Grim. I guess I better get on with speaking to the school then. Not looking forward to that.

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I know, It's horrible isn't it?

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a state of affairs i think is deliberate

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God almighty.

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Should parents also be concerned about high school RSHE? I did send them an email late last year on this matter and didn't really get anywhere. . . I didn't get the detail I requested. . . Time to pester again? Reading this, I think so!

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I think it’s definitely a good idea to keep on at them. The DofE guidelines will be a bit different for secondary schools, but it would be good to see what material they’re using anyway.

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Great work here!

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Am I the only one who is so glad that this person is SO angry at JKR? Like... oh, a high profile left-leaning woman exposed your little cvlt to the world and peaktransed people? Die mad.

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Can we complain to Nat West? If so, who would you even complain to?

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2. From John Taylor Gatto, award-winning New York teacher of over 30 yrs standing, who finally realised he was part of the problem, schools damaging children, not helping them...Hugely missed, but many videos still on Youtube..and author of 'Dumbing Us Down' too.

"Is there an idea more radical in the history of the human race than turning your children over to total strangers whom you know nothing about, and having those strangers work on your child's mind, out of your sight, for a period of twelve years? Could there be a more radical idea than that? Back in Colonial days in America, if you proposed that kind of idea, they'd burn you at the stake, you mad person! It's a mad idea!" - JTG

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Subliminally brainwashing children into feeling they're born in the wrong body, that everyone IS who they say they are (!!), that they must accept everyone without exception (!!!!) and that it's fine to stop their puberty and have parts of their healthy body removed, being drugged/medicated, for life. Please, get these mentally unwell adults OUT of ALL schools and build safeguarding walls SO HIGH and SO THICK, around children, that none of them will ever be allowed to get back in, nor to ever use children for their own adult/sexual/gender agendas again.

If you don't know what your school is teaching your children, find out. If the school won't tell you, remove them and go into Home Ed, which I hugely recommend.

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Schools should be focused on children’s education and well-being and should be impartial, objective and professional.

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I had a reply from a councillor. . . claiming they have no responsibility. . . is this right? I'm happy to forward my email to someone more 'in the know'. . . can anyone help?

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It says. . . I write in response to your recent communication about Stonewall and the resources they produce for schools. Decisions about curriculum and learning resources rest with the headteacher and governors in maintained schools and with CEOs, school leaders and trust board members in academy and free schools. The council has no direct role in a school's choice of teaching resources. For this reason, we are unable to respond further to your queries.

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Should the council not be policing this?

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The reply was from Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education & Skills

Suffolk County Council

Surely they have a responsibility to know what decisions are being made and materials are being used, and safeguarding our children? Any help with drafting a response would be most welcome. . . .

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Rachael can you reply to one of the substack emails? I have something that might be useful for you

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Rachael, I'm being an idiot. I just realised you don't have to do that. sending you an email now

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agh! No I can't! Sorry you DO have to respond to one of the emails!

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Sorry, not sure what you mean. . . which emails? Sorry. . . being thick.

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the ones from Substack!

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