JKR's genius is that she didn't even mention transwomen. She simply mentioned rapists who say they are women. To me the vast majority won't be trans at all. They will be lying male predators trying to get into women's prisons on conviction.
The beauty of the reaction to the tweet is that TRAs themselves are associating those male predators with transwomen. THEY are being transphobic. THEY are assuming those rapists are trans, not us, not JKR.
Their ideology is being exposed by their lack of a definition of 'trans' and their absurd insistence that "you are trans if you say you are".
They should disown rapists and pervs like Dolotowski etc, but they can't. If they try then it becomes clear that their movement is all smoke and mirrors and not based on any actual definition of who is trans.
That lack of a definition proves the GC point that you can't give TW access to women's spaces because TRAs will accept every single man and his dog into their 'comminity'.
I refuse to use anything but language which reflects material reality. They're men pretending to be women or vice versa. I'm entirely sick of pandering to these people - in addition to pandering to those who deign to pander to these opportunistic liars, I don't care who they are.
I agree. Motives are entirely unknowable. We have men who are presenting themselves as if they are women (and in some cases not even doing that, just saying that they are transwomen. Just that some of them go to greater lengths in their pretence.
and this is exactly the loophole, that predatory men with vicious social disorders are easily able to claim "trans status"! The statistically recorded evidence proves itself every hour of the day that men like this EXIST and cause immense suffering to women and children. Whether they wear tights or not, the legal ambiguity around the word "Trans" will continue to be taken advantage of by these types of men.
Agree. TW are men, but some have genuine dysphoria and support women's right to safe spaces. Several TW I know use the gents. I draw a distinction between them and the TRA thugs who are misogynists, incels and MRAs. TRAs hate post op TW as much as they hate women.
True, but some of those post-op trans identifying men were the very ones who glommed on to Stonewall. I don't see the distinction as baldly as all that. I feel very sorry for transidentifying men who really are friends to women, whether they have a penis or not.
For in their hearts they know the truth: there’s no such thing as a virtuous, decent or even based Trans Rights Activist. Men can’t be women and vice-versa and the only reason anyone believes this is because they’re too afraid to invite the anger and wrath of a infinitesimally small group of uber-privileged men in dresses.
And their handmaidens William. My daughter had an email from a long-standing friend in liberal California calling her a “hateful bigot” because of her gender critical views. So she was willing to bring a twenty year friendship to an end so that some guys could dress up and invade the space of girls and women. Whatever next!
I agree civilisation as we know it is going down the pan with all this. Truly dangerous people who need stopping. If others can’t see it double down more I say
Actually, civilization is in collapse as we write comments. I have watched Collapse in a Nutshell by Michael Dowd and next I have Overshoot in a Nutshell to delight me [not]. For those who might be turned off because he is a minister, fear not, he only speaks critically of religion and how it distracts us from reality.
In other words you have to live a lie. And that is the distinguishing feature of everyone on this side of the argument. We will not lie or pretend to believe in a lie.
This is so sad, all the women who have lost friends and family to this utterly absurd delusion. I hope your daughter's friend is feeling terrific in her self-righteousness.
That is exactly the reason why their slogan "Trans Women are Women" is repeated, chanted and demanded of others all the time. It is a Creed, intended to silence your cognitive dissonance for one, and to publicly show your adherence to a faith. If we look at recorded history, we see this happening on more than occasion in more than one place. Heck, it happened every time a radical new religion emerged. And the more that religion's views deviate from common sense, the louder its Creed has to be chanted. The other aspect, the mechanisms working in an individual, can be summed up under the term "Credo qui absurdo".
I think there's more to it than that. A lot of people go along with it because they're afraid of loosing their jobs or being ostracised from their community, but there's also a hardcore of true believers who aren't trans who seem to have completely bought into the idea that biology beyond the brain plays no role in determining a persons sex/gender. They'll shill for the idea for free, like a penniless Christian who stands on street corners handing out fliers for a Church where the pastor drives a Mercedes and lives in a mansion on the back of his flocks donations...
