This is excellent, to the point where I would print it out and carry a copy. I am sure that reading this out to any politicised police officer would have the same effect as spraying bug repellant, they would think twice and beat a hasty retreat.

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Excellent analysis, thank you. I hope this lady takes it up with the authorities. Especially after Suella Braverman's speech about single-sex spaces and the "highly-politicised agenda" the other day.

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I so hope BD at least lodges a complaint about this officer. I hope they take them to court too - the police need to be pulled up for theior policing of speech and thoughts. I'd donate to a crowd funder.

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Brilliant analysis Dennis. Is there a strong enough case to take this Police Officer to court?

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I cant wait for this to go to court

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Great run down. Thanks.

Is there a possibility the PC involved could be charged? I sincerely hope there is a possible charge in there somewhere.

It's completely at odds with what we expect from our police.

I can't believe the audacity of a uniformed representative of the police behaving in such an intimidatory manner in a person's own home when no hint of a crime is present.

Thanks for spelling out the issues so clearly.

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Can we donate to the poor woman’s defence fund or is she well cared for for now?

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I hope that poor woman sues the police force and the officer and gets a large amount of compensation. I've never heard such relentless bullying. Absolutely dreadful.

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Thank you. I can now sleep. Bloody awful day on TERF Island.

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Dennis, how do we put you in charge of going after these goons? Do we form a nonprofit? Asking for an American who is still struggling to picture you in a wig like Rumpole

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Don't make me post a wig selfie :)

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...I don't want my vision of you shattered like that

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Don't forget the swooshy capes :-)

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I am so fed up reading about these abuses of power and while I don't mind supporting legal action I think we need to find another means to end these incidents pdq. Court cases take forever and cost a lot of money. They are not exactly a deterrent. If they were, the incidents would have stopped after the Miller case. The fact that they are still doing it, and not feeling any fallout means they are still on Stonewall's mission. We need to shame the chief constables who are supporting this. We need to re-educate all those officers who have been through Stonewall's diversity training and de-programme them. Politicians need to be made aware of this and we need mainstream media to get on board with exposing these cases. Perhaps we could protest at the Headquarters of those police forces that a not tackling this problem. That might bring the press around.

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PCOS bully says ‘TWAW ‘ 10 times before sleeping at night. If anyone needs education and a read on the internet, it’s her / him / they / them / it.

What a disgraceful exchange.

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"Disgraceful"... that is absolutely the word I was looking for to describe this.

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Thank you Dennis. This is brilliant. I'd have loved to ask that Stonewalled Policewoman a) What she thinks I should read b) How is having toilets marked only Men, Disabled and Gender Neutral NOT 'Erasing Women' before sending her packing with a reading list starting with Trans - When Ideology Meets Reality, Material Girls, Irreversible Damage, The End of the World is Flat etc ......

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Thank you so much Dennis for your detailed and informative analysis of the law relating to the latest shocking incident of police harassment. We are indeed in cliown world.

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I heard this recording last night on Kelly-Jay, and then the lotus eaters. It’s good it’s being well aired. It was also clever of Bella Doe to record the whole thing.

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Really interesting read, thanks for the breakdown. This incident and shocked and enraged me.

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