Stateside here, and cannot thank you enough for your courage.

Cliches aside, these transactivists are the brownshirts of the 21st century. They openly call for killing us, and hunt for women and men who do not actively affirm their worldview and their demands for access to our spaces, resources, and bodies. I'd use the term "pink shirts," but I hate to tar lesbians and homosexuals who simply want to be left alone with the same brush.

The Pink Shirts are harnessing the BLM/Antifa 'idea movement, " which has caused $2 billion in property damage and up to 40 killings and 100s of injuries to cops and bystanders since 2020. A woman who asserts biological reality is at risk of rape and death threats, doxxing, personal harassment, job loss, reputation loss, property destruction, assault, and worse, from people who falsely claim THEY are the victims of our "violence" of giving them what we want.

If they get the power of law enforcement behind them, and/or we continue to not be protected by law enforcement or other institutions like Big Tech and corporations, we are literally being hunted as dissident TERFs. With the US language of domestic "extremism" morphing to anyone who isn't openly supportive of CRT and transideology, gender critical feminists become domestic "terrorists" by definition, losing all civil liberties.

I'm afraid this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and it feels impossible to get this information in front of the majority of humans who would agree with us if they simply saw three hours of evidence of ongoing autogynephiliac male assaults on women and girls, pressure on disturbed youths to self-mutilate and harm through this cult, and the stealing of hard-earned rights and privacies we fought centuries to win.

It's hard to stay optimistic. This is a very, very dangerous movement looking for a way to hunt middle-aged white women as witches. They literally talk about wanting to kill us, with no consequences, and our complaints are reported as "violence."

Lord help us all.

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All the very best of luck to you and Helen tomorrow.

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This us what’s happened to me because I repost from you site, Genevieve, NZ women etc. No action is taken against those who lie about, abuse, and threaten women. Twitter, FB, and even Mumsnet have all proven both misogynistic and homophobic😡

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The one positive of never accruing 100+ followers before being boshed by the hard-left ban hammer: Their authoritarian bullshit means nowt. A 50p SIM and hostilities are recommenced. Ten minutes later you've retrieved your loyal followers too. Get in!

Re Jacob Tobia. I read a delicious comment on Twitter: He's a mash-up of the Human League! 😂😂😂

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not shocked although it should be shocking - do you know who is asking the questions tmrw?

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