Loved it Graham, and it was great hearing Arty, he’s been fairly quiet lately.

Good show 😊

asexual πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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I have seen a few negative comments about you and Arty and Debbie Hayton and I asked what issues they had with you. No response. My experience is there are always a few who dissent. As far as I am concerned you have been an ally who has given up so much to support women's rights and until someone can present facts that show otherwise you remain one of women's greatest allies in the fight against gender ideology and all its harms..

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Sorry, don't know what happened!

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You're right. You can only laugh because otherwise you'd cry - and cry.

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You're right. You can only laugh because otherwise you'd cry - and cry.

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You're right. You can only laugh because otherwise you'd cry - and cry.

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You're right. You can only laugh because otherwise you'd cry - and cry.

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Loved Arty's droll comment on Nancy Kelley -what more can the woman do to p---- off so many of her core constituency? She and Stonewall just don't recognise who they are supposed to represent.

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Your note that I need to update card details.....I tried to update my card details but it didn't work. How do I do it?

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I have seen a few negative comments about you and Arty and Debbie Hayton and I asked what issues they had with you. No response. My experience is there are always a few who dissent. As far as I am concerned you have been an ally who has given up so much to support women's rights and until someone can present facts that show otherwise you remain one of women's greatest allies.

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