It often seems that TRAs want, no, need violence and death to happen to one of them. Without it, the claim that they are "the most vulnerable" in society doesn't hold water. The drama over the previously unknown Lily Cade's bizarre rantings this week shows that they will latch on to any chance of saying "See, we told you so!"

I can't see them as anything but overly dramatic men badly playing a role of "fearful women", like an exercise at acting school.

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I went to acting school, this shit would have been laughed out of the rehearsal room.

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I wonder if there’s not projection at work? A big old chunk of self-hatred looking for the objective correlative.

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I think that is the root cause for some of them, at least. There will be different underlying issues that got them there - some right from the beginning (trans as an escape from a personality they don't like) through to developed as a result of now being trapped by an ideology they don't know how to get out of without personal cost. Some of them seem to be hanging very fragile self-worth on a very shoogly peg (hence the desperate, unpleasant, violent tweets/posters/verbal attacks), and at least some are going to come crashing down with tragic results for the individual when reality reasserts. It won't be good for us, either, at least temporarily - those tragic cases will be used to "prove" that we are heartless and that we should be silenced. I wish I could be more confident that some of the more psychopathic TRAs (who we all know exist) aren't pushing the more vulnerable in that direction.

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That's pretty Incel-like

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There is. Level: IMAX.

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Oo, interesting point

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I know this won't be popular here, but I was glad to see some sympathy for Lily Cade on Spinster. Anyone who works in porn in this day and age is lucky to be alive, and if their mental health is not all it should be, can we be surprised?

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No: I’m ok with that! I stand with her on her right to refuse sex she doesn’t want to have. I agree she seems to be pretty damaged.

And I totally condemn any calls for violence.

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I've had a bit of time to read what she actually wrote, and, whilst it is open to interpretation because if the style, it is possible that she wasn't calling for physical harm to anyone, but that trans men (or at least some specific ones) should kill off their female personas and be honest with the world. She also seems to be speaking for her former porn-actress persona (who she has "lynched"). As I say, it's quite complex, and another reminder to me not to comment on something that can be checked up on.

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Many thanks for this!

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I watched Stage Beauty again the other week and I'm now convinced that it's the "go to lesson in learning feminine vulnerability". If you haven't seen it, it's about Kyniston a famous actor in the 1600s who played women's roles as it was a crime for women to act. Claire Danes and Billy Cruddup.

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As far as I'm aware, it's generally men who plan and execute mass shootings. Not women. So trans women are fairly safe from TERFs. However, whether we are safe from them is another thing entirely.

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Yes, and when one bleats about people refusing 'to see the hate' all I can think is 'I see the hate alright, especially as a woman, I see the hate directed at us.'

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nobody else can see the "hate" because its all in his fervid imagination and fortunately we don't have to be in that space

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Truth is: No one really thinks about them at all, let alone feels anything, unless they feel they have to remind us that they are - och - so much around and have nothing else to do but center our lives around their existence, whatever that may be.

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Unfortunately he is projecting his ****imagination and expecting, demanding and resorting to law and policy to make society be in that unpleasant space.

(Asterisks - insert whatever descriptor term you like).

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In Europe, I'd say they are as safe as, if not safer than, any other man. In the USA, I wouldn't be quite so sure - the atmosphere seems to be getting quite febrile following e.g. Loudon County. Mothers in particular seem to be getting appropriately upset about schools enabling secret transing and letting boys into their daughters' safe spaces, but fathers seem to be catching up. That being said, if I were a betting man I'd put my money on a TRA killing people with different views rather than a gender critic.

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Oh, in Europe they are much, much safer than you and I as men. In the US, too, and even more so.

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It isn't generally men who engage in mass murder, it is always men, and usually white men, as far as I know. The only woman I've ever heard of who engaged in serial murder (quite different from mass murder) independently (as opposed to being some man's sidekick) was the woman in Florida who was a prostitute who for some unfathomable reason killed her johns.

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There have been a few in the U.K. Very few.

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I forgot to mention that I’m doing cartwheels, enjoying Ireland’s Stonewall crumbling! May this be the beginning of the end of gay conversion, the transing of youth (& mass T bullying etc, etc.) worldwide! 👍👏👏👏 ⭐️🍾🎉🎊🎈🤸‍♂️🕺🏼💃

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All I know is that if I was in ACTUAL, literal fear of being literally murdered by specific person(s), in a country smaller than the US, I would NOT be dyeing my hair “Look-At-Me!-Raggedy-Ann Red (IMHO). It is almost as if that man was thoroughly enjoying his self-proclaimed DARVOing “victimhood” as a fetish (Literally). Like, literally. 🤡

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I agree - how anyone dresses and behaves is entirely a personal choice. Dressing and behaving like parodies of women is a choice, and nothing short of fetishising. There are transwomen who don’t feel the need to be like parodies of women, so the “I’m so afraid” BS is just another way of making a spectacle of themselves.

