My heart goes out to the parents and children of Wales.

It seems like the devolved governments of the UK seem hell bent on undermining the will of the vast majority of people in their countries by pushing through an ideologically driven agenda.

This is undemocratic and worse- attempting to brain wash a generation and alienate them from their parents.

Our liberal values- one of the UK’s only good and positive assets are being torn up in front of our very eyes and replaced with a doctrine invented by unelected and largely unknown players.

Happy Christmas to all that stand for children’s safety and women’s rights. We have celebrate our dedication to each other even if it feels like our world is falling apart.

I love all terfs and people dedicated to the safety of children.

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I suppose the silver lining is that none of this is going under the radar now. It's fully in the face of the public now to judge as we will. Now we need politicians strong enough to stand against child grooming, rape culture and homophobic conversion therapy who we can actually elect next time around.

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This is just the beginning and anyone who thinks this agenda is far-left is insane. This is a FASCIST agenda being brought to you by fascists, the same fascists who support Nazism in Ukraine and want to censor all viewpoints other than their own. Yes, "liberals" and "progressives" are part of this movement and are too cretinous to understand that they are supporting fascism.

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I disagree. It is the Far Left, Big Pharma, Private Medical World pushing this. Transworld, as I call it, brings in MASSIVE £$profits. It is also being pushed by the perverts/predators and paedophiles, and the narcissists of course......Then, there is the movement of young people with *severe* ASD, who look upon this as 'the new way to have ASD' This is a global movement that is being pushed by many billionaires and millionaires. Read Jennifer Bilek's '11th Hour Blog' to find out more.

Back in 2020, I was praising those with ASD who so often have incredible talents, the poets/the artists/the musicians/the creative ones/etc, whose work makes you gasp....Within 10 minutes of writing that post on Twitter, a chap with Autism turned up thanking me, then aseveral of his pals arrived too, all with ASD, thanking me for seeing their creativity, and then the first chap said to me "Lizzie, we are about to change the world!"........and I shuddered, because I had a horrible feeling that some sort of global movement was about to happen that I knew nothing about...and 2020 was 'the year of perfect vision' of course.

And now, here we are, in a cult which has so many members who have ASD, some of whom have allowed terrible things to be done to their once totally healthy bodies, only to find they still feel depressed, unhappy and/or trapped in a world where they still feel like 'aliens', in , what to them is an alien world.

There are so many questions to be asked here, at so many levels from so many angles...even, dare I say it, a question such as 'Is this being done deliberately to ensure sterilization of as many young people with ASD as is possible?. Now, THERE is a question worthy of putting to Mengele and Hitler, of course....but, no question should be ignored, because this is a MAJOR MOVEMENT, aiming to maim, sterilize and sexualize as many children and teens as possible, for whatever blood-curdling reasons The Monsters pushing all this might have...

We are watching True Evil taking place, being done, right in front of our eyes...and one day, I hope VERY soon, this will be viewed on a par with the horrific humans who made lampshades out of human skin, and all other sick villains who've tortured other humans, adults/children in the past.

May God Help Us All....................

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thank you for this Ellen.

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and a renewed thanks to all the team at this site. Thanks to you all we don’t have to face all this alone and we can share our thoughts and reflections freely and try to encourage each other.

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We need now to withdraw from everywhere that the 'trans' is established: schools, public bodies that cater for females, etc. There is no other choice if we are to save our children and grandchildren from this monstrous parasitical movement sucking the very marrow out of our society. This cultural Marxism, Queer Marxism, cannot be allowed to make any more advances. Think Pol Pot's Cambodia. Young activists turning the clock back to Year Zero. It really is going to be that bad. No hysteria. No hyperbole. This is their aim, except with men in frocks and hundreds and hundreds of young girls and children turned into a freak show.

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Mao's Red Guard wearing stilettos.

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Exactly. SO glad people are starting to see this now.

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Spot on!

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Same goin on in Scotlands schools.

Parents fighting with schools and removing kids to home school, but that's not possible for working parents, already struggling with cost of living/ rising costs.

WHO have a lot to answer for and nobody is able to challenge them!

There must be a money trail/ links to WPATH ! Or have I just missed those?

Today, after what happened in Scotland yesterday, I'm deflated.. completely worn out and feeling triggered by TRAs on twitter.

I'm taking a twitter break over Christmas.

Wishing you all the very best over the holidays

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Similar, completely gutted.