True. There are a number of reasons why people genuinely believe in the idea. They are all political in some sense. To sum it up: To many people with a background in social and cultural studies and in political activism, the idea is appealing because it offers a way out of the extremely frustrating situation that the emancipation of women has not seen any significant progress for a decade or two now - without actually questioning the social and economic framework and without actually having to do anything. You don't have to bother with complex material and social realities, you just have to "think right". The number of these people is scaringly huge, by the way. But even for these people, the contradiction between their beliefs and the obvious is something they can not easily ignore. Hence the aggressive way in which they force down their Creed everyone's throat.
I don't know what it highlights more, how little respect most people have for 'women' that they're willing to open the category to any man who asks, or how little knowledge they have of basic biology that they don't think it will matter if they do...
Oh, you don't have to have any knowledge of basic biology in terms of formal education at all in order to see that it's wrong. It's as obvious as night and day, to every human being and to every animal capable of having any closer interaction with humans. And this is WHY these people have to profess their Creed so aggressively. Also, I don't think that it has to be a lack of respect for women per se, I think they manage to convince themselves trhat what they believe and what they are active for actually benefits women. People are very ressourceful when it comes to ignoring evidence and can make themselves believe almost everything. A better education system would help prevent a lot of that, but it seems to have strengthened the willingness to depart from reality in the past decades. Also see the popularity of alternative "medicine", esoterics and the recent explosion of antivaxxers. It's the same phenomenon.
Well, as someone who uses alternative medicine -- much of which is far older than allopathic medicine -- I don't particularly like being lumped in with TRAs! And I think the men and women who are trans enthusiasts are filled with hatred for women, many examples of which have appeared on Glinner, attacking elderly lesbians at the Dyke March in San Francisco, attacking Wi Spa protesters, etc.
Idk, thinking about it some more 'penniless' might be better replaced with 'deeply middle class'. They can afford to fund their pastors lifestyle in exchange for a sense of purpose and community.
I suspect more than middle-class from my contact with some evangelists such as the woman running Resources for Organizing and Social Change in Maine, Laura Flanders, etc.
I suspect that the hard core of true believers who aren't trans are "people living on unearned income." That is what I have found to be true. This religion makes them feel good and they don't have to face the fact that they are leeches on society.
I find them quite scarey too. Probably the reason I’m really enjoying the Twitter responses from non scared people to the Trans King Morgane Ogre. Hilarious 😂
Have a look at some of the comments- telling him to pi*ss off to mocking - really brave and stunning (comments not Ogre). Looking forward to GC coming out day for more lol
The responses are just odd. People are saying things like women are rapists too (no they're not, female rapists are rare), and Scottish law needs to be changed so women can classed as rapists. Or just denying that such a scenario could happen in the first place (wrong again, this site is full of examples of sex offenders who have 'identified as female' to scam the criminal justice system). So many people are totally missing the point and do not show one iota of sympathy with the victims of this hideous crime.
Whenever a transgender identifying person gets arrested, charged with a crime, or convicted, it’s always the same refrain: it’s wrong to “misgender” any trans person despite the horrible crimes they have committed. Being “correctly” gendered is such a sacrosanct human right that even the absolute worst that humanity can foist upon the world should always have it. As the Trans Rights Activists would argue, if Hitler were trans it would be wrong to misgender Hitler.
I’ll just go right ahead and proffer a theory as to why anyone would complain and object to this, or any other trans person, being misgendered: they, too, have something to hide and if that transgendered person can lose his pronoun privileges for the heinous crimes he’s committed, so can they.
I also believe the most likely reason for these complaints is also the most mundane - that being “correctly” gendered isn’t a human right after all but merely a concession of both politeness and etiquette.
Or, as I like to put it, a lot of people lack the testicular fortitude to risk the petulance of these overgrown man babies.
So what happens when a transgendered individual is arrested and their crimes laid bare? Suddenly, all bets are off and nobody is interested in being “kind” anymore. Nobody cares about the feelings of someone who has crossed a line that was never meant to be crossed, especially when it comes to sex trafficking and precisely when it comes to pedophilia.
It’s hard enough to validate their delusions on a good day but asking anybody to humor and entertain the delusions of a rapist/pedophile is a bridge too far, one that all but the most strident Trans Rights Activist won’t accept.