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Agreed. I googled Shoshanna Carroll - how is it that these men are so keen to show "cleavage" even in a professional context? Not a fetish. Oh no.

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That too. Most of all I think it is emotional blackmail. See me they way I want to be seen or else... This is as pathetic as it is despicable. Truth be told, I have some biographical issues with exactly that kind of behavior. As mad as it may make me, I have learned not to take it seriously and to oppose it whenever someone tries that shit on me. Or anyone else for that matter.

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It's not mad. It's no coincidence that people who've experienced emotional abuse and coercive control see through this stuff.

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"Dressing and behaving like parodies of women is a choice,"

And society has a right to ridicule and call out people who do this. See Prince Harry in the badly thought out "nazi" uniform he once wore to some party in his playboy stage. Rightly called out for it.

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When I was going to the (few) gay bars in Dublin back in the late 80s (when homosexuality was still illegal in Ireland) and the culture was far more prejudiced than today, I knew several people - male and female - who would be described as Gender non-conforming by more enlightened minds now. They got on with their lives. They had too. And they put up with far more threats and abuse too, I suspect, than the TENI 'victims' claim they endure as trans individuals in Ireland today. I can't help thinking either these individuals lack resilience or they get off on the attention that claimed victimhood bestows.

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One wonders if there was audits done and if some moolah went astray.

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Maybe it was "resting" in an account. 😁

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Hahahaha! Always lovely to see a Father Ted line finding its way into a discussion.

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Statistically speaking, 98% of mass shootings are done by males, so if the TW up there are in fear, they ought to reach out to their fellow men and talk about it.

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TRUE....they are in way more real danger of being killed in a random shootout from an aggrieved man than the slightest bit of danger from individual women or slavering mobs of terfs.

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Can you refer me to a case in which a woman engaged in mass shooting? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm truly interested. Obviously it does not count if she was part of a military operation (though perhaps we need to count those as mass murders also).

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Since 1982, 119 mass shootings (4 or more victims, excluding the shooter) by men, 3 by women, in the US. (Source: statisitia)

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Thanks for the info!

I looked up the one woman, Marco, but there were no photographs with the article. I have stopped trusting that the media correctly identifies sex. If they're willing to call an obvious male she, what about a male who passes as female? Also, this woman sounds extremely masculinized, including serving in the U.S. military.

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There have been 3 by women acting alone. As it’s since 1983, I’d reckon the earlier ones are more likely to be correctly identified. The more recent ones... well, who the hell knows?

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That's really interesting. Do you have any details about the three women?

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No, but I’m sure the internet does.

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Oh, & 1 shooting by m + f. 124 in total.

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Didn't non-binary Mayor of Bangor, Owen Hurcum, in the Nolan Stonewall podcast say something about being murdered, and how upsetting it would be to be misgendered after death? Obsessed with being murdered (not just dying, but being murdered); fantasising about the psychic wound of misgendering.

Some very nasty men, have done a very nasty brainwashing number on young people to make them feel paranoid and alienated, particularly from parents. Many of these young people have pre-existing mental health problems, have experienced trauma and/or are on the autistic spectrum, so take these messages to heart.

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Upsetting for who?

If he’s dead, he won’t know if he’s misgendered.

And the rest of us won’t care.

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It was a very funny interview. The daft lamb droned on and on, little realising what normal people might think of his navel gazing.

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Absolutely. And all this fascist like yearning for death that their self appointed representatives practice all the time is just likely to harm them even more.

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I live in America the Death Cult, and your phrase "this fascist like yearning for death" really struck home.

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To be Terrified of being Non-Murdered.........wonderful description.

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It is even worse than that. Any organisation who keeps telling its supporters they might be murdered any minute - without any evidence to support that claim - actually and actively harms their supporters. It instills on them fear for their lives, every minute of the hour, every hour of the day. This is grossly detrimental to mental health. It is the same thing as if I threatened someone with murder every day. This causes grave bodily and mental harm and people who do that deliberately should be prosecuted like anyone else who recklessly or deliberately endangers the health of others. And that's atop of calling it what it is: Emotional blackmail. (Admittedly something I react to rather adversely. Biographical stuff. Call it family trauma.)

