Jun 16, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

"...targeted at a traffic stop for being trans..."🤔

Have been all over the lower 48 for work for 20 years. It's kinda hard to get noticed as a middle aged, bog-standard, balding white guy. Something is not as it's claimed to be. (Possibly it's the drug possession in a culture that takes a very, very dim view of drug possession. )

...I've been on here too much today and ima f off now and pursue the outdoors.

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I have ample evidence Muscato's rap sheet has been Photoshopped to read that he's female because Wilson County has him listed properly as male.

Someone's lying. It isn't Wilson County.

I await your convenience if you wish to see this evidence for yourself.

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yes please, thank you!

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if you just reply to one of the substack emails from me I'll see it

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I’d like to see that, if possible.

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Happy to share it with you.

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Forgive me, but I am highly skeptical he was targeted “for being trans”. At the risk of being even more unfair, I imagine that “critical medication” means the opposite-sex hormones he chooses to take rather than something like insulin.

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Well, the Wilson County Constabulary was gifted a new device called TransRadar last year don't you know?

Yes, apparently they can spot a trans person from up 500 yards away with this device.

I'm not sure if this is a handheld model like your average radar gun or if they mount this on a flatbed.

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Yes, it is a specialised piece of equipment that can detect transwomen. We are always bring told we can never know for sure if someone is trans, right? Clearly our own eyes and brain and common sense couldn't possibly be sophisticated enough to tell that Danielle is a TIM. 😁

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*being* told

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As far as I know there are actually pictures of the drugs he takes. Many of them are not critical at all.

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Insufficient deference towards underachieving, balding white dudes is truly the civil rights battle of our age.

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Yes we must turn our attention to men’s needs and bizarre narcisstic predilictiond as priority instantly and constantly. Nothing new in that. That’s why god made them bigger, louder and stronger. It must all be correct. Brook no dissent! Arghhhhhh.

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What a sexist and racist comment. [sarcasm for those with no bullshit detectors] Every day in every way in these United States we learn that white people, men and Christians are the most persecuted minorities in the world.

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"Rescue Danielle"--gimme a break

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But it's so girly to want to be rescued: It's the Rapunzel Syndrome. But sadly, 'Danielle' suffers from male pattern baldness.

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You could always climb the tower by holding on to Rapuzel's chin hairs :-)

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dont laugh too hard - i'm sure male pattern baldness is kinda an important issue here - think about all those wigs and what they are hiding (the loss of youth and a certain yearning to be more attractive?)

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Many of us mourn the loss of youth and attractiveness. But don't go the full Danielle. Also, it's a drug bust I think and I never did hear of any illicit drugs making anyone more attractive or youthful in appearance. As the mug shot attests. You may realise by now I've never been one of "Danielle's" fans, not since he moved into a women's shelter.

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('plain' women like myself are probably less socially isolated as we age - so its actually a win - rather than suffering an 'invisibility'). also i think self -delusion (possibly over-whelming) leads these TIM individuals to transgress other boundaries/laws. and of course none of their identity as boundary breakers has anything to do with being a woman.

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Counting down to some idiot judge who declares "Danielle" to be vulnerable and they get a slap on the wrist.

And we're talking about this person:


I can hazard a guess as to what medication he SHOULD be on. 🤡

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The charges he was arrested on imply methamphetamine. 9 out of 10 anyone in the state of Tennessee roped on these charges is a meth charge.

Possession of just half a gram of the stuff carries a maximum 30 years in the state.

No, they're not arsing around in Tennessee. In fact, Tennessee is trying to see just how punitively shittier their laws are than Texas.

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He has previous form for being pro-legalization of marijuana so it could be that. But he'll milk the trans angle like a veteran dairy farmer.

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The key word is "manufacture".

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It's not that. They wouldn't charge him with possession and manufacture with intent if it was marijuana if it were less than an ounce.

Nope, this is most certainly meth.

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Will they let him serve his time in a women's jail or does Tennessee have no truck with that nonsense?

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Tennessee pretty much told him "fuck your pronouns" when they listed him as male on their arrest blotter.

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You're confirming my suspicions, William. As soon as I saw "manufacture," I thought meth.