Besides: To ask victims or witnesses of a crime to refer to defendants with their "preferred pronouns" is asking them to decribe assailants they likely - and correctly - identified and experienced as men as women. So they are being asked to describe a crime contrary to how they experienced and witnessed it. In other words: They are being asked to bear false testimonies. This is a serious criminal offense.
True. Funny how the courts are actually forcing victims and witnesses to lie under oath by using " preferred pronouns ". Used to be called perjury and was a serious crime.!
That was excellent and just crystallised so many things.
My husband has a couple of Facebook acquaintances who he regularly peaks and he’s getting there with it. Bit by bit, he knows he’s getting through.
One old friend said my husband was ‘hardline’ and (because of me and my influence) he is.
The friend even called my husband a bloody Nazi. 🥱 Naturally I told him that if his pal has to resort to
a) Godwin’s Law and
b) Name calling, then he has already lost the argument.
*So* this is my roundabout way of saying that I’m going to borrow text from this article for my husband to cut/paste; the next time he puts the GC cat among the TRA pigeons.
Cluster B's are running this show and they will never recognise the impact and damage on women (they dont give a shit as devoid of empathy) but the transmaids and menz are the foot soldiers doing the grunt work and they could 'possibly' one day realise the madness.
The problem that I see is that a lot of the transmaids/transmenz have serious mental health problems, including that lack of empathy you mention. The empathy they present towards trans is all posturing bullshit, they don't possess genuine empathy for genuine human beings.
The problem with this article (which is brilliant) is that the people who need to read it won't; and those who do are so soaked in the word "of the cult of transgender" that they will dismiss it as more GC trash.
I had another interesting conversation with a niece at the weekend. Her "Bestie" has told her that she thinks she might be male. My niece laughed... Bestie got all huffy puffy. Niece laughed again. Bestie flounce off. Niece's words not mine. Niece has known Bestie since they were in nappies, hence the laughter. Bestie is very feminine, whereas niece is the tomboy. Bestie has started hanging out with the "right on" crowd at uni; wonder what has planted ideas in her head?Niece wanted to know what to do with Bestie. Have directed her to the LGB Alliance and to a local switched on LGB organisation for more info. I have also suggested that laughter be kept for behind closed doors or on Zoom meetings with her Auntie!!
Excellent post. It was the treatment of JK that began the process of my 'peaking' and thank goodness she's proved to be too big to be cancelled completely. I fear however for less well-known authors such as Rachel Rooney and Gillian Philip who seem to have been forced out of publishing altogether. Maybe JKR could think about finding a home for them at her own publishing house?
Twitter proving again that it isn't the real world.
And a reminder that its users are 70% male. I could go check, but I'm fairly sure it has the most lopsided demographic of any major social network. Funny what being a toxic porn addled hell hole does to the audience.
Do you you believe males who use their penis to rape women should get to choose to be jailed in close quarters with women who cannot choose to go elsewhere?
I made a series of 30-ish memes of #QuestionsTheyNeverAnswer. It includes one about whether being a rapist qualifies as 'living as a woman' or whether being pregnant is 'living as a man'. There's also one asking if 'Karen' White is part of their community. The memes are all on twitter. TRAs never answer. They can't, because they lose either way.
"No worthy cause asks you to close your eyes and let someone else tell you what you see" - THIS!
I was raised as a Christian, which I appreciate is a dirty word for many on here. But my parents didn't tell me to just believe and not to think, nor did they in any way chastise or disown me when I stopped going to church. The result for me is that I'm more sympathetic and less anti-Christian than I might have been, because I wasn't told I MUST BELIEVE OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. I respect that this has not been everyone's experience.
TRAs are the equivalent to me of those religious people who deny you that freedom to think and choose for yourself. One of the saddest things for me about all this is that few GC people I've come across are anti-trans individuals per se, and that were TRAs conciliatory and asking for a dialogue about how best to accommodate the needs of genuine trans people, rather than harassing, threatening and passing unacceptable legislation by stealth and subterfuge, this war would be unnecessary, or at least far less destructive.
Strange to live in a country where I am (currently) under no coercion to subscribe to any of the traditional religions and yet I'm supposed to bow down to a totalitarian pseudo-religion without thought or question.
I know where you are coming from. TRAs behave like some fundamental Christians or even like some cults. Best to keep questioning what is thrown at you. Laugh behind closed doors. And hang onto your hat. The hold they have on the country is getting less and sanity will continue to push through as we go through 2022.
