Brilliant piece, JL! What does your trans friend make of all this?

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Oh, thank you so very much! My friend (a lovely person, now in her early 60s) is horrified & quite upset by it all. She hates what is happening to women but also feels that no good can come of this lunacy for trans people either. It think it really scares her.

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I can understand! We've been saying for a long time that it does no one any favours. All the best to you and your lovely friend xx

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Thank you so much. And very best wishes to you xxx

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This should be published in all the weekend papers. Absolutely bang on. I salute you sir.

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Oh did you just mis-gender me?! I'm calling my lawyer! 😉 Only kidding! And thank you so much for such a lovely compliment.

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Fantastic piece of writing 👏👏

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Thank you so much, Slapdash. I really appreciate that.

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If I could afford to distribute a copy of Just Be Kind to every home in Britain I would.

An outstanding analysis of were we are now with a ready made slogan - "I am kind, but I'm not stupid". Thank you.

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Wow what a lovely compliment. Thank you so much, Alison x

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This is fantastic. I suspect we are around the same age (57) as the bit about being at uni in the 80s and going to gay clubs could have been written by me, just not as well. It really is frustrating that so many of us that have spent our lives being allies find ourselves in this position. Thanks for voicing it so beautifully.

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I was thinking the same. Spent a lot of time in gay clubs - no ladies loos :-). Boys and girls shared makeup/clothes but everyone knew what sex they were.

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I also frequented a few lesbian clubs with my friend in San Francisco in the 90s. She tells me now it's pretty much impossible to find a lesbian club in the city that isn't filled with 'transwomen'.

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Thank you so much, Linz. I'm a wee bit younger but of a similar vintage! Yes, after a lifetime spent fighting for the rights & equality of my gay, lesbian & trans friends it's infuriating to be called a bigot by some sanctimonious teenager.

Oh you're so right, Caroline. Such weird & wonderful creatures we all were back then... but we all knew what sex was all right.

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Similar vintage here. And equally disorientated and increasingly enraged by what is happening.

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Excellent piece!.. and so familiar in many ways.. For one I have a v close trans friend too who thinks all this is madness, not that the brigade care what she has to say on it-she knows not to open her mouth. Crazy situation.

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Thank you Waffle! Yes, gender identity is no friend to trans people. The fact they're referred to as 'truscum' by gender ideologues speaks volumes.

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Exactly. Says it all really.

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Such a brilliant, succinct piece - congrats! Publish in every place possible, and get it to every non-GC politician. (They need to understand what’s going on and stop just rubber stamping this misogyny.)

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Thank you ever so much, Liz. Much appreciated. I tried to write a sort of "fact sheet" that people could bust out when unitiated friends ask what it's all about.

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Really brilliant. It feels quite mad to be in a world where we’re afraid to say this mainstream. A big thanks from us JL - raising a glass to you:-)

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Oh thank you so very much, Linda. So kind of you. I'm raising my glass to you! x

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Yip excellent analysis and EVERYTHING has to centre mens “needs”... so weak minded and shameless.

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Thank you, Kath. And, yes, shameless is exactly the right word!

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Thank you for all you do advocating for women’s rights as we are headed into the dark ages for womankind and at a fragile time politically, globally and when “good men don’t speak up, evil prospers.” So blessed to have you as an ally and with all you courageously do with us. I know from my own experience it’s a lot of painful, dangerous and thankless work.

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Oh Kath, thank you so much for such kind words. I'm so grateful for wonderful sisters like you in this fight. And the one or two rare men - like our brilliant Graham - who put their head above the parapet. Your support and encouragement are very much appreciated. Keep up the amazing work. We ARE winning. Take good care xx

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Wow! What a fantastic piece. A brilliant summary of what’s going on.

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Thank you so much, Hannah.

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Fabulous piece JL! It really hits the nail on the head and should be widely published. I am very sorry that you have suffered for your principles. Heartfelt thanks for doing so and for speaking out on all our behalves!

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Thank you ever so much for your kind words & lovely compliment, Eithne. I really appreciate it. x

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An absolute tour de force. I agree with everyone who says this should be in a newspaper

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Oh thank you so much. What a lovely compliment.

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Excellent overview, so well written. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Caroline!

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Excellent as ever.

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Thank you lovely x

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An absolutely brilliant article JL. Sums up the current situation succinctly and with laser point accuracy.

It’s interesting how the right-wing press are actually turning into advocates on the issue (in the Daily Mail’s case whilst also maintaining its mission to destroy specific women). In fact, that’s probably why they are on our side - how can you spend so much time commenting on women’s body parts and playing women off against each other, if the concept of a woman is completely erased?

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Vic. Much appreciated. Yes, I never thought that I, a lifelong lefty tree hugging bleeding heart liberal, would ever find myself quoting The Daily Mail, subscribing to The Times & writing furious emails of complaint to the BBC & The Guardian!

Whatever the motivations of the right wing press (and I confess they're probably nefarious!) at least some aspects of the media are reporting on gender identity nonsense.

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It's absurd, isn't it?

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Through the looking glass!

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Thank you! So well written, brilliant.

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Ah thank you, Helen.

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