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Exactly. It's necessary for those in power to create dysphoria and alienation, in order to be 'the solution'. This is nasty, abusive, cult-like behaviour

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Also, apparently it's "transphobic" for women to be distrustful of males claiming to be women in single-sex spaces, but them claiming we want to murder them is reasonable?

There was a transwoman murdered in Canada a couple(?) years ago, and the usual allies were using it as proof of the marginalization of trans people, but the media stories were burying the fact that the murder was committed by another trans-identified male. So these "women" who are afraid we'll murder them are statistically more likely to be killed by another transwoman.

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He's whinging that he couldn't get free surgeries in Ireland, where we have huge waiting lists for real health emergencies.

"The Irish trans healthcare system is also broken, I was treated like I was less than human, and denied adequate care and referals to needed surgeries. In the midst of this I decided I need to find a safe place to heal and returned to Durham where I have lived since 2015."

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ughhh, so getting his inverted penis to vagina simulacrum is more important than women with real vaginas needing genuine medical hysterectomies and treatment for cervical cancer? Just the usual rantings of a privileged white male that women are getting something he wants.

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Cosmetic surgery that is not needed (eg actual congenital conditions/serious injuries or illnesses), is not something that should ever be permitted on the NHS.

I would say this for women who want cosmetic surgeries (subject to brackets above) as well.

Breast reduction or Breast reconstruction after mastectomy do not come under cosmetic surgeries.

Any remodelling of genitals when there is no clinical need are not necessary surgeries or health care.

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Completely agree with you. And in fact, women who need breast reductions because they are causing posture/back problems are made to wait many, many years. It is a disgrace.

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Incidental to this discussion, here in Australia there was a petition closing 5 days ago requesting for gender reassignment surgeries to be covered by Medicare, our nationalised social security medical scheme that all Australian citizens fund from taxation contributions. It was signed by more than 150,000 from our population of 26 million.

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What a success...

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Privileged male, nothing to do with being white.

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that's right Ursula, just garden variety male privilege, irrespective of melanin

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Posted this in s different Glinner's Twitter but it really fits here, with the came, trashed, returned home vibe! Viking = transwoman, Monk = woman


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To lose one member of staff but three on one day?

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There's an apt Oscar Wilde (an Irishman, appropriately) quotation that could be used there!

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Misfortune and carelessness spring to mind.

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I hope you're being e(a) rnest - it's important!

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Maybe they are retreating from a sinking ship, forecasting their eventual demise, watching Stonewall having to justify their existence for once.

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Don't a lot of AGP's fetishisise over rape and violence because then they must be 'real' women. Particularly since (in Scotland anyway) 2-3 women per week are killed. (Scottish Women's Aid pamphlet)

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Christine Burns, influential TRA commented on Twitter that rapists were more polite than gender critical women, because at least they recognise 'transwomen' as women. Extraordinary (also untrue since I don't think there's any evidence that men are raping transwomen). Supports your contention. There is nothing they won't appropriate.

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I think (could be wrong) that a lot of the documented murders of transwomen globally are of prostitutes by their male clients. Especially in Brazil but also in the US.

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You are wrong when you say that about the US. Even the USA's equivalent to Stonewall, the Human Rights Campaign (aka the Scrotum Rights Campaign) now has publicly admitted that the majority of TW in the US who die of homicide are killed by lovers, spouses, friends, family, roommates or partners in crime with whom they have ongoing close relationships.

Yes, some of the TW in the US who die of homicide have done sex work, and some homicides of TW have been related to sex work - but that does not mean these persons have been killed by their male clients. TW who do sex work tend to have stormy personal relationships & unstable housing, hang out in bad neighborhoods, and know a lot of dodgy, dangerous people.

For example, a TW homicide related to sex work can be one in which a TW who's done sex work is killed in a robbery following doing sex for hire, in a drug deal gone bad on the way to doing sex work or afterwards, or in domestic violence before or after the TW has done sex work or when the TW has just made an appointment to do so. A prostitution-related TW homicide also can be when a TW is killed by a rival TW sex worker. (I haven't mentioned pimps coz in the US most TW who do sex work aren't pimped.)

Just as what happens with TW prostitutes in Brazil (who often are young men pimped, and from an early age too) is not analogous to what happens in the UK and Ireland, it can't be taken as representative of what happens in the USA either.

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Ok, thanks.

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I wish I had the reference about the TIM who was killed by his friend, another TIM, because first TIM was "prettier."

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This is a misquote and it also predates the existence of Twitter by 10 years.