No matter how much Trans Rights Activists try to cajole, threaten, extort and bully you there’s nothing wrong with being turned off and repulsed by a movement that denies truth, performs unnecessary surgical procedures (the end result is mutilation), forces you to accept their ever increasing ridiculous demands that are never enough, grooms children and mentally ill people into repeating their cult mantras (“transwomen are women”) and even attempts to normalize coercive rape (“your genital preferences are transphobic!”).
In fact, if you’re not phobic about any of these things you have no spine.
The awful truth is this isn’t a “live and let live” issue and while the most strident liberal and libertarian alike take the position that so long as someone’s beliefs and actions don’t actually harm anyone we should just leave well enough alone, Trans Rights Activists won’t ever return the favor.
JKR's genius is that she didn't even mention transwomen. She simply mentioned rapists who say they are women. To me the vast majority won't be trans at all. They will be lying male predators trying to get into women's prisons on conviction.
The beauty of the reaction to the tweet is that TRAs themselves are associating those male predators with transwomen. THEY are being transphobic. THEY are assuming those rapists are trans, not us, not JKR.
Their ideology is being exposed by their lack of a definition of 'trans' and their absurd insistence that "you are trans if you say you are".
They should disown rapists and pervs like Dolotowski etc, but they can't. If they try then it becomes clear that their movement is all smoke and mirrors and not based on any actual definition of who is trans.
That lack of a definition proves the GC point that you can't give TW access to women's spaces because TRAs will accept every single man and his dog into their 'comminity'.
Very good point. I think it makes sense to refer to the abusive and predatory men as "men claiming to be Transwomen"
I refuse to use anything but language which reflects material reality. They're men pretending to be women or vice versa. I'm entirely sick of pandering to these people - in addition to pandering to those who deign to pander to these opportunistic liars, I don't care who they are.
I agree. Motives are entirely unknowable. We have men who are presenting themselves as if they are women (and in some cases not even doing that, just saying that they are transwomen. Just that some of them go to greater lengths in their pretence.
I don't hate them; I don't wish them ill, but their business should not be made into my issue to solve
and this is exactly the loophole, that predatory men with vicious social disorders are easily able to claim "trans status"! The statistically recorded evidence proves itself every hour of the day that men like this EXIST and cause immense suffering to women and children. Whether they wear tights or not, the legal ambiguity around the word "Trans" will continue to be taken advantage of by these types of men.
Agree. TW are men, but some have genuine dysphoria and support women's right to safe spaces. Several TW I know use the gents. I draw a distinction between them and the TRA thugs who are misogynists, incels and MRAs. TRAs hate post op TW as much as they hate women.
True, but some of those post-op trans identifying men were the very ones who glommed on to Stonewall. I don't see the distinction as baldly as all that. I feel very sorry for transidentifying men who really are friends to women, whether they have a penis or not.
Excellent comment. Only objection I might have is that's being a trifle unfair to dogs 😆
If hers is a 'transphobic dog whistle', they are the dogs, then
For in their hearts they know the truth: there’s no such thing as a virtuous, decent or even based Trans Rights Activist. Men can’t be women and vice-versa and the only reason anyone believes this is because they’re too afraid to invite the anger and wrath of a infinitesimally small group of uber-privileged men in dresses.
And their handmaidens William. My daughter had an email from a long-standing friend in liberal California calling her a “hateful bigot” because of her gender critical views. So she was willing to bring a twenty year friendship to an end so that some guys could dress up and invade the space of girls and women. Whatever next!
I just had the other half of my band distance themselves from me because they discovered my Substack page.
Thing is, they already knew this about me but it's all about the approval of the men in dresses.
It takes a lot of backbone to defend womens rights. Thank you all who do.
I can't do anything else. For me, this is reality's last stand and if we budge on this we will consign women to a dark place forever.
I won't have it, I won't stand for it and I won't be extorted.
Well said. Thank you so much 👍👍👏👏x
I feel the same William. I will not tell lies
I agree civilisation as we know it is going down the pan with all this. Truly dangerous people who need stopping. If others can’t see it double down more I say
Actually, civilization is in collapse as we write comments. I have watched Collapse in a Nutshell by Michael Dowd and next I have Overshoot in a Nutshell to delight me [not]. For those who might be turned off because he is a minister, fear not, he only speaks critically of religion and how it distracts us from reality.
