I'm looking forward to Graham wishing us a Merry Christmas...in a tweet.

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hehe might even be worth joining twitter for that!

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And you can reply 'Many happy returns...to Twitter'. 😄

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Bobby Lee doesn't talk about porn as much

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It's the PIE playbook again, forced teaming by pretending this is about homophobia. Thus insulting all the normal gay men who only fancy other ADULT human males and don't want to be grouped with nonces. How is that not in itself homophobic?

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In the world of porn there is no dividing line and nonce world intersects /teams with gay porn and every other porn. There are no boundaries, You go down the porn rabbit hole and you are complicit in the world of trafficking and paedophilia and murder, however much you want to kid yourself that you can indulge and stand apart

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Boys who report attacks by men are more likely to be believed than girls precisely because of homophobia. Often, girls are assumed to lie where no boy would on such a heinous crime. Contrast Jimmy Saville (attacked girls over decades) and Jonathan King (2 allegations sufficed)

Gays Against Groomers is great. I suspect most of us on this thread know them but just in case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCkId7kAqkk

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all I know is this - you say someone is phobic bigot racist anti-semite and it usually stands for shut up - branded - no conversation allowed. Fed up of it!

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'Trust and Safety'. Needing the sick bucket quite a lot these days.

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When a child 'tweaks' your eye,

Like a big piece of P.I.E.

That's a foray.

When porn Tweets subsume,

To a fap in your room.

That's a foray.

I could go on, but it's too sickening to contemplate the minds of degenerates.

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Trust and safety.

These tech giants have more influence than governments and look how they are shaping the world. They show is bright lights and we all start jumping up and down like fucking idiots.

And they do the same to children, make them addicted to 10 sec videos about - nothing.

Get them hooked on porn too.

When are people going to stand up to them or have we simply already lost. Where will we be developing our morality from in like 10 years?

No wonder they are pushing this gender shite, get self id through and the world we knew based on fact and reason can be replaced easily with what ever they want.

what a fucking depressing post. And we are reliant on a saviour to come and sort it for us. The people can’t save themselves, we need a tech giant saviour to swoop in and rescue us. Pathetic. The internets just a big f ing bowl of sweets and all the hands are just taking and taking and thinking its wonderful but its rotting your guts and teeth and its all free. So keep eating.

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Thank you, Elon, for getting rid of that scum. But I completely disagree with Elon’s vilification of Dr. Fauci. Oh well, there is no one with whom I am in complete agreement.

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ive always liked fauci as well and agree with vaccinations. but fauci has split hairs over gain of function virus research. there were only 3 labs in the world doing this type of research (creating more powerful viruses in order to research how to stop the next pandemic). one of these labs was a few miles from the wuhan market in china where the outbreak started. what are the odds? china destroyed all the viruses that were stored there. so no one can prove that the virus didnt leak from the wuhan lab. but the fact that they've never found this type of virus in nature is evidence enough. the US rep to investigate the lab leak therory was a brit that got grants to do research in wuhan (from what i recall). fauchi said the US didnt fund gain of function research. but no one wants to talk about this.


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Thank you for your informative comment, Kyle. I wonder how much pressure was placed on Fauci to change his findings/conclusions by the Woke and their media. DEI politics made any factual Chines lab disclosure virtually impossible for Fauci. And that diminished institutional trust.

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mmm you may or may not be right but maybe keep Mr F off the agenda here for the sake of peace?

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I am perfectly happy to read that people love him or hate him. It's way past time to be discussing him. I'm sure he's totally in favor of transgenderism, particularly the surgeries and toxic drugs.

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Yes, you have to take the rough with the smooth in this fight.

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Please read The Real Anthony Fauci. He is estimated to have murdered approximately 300,000 gay men through the use of AZT, a known poisonous chemo drug where results were falsfied by giving test subjects endless blood transfusions. He used foster children in the U.S. as subjects for experimentation, and he experimented on women and girls in Africa, killing and maiming some from both groups. Fauci cannot be vilified enough in my opinion.

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I hope you can overcome that. Elon doesn't like Fauci, oh well. He's getting rid of the scum, wonderful.

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I have no idea what you are talking about. And whatever my opinion, it’s just that, an opinion. Why would I have to “overcome that?” What intelligent, useful information have you provided to persuade me to change my mind? Your comment is patronizing, meaningless ,and does not further intelligent discourse.