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Glad to see someone (I know the author linked to WHO) understands that WHO is a globalist, ideologically driven organization. Meryl Nass has some excellent critiques of WHO on her substack.

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Just looked up Professor Emma Reynold and her belief in post-humanism - which I also looked up: "posthumanism is a philosophical framework that questions the primacy of the human and the necessity of the human as a category." As if this isn't bad enough, get this: "In critical theory, the posthuman is a speculative being that represents or seeks to re-conceive the human." And this: "Key to this posthuman practice is the ability to fluidly change perspectives and manifest oneself through different identities." (Wikipedia)

Speaking as a mere human, this reads to me as the dangerous ideological claptrap of a tiny academic elite and should be nowhere near children. And just in case you were wondering, I have just fluidly manifested myself through the identity of a Very Cross Grandmother.

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Just what Jennifer Bilek has been warning of the past 5 or 6 years. Don't pay attention to the attempted smearing of Bilek as anti-semite. She is not. It merely shows how desperate they are to silence her.

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I agree, 100%.

For those not aware, you can Jennifer Bilek on Twitter and at her '11th Hour' blog,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bjportraits

11th Hour: https://www.the11thhourblog.com/

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Very troubling

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It’s a fact that left-leaning administrations believe they know what’s best for us more than we do, hence the continual interference in our lives. But this is simply ludicrous. Be very afraid of a UK Labour government because self-id and the removal of women and girls’ rights and associated safeguards are coming to you all.

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There’s an assumption starmer will be the next PM. This will be a very very bad outcome for women’s & children’s rights and safeguards. He is very weak. You’d think being a parent himself he would have a moral compass. He doesn’t.

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Do any of you on here comprehend that these governments are doing the bidding of their master, aka The United States of America? And if you think the U.S. supports anything actually "left," you need to grow up. How better to install fascism than by pretending it's a "liberal" agenda.

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Yes, I had assumed that the US pulled the strings. However, I had assumed it was doing so in the name of rampant, unregulated Big Capitalism. As Mary Harrington says, once you've strip-mined the earth's resources for profit, all you're left with is the human inhabitants to commodify and likewise strip-mine.

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Canada has been Transed for MANY years, Susan. Again, whilst under an Extremist Left Govt.

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I would hardly call the Canadian government leftist. They are a corporate government under the thumb of the U.S. (as are all of the Five Eyes countries) bent on destroying the Earth for profit and killing as many indigenous people as possible. Don't fall into the fascist trap of calling fascism leftist.

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the nz government too. jacinda ardern being one of klaus scwhabs WEF trainees. the be kind leftism is merely marketing and a smoke screen. the agenda itself is a war against humanity.

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Well, New Zealand is one of the Five Eyes countries!

Marketing and a smokescreen, very well put. Everything in the U.S. is marketing. A Democratic Party operative during the 2008 election said it might as well be called Brand Obama (he didn't think this was a good thing).

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yes. i am a new zealander. we are a great location to try all sorts of new developments out due to our isolation and population size. our transition from a nondescript democracy into a totalitarian state over the last few years has been so flawlessly executed hardly anyone even knows it happened. but it did.

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Compared to the one before them, Harper's lot, they are very Left Wing. Harper did huge damage to the environment with his ludicrous policies, without care. Trudeau is doing huge damage to women and children, without care.

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And while it may not seem to those elsewhere that the Canadian federal government is Leftist, in Canadian terms ~ which are the terms that count ~ it is most assuredly Leftist. And, for Canada, it *is* extreme. That it shares a community of interests with its American counterparts is no wonder. And though the Canadian government is subject to American goverment pressure, that's not always, nor does it seem to be mostly, the case: it is perfectly capable of acting against the public interest on its own.

Canada has quietly been taking a lead on the Trans front for many years, and is offered, along with Ireland, in the Denton's Document, as a model for embedding Trans ideology ~ avoid publicity.

No US official or US corporate interest had to order the Government of Ontario to imprision men who claim they are women in women's prisons. On the contrary,

TVOntario gushed on 26 January 2016 that a year earlier, "Ontario’s prisons pioneered sensitivity to transgender inmates" by "allow(ing) transgender people to identify their gender when admitted to correctional institutions, regardless of whether they have undergone sex-reassignment surgery."

It's doubtful that many Canadians know this. And that's not for want of Canadian women and men who support women's sex-based rights. It's simply very difficult

to bring anything that contradicts Received Wisdom to public attention, no matter

the policy area.