Takes less backbone from us guys than it takes for you women.
That's not true.
I basically walked away from a lucrative music career over this rather than be extorted into think trans women are women.
I was told in no uncertain terms that if I ever wanted to return I had to change my whole attitude about it.
In other words you have to live a lie. And that is the distinguishing feature of everyone on this side of the argument. We will not lie or pretend to believe in a lie.
Ye've got ma hertfelt thanks son. 🥰🏴
True and thank you, of course, but you're less likely to get rape threats or get physically attacked when you're a man.
Cis eye for the trans guy is hilarious 😊
It's funny because it's true and I'm right about what they should be wearing.
You're kinder than me. I would advise them to were a coal sack and a bag over their heads.
It's the best thing I've seen since awfulplasticsurgery.com!
This is so sad, all the women who have lost friends and family to this utterly absurd delusion. I hope your daughter's friend is feeling terrific in her self-righteousness.
That is exactly the reason why their slogan "Trans Women are Women" is repeated, chanted and demanded of others all the time. It is a Creed, intended to silence your cognitive dissonance for one, and to publicly show your adherence to a faith. If we look at recorded history, we see this happening on more than occasion in more than one place. Heck, it happened every time a radical new religion emerged. And the more that religion's views deviate from common sense, the louder its Creed has to be chanted. The other aspect, the mechanisms working in an individual, can be summed up under the term "Credo qui absurdo".
I think there's more to it than that. A lot of people go along with it because they're afraid of loosing their jobs or being ostracised from their community, but there's also a hardcore of true believers who aren't trans who seem to have completely bought into the idea that biology beyond the brain plays no role in determining a persons sex/gender. They'll shill for the idea for free, like a penniless Christian who stands on street corners handing out fliers for a Church where the pastor drives a Mercedes and lives in a mansion on the back of his flocks donations...
True. There are a number of reasons why people genuinely believe in the idea. They are all political in some sense. To sum it up: To many people with a background in social and cultural studies and in political activism, the idea is appealing because it offers a way out of the extremely frustrating situation that the emancipation of women has not seen any significant progress for a decade or two now - without actually questioning the social and economic framework and without actually having to do anything. You don't have to bother with complex material and social realities, you just have to "think right". The number of these people is scaringly huge, by the way. But even for these people, the contradiction between their beliefs and the obvious is something they can not easily ignore. Hence the aggressive way in which they force down their Creed everyone's throat.
I don't know what it highlights more, how little respect most people have for 'women' that they're willing to open the category to any man who asks, or how little knowledge they have of basic biology that they don't think it will matter if they do...
Oh, you don't have to have any knowledge of basic biology in terms of formal education at all in order to see that it's wrong. It's as obvious as night and day, to every human being and to every animal capable of having any closer interaction with humans. And this is WHY these people have to profess their Creed so aggressively. Also, I don't think that it has to be a lack of respect for women per se, I think they manage to convince themselves trhat what they believe and what they are active for actually benefits women. People are very ressourceful when it comes to ignoring evidence and can make themselves believe almost everything. A better education system would help prevent a lot of that, but it seems to have strengthened the willingness to depart from reality in the past decades. Also see the popularity of alternative "medicine", esoterics and the recent explosion of antivaxxers. It's the same phenomenon.
Well, as someone who uses alternative medicine -- much of which is far older than allopathic medicine -- I don't particularly like being lumped in with TRAs! And I think the men and women who are trans enthusiasts are filled with hatred for women, many examples of which have appeared on Glinner, attacking elderly lesbians at the Dyke March in San Francisco, attacking Wi Spa protesters, etc.
Very good analogy.
Idk, thinking about it some more 'penniless' might be better replaced with 'deeply middle class'. They can afford to fund their pastors lifestyle in exchange for a sense of purpose and community.
I suspect more than middle-class from my contact with some evangelists such as the woman running Resources for Organizing and Social Change in Maine, Laura Flanders, etc.
