Thanks again to Andrea for this great piece. I want to create a permanent record what these men did. Do get in touch if you have a similar story.

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Only a few years ago this idiot mother would have been recognised as having the condition, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Health professionals who came across her unfortunate little boy would have alerted social services and she would have been investigated. But this fool's not simply delusional, she's much worse, with her sights set on a future book advance or TV show deal. All at the expense of her child. Kerching.

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My thought also. Poor kid. "Coming to you soon on Toddlers & Tiaras"

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There was a case where the kid was taken off the mother. The court told mermaids not to contact the family again. The court also said they were surprised at how much the little boy went along with it. I wasn't really tbh. When left to his own devices he would actually choose traditional boys toys and clothes.

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How do these talentless fools get the jobs ? And as for the child who told his mammy that something went wrong in her tummy- bollocks ! I've worked with children for years and have two myself and weans that age don't say things like that ! Utter nonsense that is abusive!

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No they don't say things like that, nor do they use the grammatical constructions at that age which are always being attributed to them. It's always adult speak intended to be read in a cutsie, mimsy voice.

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Yes every time I read one of these stories there is a moment where a toddler says something they would literally never say. As the mother of a fucking toddler: STOP LYING, WE KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

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True. Jazz Jennings said on TV that ,when he was 2 years old ,he told his mum that he had a dream that the good fairy came to him during the night and swapped his PENIS for a VAGINA !! What 2 year old even knows those words ,let alone what they mean ? Indoctrination ,pure and simple 👎😭

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I can’t understand why any mother would push her child towards a lifetime of medication, health issues, surgery and potential disappointment and regret. Both my boys loved tottering around in my shoes and having their nails painted when they were little. So what? Is it just all about the parents?Do they really believe that they’re doing the right thing? I know a woman with 3 young daughters - one is a non-binary lesbian and one is trans. All 3 have changed their names. I know some parents are really struggling to know how to deal with this madness, but some seem to be actively encouraging it.

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And why is it mothers doing this much of the time? I just read about the Republican running for the Texas legislature whose wife transed one of their twins; he tried to speak at some institution and was hounded out of the room by the baby fascists we have trained so well.

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Something along the lines of Munchausen syndrome? They get called Munchie Mums on Mumsnet.

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Great piece.

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The best research I have seen suggests children do not recognise gender until about 7 and before that they just say someone is a boy or a girl by their hair and the clothes they wear. They did nit mention that you can tell if someone is a boy or a girl by their genitals. So how does a three year-old decide something was wrong in utero! Crazy stuff.

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It’s just utter fucking bullshit. Kids aren’t capable of coming up with that kind of cause and effect/speculative narrative at that age, they are super literal. It’s just really fucking obvious lies.

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Gross sLavering. Ghastly woman-hating posh twat, from what I can make out.

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Why does reading what Graham is reporting remind me of Putins tactics in the 🇺🇦, Ukraine---the sickly skewed rhetoric spewing from the mouths of these men, twists in my gut like poison---

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I want you to read this portion of an essay by John Pilger, an Australian who has been around so long he was reporting on the American war in Vietnam:

Professor Stephen Cohen, acclaimed as America's leading authority on Russia, wrote, "The pogrom-like burning to death of ethnic Russians and others in Odessa reawakened memories of Nazi extermination squads in Ukraine during world war two. [Today] storm-like assaults on gays, Jews, elderly ethnic Russians, and other 'impure' citizens are widespread throughout Kyiv-ruled Ukraine, along with torchlight marches reminiscent of those that eventually inflamed Germany in the late 1920s and 1930s...

"The police and official legal authorities do virtually nothing to prevent these neo-fascist acts or to prosecute them. On the contrary, Kyiv has officially encouraged them by systematically rehabilitating and even memorialising Ukrainian collaborators with Nazi German extermination pogroms, renaming streets in their honour, building monuments to them, rewriting history to glorify them, and more."

Today, neo-Nazi Ukraine is seldom mentioned. That THE BRITISH [my emphasis] are training the Ukrainian National Guard, which includes neo-Nazis, is not news. (See Matt Kennard's Declassified report in Consortium 15 February). The return of violent, endorsed fascism to 21st-century Europe, to quote Harold Pinter, "never happened ... even while it was happening".

On 16 December, the United Nations tabled a resolution that called for "combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism". The only nations to vote against it were the United States and Ukraine.

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Pilger the best ever of his kind. I wish he was still around!

Nazism or Communisim, right wing or left, means destruction.