Burns's "Review of the Year" for 1996 on the Press for Change website included, for October:

"In some respects, at least, rapists have always displayed far better manners than lawyers ... ready to treat transsexual women as women regardless".


This was in response to a legal judgement clarifying that a male with an artificial vagina could be the victim of vaginal rape, although in that case the defendant was acquitted.

The defendant had argued that non-consensual penile penetration of the artificial vagina of a biological male could not, in law, be rape under Section 142 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

I am guessing that Burns's complaint about lawyers is that the victim was referred to as male throughout the judgement in the case of Regina -v- John Matthews.


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Thanks for that. I have also seen a slightly different variant of the quote here on this mumsnet thread:https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/womens_rights/4389984-sarah-phillimore-amazing-work-on-looking-at-the-19-000-signatures-on-the-open-letter-to-bbc-complaining-about-the-lesbians-pressured-into-sex-article#prettyPhoto

The quote on page 1 of that thread looks like it has been screenshotted, possibly from a book. Not referenced though, and is as follows:

"That majority would join with me in being horrified by the notion that, having been raped by a man, a woman like myself would be turned away from a politically correct Rape Crisis Centre. Told, in the ultimate act of cruelty, that she was a man. That she should seek counselling from a man. That she made her sisters feel uncomfortable. In a bizarre way, rapists have a better line in manners. At least they treat their victims, without prejudice, as women".

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So either Burns has recycled a similar argument for a different scenario, or someone's misquoted them.

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well, as violence against women is such normal behaviour, perhaps they're angry not be getting that as validation too.....? They want everything else we've got.

Honestly the mental gymnastics to get my head around that...?

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Exactly right.

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I have seen exactly that reason given. It's early in the morning, and I can't remember which one has written about it, but being abused, raped etc is how he would "know" he is a "woman".

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Julia Serano?

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That's one, but I was thinking of someone else. It doesn't matter - there are plenty to choose from!

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Novelist Torrey Peters.

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That's the one!

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Andrea Long Chu (trans-identified male) isn't much better, claiming that being fucked is the essence of being female.

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It sounds like someone that gets off on the thought of violence being inflicted on themselves. In the safe space of knowing it doesn't happen. Plot for a bad porn movie.

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Very interesting developments! Ireland currently has public consultation open (till Nov 29th) on Equality Acts. One plan is to amend the 'gender' equality ground. Apparently the plan is to include gender identity and gender expression as equality grounds.

This even though the brief public consultation in January 2018 of the 2015 Gender Recognition Act is still under review. The review committee was headed by the then CEO of TENI.

The Irish public are only now becoming aware of the 2015 GRA as some of its consequences are becoming obvious. Plus events and coverage from the UK are a big help.

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Heaven forbid a transwoman would be killed, as, aside from the individual tragedy, it would result in a clamour to overhaul the entire legal and judicial systems.

I think that the constant propagation of the death cult should be called out for what it is. From the goading of children ("if you don't get the blockers/hormones, suicide is just around the corner") to these paranoid schizophrenics afraid to leave their home, it's clearer by the day that their issue is a psychological one, not medical/physical.

Yet anyone suggesting assessment and treatment is pushing conversion therapy!

Cult, cult cult.

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There’s a part of the brain that recognizes faces. And it’s been shown that babies can tell the difference between male and female faces. Even faces of babies.

What is the natural reaction when people encounter a face that falls into neither category?

Well, I don’t think the natural reaction is ever going to be a pleasant one.

Is that nature’s fault then? Is nature transphobic?

Does it even make sense to tilt against this windmill, as they constantly do?

Is it any wonder they want control over children’s education?

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Just been watching an old Frost episode. There was a scene where a "woman" was interviewed and my DH commented on how "nice" a voice she had. I demurred on commenting as I had already clocked him as male (actor and character). The makeup was excellent and presented this VERY young actor (at the time) as female.

However, the head (not "head tilt") was positioned in every scene with the chin down.....hiding the adam's apple. (I've googled the actor and yes his adam's apple is VERY prominent. He is now 50 years old and I don't know when the Frost episode was but I suspect quite some time ago judging by the very old IT tech in the episode!)

Now the reason for a male to be this character presenting as female, was because the character had gone through "gender reassignment". When that was revealed my DH was shocked.

And I was rather "Well I guessed that immediately." and pointed out that usually when this sort of thing is filmed, its *usually* a female with a deep voice that is used. See Rachel Stirling in an episode of Lewis who is supposed to be a male to female. It was impossible to have got a man to do that role so HAD to have a female be the "male" to make it believable to the TV audience.

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