On the part of the media, there would seem to be a "gentlemen's agreement" to offer no word of doubt about the wisdom of denying biology.

News of Jacob Yaniv ~ the British Columbian who wanted to force largely immigrant women working in waxing salons to wax his genitals ~ and news of Titzilla ~ the Oakville, Ontario, high school teacher who dresses as a hideous charicature of a woman ~ initially went unreported, even by the conservative National Post and Toronto Sun.

It was only *after* each made international news that Canadian "legacy" media covered either story. Very few "gender critical" articles appear and then very rarely.

Of course, it's not impossible to find out what's going on in Canada~ there's Gender Dissent, The Glinner, Reduxx, &c, and "free thought" sites like Quillette. Canada doesn't lack its critics of this and other policies. But the battle to let their voices be heard freely and publicly seems likely to go on for some time.

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Reckon Self ID in Scotland is Starmers version of the Thatcher Poll Tax experiment.

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Just been watching Jester’s YouTube channel- agree with him that new organisations need to be set up. When I was in school Catholics didn’t take part in Assembly. That worked out ok. Nothing divisive. Why then do we have to take part in gender identity and queer theory beliefs?

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its the fact that they are teaching ideologies as FACT and not as ideas that some people subscribe to that strikes me with fear. Death of liberalism. I am a militant liberal.

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They have no idea how extreme they have become

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Good point.

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Children are NOT sexual beings. Disturbed "adults" project their own sexuality onto the little ones. Children's endocrine systems do not produce any sexual feelings until puberty kicks in. Children are sensual, NOT sexual. They love their five senses, but God forbid this is ever misrepresented in any way as 'sexual'. May the warrior parents of Wales continue to fight for the protection of the children of the “Old land of the mountains, the Eden of bards.”

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The contempt that these governments show the people they're meant to serve just blows my mind. Who on earth do they think they are? Hope they all get booted out at the next election as they certainly aren't working for us!

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What you are learning is what many in the U.S. have already learned. The West's governments have nothing but contempt for their citizenry, and why wouldn't they? The citizenry have swallowed endless propaganda as fact without question. Consequently, the propaganda has gotten more and more extreme, and you are expected to swallow it!

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Many of them will have minds that can never see anything from the perspective of other people. They do not even think about the impact upon others, only 'getting the job done', and that is the only place where their focus lies.

TMS Therapy, which John Taylor Robison talks about here, John has Aspergers, is now having an incredible effect on blocked pathways in the brain. They've not yet got it to keep those pathways open, but John now knows what others have been telling him IS true. He used to make the flaming guitars for KISS, back in the day. John talks about here:


BUT, the interesting thing is that now, he can no longer 'just make a decision' without thinking, 'but, wait, how might this affect this person, or that person'....which he finds terribly overwhelming, because once, he 'just made the decision' and that was that......

How many politicians have Aspergers, I wonder? You almost HAVE to have the uber-intelligent brains to remember all that they do, same with lawyers, with so many other areas of life too.... So, they make the decision, like Sturgeon did yesterday, and that's that, job done, not a single worry about others, she got her focus passed and that was ALL she wanted. She and other MPs won't even give a second thought for how so many women are feeling, because they can't even sense that, if they wanted to...

Just my thoughts, and I do not mean to be rude to anyone with ASD. It's in my family, I've loved folks with ASD, I still love folks who have it, as their often magical brains fascinate me, BUT, there is that other part...which is not their fault, but how those pathways are blocked...

Can TMS therapy change the world? Yes, if used correctly, but only on consenting adults obviously.....and it does NOT remove the natural talents of those who have it, nor change their personality, other than they finally get to feel deep emotions and understand them at last.

Here John talks to those who work at Google:


This is the way forward, but first, we have to get through this awful part first.

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The video where he's talking to Google employees is BEFORE John had TMS therapy by the way... forgot to put that in. You can see the difference after TMS here, because he got to feel emotions he'd never felt before. 'My TMS Magic' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-kY9zBXTiQ

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Oh god, my blood pressure! This is shocking! I wonder what percentage of parents in Wales are actually switched on and aware this has happened?