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I said what you've referred to because there seemed to be a sense of resignation in your comment - "Oh well, there is no one I am in complete agreement with". My comment wasn't intended to be patronising. We are all going to encounter people we aren't in 'complete' agreement with, but there's some agreement, perhaps a substantial amount. I don't agree with everything Elon Musk says or perhaps represents, but I appreciate what he's doing at Twitter. It doesn't simply serve as compensation for the rest, he's doing something right, good and valuable. No, you don't have to overcome anything, do whatever you like, I couldn't care less.

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Well, you’re right about my sense of resignation, Radhwa. But I do have to accept that no one is going to agree with me on everything I believe. But I am so grateful Elon is at the helm of Twitter, that I will overlook his ungracious comments about Fauci. The trans activists had taken over Twitter and it was a cesspool.

I’m still waiting for Elon to reinstate me. I got “permanently suspended for hateful conduct,” but have no idea which of my tweets was so “hateful.” Men are not women? That’s hateful? Even if it can be contorted to be hateful, nothing alters the truth of that biologically factual statement. So thank you, Elon, for kicking the TRAs activist censors out.

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I'm glad Elon's there too. I think a lot of people's suspensions and bans will be removed, including yours. I'm not opposed to someone being banned for using actual speech and harassing others. I don't want freedom of speech to effectively be freedom to abuse. Stating a man isn't a woman, regardless of whether he says he is and has a piece of paper supporting that, isn't abusive. His fantasy isnt your or my reality, as far as he's concerned it might be his, but it ends with him.

Earlier today, I read that the Cambridge English Dictionary has, to quote the Dail Mail, 'updated' the definition of woman, to include people - as in men who identify as female. Is hasn't bloody updated it, it's included a lie. Claiming that pointing this out is hateful, it's transphobic, it's bigotry, etc, is misogyny gone stratospheric.This horror show will crash and burn eventually and if Elon Musk's ownership of Twitter can hasten that, good, a thousand times good.

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Radhwa, I’m as astonished as you are at the depth of misogyny pervasive in Western society. Woman has now been erased from the English language under the Cambridge dictionary. By including men, they effectively erased and rendered meaningless woman as all adult human female.

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I suppose it could fairly say that definition whilst not biologically factual or believed by the vast majority of people worldwide, is in common but contentious useage by gender ideologues ... like Kier Starmer?

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Whatever views Elon has on Fauci does not take away the fact that he's really cleaned a lot of porn addicts and trans activists from the moderation platform.

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I agree!

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You couldn’t make it up...

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Truth be told, I didn't watch this conflict unfold on Twitter. So I'm of two minds here.

We have a (former) employee apparently failing his duties to safeguard children an minors on a social media platform, who also appears to be a porn addict. We can reasonably assume that one thing has a lot to do with the other. Plus, we have Twitter's previous policies of, let's call it, one-sided permissiveness. So, there is a lot to be looked into here. Great job pointing out a lot of that, by the way.

The other thing is that I trust Elon Musk about as far as I can throw him, and I sincerely doubt the wisdom of feeding a former employee to an online crowd. This makes reckoning with what appears to be structural and systemic failures in Twitter a lot harder. Besides, it gives trolls a lot of ammunition. Rather than try and score fast online points, he should commission a serious and thorough investigation and present it to the public when it's done.

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Yes to second para and yes to last 2 sentences - as to 'trust', we shouldnt have to rely on trust or suspicion - an open responsible and accountable system should see to that, however humanly imperfect and difficult to organise and maintain in practice (which is very.) So much so obvious. We shall see.

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Site/jobs for people with no boundaries throwing off people who did have

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While I have been attacked by Karen Davis as "not being the right kind of Jew" and her friend who doesn't use grammar, joey brite contacted my sons to tell them that my memoir was "garbage," I do still, nevertheless, consider myself Jewish. I converted with Rabbis Marshall Meyer, Rolando Matalon and Eduardo Bronfmann. Marshall Meyer was a student of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who marched arm in arm, literally with Martin Luther King, Jr. I condemn, therefore, the actions of Yoel Roth (whose name is quite Jewish, in my book) for his grooming. I also condemn Nicole Wallace for today, Dec. 12, 2022, for naming Gays Against Groomers as a "hate group," in the same breath as report on white supremacist Nick Fuentes. The mainstream left wing media is completely captured. We knew that. Perhaps I will go on twitter, finally, to tag Nicole for her ideological, biased journalism. She worked with George Bush. Apologist?

