Superb article, I’m looking forward to part 2. Brave woman and lucky girl to have her as her mother.

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I can't stop thinking of the poem Churchill often quoted when he was attempting to wake up the British public to the devastatingly real menace of the Nazi regime.

The Clattering Train.

"For the pace is hot, and the points are near,

And Sleep hath deadened the driver’s ear;

And signals flash through the night in vain.

Death is in charge of the clattering train!"

And now we have the 'gender train' and its 'medical' and surgical experimentation upon the young -- all of it contravening the Nuremberg Code.

And most people are still asleep -- thanks to the criminally negligent media blackout.

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And that endless pressure TO BE NICE....

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Excellent post. Thank you.

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This is so well said Fraserreal!!!! "Criminally negligent media blackout"?

That's IT!


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Your daughter is so very lucky to have you as her mum, arty morty really does explain it very well too

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Thank you for sharing this. I know of 14 year old autistic, partially deaf girl who is now under CAHMS and is a survivor of a coercive relationship in which the boyfriend raped and sexually assaulted her. She’s always struggled with feeling different and has poor self-esteem. Mum and mum’s partner are very pro-trans. I am terrified for her.

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Why the Fuck are the powers that be doing this to us? Why are they peddling such a fucking lie. What do they want from us and our kids. They think they can reinvent humanity to what they want, what they can control. It won’t stop at gender ideology. I hate them.

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Unfortunately, the public has made it fairly clear to the powers that be that they, the public, are very controllable. Cheering on wars, adoring criminals, happily eating lies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Someone on Spinster just mentioned a book she picked up, published in the 1790s (!), about propaganda and how people love to be lied to as it absolves them of responsibility.

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Tooooootally agree. People are so compliant!

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This is fantastic stuff. Thank you for this. So much of it sounds familiar, I was an autistic kid (now an autistic adult!) who self harmed and fortunately CAMHS helped me rather than hurt me back in those days. We are susceptible to all-or-nothing thinking, and to feeling like we don't fit in (the biggest autism forum is even called Wrong Planet) and we easily latch on to explanations like gender woo that offer us easy answers. Steven Hassan's BITE Model for mind control tactics used by cults is very enlightening I think: last time I checked it I'd seen a good two thirds of them used by TRAs.

I'll share this in our autism group and look forward to the second part. Thanks for this resource!

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Well said. Autism is in my family, and to me, Transworld, as I call it, has now become The New Way to have ASD. Yes, 'the wrong planet'....I've said, so many times, that many (not all) folks with ASD feel 'alien' in an 'alien' world, thus being told the reason for this is being 'trans' is a relief. I also believe that many with ASD fear their bodies changing, due to puberty, as any form of change can bring many fears, so if someone offers you a way to keep your body as childlike as possible, and for girls, to avoid periods too, that's very inviting.

Children are also informed about periods and puberty sometimes years in advance of it happening, by schools, so they worry, and the children with ASD worry hugely....Never used to be this way. I'm 67. we weren't told at all, other than by parents, and usually, after we'd had our first period. Yes, it was scary, but we soon got over it and learned to live with it, no years of anxiety to cope with first, as happens today.

I've loved and love folks with Autism, so I do not mean this to be insulting in any way at all.

Also, back in 2020, on Twitter, I was praising the hugely creative people with ASD who are the ones that so often make tears flow, due to the beauty of their art, music, writing, etc...A young man who said he had ASD thanked me and then many others, I assume folks he knew, came aboard too, telling me they were 'about to change the world'. I stared at the words, and worried...It was 2020, 'the year of perfect vision', and I'm sure that even though Transworld has been around for many years, since GRAs came into place, The Big Push happened in 2020....and now, here we are....

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Can't wait for part 2. I wasn't aware of the whole MH self diagnoses as well until my granddaughter told me her friend uses different pronouns each week because she has disassociative identity disorder. Her other friend identifies as a furry.

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What is a furry?

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You really don't want to know, but it's where people dress up as animals of different sorts. Sometimes, they're content just to dress up and other times they take things further. I leave the rest to your imagination.

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I have a transexual friend who refers to the "Church of Trans" as well as the "Church of Deaf". He is a transman who is deaf and so has got it from all sides. He is not Deaf enough and he is nor Trans enough for so many people. He has dumped social media simply because it all became too much and is another transsexual person who asks me to post on his behalf.

It is time for those who control social media/intersnake platforms to vet organisations as well as some of the more vocal commentators. People have the right to freedom of speech but they conveniently forget that with rights come responsibility. If you want the right of freedom of speech, you should read the UN Convention on Human Rights re your responsibilities to others or keep quiet! Rant over...

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Thank you for sharing , more of this needs to be known

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wow this is just so dark and terrifying. Every politician and head teacher should read this. And parent. Thankyou so much and what a brilliant and brave mother.

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Bravo can't wait to see the techniques.

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thank you for this. am looking forward to the next part. fortunately my four kids are ok so far. but my middle aged former brother-in-law (his brother is my ex) is currently pretending to be awoman (just sometimes!!!!) and is taking hormones. unfortunately his 12 year old son now also is experimenting with different gender identities too. uuurghhh. it's all very grim.

