I blocked that utter ****. I never fails to disappoint that men who have zero skin in the game and who are wholly unaffected by spaces and rights (I.e. they don’t have to move a millimetre from the status quo) are so pass remarkable when it comes to safeguarding women and girls. They are all beardy blokes who have probably not had much to worry about because they have a sense of entitlement that hums off them like lynx Africa.

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I'm always tempted to reply 'go sleep with one and report back'

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Anyone who didn't answer his question in the affirmative, he labelled a transphobe.

There was a very good article by a philosopher on 4w last week about misgendering. Those Catholics who believe a wafer literally becomes the body of Christ do not (generally) accuse anyone without that belief of religious hatred.

For them, the wafer becomes 'he', not 'it'.

I don't know if it's an original thought, but I haven't seen it explored much elsewhere in my short time reading about the debate.


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Never heard of this dolt before. From his website I see that he says that "I am a Irish Creative Director and designer living in London." A illiterate dolt it would seem.

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Never heard of him before today. He’s blocked anyone who counter argued his ridiculous statement. Is he a real man? He seems to have no bollox.

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He’s a miserable little git that one.

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Looked through his timeline and it appears he is a leftie from Cork. So that will be no questions about trans just accept the ideology for your woke points.

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A quick perusal of Donal's journalism and opinion pieces shows that he has covered Ireland's mother and baby homes scandal extensively. Based on that, you'd think he would have no problem defining what a woman is. The women he has reported on did not end up rejected by their families, sent to the 'homes' or have their children cruelly removed from them because of their 'gender identity'.

Here's a question for the likes of Donal based on his strongly-held assertion that TWAW. He should be able to agree with me 100% that all the adult inmates of the mother and baby homes were women. If transwomen are women, how many transwomen were processed through the homes? What are the statistics for the number of transwomen who were sent to mother and baby homes in Ireland in the decades up until 1990 when the last home shut? We are often reminded that transwomen have always lived amongst us and, to repeat his assertion, 'transwomen are women', so how many were sent to a mother and baby home or a Magdalene laundry?

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it is highly unlikely..no...I'll go further...that no transwoman was ever sent to a mother and baby home. If TWAW, what makes them different from 'other' women that resulted in them never being sent to a mother and baby home? On what basis did transwomen manage to avoid that particular hell? Should we infer that transwomen were more moral than 'other' women and did not put themselves in a position where they were likely to fall pregnant? Maybe they had better access to contraception?

The gall of this man happily slinging around the word 'TERF' to fit in with the cool kids. Insulting women who argue that biological sex matters. What an insult to the thousands of women who were processed through Ireland's mother and baby homes, not to mention the thousands of women who left the country to have their babies in the UK, or the thousands of women who travelled for abortions. And the thousands of women who had symphysiotomies carried out on them without consent. And the thousands of women who were shackled to their marriages by huge numbers of kids and no access to divorce until recent times. And the thousands and thousands of women in Ireland who had careers in the public sector cut short because of the marriage bar that required them to give up their jobs when they married and can only dream of the fat pensions their male contemporaries enjoy.

Funny how no one had a problem identifying what a woman was in all those situations. Peculiar, isn't it, how few males were identifying into the category of 'woman' in those years?

The ink is barely dry on the legislation that allows Irish women to finally claim autonomy over our own bodies and Irish men like Donal are telling us that not only are 'TWAW', but we are bigots if we don't agree to believe that. Could you not give us 5 minutes, Donal, before we have to start making room for male bodies in our refuges, changing rooms, hospital wards, prison cells? Could you not just keep your mouth shut or is the old habit of telling women to keep quiet too deeply embedded in the psyche of the Irish male? Those years having to appear to be pro-women's rights must have been exhausting for some. What a relief that an opportunity to centre males again has come along so quickly. And not only are males centred, but you can also get kudos for telling women, while they watch their rights to privacy, safety and dignity be diluted, they must 'be kind' about these males. Lads, it's even better than the good old days!

He is the worst type of modern Irish male who smugly believes that he's more enlightened than his father or grandfather. If this was the 1950s, he'd be the cute whoor down the back of the church on Sunday, not really believing, but he knows which way the wind blows and it's better to stay on the right side of the priest. He'd stay quiet, at best, when the rumours about the local girl who has 'gone away' for a while begin to circulate. He'd deny parentage of any child conceived after a fumble behind the dancehall, denounce the woman as a slut and then he'd get on with his life. Give me an old-fashioned sexist any day. They came right out with their misogyny instead of using it to gaslight women.

Tall, short, fat, thin, short-haired, long-haired, always dressed to the nines, always in a pair of slacks, drives a tractor, drives a Mini, played with dolls as a child, played with Meccano, played with both, wouldn't miss a rugby match, loves a day at a spa, can help a cow calf, can raise 13 children, has a PhD, finished school at 18, stays at home to look after their child with special needs, can be relied upon to turn up and make a mountain of sandwiches for a funeral at the drop of a hat, pro-life, pro-choice, only attracted to other females, only attracted to males, asexual, bisexual is childfree by choice, has struggled to conceive naturally, engineer, teacher, carpenter, childminder...I could go on. But all those descriptors in various combinations apply to women I know. The only thing that they ALL have in common is their biological sex. And up until not very long ago, the other thing that they would have all had in common is that if they had ended up pregnant outside marriage, there was the possibility they could have ended up in a mother and baby home and lived forever with the aftermath. No Irish male ever, no matter how he presented to the world, no matter how well he passed, would ever have shared that dubious distinction. So, Donal, once again, what makes a transwoman a woman?

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We all know we need a new type of society but one that erases women isn’t one worth living in for women. Them motive for this now is economic if women can remain oppressed and exploited none of our labour and reproductive labour needs acknowledging, serving or paying for and that keeps men richer and in control of the resources.The MRA motives are quite evilly intentioned really. Not that the poor can see the elites motivation under capitalism in which we are all simply numbers of exploitable units whose costs should be minimised and men are used to police women and keep us in our place. This movement is a gift to them to erase and invisibilise the neglect and cruelty against women (and often our children who are more easily exploited with Mothers silenced) as a class.

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BTW... We don't talk enough about Julie Burchill.

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Yes, Donal, “trans women” are transsexuals. 👍

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Oh, if he thinks that he should totally be with one.

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I want to call him a "prison individual" but I can't as I can't use the exact word. Why are these men so determined to wind people up? What pleasure can it really give them. They really need to get out a bit more now lockdown is easing, and meet people face to face to share their views. Why? Because there are more prison individuals out there who will put him and the others well and truly in their place.

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"Next time you hear any man saying ‘transwomen are women’ ask him what makes him so sure he gets an opinion on the matter"

Or simply ask him what a woman is since if the answer to that is that a woman is anyone with the gender identity of a woman then essentially we no longer have a definition of "woman". You cannot see or know objectively another person's gender identity, and for all you know they may not even have one. Me, for example. And if we don't have a workable definition of what a woman is then it becomes meaningless to announce that any person is a woman. Including a trans woman. Anyone who is capable of deploying but 1% of their grey matter can see that this is where the transideological statement must needs leads. It is ultimately self defeating. What worries me is that those hormones actually render the brain incapable of working this out.

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As hostility never gets you anywhere with people, I would respond to someone saying that with something like:

"You realise that by holding that (scientifically impossible) view, you are seen as harming actual women's rights?" and see if something drops.

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