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

Please look up every interview with Vaishnavi Sundar on YouTube. She's delayed the release of Behind the Looking Glass, her docu with 30 trans widows, including yours truly. Watch her 4 part series, Dysphoric, on every little machine you have. ooxoo, Ute

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What does Yoel Roth's actual or supposed religion have to do with any of that?

The guy is apparently a porn addict and did a poor job - if any - at safeguarding children on Twitter. Those two qualities seem to have a lot to do with each other. As does Twitter's previous bias in favor of transideology and "smashing boundaries".

No need to waste time and energy to condemn him as an actual or supposed member of the same group you belong to. You, and I suppose all of us on here, condemn his actions and seek to explore the structure that has enabled them. That's more than enough work already.

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Yup exactly my thoughts Chris. Gender criticality surely means rationality based on evidence and safeguarding means protecting the vulnerable - not dangerously simplistic and anti-semitic conspiracy theories - that way madness lies as we all should know from history .....

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Gender Critical women have been attacked as "anti-Semites" when Jewish names like Pritzger, Rothblatt, Stryker and Roth come up. I agree, their Jewish names have nothing to do with the grooming, social disruptions and medical malpractice of "Gender Ideology." But then there's Rachel Levine, too, and if these names are in the list of promoters, we'll be attacked as simply finding an excuse to vent our supposed grudges against the religion they might be born into, but do not practice, in most cases.

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"their Jewish names have nothing to do with the grooming"

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what is your point pls?

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As quoted. Pedophile grooming happens across all races and religions. The common denominator for a paedophile groomer is their sex.

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yep there's always that fear cant deny.

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Karen Davis is a very unpleasant individual. She will not agree to disagree and has caused a lot of unnecessary arguments among women who should all be on the same side against the trans obscenity.

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I appreciate you for saying this. I was at first taken in and appeared on her channel, boosting her subscribers substantially. I hesitated several times last winter, as she repeatedly started harassing the individuals she chose to spar with. Then, a character who calls herself Gendermapper claimed my Jewishness is not valid, and her harassment of me commenced. It culminated with her incitement of viewers to dox my sons and ex-husband and contact them, actionable harassment and invasion of privacy. She could have been a valid voice, and I was a fool to think I could contain her behavior in respectable lanes. I know she harassed Graham also, and apologize for any tangential blame I share in that, as well as towards Arty Morty. Ute

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Some of the issues were fair to question imho but your religious belief and identity as if that meant anything to her? What the heck was *that* about???? and def not by seeking todegrade/personal attacks on the basis of half-truths to the extent of lies and unwilling to consider listening to the other side AT ALL.

Like I said, she told me to eff off then eff off again and when I'd finished effing off come back and finally eff off [or words to that affect - in a live chat that questioned her on sthing or other - think I might have stupidly stood up for you in a comment previous and also in live chat re Glinner being a proven misogynist racist ignoramus as an Irish white man for not agreeing with her altho cannot recall exactly so you'd have to look back at the youtube transcript to check haha]

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nm the haters Ute. No need to defend your beliefs - we can agree or differ or not on religious issues or rely on this or that 'authority' or not; and as much as it's fun to hate s'times as fallible human beings, all that stuff is stupidly divisive and hurtful and unnecessary when main point is protect dignity and safety. Hope she sees the errors of her ways and apologises but prolly not. There again I'm lucky - when I had the audacity to question her on various matters inc the supposed 'evidence' re Ye Great Glinner Himself, she told me to eff off so I did! x

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o-oh nope dangerously anti-semitic plonker needs no publicity here pleeeeeeez.

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not intended = deleted

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I threw up.

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha................................................................................................................................................................................................................. !

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This is the kind of thing that terrifies me about " human "beings. Sadly ,we are the most dangerous species on the planet when it comes to perversions and pure ,unadulterated evil. Thank God ,there are still decent people in the world ( the majority ) who have not been captured by this malevolent ideology and will keep fighting this evil for as long as it takes. x

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"Sadly ,we are the most dangerous species on the planet when it comes to perversions"

women are not the pervert demographic. However now that the Cambridge Dictionary has redefined woman to include men who want to call themselves women - you know where this is going.

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Oh God, this stuff is so disturbing and nauseating. Why wouldn't the worst of Twitter be the worst of humanity? But in the case of Twitter, these seem to be the ones who are in charge. A thirteen year old boy has to have the initial abuse he suffered intensified over and over. It takes inordinate levels of sadistic depravity to do this. These people are a fucking disgrace.

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