She is an amazing woman and an amazing barrister. Brave, fierce and yhe sort of warrior any political party should dream of having. Shame on the SNP and the utterly spineless Sturgeon that she has had to make a statement like this.

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The SNP doesn't deserve Joanna.

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For the old bill to take action against 'one of them' you just know the abuse was horrific.

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So dignified. Hope this is seen.

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I posted this on fb. Only my daughter liked my post. I posted a photo of a scone with jam and cream - over 100 likes. People either don’t want to acknowledge their political stance or the general public is totally unaware of what is happening. I have a broad mix of fb friends - but no one willing to engage openly? I’ve also had discussions with strangers about puberty blockers on a fb post. They genuinely trotted out the mantra of suicide, reversibility of puberty blockers and needing to affirm without question. There’s a lot of work to be done 🙈

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This is excellent. SNP getting close to point of no return with this garbage. Joanna deserves better.

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"Incredible" as in "dignified, brave, true". Yes, all of these and above all, honest. Time for the SNP to try to work as a team? Nicola Sturgeon should spend the summer recess reading Helen Joyce's "Trans", perhaps.

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I love Joanna Cherry! That's all I have to say about that. Not looking forward to watching the leadership slither out of this one, if indeed they even acknowledge it. Which is unlikely.

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Excellent letter. I hope that nonentity Starmer gets wind of it, considering how disgracefully his party has behaved towards Rosie Duffield.

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Excellent. Bravo Joanna !!!

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This is a fantastic statement. She is an incredible woman and her steadfastness in the face of such raging misogyny (both from society and the bloody SNP) is awe-inspiring. She certainly inspires me to stand up. I am so done with it all.

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Knowing the utter cesspool that the SNP has become under Sturgeon, Joanna is more likely to be expelled from than supported by the party. It's obscene.

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Well done to Joanna Cherry for her very brave and honest stance on this toxic issue. Wish there were more MPs like her with the the courage and integrity to stand for what's right. Sadly ,most of our politicians have either been "captured" by this abhorrent "ideology" or are too spineless to stand up for justice and truth but instead are apparently quite happy to throw women" under the bus " !! . We need more politicians like her and Rosie Duffield ,that's for sure !!

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Wow. Chills. I love the way she speaks.

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She is iconic - sadly i think her words are completely wasted as the SNP and especially Nicola and her vile gang of misogynists are not ready to look at themselves and i dont think ever will.

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Love Joanna Cherry. A great speaker and a great woman. She spoke so well in the HoC debate about the MOMA, Members and Other Maternity Allowances, Bill - when the original wording didn’t mention women or mother at all. I hope factions in my local Labour Party and nationally, with the witch hunting of Rosie Duffield by some factions, will read and take note. Not sure that they will but it’s so good to know that the crazywu and the vileness is increasingly being held to account.

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