I suspect that the hard core of true believers who aren't trans are "people living on unearned income." That is what I have found to be true. This religion makes them feel good and they don't have to face the fact that they are leeches on society.
I find them quite scarey too. Probably the reason I’m really enjoying the Twitter responses from non scared people to the Trans King Morgane Ogre. Hilarious 😂
He's the worst one of them all and he scares me.
Have a look at some of the comments- telling him to pi*ss off to mocking - really brave and stunning (comments not Ogre). Looking forward to GC coming out day for more lol
He doesn't scare me but I think I might choose suicide if I had to look at him in person.
The responses are just odd. People are saying things like women are rapists too (no they're not, female rapists are rare), and Scottish law needs to be changed so women can classed as rapists. Or just denying that such a scenario could happen in the first place (wrong again, this site is full of examples of sex offenders who have 'identified as female' to scam the criminal justice system). So many people are totally missing the point and do not show one iota of sympathy with the victims of this hideous crime.
Rape in Scotland needs a penis otherwise it is sexual assault. So women cannot be found guilty of rape, only men as they are the penis owners...
Which is, oddly enough, the point that many of these cranks are focusing on.
Whenever a transgender identifying person gets arrested, charged with a crime, or convicted, it’s always the same refrain: it’s wrong to “misgender” any trans person despite the horrible crimes they have committed. Being “correctly” gendered is such a sacrosanct human right that even the absolute worst that humanity can foist upon the world should always have it. As the Trans Rights Activists would argue, if Hitler were trans it would be wrong to misgender Hitler.
I’ll just go right ahead and proffer a theory as to why anyone would complain and object to this, or any other trans person, being misgendered: they, too, have something to hide and if that transgendered person can lose his pronoun privileges for the heinous crimes he’s committed, so can they.
I also believe the most likely reason for these complaints is also the most mundane - that being “correctly” gendered isn’t a human right after all but merely a concession of both politeness and etiquette.
Or, as I like to put it, a lot of people lack the testicular fortitude to risk the petulance of these overgrown man babies.
So what happens when a transgendered individual is arrested and their crimes laid bare? Suddenly, all bets are off and nobody is interested in being “kind” anymore. Nobody cares about the feelings of someone who has crossed a line that was never meant to be crossed, especially when it comes to sex trafficking and precisely when it comes to pedophilia.
It’s hard enough to validate their delusions on a good day but asking anybody to humor and entertain the delusions of a rapist/pedophile is a bridge too far, one that all but the most strident Trans Rights Activist won’t accept.
Besides: To ask victims or witnesses of a crime to refer to defendants with their "preferred pronouns" is asking them to decribe assailants they likely - and correctly - identified and experienced as men as women. So they are being asked to describe a crime contrary to how they experienced and witnessed it. In other words: They are being asked to bear false testimonies. This is a serious criminal offense.
True. Funny how the courts are actually forcing victims and witnesses to lie under oath by using " preferred pronouns ". Used to be called perjury and was a serious crime.!
On fire today, William
Got my asbestos knickers on.
I was instantly unfollowed by a few men after sharing what she said. Spot the pro-rapers!
That was excellent and just crystallised so many things.
My husband has a couple of Facebook acquaintances who he regularly peaks and he’s getting there with it. Bit by bit, he knows he’s getting through.
One old friend said my husband was ‘hardline’ and (because of me and my influence) he is.
The friend even called my husband a bloody Nazi. 🥱 Naturally I told him that if his pal has to resort to
a) Godwin’s Law and
b) Name calling, then he has already lost the argument.
*So* this is my roundabout way of saying that I’m going to borrow text from this article for my husband to cut/paste; the next time he puts the GC cat among the TRA pigeons.
And we all love GC cat!
I hope Eliza doesn’t mind?!
Cluster B's are running this show and they will never recognise the impact and damage on women (they dont give a shit as devoid of empathy) but the transmaids and menz are the foot soldiers doing the grunt work and they could 'possibly' one day realise the madness.
The problem that I see is that a lot of the transmaids/transmenz have serious mental health problems, including that lack of empathy you mention. The empathy they present towards trans is all posturing bullshit, they don't possess genuine empathy for genuine human beings.
The problem with this article (which is brilliant) is that the people who need to read it won't; and those who do are so soaked in the word "of the cult of transgender" that they will dismiss it as more GC trash.
