
Thank you for doing what you do. The state of journalism on this issue is similar to a US pharmaceutical ad: cheerful, with peaceful music, as someone in the background quickly whispers horrific side effects and hopes to go unnoticed.

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May 14, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan, Genevieve Gluck

Thank you so much for doing it. It is unforgivable how cowardly so many journalists are behaving, but I can assure you that your work allows us - citizens - to fight back and at least complain to our media. We need to be louder than TRA who are very good at scaring the media’

In my country, Switzerland, TRA and Lib fems (sigh) picketed the public television when they held a “debate” about a comedian who had dared to make a 3’ skit about an NB going to the shrink. The poor female comic was attacked by a TRA lawyer and a left wing theater author (Jean Ziegler’s son!), it was pathetic. And even so the TRA were over represented on the program, they picketed outside.

Now I have heard from insiders that journalists are afraid to cover the Trans issue, Goddess forbids to be critical.

Reading you and all the others who fight back has emboldened me, in another country, to hold the media to accountability. I am

Writing them, calling them and I am organizing with other Jane Does to become braver every day.

Keep at it. Courage calls courage.

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this makes me very happy. Thank you for letting me know xxx

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Yes, thank you so much, Graham, for all that you do! With every new revelation about what is going on, each of us becomes braver! You help us see, and seeing is the key to acting!

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I had no idea Switzerland had those kind of politics too. I have passed through Switzerland many times on the way to Italy and back and I just assumed it was a very very conservative country. It looks so clean and tidy even in the cities and everyone looks so well-off, compared to Britain. Maybe I just had rose tinted tourist specs on.

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Gender ideology is everywhere. Germany is voting on Self ID. Switzerland passed self ID last December.

Kids are identifying as NB and trans and receiving affirmative treatment. Problem is, most media are doing just like in the UK and US, Canada, etc: no one dares to criticize or even be critical. It’s all about the beautiful trans kids. (2 Swiss German medias have started to dig deeper since last fall. But they barely mentioned the Keira Bell case...)

Doctors here are pushing Gender Ideology onto kids.

But we are organizing slowly to fight back. We have been blind sided and all feminists organizations are TRA which is a huge problem of course.

So: yes, it is a conservative country BUT quite libertarian in a way: people are free to cut their bodies up if they want to. Etc...

The only party that opposed self ID was the ultra Nationalists (SVP/UDC). Sigh ...

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Roisin Ingle linked to Suzanne Moore's article after Moore was sacked and simply mentioned that it raised interesting points. For this, she was roundly attacked for her non-inclusive feminism. I really thought that would be a turning point, for her and others in the Irish Times to say "if these are the consequences for merely addressing the issue, there is something going on"

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to be fair, they have started publishing more letters from feminists so maybe they have started to realise what's up

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Covering their bases, so when the house of cards comes crashing down they have some room to back pedal.

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isn't that the truth? I remember when courage in journalism was common, not rare like these days. Thank goodness for Graham and the other folks running this minefield.

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Again, if only everyone who was GC could just all pop out of a box at the same time saying ‘STOP THIS BOLLCOKS WE DONT AGREE’ this would all end very quickly, if we could take the fear of what they perceive as ‘standing alone’ away we would collectively drown them out. Because this *is* madness. And the narcs like Taryn de Ville et al would all just slope away to find some other soapbox to fuel their out of control egos.

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I recently shared the Sex Matters Guidance for Schools and EHRC letter on Facebook. I gritted my teeth expecting a backlash, but it was tumbleweed. There was a screaming silence. Only one friend spoke up and said she supported it. Post a pretty landscape pic the same day and it's 'like', 'like', 'like'... I heard a mix of fear and denial in that silence.

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Lol...I had the same experience on Facebook. However, there was one share. I like to think my small effort moved at least one person to action.

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Haha, well done!

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It's interesting because I'm weary of posting on my page (but share with GC women) but recently posted a petition and I found out 2 friends and my sister are into it. However, after seeing an article I'd liked on Lesbian and Gay News, one man I know came out with the crap that he refuses to read anything because he thinks both sides are as bad as each other by refusing to talk. I couldn't be bothered explaining anything seeing he would refuse to engage, and unfriended him but it made me see that uninformed indifference is likely our worst enemy.

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Yes, you are right. I was looking for the words for those people, and 'uninformed indifference' says it perfectly. I try to explain how serious this is, without being hectoring, but people think it doesn't concern them.

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Good for your for dumping though. I've never had anything test me like this issue has, I'm an autistic oversharer and just rattle on and love debate & always have a comeback but I met my match in the TRA and had to learn they are not worth engaging with/ they trigger my PTSD badly because so many are sexual predators. It's only worth dealing with ball-bearers on this issue, the pseudo-feminist co-transvestites I can't abide either.

