Whatever gender he chooses he’ll never escape from the fact that he comes across as an arrogant, bigoted, ignorant narcissist. The fact that he is so ignorant on medical matters should preclude him from this post. His statements on puberty blockers are dangerous and the fact that he thinks that it’s ok for male bodies to participate in female sports just illustrates his closed minded ignorance and lack of empathy for women. This appointment is a disgrace and an insult to women but it does do one thing…. it highlights how little women matter.

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I guess that truly stupid people, do not know that they are stupid. He is so smug entitled and narcissistic, that he assumes he knows best. He has no sensitivity to the possible feelings of (real/ actual) women- because he views 'femininity' as only a superficial fashion-style: if he cross-dresses, he can now be a woman. I wonder who in the Charity, allowed him to get the job..!?

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It’s shocking that someone who has repeatedly insulted and abused women, who has participated in aggressive tra protests, would even be considered. I can just picture starry eyed virtue signallers worshipping at his feet and patting themselves on the back for their right on credentials. 😡

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I have just chedked the Charity Commission website. They are run by 6 Trustees. They have 5 Volunteers. Income in 2021 £3,110. Income in 2022 £8,398. This a small local group, taken over... As CEO (unpaid!) he can now try and comment publically on 'Women's Issues'... it's propaganda

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And validation!

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Spot on TT!

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Just ugghhhh. The women who appointed this MAN, with no womb, no ovaries, no cervix actually thought they were being smart and clever and hip. Not, you utter morons, you are traitors to womanhood. Anyone who has ever suffered from endometriosis knows how horrible it can be, but no MAN can ever even begin to imagine. When are women going to wake up and refuse to be co-opted into this insulting sexually-driven paraphiliac/fetishist behaviours? If those idiots actually knew what that disgusting piece of humanity really thinks about them as human beings (hint: he doesn't see them as human beings) they would not be so quick to fetishize his fetishes. He doesn't like you, you dolts. He sees you as inferior to him, to all men, worthy of being relegated to a piece of meat on legs that enjoys being humiliated. That is the source of his kicks. Putting on a frock and heels, and wearing a wig or growing long hair, plastering on the lippy and make-up with a trowel are just the icing on the cake of his narcissistic paraphilia. For God's sake, you handmaidens and aunties, grow a brain.

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Well said!!

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Exactly. It's another "TQUIA2S+ For Hamas !" episode. It's a wonder they're not preceded by convulsions and fevers. Or are they?

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Hear hear. Perfectly put.

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Don't hold back now Lorncal!! I love to see a great rant - Saves me doing it !

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For someone who claims to have a "feminine brain" he sure does a heck of a lot of mansplaining to women. Also why on earth do we need qualified medical experts when we have a hairdresser to explain how sex and even childhood are social constructs. Obviously the best person for the job (sarc).

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🤣🤣why indeed.

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It really isn't satire though...it's a dystopian nightmare that we are stuck in... Thanks Graham for your unwavering fight. I'm still chuckling over some of the funny bits... But seriously...I think the board that appointed him were a bunch of (mental handmaids) I mean women and this is so disturbing frankly

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Rage inducing!!. These fucking entitled blokes and their stupid apologists can just f##k off!! 🤬🤬🤬

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My thoughts exactly.

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So crass, so comical ,so utterly dismissive of women.What possessed the twits at this charity to get a bloke to front it? Only women get this, a pal of mine had it and was told by various (male ) G.Ps for years,that it was in her head, etc in spite of crippling pain and anaemia. She had a hysterectomy at 40. I don't know who is the most pathetic, kinky knickers or the stupid people that appointed him.

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It's the same for any "women's problems" - male GPS are largely dismissive because they cannot comprehend how crippling the pain can be and the impact it has on the lives of women affected. It's the same for fibroids and for for women who have particularly painful cramping as part of their normal cycle.

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To be honest, even women GPs go over to the dark side. I had a female GP tell me that my exhaustion was down to the menopause when I had an underactive thyroid. I think it's women like this that are the trans allies amongst us. They're stupid enough to think that somehow they're earning 'brownie points' by siding with the likes of TIMs.

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I agree. There have always been women that will prioritise men over women - even to the point of doing harm.

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"Say no to hate. Always happy to talk."

"See you in hell if you're a terf."

...yeah, nothing worrying about the striking contradiction in those two statements, is there?


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“See you in hell”?

We’re already there mate.

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Well, he's half-right, anyway: if there is a hell, he's surely going there.

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He's not happy to talk, he's happy to lecture and bully, and he doesn't that bothered about the hatred he directs towards others. What he isn't up for is listening, and when he doesn't like what he hears, he'll go to the usual go to sanctuary of 'transphobia'. Ffs, surly these monstrous, misogynistic horrors and their compliant, arse kissing 'allies' are running out of road. If they aren't and aren't going to, then we're all fucked. This cannot be allowed to end that way.

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Milli Hill has it absolutely right, it wouldn't be a discussion, it would just be listening to a monologue. This man has been promoted above all his abilities due to, apparently, his appropriation of womanhood (and thus amount of supposed oppression points) an abundance of unwarranted confidence, and soliciting a handmaiden. It's a sad world we live in.