I had another interesting conversation with a niece at the weekend. Her "Bestie" has told her that she thinks she might be male. My niece laughed... Bestie got all huffy puffy. Niece laughed again. Bestie flounce off. Niece's words not mine. Niece has known Bestie since they were in nappies, hence the laughter. Bestie is very feminine, whereas niece is the tomboy. Bestie has started hanging out with the "right on" crowd at uni; wonder what has planted ideas in her head?Niece wanted to know what to do with Bestie. Have directed her to the LGB Alliance and to a local switched on LGB organisation for more info. I have also suggested that laughter be kept for behind closed doors or on Zoom meetings with her Auntie!!
Excellent post. It was the treatment of JK that began the process of my 'peaking' and thank goodness she's proved to be too big to be cancelled completely. I fear however for less well-known authors such as Rachel Rooney and Gillian Philip who seem to have been forced out of publishing altogether. Maybe JKR could think about finding a home for them at her own publishing house?
Great post. Thank you for sharing 👏👏
Twitter proving again that it isn't the real world.
And a reminder that its users are 70% male. I could go check, but I'm fairly sure it has the most lopsided demographic of any major social network. Funny what being a toxic porn addled hell hole does to the audience.
Is there a staniland type question on this topic?
Do you you believe males who use their penis to rape women should get to choose to be jailed in close quarters with women who cannot choose to go elsewhere?
Paraphrasing the Staniland question, it's this -
"Do you believe that male born people with a penis, should be held in a prison with women following a conviction for rape?"
No never 😱
I made a series of 30-ish memes of #QuestionsTheyNeverAnswer. It includes one about whether being a rapist qualifies as 'living as a woman' or whether being pregnant is 'living as a man'. There's also one asking if 'Karen' White is part of their community. The memes are all on twitter. TRAs never answer. They can't, because they lose either way.
Broadly the answers are
a) No because transidentifying men are saints
b) Yes because we can do what we want
c) No - see a)
Is it right that a rapist can choose to be jailed away from other men, but women cannot choose to be jailed away from rapists?
Fantastic, such a reasoned point of view.
So, so brilliant! 🥰
You really don't want to mess with JK Rowling.
How many more times before the MRAs learn!?!
"No worthy cause asks you to close your eyes and let someone else tell you what you see" - THIS!
I was raised as a Christian, which I appreciate is a dirty word for many on here. But my parents didn't tell me to just believe and not to think, nor did they in any way chastise or disown me when I stopped going to church. The result for me is that I'm more sympathetic and less anti-Christian than I might have been, because I wasn't told I MUST BELIEVE OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. I respect that this has not been everyone's experience.
TRAs are the equivalent to me of those religious people who deny you that freedom to think and choose for yourself. One of the saddest things for me about all this is that few GC people I've come across are anti-trans individuals per se, and that were TRAs conciliatory and asking for a dialogue about how best to accommodate the needs of genuine trans people, rather than harassing, threatening and passing unacceptable legislation by stealth and subterfuge, this war would be unnecessary, or at least far less destructive.
Strange to live in a country where I am (currently) under no coercion to subscribe to any of the traditional religions and yet I'm supposed to bow down to a totalitarian pseudo-religion without thought or question.
I know where you are coming from. TRAs behave like some fundamental Christians or even like some cults. Best to keep questioning what is thrown at you. Laugh behind closed doors. And hang onto your hat. The hold they have on the country is getting less and sanity will continue to push through as we go through 2022.
No matter how much Trans Rights Activists try to cajole, threaten, extort and bully you there’s nothing wrong with being turned off and repulsed by a movement that denies truth, performs unnecessary surgical procedures (the end result is mutilation), forces you to accept their ever increasing ridiculous demands that are never enough, grooms children and mentally ill people into repeating their cult mantras (“transwomen are women”) and even attempts to normalize coercive rape (“your genital preferences are transphobic!”).
In fact, if you’re not phobic about any of these things you have no spine.
The awful truth is this isn’t a “live and let live” issue and while the most strident liberal and libertarian alike take the position that so long as someone’s beliefs and actions don’t actually harm anyone we should just leave well enough alone, Trans Rights Activists won’t ever return the favor.