Could people also give random answers to other questions, such as, ‘what is your address’, or ‘where were you born’ or ‘when were you born’.

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I like paella, I think I'll identify as being born in Valencia.

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Why not? Maybe they could say they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or oppressed disclosing their age and income, etc, as it may not reflect their internal reality.

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It needs a test case, someone with €€€€€ and nothing to lose. Just lie all the way through the entire thing.

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There is an internal logic. When reality no longer matters, facts no longer matter. When facts no longer matter, statistics no longer matter. It all makes sense.

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The problem with Ireland is so many people are falling over themselves to be super-"progressive" and want to place so much distance between Irish society now and how it was when it was dominated by the Catholic Church, they will accept any changes if it makes them look more modern and "inclusive". But as always, Irish women and children are thrown under the bus. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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I don't think the Catholic church ever subscribed to gender ideology !!

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Not this particular ideology, but the ideology of oppressing women and othering them.

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Well if that isnt a father Ted moment i dont know what is

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"I hear you're observing sex on the flip of a coin now, Father!"

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Did people actually get paid to come up with this? Just tick any old thing or we'll just tick any old thing... what's the point off all the virtue signalling "we don't want to make anyone uncomfortable" for the split second this will take. Utter drivel

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They've gone one better that Dawn Butler's babies being born without a sex, now it's fine if no-one has a sex.

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No words.

The accuracy of a nation's statistics used to be sacrosanct.

I will find a way to complain. It's the least I can do.

Fair Play For Women have challenged the Census in E&W (with success) and in Scotland (failure). Would FPFW want to take on the Irish national authorities?? I don't know.

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I have written to info@cso.ie as follows;

"Answering the sex question in the 2022 Irish Census: it is madness to allow respondents to tick both male AND female"

Dear Sirs,

The advice to answer the sex question by ticking BOTH boxes seems utterly irresponsible, and I hope that only a tiny number of people in Ireland will decide to do this.

As the famous Irishman and gender critic Graham Linehan wrote in his blog: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/ireland-careens-into-the-unknown?s=r:

"What Census 2022 will tell future generations is that Ireland has progressed so far as a nation that we allowed the Central Statistics Office to be captured by gender identity ideologues and as a result, the census data on sex in 2022 was irrevocably spoiled."

Yours sincerely,

Una-Jane Winfield

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Fucking mental.

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Enumerator delivered the form. Asked my name, how many lived in the house, were we male or female gender, and for my phone number. To put in his notebook. They've never asked for phone numbers before and I refused. I said that male and female were the 2 sexes. He agreed. Then said that gender identity was coming: "We have to move with the times".

The modern thing is to ignore sex? Sheer lunacy!

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Sounds like Robin Walker's reply yesterday to Miriam Cates. "Of course you can do that [teach pupils they can change their sex], because you are supposed to teach LGBT content"

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Corruption corruption corruption.

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"Is accurate census data on sex on the provision of public services important or isn't it?"

It is.

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2+2=5. So the Irish State as well as encouraging people to tell the it (The Irish State) lies, is presumably also going to fine people for not filling in Census forms accurately on other questions? Or not? So you won’t be fined for being a bloke who can’t bear to identify himself as a male on a fuckin form in the privacy of your own home, but you may be fined if you give inaccurate information on say place of birth, or salary bracket? I think all the Irish Terfs should say they were born on the Moon and have incomes of over 1 million 💶. I think also people can be imprisoned for refusing to fill in the Census at all - something Catholics did in NI in early years of ‘Troubles’. This could see an extension built onto every women’s prison in Ireland to house the women who will get thrown in jail. But of course we all know they’re aren’t any women’s prisons in Ireland anymore. They’re all unisex. Pay your TV licence or you may have to spend a month showering with a rapist. Bring back Myles na gCopaleen. Ireland is now The Land of Terves and Pervs. Saints and Scholars all had to feck off elsewhere to protect their sanity.

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As a Scot with some Irish ancestry ,I now feel ashamed of the governments of both countries for allowing themselves to be captured by something as stupid ,incoherent and unscientific as " gender identity ". Totally baffling !!

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hehe you mad Irish people...

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As a researcher, I am speechless!

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