I have just donated again to Public Child Protection Wales. Again and again. But the alternative is unthinkable. I just loathe the ignorant Mark Drakeford, his Education Secretary and the devolved Gov. Rant! I'm sorry.

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I can’t get over Drakeford calling the female MP shrill, what a disgrace he is.

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Yes he comes over as unbalanced and if he has any integrity left must stand down. Welsh politicians are awful - just plain ignorant. Little wonder hardly anyone votes

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“Anyone with a conscience and concern for children should be writing to their MPs calling for immediate action to safeguard children and for a full independent UK wide public inquiry into RSE and PHSE now”.

And there lies the problem. Most people don’t realise or believe that any of this is happening and if it doesn’t affect them directly, they’re happy to keep looking the other way. I know this from experience and it makes me livid on a daily basis. As for the snails pace of the Conservative reaction!! The only positive is that Labour isn’t in power……yet.

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The Tories need to clean up this mess now. They’ve been in power for 13 years, the very years that have seen an exponential rise in the spread of trans ideology, often promoted by government departments. It’s not too late to turn all this around, defund Stonewall and other trans groups. The payback at the ballot box might surprise.

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I agree, they have an open goal here and they’re not using it. The protection of children from this vile ideology should be the priority for everyone and I just don’t understand why so many are deliberately turning away……..BillyBragg, Gary Lineker, Kirstie Allsopp, Penny Mordaunt, Caroline Nokes, Ed Davey, Starmer, to name a few, shame on you all.

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A dead poets society moment in classrooms where all the parents and children stand on the desks - see who is left? Those politicians in Wales, Scotland and Ireland and Ed Davey et Al all need to go. They are supposed to be public servants, their actions or lack of them are awful beyond words

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Thanks for this, i just wrote again to my mp. I find all this too upsetting for words.

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Thanks Jennifer.

EDI Jester did a piece on this the other day.

Tell UNESCO and WHO to **** off and get the guidance out asap! Someone pointed out to me that Sex Matters and SSA have excellent drafts that could be used. Government moving far too slow!!

Will cross post on Thursday .


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I heard you're on a list now Graham!


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When I upgraded to Google chrome there is no longer a Twitter button when u press share so I can post this. Any ideas why?

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I’m not sure that he will do anything. It appears that the Dfe is captured. There’s a letter on Grahams twitter page from Nick Gibb to Robert Buckland about a child who has been transitioned at school. He mentions gender ideology a couple of times and it’s obvious he believes in it. I’m in despair. I’ve written him an angry letter and sent everything to GB News as they’re just about the only broadcaster to cover this. If parents can’t get action from the Dfe where the hell do we go from here?

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

We’ll just have to keep on terfing and hope he sees sense.

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