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It's definitely a tell. Anyone from Missouri will confirm this.

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It truly is hard to be creative in those times. I find myself living and breathing the whole situation and I'm sure plenty of other subscribers here are wound up by it. It's mental.

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Once you see (male bs and complicity everywhere) you can’t unsee it. We’re all doomed to know the truth 😂. I think feminists have been saying this for a very very long time. This latest iteration of male fuckwittery is a gift because, as usual, men have just gone too far. As the spoilt ones always do in breaking and destroying people, lives and the planet. That they have female enablers in this age ready to hand over our and their own rights is the real tragedy for women and children. That they have been so gaslit and oppressed that women as a class have Stockholm syndrome, men believe there own bs and unquestioningly believe every fantastical unreal male structure created is just pathetic really. None of it is real or any good and yet here we all are. 😀It takes some personal work comprehending for sure and it’s HUGE. Moneys not real or a science, men can’t give birth, we’re in a mass extinction event due to pollution, war is funded more than life, belief in prophets will save us, TV and the inter web are educational and harmless tools, leaders and bureaucracies are not wealthy greedy sociopaths afraid of ending up charged with crimes against humanity or assassinated, women, children and the vulnerable aren’t routinely abused, systems and the middle classes aren’t enforcers for the elite or famous and on it goes. The primarily poor and oppressed populations of the world need to wake up and stop colluding with all this non sense.

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Oh and that old Nazi chestnut “work sets you free” hanging over concentration camps where they measured out and studied how much was needed to keep someone alive to work ...and the rest is history....

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This shit beggars belief! Targeted for being trans my arse. What an absolute charlatan. As for Jameela? 🙄

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People like Jameela will walk away from this mess with clean hands when the house of self-id crumbles for good. She will hide behind the "I was only being kind" facade while she threw away other women's rights and spaces. Why do we need to show kindness to men who tell us to suck their dick?

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I'm still giggling over here at the idea of TransRadar.

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Born 1984 🤣🤣🤣

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Jesus-that one threw me for a loop too! I thought he was at least 10 yrs older by the looks of him.

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Rode hard, put away wet.

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He self-identifies as a 37 yr old. 😉

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Love that! Gutted I didn't think of that one. Not gon' lie 😜

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Danielle Tatiana!!

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"These days if you say you're trans you'll be arrested and thrown in jail."

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More like throw a man in jail and he'll claim he's a woman.

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From the gofundme page:

"Danielle Muscato, a civil rights activist who regularly attends protests for Black Lives Matter and other causes, has been arrested in Tennessee. She was targeted on a traffic stop due to being trans, and charged with manufacturing and intent to distribute, among other things, because she travels with cooking equipment to cook for her friends."

Cooking equipment!! 😆

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Oh lol. They're making Graham redundant with these comedy shit shows 😂

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Anyone who makes me laugh out loud -- and lots of you have been successful on this thread! -- gets a like from me.

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She's a traveling cook!

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Oooh, it seems "Danielle" isn't pleased when other people don't follow the rules. 😁


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"Danielle" is lucky the shopper didn't go to her car, get a gun, and kill him. This crap over mask wearing is unbelievable and it's not "Danielle" 's job to tell people what to do. Months ago I just told the manager at the grocery store that I didn't want to be in line next to people not wearing masks.

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I can't describe how intensely frustrating I find it when GC people use transwoo like 'misgendering' and 'they' instead of 'he'. It affirms the very thing we know is not real. it erases women and reality and sane language where the word used signifies the true signified. Why would any of us ever do that?

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I agree. "Misgendering" is the word they use to mean "disobedience", usually female disobedience. Accepting that it is even a thing is tacitly accepting that there is some obligation or etiquette in which adjusting your language to how someone else wants to be perceived is the correct or polite thing to do. It isn't. There's no such thing. It should be called "compelled pronouning".

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Q: How did the cops know Danielle Muscato was trans?

A: Don't worry, he told them. Over and over and over...

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Are we certain it was the real police that stopped him, and not the fashion police?

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Omg I almost swallowed my gum while snort laughing at that!

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