Feb 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I found myself scrolling back to laugh again at trans ET 😂 Only to continue down the page to the point of bringing a bit of my tea back up, on seeing the 'cartoons'. Had to scroll fast past them. Just incredibly disturbing and clear evidence of why the police urgently need to lock up the sick bastards responsible & throw away the keys. As for LesbiMans - I think we should just stop wasting anymore time and declare all out war.

I was censored a few weeks back, by stating that males cannot be lesbians on a work's blog that was written by a proclaimed male lesbian who is also a Gender ID 'champion' for a gov' department (Yes, TRAs have infiltrated And been handed a platform). I won't go into where on here. But I was told to change my post, or have it removed. I changed it & it was removed again. I was then threatened with 'action' if I didn't agree with the TRA. I politely said 'I don't think so'. A few weeks on and what is on the top of the agenda for International Womens Day ? - The same TRA giving free 'lectures' on why women shouldn't dispute self ID trans women accessing their spaces ! I'm furious. Fuming. I can't stop fuming over it and I've no idea what to do - But need to do something tactfully, that will not cost me my job.

Any ideas ? Should I sign up for this 'event' and if I did, what's the best way to ask questions ?

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

Much lols, thank you 😂😂❤️

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

My personal favourites of all your creations would have to be Ted and Ralph 😉 As straight pensioners discovering "who they are" so late in life seems to be in vogue, I wonder if shy, unassuming Ted has succumbed to the craze and has an admission to make? 😂

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

That made me roar laughing. Thank you for that. Superb.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Howling ha ha

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Pink Newts being as robophobic AF .

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Tess of The Terfevilles - could you at least appreciate my nomme de guerre? I wrote Little Transwomen.

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All women are equal, but some women are more equal than others

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Can someone use nice polite language to explain the cuddly toy, anime, baby thing to me? Feel free to take each one separately if that is easier...! thank you in advance. Please state if you are making an educated guess.. or if you are very confident in your assessment!!

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Jolyon! That tweet! He's as mad as a box of frogs.

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