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soooooooooooo many people have peaked in the last six months, in my opinion the tide has already turned in the minds of the public on this. Eventually the journalistic entities sales depts doing market research will figure this out.

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Do you mean in the UK, or US, or...?

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It would be nice to be able to do that. In practice, its dangerous for many women to put themselves **and their families** at risk.

For the unknown GC person, its not loss of "popularity" that is the concern. Its the loss of ones entire social network (which majority of friends and family, would probably fall in the "its a storm in a teacup" camp and the "Lets be kind" camp); the real physical threats dished out and the "reporting" to employers which results in possible loss of income and therefore severe impact on private life.

The threats are real: Physical, Livelihood; Family; Friends; Economic maybe even ones home.

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May 14, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Yes but I’m talking about big journalists etc like detailed in Graham’s post, who are just afraid of being unpopular and are secretly GC, nothing to do with losing income etc or families being targeted. I know it’s not an easy for most to come out and say ‘I think this is bollocks’, but for a lot of ppl who know better and are not in precarious positions re losing their livelihoods etc, all it is is cowardice & grandstanding to the vocal perceived majority. And I’m bloody sick of it.

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Sure but did you see what happened to Suzanne Moore at the Guardian?

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she's liked a couple of my comments that referenced that, it was so neat to see "Suzanne Moore likes your comment", it might have been on Unherd or something...I told her the 300 gutless who signed that petition will cringe about it for the rest of their lives, she's going to be famous for that in the end...

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Oh, good for you. One name on that letter to remember is Owen Jones - the berk currently looking for a broody lesbian to impregnate (not kidding)

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true, I had both my niece go radio silent and my sister defriended me after I started sharing the GC stuff on my old facebook. I don't really care though...they will learn soon enough

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That's rotten for you.

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Totally agree. It seems that one of the tenets of true justice is going out the window too. The idea that one cannot be guilty by mere association. It seems that when your groups are easily and well defined such as the many and varied LGB groups then everyone is guilty by association. Friends and family are put in turmoil if someone is deplatformed. Have hope though, because the general trend is moving rapidly away from internet fame into an era of true internet anonymity. People will no longer seek facebook fame only to be humiliated. The underground is forming. One where people will no longer have their real identities found but could have ideas that make their pseudonyms famous

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I was online somewhere a few nights ago and somehow got on a page talking about the programs coded to sniff out TERFS, they were lauding the programmers...I knew about shinigami eyes but there is also "terf blocker" and "terf tracker"..these loons have put an awful lot of energy into stalking GC women (course in the downtime when they are not preying on children or masturbating to porn) I honestly don't think they expected it to turn like it has...superstraight was a huge misstep on the part of the platforms, I found this the other night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOUBhQlhG2w the 5k downvotes and comments supportive of the poor kid who got his face blown off by the trans whoa man were amazing...no one is seeing this for anything but what it is thankfully (except 300 random TRA who upvoted it.

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Unfortunately I cant watch that video as youtube insists I need to verify age to see the video, using ID that will link my account personally to me and I refuse to give google that amount of power over me.

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Before you put forward an idea like that you have to think, how would people react if you said "Get out there, object to this and that, risk social death and/or loss of income, risk being doxxed on the net and having your hose and car vandalised and people threatening you. You know what people would say? YOU GO FIRST, MATE !

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May 14, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Helen managed to dismiss the whole gender critical movement in one go in her extremely nasty article. I noticed Dara O'Brien approvingly responded to her tweet with some snappy comment, wonder if she's had some advice from Mr Science. They're all just covering each others arses. Absolute cowardice writ large.

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Dara is another coward. Calling Eddie Izzard ''she' FFS

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Dara comes across as being ohhh so cutting edge in Mock the weak (Oops I meant week) but really he's just another luvvie hanging on to his fat salary by kowtowing to any loony group he can

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Whatever may be true of TdeV, I can't believe any sane parent would think anyone who would trans children was an appropriate person for guiding them about this. Young, physically and mentally unformed brains and minds aren't even capable of understanding the complexities of what their future sexuality or gender expression might be.

Yet TdV would have them deny the reality of their own bodies, to encourage them on a doctrinaire path of corrective mental and physical conversion therapy via puberty blockers, hormones - or even destructive surgery, eventually. It should be criminalised.

So what if a boy likes to wear a dress? It is only gender stereotypes (which transgender extremists, homophobes, religious fundamentalists and ultra conservatives are all pedalling) that tell him this is not OK. Let him be the sort of boy who wears dresses - affirm him in THAT. Make a girl feel good about her body and her self expression AS SHE IS from the outset. So what if she prefers rugby to ballet?

We should not be teaching children that if you are boy you must express one way and another if you are a girl - that it is what is hurtful, that's where the real exlcusion lies. We don't have to deny reality to break down the barriers to self-expression.

