuelling - obvious misogyny? What happened to serious discussion? Everyone needs to know more about the complexities behind why someone might feel they’re ‘trapped in the wrong body’ and everyone has the right to discuss matters arising , whether they’re transitioning / declaring / detransitioning / concerned about the effects of Self-ID etc on women’s safe spaces and sport, etc. …. or non of the above; just wondering what the hell is going on and wanting to hear ALL voices.

There’s something very bogus and unhinged about jumping on a bandwagon, hurling insults, screaming at people and telling them to “Shut up”. (Socialist Worker providing placards? Not exactly doing themselves or ‘the cause’ any favours are they?! ) Let Women speak.

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I noticed the SWP trans rights signs at the protest against the Tory Party conference in Manchester. Loons.

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Those signs and SWP are popping up at a lot of protests. It seems they appeal to a lot of people who love to hurl insults and attack others but if you evaluate what it is they want or stand for you get just more insults back. And it's not socialism. Many don't seem interested in listening or talking and it appears that they think they are on the 'side of good' or 'the right side of history' and everyone else is therefore bad and evil. Scream insults first, think later seems their motto. Many issues are being sucked into this 'good' vs 'nazi' rhetoric.

It's still a bit shocking to me seeing how they happily goad and push at police officers and no matter what it is they are supposedly protesting. It never seems to help the cause they support but it agitates and riles everyone up. These people seem the most privileged, ignorant and bored ready to hop on the latest 'anti-establishment' fad, despite being from very comfortable backgrounds and living in safety. Mouths for hire.

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The Nazis loved parades, flags and banners and bullying those people who weren't on board. It's not us who are acting like Nazis. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/defending-the-indefensible-or-its

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