
Well done Jon, you'll now be featured in the future documentaries, and anyone with fond memories of you will know where you stood.

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Another woman destroyed by this nonsense.

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Yes, it seems like Jon Stewart has forgotten to mention a lot of things. Like everything that is wrong with the ‘gender’ cult. Especially that it’s a time-sucking, energy-stealing, illogical, problem-causing, emotionally manipulative men’s sexual demands cult. That it destroys children’s well-being, families, science, spirits, civil institutions, NGOs, schools, universities, careers, creativity — not to mention its relentlessly successful destruction of backbones. Jon Stewart’s appears to have crumbled under the weight of ‘trans’ cult demands.

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Relevancy is a helluva drug.

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Is she 21 in that video?

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Reading some of the horrid comments to KC on the original YouTube site...people saying that hair loss and the deep voice are part of being a man, so what do you expect? They are utterly clueless about how vulnerable women are groomed into this and how this is done to young people who haven't yet the capacity to make decisions like this. We are in a culture where listening to children's voices has morphed into expecting them to be sexualised and to understand things at an adult level. It's the opposite of protecting them and it is so, so dangerous. There are very many people, though, who just don't seem willing or able to find anything wrong with giving cross-sex hormones and radical surgery to children and blaming them for the disastrous consequences. How cruel can you get? Sometimes I think they must have put something in the water to addle people's capacity for rational thought and for compassion.

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I just saw the same things said to her on Twitter, basically saying “it’s your own fault and so stop blaming others”. Disgusting. She was only a girl when it happened and, in any case, I would argue that even if she had been an adult when she started hormones, it wouldn’t have been her fault. Trans propaganda is so strong: The Path of Trans is paved with gold and true happiness — why wouldn’t many people be tempted down it?

Those who blame people who regret it only do so to prop up the idea that most people never regret “transitioning” and it’s only the idiots who “weren’t really trans” who do. What a load of bollocks — sadly we’re gonna see more and more evidence of that as the months and years go by, as more people realise the terrible harm that’s been done to them.

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I had to stop reading, the pile on is extraordinary 😳🙄. How many of us have tried to tell a 15/16 yr old what to do or even advise against something we see as potential harm? Would they listen to this 21yr old woman even? What will stop this? The generations that will be harmed until they see the final hours of these trans lives when they could end in pain and regret?? We need to de-couple the internet from their brains, it's the only way😳🥴

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

I do think the internet and social media have created a monstrous situation where people have lost their humanity. The damage done is astounding.

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And now we're back to Willliam Catton's book Overshoot and what happens when mammals overpopulate. One key feature is inept and casual care of the young. We are not special, we are just another mammal, specifically another ape, and the same things that occur in other mammalian species occur in ours.

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Is he on opioids!?

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Juxtapose this with his rant on opioid addiction.

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I don't listen to Stewart, so what did his rant consist of? Endless sympathy for those suffering from opioid use disorder? Remember when it was black people and they were just a bunch of loser junkies? When white people succumb, we have to invent a new term.

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No, it was how Big Pharma put profit before people and how they don't always have your best interests at heart.

Now, I wonder where we've heard that before?

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by KFP

Poor child

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Her eyes speak of such sadness.

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The QTs on that tweet are absolutely abhorrent.

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The QTs from the QTs (and the +) on that tweet are absolutely abhorrent.

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This is utterly heartbreaking. The effects of the hormones, the pile on of TRAs and the worst of all...the Evil ‘Doctors’ who encourage and facilitate this. I’ve had to come off Twitter for a second time because tbh...most of these people are just as thick as planks. Yet they get so much exposure and kids listen to them. I agree with previous comments...Social Media is devastating our young people. Parents...get them off their phones!

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She’s brave

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Poor little pet.

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