But that's exactly what so many of those eager, transing parents openly admit to having done. First they fight the child, telling him s/he can't express him/herself that way. Then - having made them fell guilty and rejected , they lurch crazily to the other extreme and 'affirm' that he/she is in the wrong body and can do all these horrendous things to themselves. And they call that 'acceptance'! It's double rejection and it's horrific.

There's no need for children to go through this mind and body torture, this fundamental denial of their material selves. Tell them they are the perfect boys and girls they are. There IS a problem for gender non conforming children, teenagers and adults - but the solution offered by the trans extremists is worse than the problem it purports to address.

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The word 'genius' has lost meaning in our society and applied at any pale faced imitation. I feel the media are the frog in the cooking pot. It is so mind numbing that such a small minority can control and distort truth and reality. Since the decline of religion in society new belief systems (that are even more crazy than talking to an invisible man) have sprung up and have become cults, this one is really hurting women and children. Keep up the GC conversation. I'm newish to this and have been utterly astonished by the enormity of the 'lack of debate' and 'non critical thinking' going on. Thank You Graham and all other GC warriors.

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yeah two things are at play here....first off the trans rights activists bastardized a buttload of statistics saying they are the most murdered (Not true: https://quillette.com/2019/12/07/are-we-in-the-midst-of-a-transgender-murder-epidemic/ ) most likely to commit suicide (stats on trans suicides are impossible to find because sex at birth is used), most likely to attempt suicide (in fact the suicide attempts by trans folks are by adolescent females at twice the rate of boys, & coupled with the tripled rate of female adolescent suicides and the exponential and statistically unsupportable number of girls transitioning to male, the largest transing demographic, clearly something is going on with GIRLS in our culture not related to trans people otherwise it would be consistent across both sexes and it isn't, it's girls with the explosions in suicide, 'trans' suicide attempts, and hellacious unexplained ~except by Lisa Littman and Abigail Shrier~ explosion in medical transition.) And the sexual assaults, when you look in to the piles of *self-reported data that HRC and others pull their info on this from show that these sexual assaults are mostly from childhood not due to being transexual at all.

But trans folks have been holding the entire world, especially journalism, hostage with these baked statistics; Wilfred Reilly in his article linked above noted that in fact just as whites mostly murder whites and blacks mostly murder blacks, that when he looked into trans murders he found the same phenomenon, trans people in violent interactions with other trans people in a significant portion of the murders.

The other factor in this is that trans people have been harassing and threatening feminists for at least half a decade serially, if not longer, because so many of the most vocal and unhinged are in fact depraved sexual predators and highly unstable. The collection of rate and death threats to women at Terfisaslur.com starts in 2015 and clearly the TRA were threatening women before that, probably for years. I don't remember any real tension between feminists and lesbians when I was in the LGBT community actively but it's been 20 years so this came as a shock to me.

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When I read Helen Lewis's article that sentence, especially the word 'vindictive' jumped out like a hot poker. It doesn't fit at all. I really wonder if it was a sub-editor.

Apart from that it's a very good analysis of recent Scottish politics and the use of cheap woke/trans-washing to take the spotlight away from the poor state of public services. Also the NGO hall of mirrors that just reflects back what the Government that pays them wants to hear. The elite consensus and how the GC Joan/ Johannes/ Joanna /Jo's in Scotland tried to shake it up. It reads like a cautionary tale for a US audience.

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After reading this I was wondering what is the difference between mainstream media and non-mainstream, and then I remembered that in the UK after the Leveson inquiry the mainstream media was forced to opt into a protection scheme whereby the government would save them if they admitted, confessed, when someone criticised them or threatened to sue them. Essentially that's what it is. Effectively the mainstream media is embedded, as that is the term they used for authorised journalists allowed to report on the military front lines in the Gulf war. They are embedded media, the official version, the propaganda. I have no idea what it would take to become a mainstream media company, I suspect it takes a few million pounds GBP. Sometimes I think that we need to overturn the rules and laws imposed on the media, after Leveson, in order to get any truth back at all

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Just wanted to add, you can thank Hugh Grant, or Huge Grunt, as I call him, for that, along with his other toffee nosed idiot friends who all screamed that they wanted the media censored and monitored and complying with every political whim the government has

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I’m not angry at the sad youths I see who have been hoodwinked into believing they are in the wrong body and that surgery and a lifetime of medication will change their sex. It’s the enablers who need to be held to account. Those who choose to remain ignorant to the impact of GRA reforms; those who are morally bankrupt as they seek to profit in exploiting mentally ill individuals and ignorant parents and those sexual deviants who are capitalising on this shit show put on by so called liberal and progressive governments.

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Journalists lie, mainly because they have to sell real-estate just like Estate Agents. Both sell real-estate in two different planes. One in the real world and one in the world of makebelieve

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