"I feel like you're forcing me into dictionary definitions". This is insane. Insane! And not an expert!? What kind of defense is that? He's the CEO of a major LGBT organisation, fgs! Is he really so lacking in curiosity over his own subject area ie the Cass Report, or did he really just have no answers? I'd guess the latter. The corruption stinks.

Thanks goodness for a bit of light relief in this segment:

AR - we don't know how many people actual regret and are actually gay and lesbians

PR - I don't agree.

AR - Do you know how many there are?

PR - no.

AR - then you do agree with me.


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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

Where to start?

I'm not an expert...

I vaguely recall this and that... (this and that being glaring and serious safeguarding concerns)

I've only "skimmed" the Cass Review...

We're talking about children's healthcare here. Children's bodies. Children's lives. And this feels like nothing more than a shrug and an eye roll.

I'm disgusted by these insulting and dismissive responses and heartbroken for the children who have been harmed.

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Bizarre attitude to take to a court room!

Surely you would gen up and back up with facts and references what you saying!

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How long before he sticks his fingers in his ears and loudly sings 'LALALALALALA'?

And these dingbats are leading the trans charge. How on a earth did they get so far?

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If only it was televised. The complacency and arrogance being laid bare should be seen by all including the parents who have trusted Mermaids with the health and well-being of their children.

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More lack of expertise earlier in the day . . .

AR - are you suggesting that Fanshawe and Harris are denying

Human rights to trans people?

PR - I’m not accusing anyone of that, I’m not a legal expert.


AR - a disproportionate number of gay young people being referred to GIDS. 10% in general population.

PR - I’m not an expert in statistics.


AR - gender affirming medical care - a teenager given puberty blockers

Does not go through their puberty with their peers,

PR - not an expert

AR - just your general understanding

PR - not a medical expert

AR - not suggesting you are, but you are an LGBT rights campaigner

PR - yes.

AR - going on to surgery, these surgeries are irreversible?

PR - Not an expert.

and this!

AR - being gay is about being sexually attracted to someone on the same place on the spectrum as you regardless of their biological sex.

PR - I disagree.

AR - what is your definition then?

PR - I don’t agree with that, it’s not that binary.

PR - I’m not that it’s my place to come up with a definition.

AR - you see that from these definitions, it’s completely different when people are attracted to be people of the same sex.

PR - I don’t believe it’s that binary

AR - being attracted to people of the same gender,

Is very different from being same sex attracted.

PR - I do not see the world as that binary.

AR - describes lesbian couples that may be one butch and one femme, aren’t they a straight couple based on gender identity?

PR - I don’t believe there are many lesbian couples like that

(Outburst from spectators) 😂😂😂


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A great woman summed it up so well, once upon a time. What were those words... oh yeah... "Seriously absolute fuckery".

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And there we have it. Not an expert in anything but prevarication and cult talk. Willfully and criminally ignorant re. safeguarding. But by god, he clings to the mantra of ‘inclusion and diversity’. ‘Inclusion’ of what exactly? All the cult's many ‘diverse’ physical, mental, and emotional tortures? Yes, I’ll give that to him, but don’t think that’s what he meant. And now he’s on record.

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It's soooooooooooo frustrating tobread that!! Only circular thinking, no answer, NO F#CKING MENTION OF WOMEN AS IF WE DON'T EXIST!!!

Each time the word woman or lesbian was used he swiych on Trans identified male😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬😡

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What an absolute melt!

I’m no expert but I bet we’ve all got more care and concern for the children who pass through Mermaid's doors, than this fuckwit ever had.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading … literally!

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This guy is as thick as two short planks

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Edit: My original comment stated that the witness was a liar, but as I was not in the courtroom myself, & had no in-person opportunity to judge the credibility and comportment of the witness, I retract it.

Let me just say this: what a skewering! Most enjoyable. Attorney AR will have enormous fun summing up that testimony in closing arguments.

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I'm no expert, but this man Paul Roberts is a dangerous fool.

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"I'm not an expert" is doing a lot of heavy lifting on behalf of Paul Robert's stream of evasions. A truly horrible witness for the complainant.

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Oh my blood pressure! This not-an-expert’s initials are superbly aligned as the first two letters of the five letter word that sums him up so well.

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