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bless you. i’m so sorry. But so glad to hear your children are ok. i have 4 too. Constant worries in this f-ed up world

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Robust common sense. Refusal to be intimidated by obvious nonsense... but still keeping the child listening to her mother's good sense at SOME level. Well done! In a sense I did the same when my AGP husband (as he then was) walked out on us after 10 years of tormenting me. I didn't chase after him. I reasoned that if he walked out on his two charming, intelligent children (10 and 12) and me (fairly charming, certainly intelligent, and the only anchor to reality that he was ever likely to have) than there was basically not much I could do after I had outlined this as above. He never came back, but he was increasingly alone because no one wanted anything to do with him except for trying to secure his money from his will. He died on 4th April 2022, i.e. 9 months ago and his eldest son Rupert, his presumptive executor, has done nothing: he has not applied for probate or letters of administration. So what is going on? Did Paul/Elizabeth leave a will? Does it name Rupert as executor? Or is there a totally different will with all 3 of his children names as executors? Or no will? Does anyone know how long we should wait before going to a solicitor to try to get letters of administration ourselves? Of course the tax authorities are not going to wait for years to collect Inheritance Tax. Having failed to apply for probate by 4th October 2022 the clock has started ticking and HMRC are charging interest on any tax which should have been declared by now. It's a mess. Which of course I predicted from the moment that Paul/Elizabeth took leave of his senses and descended into the cave of GD.

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Thank you. He had a share in a partnership which owns a static caravan park, which is notoriously difficult to value. The total of his estate, even with some property held in joint names, is going to be difficult to value, particularly in the present economic downturn. But we have been told nothing by Rupert. He has prosecuted me for "harassment" and I cannot write to him. Terrible mess. Only the tax man will benefit.

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Goodluck. What a mess. An AGP who didn’t put his dependant’s needs first! So sorry you are dealing with this.

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One of the duties of the executor is to obtain valuations, commissioning expertise where appropriate / necessary.

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Rupert has refused to tell us anything. The next step will have to be a legal challenge.

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How absolutely dreadful for you - what spiteful, selfish men. It lends new depths to the saying "adding insult to injury".

I don't know if you were divorced or legally separated but, unless there was an explicit clause in a divorce settlement or you have remarried or entered into a civil partnership, I believe you still have entitlements.

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Do you know for a fact that Rupert was appointed as an executor or has he merely told you this?

Executors have duties by law rather than simply what they feel like doing and they can be removed if they do not fulfill their obligations.

This site sets out the steps you can take https://www.human-law.co.uk/_cmroot/human-law.co.uk/blog/2014/03/how-to-deal-with-the-executor-from-hell.aspx#:~:text=This%20should%20be%20done%20by,may%20not%20do%20the%20business.

Obviously you need to ascertain if there was a will and what it's terms were. Then you will need a rough valuation of the estate in order to decide whether it's worth you spending money pursuing it.

I think you should find a solicitor with the right expertise (not all deal with inheritance etc, particularly where there are problems) and ask for a preliminary advice session.

So sorry you find yourself in this position.

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We have no idea about anything. Rupert is Paul/Elizabeth's oldest child so we supposed that he would be the executor, but we don't know. We have asked and asked again. No response.

How do we find out if there is a will if Rupert refuses to tell us anything? He literally has used the police to warn me off asking. He accuses me of harassment for asking. He is confused because he had contact over the years with P/E and was persuaded to call him "Elizabeth" and "she". He is, I think, held captive by this manipulation and lazy thinking even after his father's death.

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The executor thing is a bit odd. Executors are normally named in the will but if no executor is named or if the person dies intestate I think there is actually a pretty strict rule of who can be appointed executor / administrator. It falls to the person who inherits the most I think, so in the case of there being no will that could well be you.

HMRC have some pretty good advice


You can check if he has applied for probate, if there's a will etc at


You don't need all the details and as far as I remember it's free to use online, you only pay a small fee if you want a copy of the probate record.

Good luck, I'm thinking of you.XXX

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Thank you! We already have a Caveat in place (£3 for 6 months) which will tell us if/when he applies for probate or administration. This is a situation where I would really, really like Rupert to come to his senses and talk with us. I don't want the fighting to continue, but my two children to get a fair share of their father's estate. Rupert already has his own house (which he bought in 2014), but my children do not. If we do have to go to Court he will be ordered to talk with us anyway. This situation of secrecy and not saying anything reminds me so, so much of Paul/Elizabeth's behaviour. Aaarghhh!

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Oh well done. Your hands really are tied aren't they!

I'm sure his father's attitudes and poisonous mindset have done him personally no good but whatever difficulties he has faced he shouldn't be taking it out on you and your children.

Sounds to me as though you've got no choice but to instruct a solicitor, especially as he is allowing interest charges to build up against the estate.

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I feel similarly towards trans widows, and provide the list of reasons you should not stay in a warped, cult adjacent marriage. Here's a clip about Ophelia, who stayed for a decade, to her own detriment.

I'm in a Shakespearean pen name phase now.


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Great article, however there is money and leadership of one form or another behind the ideology. Pharmaceutical companies donate money (I think the Lib Dems received a £1M donation from one such business) as do organisations which are run by trans sympathisers. I think Stonewall received £250,000 from one such organisation in 2016 (?) when they decided to add the 'T' to the LGB. I can think of three or four billionaires who accept the ideology and happily support trans organisations. A couple of them are trans themselves. I think that one of them was behind the Dentons document (happy to be corrected). And of course you have the celebrities who will happily virtue signal to all and sundry by repeating the mantra 'transwomen are women, etc.'. Thinking of the HP crew here. Emma Watson has said she's donated to Mermaids. Ugh, idiot woman! The ideology has plenty of support and is certainly NOT a grass roots movement. The whole thing is chilling.

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Thank you this is fantastic! I look forward to part 2 very much. And have started the Arty link (love Arty!). Your part 1 has prompted me to have JK’s essay printed out and to hand .. the one that the TRAs piled on her for.. because I would ask my young teen kids to read that if they ever parrot any condemnation of her. What a great article .. thank you.

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