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It's difficult for parents to imagine that a well financed global effort is aimed at their kids, intent on creating a population of lab rats whose care creates profits for global corporations and allows a mens rights movement to erase the rights of a half a doz groups. Many parents first become aware of this is via a school employee who informs them their child is "trans". the parent then learns they have been caught in a trap. school employee teach kids the false idea that normal every day issues are caused by imaginary gender. kids are taught that harmful gender meds solve every child discomfort. by the time the parent learns of this, the child has already been convinced he or she is a magical person and its only the parent who is preventing them from entering nirvana via harmful gender pills. parents are lied to told their child would be better off with gender meds. cass found this isnt true. amsterdam says those on the pills long term have 50% less life expectancy. parents are informed they will lose custody of their child if they dont go along with this fraud. then the child moves out of the home and becomes separated from the parent, separating the child from their protector leaving them vulnerable to adult predators. or the child stays at home emotionally disabled by harmful gender meds and unable to work. now the parent must financially support their disabled child long term.

politicians world wide enacting these policies do so after reading propaganda docs regarding the mythical "trans child". the docs tell about how these kids suffer. as evidence they use the results from questionnaires provided to gender questioning youth to claim "trans youth" are feeling bad, misleadingly omitting the fact that these kids have a ton of psych issues which are the real reason theyre feeling bad. based on these misrepresentations, activist lobbyists have tricked our politicians that erasing the rights of parents and kids will help these kids. it wont and it doesnt. cass determined that. the "care" does more harm than good.

documents like "Supporting Transgender Young People in Education" are what these pols are basing their opinions on. a good rule of thumb is that every gender biz stat and claim is a lie, and easily provable as such. its a shell game where anonymous online polls by and for activists are misrepresented to claim info on different populations. low quality short term studys are used to claim gender meds help. cass found this is all garbage. the pols remain addicted to their myth.

parents need to keep their kids off the internet, ask kids everyday whats going on in schools, what the teachers are teaching. when the subject of GI is presented in schools, parents should provide reality based information to kids. teachers and school admin have fell for a hoax pure and simple. this hoax is harming kids . to the extent evil is real - this is it. kids and parents who have fell for this fraud are victims of a misinformation campaign. adults supporting this think theyre being nice, but actually theyre severely harming kids, robbing them of their human right to go through puberty, lying to them that the care helps normal every day psych issues. it doesnt. it makes them worse. five years out theyre miserable with a ton of problems caused by the care itself, creating a financial windfall for big biz by the suffering of vulnerable kids and their parents.

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My mother provided me with reality-based education AT HOME which contradicted what I was being taught at school. I respected my mother's knowledge and accepted that what she told me was true (it was often based upon her own experience).

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Brilliant post - with which I entirely agree. Two questions:

Do you think one of the reasons women are targetted by the TRAs is that it's us who usually do the child-care and safeguarding?

Do you think it helps if atheist parents tell their children that these lessons are just another form of religion and that what is said isn't actually true?

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I would say that the most important thing any parent can do is be a person whom your child respects and trusts. This means don't lie to them, don't tell them what they experience didn't happen, let them know they can always come to you and tell you anything. This is what I grew up with as compared to my husband's family where the three younger children didn't even tell their parents they were being abused by a babysitter. Their experience did not fit into the family mythology that they were the perfect happy family.

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in my opinion what parents tell their kids about GI depends on the kid. certainly parents should find a way to address GI doctrine in the way that makes the most sense for their family. ideas such as gender is a spectrum and ppl can change gender are more like cult mantras. but they must be addressed if schools are teaching these harmful concepts. the difference btn cults and GI is that $billion corporations are promoting GI and theyve conned most of the school employees. i certainly need to get organized about what i will say to my oldest child. its probably not a good idea for kids to talk about GI too much in schools. depending on the school, a kid maybe bullied for not properly kowtowing to this cult. there are many cult members who are quite extreme and it will do no good to try to convince them. in my case, luckily this isnt an issue yet. i certainly will use the word religion to describe GI. but thats really a slight on religion which has many good traits. my oldest declared himself an atheist in 5th grade, most likely partly due to my descriptions of how many religions were started. for example the Mormon origin story is pretty far fetched, IMO. i will say the whole idea of GI is a hoax perpetrated by big biz. that most of his teachers have been tricked and its severely harming kids. i will say that he should still treat any kid who claims to be trans or any other alphabet with respect and treat them just like any other kid. that most likely theyre just trying to fit in or putting up a shield to protect themself from an abusive parent or are dealing with trama the best way they know how. i dont have any girls so i guess its easier for me. also my kids schools haven't really gave the whole GI lesson yet, but im expecting it soon. yes, its a tin foil hat belief that mostly liberals have adopted. its why i no longer call myself a democrat. its a big threat to kids. adults who have this belief will try to talk to kids without parents knowing. i tell my kid not to trust them and not to speak to any school employees except their teacher. especially dont talk to any school counselor. i tell my kids that school employees dont care about them and they shouldnt trust them. this would work with my kid since he knows i have his back. im always showing concern for him asking if there are any bullies at school and the like. the chrome book he uses is school provided. as such its his belief the school is monitoring his internet use. im not sure if thats true or not but it helps since its immpossible for parents to monitor kids internet use all the time, especially since much of his school homework must be done on the chromebook. but i imagine other kids, who are older, would be attracted to the thought they can talk to school employees without parents knowledge and some would take gender pills just to spite their parents. so each parent much tailor their childs education for their child. i think there should be a set of reality based facts for people opposed to this fraud. for example, sex is not a spectrum and the like. its really not what kids need to know or learn but the fraudsters have forced this on parents. its if a group of child eating panthers moved into the area. suddenly an education about panthers becomes life or death knowledge.