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This is not about endometriosis or women. It is a set up, a con job. A trans promoter founded this non charity and “Steph” nominated her for an award then the awarded phone appointed Steph as CEO. Publicise this if you can. Charlatans one and all.

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I'm willing to talk as long as you agree with everything I say -sounds about right for the be kind crowd!

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Can I suggest we all contact the charity on endosouthcoast@gmail.com indicating our disgust that a man has been appointed CEO of a charity run entirely for women. No man will ever experience endometriosis, no matter how many bits he gets chopped off or how many hormones he takes. If I’m a “fucking TERF” or a “cunt” for saying that then so be it.

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I've done that, directly to the woman who is Head of the Board of Trustees and suffers from endometriosis. Which I find entirely incomprehensible.

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Me too

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Thank you for bringing light to this disgraceful appointment JL

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I wonder how many women decided this? You would know that he's a man a mile off, and the fact that he has not one qualification on the issue just makes this whole thing so insane. I hope to God that the other women in this group blow their tops soon and send him packing. He and the appointment - and the bloody women who appointed him - make me physically sick.

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Look at the PhD mentioned above. They are in a small group of ideological backslappers, who 'study' and become 'qualified' in this field they created. Women denying they are women, but are 'queer' and 'genderqueer' and 'non-binary'. They are located in one small geographical area. So they vote for, promote and propose each other for roles and awards. Those very familiar zealous types who take over local political parties, departments, employee forums, websites, friendship groups, professional representative groups or unions and community and volunteering groups. Each time they add some new training or 'qualification' in genderqueerpony equality studies and marginalia misrepresentation in 15th Century Norfolk, they bolster their persona and have yet more articles written, then more 'awards', then a promotion, then a board position, set up a charidee...

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Such great commentary. This is the grift. And these unqualified people going into schools to essentially spread more propaganda to girls that they should fear their own bodies (but it’s ok they can hide in a trans identity with no mention of the huge risks & destruction of their futures) They are an immediate danger.

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As a woman (trigger warning) with endometriosis, undiagnosed and misdiagnosed by male GP's, not anti-men btw, for over 20 years (and now inoperable as it's so complex, please I'm fine....), I for one am naturally over the FAhCKiNG stratosphere to read this appointment. Cracking!! He's an unhealthy fetish alongside an anti women attitude and way too obsessed with Milli Hill. The poor woman must feel sick at the mere mention of him. And Graham I marched the isle of a BA flight to Dublin a few weeks ago holding your book aloft. Had a few people asking about it so, I'm sure I've bumped those sales up. Absolutely brilliant read 👏 so funny I had to stop momentarily as it was just embarrassing to laugh that much.

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Me too. Endometriosis and adenomyosis for 11 years. Adenomyosis not even mentioned until it was found when I had a hysterectomy. I am a whole new level of enraged because of this.

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Really awful for you, sorry to see this. Also have adenomyosis. Totally understand. 🤍

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Same. Endo. Plenty of doctors who seem to believe that pain from female organs isn't real pain (was shocked to sit in on an appointment with my husband who was offered opiates without asking for what was basically flu. Wat.) Now I only deal with female doctors if I can possibly help it. I'm too old for that crap.

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Well done!!!!

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If you read the charitable purposes of EndometriosisSouthCoast, the first is about raising awareness of endometriosis, but several relate to (unspecified) education in schools. Presumably gender ideology.

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They’re totally captured. A charity supposedly for women fails to even write the word woman. Apparently “people” suffer with endometriosis. 🙄 I hope they disappear under their own wokeness!

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I expect that they are including transmen (ie. women) under this claim. Which I don't object to as they are women, but to promote this nasty, hateful MAN to be CEO is beyond a joke. Have they even seen his past posts threatening women? I doubt it.

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I’m not buying “transman” either. It’s all bull crap.

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Don't buy it, they aren't any kind of man. They can be whatever they want in their own heads, but no one else should be obliged, expected or asked to collude in their delusion, particularly when the cost to them is far from negligible.

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Transmen are women, so I some of them will suffer from endometriosis.

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Exactly. They’re still women and women shouldn’t be erased for the delusions of a few. Sorry but I don’t sign up to any gender nonsense.

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Yes they are very likely to suffer from it if they are taking testosterone it's a side effect.

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Thus reenforcing my belief that the UK is entirely too silly to exist.

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Holy crapola! The male entitlement and misogyny are absolutely breathtaking! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I can scarcely breathe from the disgust I feel for this and other men who could NEVER be a woman with such contempt for ACTUAL women.

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Ah ha ha ha ha he told Milli Hill he would 'help her' with her books on the grounds that he had printed out some articles in 2006. His 'research'!!!!!! The sheer, unbelievable arrogance of this dude. "My opinions are just as good as your experience and qualifications, silly woman". You absolutely could not make it up. What a tool.

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WT actual F?

Why all of a sudden does it seem like what used to be the well grounded working-class/-labor/& wages "and communities and families " left--- gone to war on reality? Really, wtf? ... Add this to "Queers For Hamas and Palestine "... I'm just getting worn out by the woo of it all. Too much! Catch us, Alice--- we're falling!

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I am throwing up in my mouth. What arrogance, what a fucking idiot.

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This prick is an entitled, misogynistic opportunist, the people responsible for his appointment are the funking idiots. What the hell else did they think they'd be getting, given his background?

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