Anyone who supports males competing in women's sports either hates women or is an absolute moron of the highest order. Especially in this case. How can you defend the decision to exclude an underprivileged, minority woman in favour of a rich, white, privileged male and call yourself a feminist, or worse an intersectional feminist. It's shameful.

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I'm reaching the point where I believe it's best (for my mental health and public discussion) to create actual trifold flyers and postcards -one topic per item- of sports cheats, pedophiles, prison rapists, and the definition of autogynephilia... and leave them in every women's bathroom I use.

No accusations: just a list of citations and facts.

For my own sanity I think my best response to being told to "Be kiiind" may be to dig a flyer out of my purse, say, "Shame on you, you traitor" and walk away. 😖

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Leafleting rocks! And don't forget that a juicy picture has far more impact than words! I've got a brilliant photoshop of a male beach volleyball player with a humongous lunchbox wearing an empty sports bra playing for Tranada's women's team. Nuff said. Packs a punch coz he's packin' peen 😂🤣😂. Wish I could get it to you somehow but I'm permabanned from Twitter and on her another 30 day ban off Fashbook!

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Love it! Not up to creating it but would happily photocopy and distribute.

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Andy Turner - World bronze 2011, European and Commonwealth Champ 2010, 3 x Olympian, WR holder-200m hurdles summed it up: "Couldn't be more against this. I feel sorry for all the women cheated out of a potential medal."

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This all makes me almost too enraged to compose a coherent sentence. BUT oh how much I hope Hubbard in the Olympics will peak millions of formerly "just be kind" people 🙏

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Btw did anyone see the ludicrous handmaiden Sarkar saying she "would feel sorry for Nini Manmua missing out on an Olympic place except that Hubbard won fair and square"

Aaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhh 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

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It will, it is. The push back is going to become too big to silence.

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What worries me is the possibility (real according to @fondofbeetles) that Hubbard (due to being old & decrepit) won’t actually win a medal which will fire up all the TRAs to say "SEE? THERE'S NO PROBLEM with transwomen in women’s sport they don’t even win 🤷‍♀️" ... wait & see in slight state of dread 😬

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But he will STILL have deprived a woman of their place to compete in the Olympics.

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That's a concern, to be sure. It shouldn't matter if they lose though, it is bad enough that women are being pushed out to make room for males.

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Ugh! That sounds like the defenders of Fallon Fox, that he lost a few fights. That makes it alright then 🙄

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Fallon Fox lost only after he was outed. Very conveniently. That is the problem of men in women’s sports- they’re just playing around, making a mockery of the competition. We can never know if they’re actually competing or throwing competitions to take the criticism off themselves. They have an incentive either way.

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That’s exactly it isn’t it? Making a mockery of it.

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The Hubbard company is up there in NZ. Green, organic and gives mass amounts to charity. But it also spawned Laurel... Maybe the only way to change minds is to stop buying favourite cereal and hit the family where it will hurt them. Then just maybe, they as a family, would try to do the decent thing and support Laurel to take a backward step and give up taking part against women. But I think we will be waiting a long, long time. This person wants fame and taking it from women is the only way to get it.

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Hubbard is a vile example of white supremacy, and misogyny in one package. Pushing a woman from a minority out of her own sex class and her career opportunities. He’s a liar and this piece does a brilliant round up of how disgusting he is. Thank you. When TRAs accuse us of being anti BLM we can use this as proof that that is the TRAs game not ours. I’m livid AGAIN.

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Brilliantly written! 👏👏

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The Triumph of the Willie, surely?

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How do these men even look at themselves in the mirror and not die of shame? But they seem quite simply not to have any. I have no psychology to explain it other than the condition known as narcisistic personality disorder. Voltaire's words seem to echo in my head - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

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"Fa’afafine, which translates to “in the manner of a woman,” is American Samoa’s recognized and embraced third gender. Fa’afafine are Polynesians who are born biologically male but dress and live essentially like women. They take male lovers, wear makeup, and wrap their bodies in dresses, but they do not consider themselves women."

From 2014. Shows how fast the capture has happened. A fa'afafine happily playing in the men's soccer team and profiled by Out.


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Ha Ha I bet Tom's beard fell off. I hope the spectacle of Hubbard cheating women will backfire.

Did you clock Oli London (a British Instagram enthusiast & wannabe singer) coming out as non-binary and Korean? https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/oli-london-twitter-korean-non-binary-b1870491

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Oh yes and that's offensive apparently, cuz race n stuff. Appropriation is a-ok when it comes to women's spaces though.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Just showed the picture of Hubbard on the podium with the 2 women and told him this person is on the women's weightlifting team for NZ in the Tokyo Olympics. He said who, that bloke!? 😁 Really hoping this will be a massive awareness campaign for the madness of wokery and trans ideology.

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Showed my husband ^^

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That podium picture, say what you see. A MAN placing HIMSELF above WOMEN. WOMEN who have worked far harder to get there. Look at the 'records' HE set, trouncing WOMEN. How can ANYONE look at this and have the utter braindead reflex woke response that this is right? World PLEASE WAKE UP!!!

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Question: what material difference(s) exist between a male who just wants to cheat at sports, and a male who cheats at sports while calling himself Sally?

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One is oppressed. 😆

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Boom! 🤣

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I think the correct answer is one is afraid to caught and the other knows they'll get away with because it's only women involved.

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Jun 25, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Also just showed this to my husband, who was incredulous. He said, what happened to the words, ‘you can’t’? I wanna be a princess—well, you can’t, you’re not royal. I wanna compete in the female Olympics category, even though I’ve been a man for my entire life—well, you can’t.

How galling, how unabashed this 43-year-old cheat is, standing there with his face out, the gold medals over his huge male belly, enjoying his “win” while the two real female athletes stand below him on either side. Their faces express disbelief that this can really be happening in plain light of day, with the support of the sporting authorities. We can’t hear the clapping but they can, and they can barely believe it.

This is not a sporting competition.

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A really good, full-throated, uncaveated defense of sex-not-gender in the Guardian. Just a shame that it took sport - while the paper ignored prisons and rape-crisis shelters. So much less photogenic, I guess.

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Nice to see it finally being said in a well-read site. Rachel Veronica Ivy McKinnon can fuck right off with his idiotic "science". Wah wah sport is a human right wah wah. No it fucking isn't. People train incredibly hard to get to the elite level, you don't just get to identify into a category where you can easily beat your opponents. That's called cheating.

I noticed it said the IOC won't make any further decisions and are leaving it to individual sporting bodies to make their own trans policy, knowing full well many of them won't consult women. Yes, let's allow men and people unaffected by it to decide whether it's okay for men to cheat. Progress!! 🙄

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