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And you do know that Russia is capitalist, right?

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Of course, but only for the chosen few!!

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Well, you could say what my husband says: Socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else. I've never known capitalism to be for the chosen few, it's sink or swim, a favorite tenet of capitalism, for the masses of us plebes.

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Mar 4, 2022
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Since you obviously believe everything the Guardian writes, I assume you mean:

Transwomen are women!

And I don't have a lot of faith in people who cannot even spell someone's name correctly. I have listened to Professor Cohen speak and he is very articulate and SANE. And anyone who buys into NPR -- National Propaganda Radio, another supporter of trans -- must have a few screws loose.

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At the risk of coming off as a buttinsky here:

Especially given all that they've gone through-- the Tsars, the Soviets, WWII, the current Thugocracy-- I have a lot of sympathy for Russia, and the Russian people.

And that's one reason why I have none at all for Vladimir Putin.

Yeah, the same Wokerati who ceaselessly sing from the Trans hymnbook hate him. But I don't believe in "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I make my decisions on who to support and who to oppose based on their actions, and measuring those against the yardstick of my own values.

Here's the thing: if you care about Russians... know that Putin does not. He got where he is because, when Yeltsin and his family were on trial for corruption (spoiler: guilty as fuck), and needed a distraction... he provided it. By inducing a national "rally 'round the flag" mind-set. In the form of blowing up apartment blocks in Moscow (taking care to time it so that everyone would be home from work, for maximum casualties)... and blaming it on Chechen terrorism. Oh no! It's an unprovoked attack from outside! Time to go to war! Which Russia then did, for years, to devastating effect on both sides. (But hey, everyone then promptly forgot about the Yeltsins' no-longer-secret Swiss bank accounts stuffed with the loot they'd stolen from the Russian people, so I guess it's all good!)

For anyone wanting the receipts, I'd point you towards American author David Satter and his books "Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State", and "The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror and Dictatorship Under Yeltsin and Putin". Although I admittedly couldn't make it through the latter; despite being no Pollyanna, it was too heartbreaking even for me.

All of which is to say: the history of Russia is one long tragedy. The Putin Era most definitely included.

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If I was Russian, I am sure I would be anti-Putin. I am not Russian and I live in a country whose list of crimes is endless. I think it is up to the Russian people -- it's my understanding that Putin is actually quite popular because he has brought back some pride and sovereignty to Russia; I live in a country whose president has a 33 percent approval rating -- to do what THEY think is necessary. I may be European-American, but I do not possess the common mindset that I know what is best for other people.

If you think the U.S. is any less draconian, I wish I could be that optimistic, but it is not. We have many political prisoners, any movement that threatens the oligarchs to the slightest degree would be sure to be put down -- as lame as Occupy was, Congress was looking at legislation to create concentration camps to put them in -- and we have interfered ceaselessly since WWII to overthrow, suppress, murder even the mildest of reformist governments in Latin America, Asia, Africa, Australia, even Europe. We have slaughtered countless millions of people, yet Americans and apparently most Europeans know nothing about our activities. The history of the U.S.A. is one long tragedy beginning with mass genocide.

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Thanks for your input

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Mar 4, 2022
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I have no intention of apologizing to you. If you are going to tell me what's what, you had better come up with some better sources than the Guardian and NPR.

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There was another Irish times article this week behind the paywall featuring a trans identified female who went through her transition while at an all girls Catholic school. I made some comments on Facebook under the Irish times post, and I had a lot of likes and positive comments. Then the TRAs arrived. One sent me a private message via fb messenger. I blocked her. A couple of others started arguing for puberty blockers and supporting trans kids. Then suddenly and without warning I was unable to see or access the thread so I guess I was blocked by an Irish Times fb page admin.

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Great post by Andrea. Insanity is alive and unwell in the Irish Times it seems

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That was informative. Well done, Andrea!

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Yes meant to say . Brilliant piece, Andrea!

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Una mullally seems to have a disproprtionate influence at the paper, correcting wrongthink and enforcing an ideology that hurts women.

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In the publishing biz, it is all about who you know.

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Just in case yer interested. Barry will be appearing with Mr. Lavery in London later in March. Tickets are going quickly, so be sure to get one soon. https://dauntbooks.co.uk/shop/events/grace-lavery/

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Ha! That’ll be interesting. Can’t go, but I hope someone can give feedback here.

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At Daunt !Oh dear,sad to see them promote this trash.

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Gray Slavery.

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