Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I'm ok. Harry Miller has been alerted, and a few other people. It's pure harassment but another lovely overreach by TRAs.

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What can we doooooooo?

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Marion Millar's the important one at the moment!

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Alright, to the wayside with you. Did she get her crowdfunding up?

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I know it's not the same thing, but harrassment nonetheless, have you tried reaching out to Paul Gambaccini for advice?

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And yet when I rang 999 on Saturday night Norwich police were too busy to come out. Should've said there was an offended misogynist on the loose.

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I stand with you Graham. I've said it before and I'll say it again, what the police are doing entertaining these witch hunts is beyond me. They tell us they don't have the resources to actually deal with appalling and dangerous driving or actual crime effectively, but they have it for rainbow shields and so-called "hate crimes" where they are simply used by TRAs as a tool of harassment.

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God, Graham! The shit you have to put up with from these fuckwits. God's strength to you and all the best.

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Standing with you, Graham - it’s disgusting how much public money is being wasted like this. I can’t think what’s happened - has some nutter reported you in NI? For what?

It’s all ridiculous. They’re happy to harass you whilst round here they’ve closed the police stations and haven’t got the resources to investigate crime.

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FFS, but also, this shows yet again these people have no arguments, only thuggery. Also, as a Policeman's daughter I am ashamed, totally ashamed of them for pandering to these people and not spending time on actual fucking crimes.

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It's pretty obvs your are making big tsunamis now, n someone's upset.... Hold in there, Your an amazingly brave man.

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Good on you, Graham. Will you get an email I wonder? I am forever stunned by such a gross misuse of Police time. It's hard enough to get them to come out for an actual domestic violence attack, and then they just condescend the victim when they arrive 7 hours later.

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For years it was impossible to find a policeman/woman in NI when you needed one.

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Sorry.. police/man/woman/fae/fo/fi/fum. No offence meant please don't send the feds.

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they smell the blood of a terfyirishmun?

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Arthur Rackham's fae/fi/fo person looks the part, no?


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That’s genius. The little old lady’s face says it all.

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Thank you TJ37. How apt. Yes, it is genius. I do keep wanting to dig out my children's books and Aesop's and Grimm's tales or Hans Christian Andersen as this feels like being stuck in their pages or listening to my grandparents. There are the many religious idioms and analogies that perfectly sum this up. Most of this seems a strange combination of them all, with big life lessons and stark warnings woven through. Things we were warned about in folklore.

I am a tall woman, but often I see pictures of these TRA 'girls' and they are no such thing, they are great hulking men and acting or writing in highly aggressive ways. Something that sets my instincts off. And they are invading our safe spaces.

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Unreal. This must take a lot out of you. There are lots of us who will help where we can, though. Don't be afraid to ask.

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wot he said

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View this as a tremendous opportunity! Take full advantage of it!

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I always do!

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It takes monumental entitlement, arrogance and selfishness to abuse scant police resources in this way. By all means, if you feel physically threatened in that moment, call the police, but using them as a weapon to further an ideology shows your argument is dead. This is NOT what hate crime legislation was intended for and it’s an insult to those who have experienced genuine hate and violence. The first politician who has the balls to publicly stand against this gets my vote for life. I’m sorry and sickened that you have to live like this, Graham.

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Well said.

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OMG! Sending the hired mob round to harass you! Such a waste of police time, take care Graham, solidarity x

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I know it’s serious, but this reminds me of the Simpsons:

"Who is it?"



"Hired Goons."

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Graham I find it astonishing that the PSNI have time to waste following up and involving your local police because someone's feelings are hurt, considering sexual assaults/rapes in NI has more than doubled in the past 20 years. If we were in any doubt how little women are thought of this is just another example of what the police are prioritising.

You are obviously hitting a raw nerve with the pronoun brigade. You are doing a great job. Thank you.

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Every time I see the police with blues and twos now all I can think of is “wonder who’s getting nicked for not using pronouns” 🙄

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I know I actually wonder if they will knock on my door one day if someone reports one of my (unhateful, just truthful) tweets. It’s weird times. Thought police that’s what they are playing at.

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Honest to fuck, this useless sodding government have got to sort this shit out.

Hurty words are a civil matter, if they’re a matter at all, when it comes to gender woo.

Fucking witchfinders.

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I think you’ll find that hurty words would be an ecumenical matter

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It’s not hate to speak the truth as the wonderful Magdalene said

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