This is a letter written by in by Samtökin 22, a new group set up to protect gay and lesbian people in Iceland. The translation is below.

What is Samtökin 22?
Samtökin 22 – Watchdog for LGB rights Iceland — was founded a little over a year ago.
We have been mentioned quite a bit in the media recently in conjunction with our submission to Parliament regarding the Conversion Therapy Ban proposals and most recently because of the abysmal behaviour of The Icelandic Tourist Board, The Icelandic Disability Alliance and Sjálfsbjörg – The National Confederation of Physically Disable People towards Ica Marín Adrichem, a young blind lesbian, artist and a founding member of our organisation.
We would like to have the opportunity to set the record straight about who and what we are.
Our mission is that lesbians and gay men can live in a society free from persecution, prejudice and discrimination due to their same-sex attraction. We aim to strengthen and protect the rights and interests of same-sex attracted individuals across the board.
We will advocate for our voices to be heard when discussing topics relating to us. We put focus on dual discrimination which is experienced particularly by lesbians. We will amplify their voices when they communicate the concerns they face as same-sex attracted women.
We want to protect children, who may grow up to be same-sex attracted adults, and shield them from the current activist climate. We want to shield them from harmful, unscientific ideology which may lead them to believe they are born wrong and that their body or personality needs modification. Every child deserves the right to grow up and mature naturally and into happy adults at peace with their sexuality.
Core values
We communicate in a respectful manner. We discuss, suggest and sometimes vigorously reject ideas and topics. We do not engage in ad hominem attacks. We will go after the ball, but not the person.
Disagreement is not hate. Its democracy. We do not engage or support in hateful conduct.
We work together, we stand together, we share information and we build trust with other like-minded people and organisations. We are going to change the conversation in Iceland, and we intend to lead it and deliver positive outcomes.
Facts do matter
Our approach is to look at the facts and supporting evidence enabling us to reach informed and trustworthy conclusions and present these in a fact-based, honest and meaningful way.
Legislation, policy-making, guidance, and decisions which affect same-sex attracted people have to be evidence-based.
We will share our ideas and we will participate in dialogues and debates based on accurate and clear definitions. We use the scientific and legal definition of homosexuality as a sexual orientation towards the same sex. Bisexuality is sexual orientation towards both sexes.
We understand that sex is binary; female and male. For most people, the sex is determined at conception, observed at birth or in the womb and recorded accordingly. We reject the idea that extremely rare cases of atypical sex characteristics, DSD/Intersex conditions puts the idea of the sex binary into dispute.
We support women´s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
We support lesbians who reject the pressure to allow males into their spaces and accepting males who claim they are women as sexual partners. And vice versa for gay men.
Politically independent
We are not affiliated with any political party. We reserve the right to interact with individuals, organisations, political parties, media and others with diverse political opinions. That being said, we will never engage or work with anyone who does not share our core values and may be working against us. As said above, we will share our ideas and we will participate in dialogues and debates based on accurate and clear definitions. We will defend the interests and rights of all same-sex attacted people.
If we stop being able to describe reality, then we cannot protect our hard-won rights.
Eldur Ísidór Deville
You can write to the group using this email
The word ‘gender’ has lost all meaning.
Any ‘law’ using the word ‘gender’ is meaningless.
We must protect the word ‘sex’.
Or all is lost.
I posted this extract on Facebook. It's something succinct we could all use to refute the gender ideologues, fetishists, deviants and perverts.
Samtökin 22 – Watchdog for LGB rights Iceland — was founded a little over a year ago.
We will share our ideas and we will participate in dialogues and debates based on accurate and clear definitions. We use the scientific and legal definition of homosexuality as a sexual orientation towards the same sex. Bisexuality is sexual orientation towards both sexes.
We understand that sex is binary; female and male. For most people, the sex is determined at conception, observed at birth or in the womb and recorded accordingly. We reject the idea that extremely rare cases of atypical sex characteristics, DSD/Intersex conditions puts the idea of the sex binary into dispute.
We support women´s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
We support lesbians who reject the pressure to allow males into their spaces and accepting males who claim they are women as sexual partners. And vice versa for gay men.
Another matter; Check the following out if it's still up