TRAs target women becuase they see women as obstacles to what they are trying to do. the whole gender affirmation celebration is a manipulation and those that tip ppl off to the con are dealt with like a security guard at a diamond heist. women and TRAs are the boots on the ground. the front line soldiers. TRAs are an army. they wish to have an easy flat plain to march across. theyve been sold a lie. set up like the Sturmabteilung. the ideology inflected warrior is an effective soldier. when german soldiers entered france their eyes looked crazy and the french were confused. to create this soldier they were fed a steady diet of lies. to defuse them they need deprogramming. every gender biz stat and claim is a lie. the media blackout in countering GI has allowed them to be radicalized in a bubble. as a man, i often challenge these dudes. theyre completely brainwashed. im not sure a women can be as effective as countering them. their misogyny is too great. we saw this with trump fans too. they only wanted another spoon of tar to feed their addiction to lies. . but women are doing the thankless task of standing up to TRAs . i like to point out that GI erases the rights of a half a doz groups. its not just TRA v women. GI also harms dysphorics, who are prevented from getting evidenced based care and pushed into harmful ideology care. GI harms gays, who often have dysphoria and are being lied to told theyre trans by homophobic arrogent boot licking school employees. so hopefully soon TRAs will see its not just women who are challenging this fraud. its a process. we didnt get into this mess over night.

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Superb post, Kyle

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Kim Isherwood, "This is not a loss; this is a higher level of exposure."

Keep that in mind. Protect children from the influence of these nonsense lessons through friendships with beleaguered families. We must develop the narrative for bodily integrity. We must preserve the innocence of childhood. How dare anyone say there is no such thing!

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I LOVE this attitude. "This is not a loss; this is a higher level of exposure." Wonderful insight.

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Yes, I've seen this brazenness come out since 2015, which eventually will peak society.

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Well, there's been a movement afoot to kill public education for many, many decades by the ultra right and now the left has its finger on the trigger and barrel against the temple all ready to count it down... (if counting isn't a triggering micro-aggression of some kind, to be safe let's call it "a suicidal affirmation"...). Head fuckers.

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We need leadership. We need people to show parents what is happening and lead them in the withdraws of their children from schools en masse. If that happened it would bring down this house of cards. In Scotland we need to all apply for a certificate. Mass civil disobedience is what is needed now.

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We need our own political party that prioritises women and children. We don't need MPs, just a platform, which we can get by entering elections. Then talk, tell everyone what is going on and let the politicians defend what they have done and what they plan to do. Once the truth is finally out then the real fight begins.

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Kellie-J! 🥳

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I don't know how it works in the U.K., but in the U.S. mass withdrawal of children from public schools means LOWER FUNDING for the schools in question by the federal government. This is how a strike at my high school in California worked: Students struck on the day attendance was being counted for this purpose, the school would have lost funding (admittedly, the federal government does not fund its proper share of education anymore), the administration quickly folded to students' demands which were quite reasonable.

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I see that Graham has his Twitter account back. Good stuff.

I note that the SNP is now being called The Scottish Nonce Party by a number of people.

Is Kellie Jay Keen back I wonder? I'm not sure what her handle was.

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January 25th a rally outside Bute House, Edinburgh to demand ‘Sturgeon Out”.

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She’s back!! Kellie-Jay Keen @ThePosieParker

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oh no! ... so sorry to read this - I don't know the Welsh for " women/parents/everyone with a brain and a heart n a vote wont friggin wheesht"

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