For some reason, when you update a piece, it cancels the email to free subscribers that'll be sent out on the 5th. So I'm putting this here until then.

Note: A Michfest attendee wrote to me that this would not have been possible at the second site of the festval, but may have been at the first. If there's anyone out there who attended Michfest and remembers how Camp Trans types were trying to gain entry, please get in touch. I would love to do a sort of oral history to correct the record)

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Excellent - Thank you.

Strong, yet reasonable. Reasonable, yet cutting. Cutting, yet compassionate.

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Well said Graham. I write to the BBC to complain weekly and I will not be stopping, pointless as it may seem right now. I have some hope. Every response to a complaint about referring to men as 'she' (even rapists; even murderers; even Mr 'reframe your trauma' Wadhwa)is met with reference to their 'policy' and their 'Style Guide'. As if this were The Law and unassailable. It's shocking what the BBC has become. I tell them - how are we to trust anything they say when they lie about something some fundamental as the sex of a person and that people can change sex. I know people who work there and I'm pretty sure they never expected to become liars and complicit in the abuse of children.

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Well said and done. What I find laughable about the BBC's position is exactly that - what are and who writes 'policy' and 'Style Guides'. They decline to reveal that. They haven't a leg to stand on and they know it, yet are so stuck in their cultural delusion that they are an Institution loved by all. They are now ignored, hated and mistrusted by so many. So many clung on defending them despite the reams of shite being uncovered. I hoped it wasn't as bad as it seemed time and time again. They and a few within their ranks destroyed that trust. They were and are paid too much to care. In the face of a changing media and tech landscape it was a very odd plan to totally submit to the trans lobby then deny, gaslight, deny still further, hide the evidence and then attack licence payers and their funders. They are not the National Broadcaster but let's indulge them to still believe they are. Like a family member with florid dementia.

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The style guide stuff is often a reference to the webpage called "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide" which dictates all of this. Again, the lunatics running the asylum.

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Not quite what that means here in this context. They may lift sections and theory from that but in the UK all government departments have a 'style guide' and it's common across all our Institutions and anything to do with state functions or delivery. They develop their own. The one at the BBC is a mighty resource as they view themselves as the best of the bestest non-quite-but-really-are government departments, yet also claim some kind of neutral, independent, above-the-fray perfection. You must follow it and abide by it when working in, with, or alongside them. They are sucked into their view of themselves as a superior 'brand' and 'communications' experts. They are a propaganda machine and the content is suspect. They are doing immense damage to the UK with their continual adherence to this junk fantasy trans lobby gumpf.

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Well said

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I wonder how many trans journalists there are?

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Dear Lord, more than you want to know. I figure my ex-husband, a database management overlord (now retired) named himself as such.

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Within my own recent complaint to the BBC I pointed out that the reference to pronouns in their guidelines is the only instance of the corporation actively encouraging their reporters to lie. I was once a BBC reporter, and I receive a BBC pension, but I will not defend them any more.

For evidence of the BBC’s capture the key phrase in the Style Guide is “We should not ascribe a gender to someone non-binary”. They also say: “We generally use the term and pronoun preferred by the person in question, unless there are editorial reasons not to do so.” The ludicrous idea of a woman committing rape is apparently not sufficient to be an editorial reason. All news organisations have style guides, and the BBC Style Guide and Editorial Guidelines are available online. So there’s no mystery about them. They’re just wrong.

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may I post this on X, Gary?

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Of course. I don’t suppose they can cancel my pension!

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Let them bloody try and I don't say that in jest. Oh the BBC might find child abusers and rapists would rather we don't refer to them as that either. How inconvenient that is. When did this total rot set in?! It's beyond bizarre. Let's just lie continually and sweep everything under some carpet somewhere; that'll work nicely and no one will notice. Except we did and do. Until the BBC acknowledge what they did, do and strangely keep doing, there can be no rebuilding of trust.

I'm in meetings where 'things have been raised on social media' and are considered and taken seriously as a way people voice concerns that aren't being heard other places. So why are they perpetually ignoring, denying and defending this. That stinks.

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You are a great writer and you tell this tragic story so very well.

History will be a lot kinder to you than those you mention.

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Superb. Thank you Graham. I agree with every word. Unfortunately the BBC is unlikely to be held to account while Labour is in power, although we can’t exonerate the Conservatives for their slow response to this ideology.

It’s way beyond time for the silent majority to wake up and start shouting. How else are we to make progress when the national broadcaster is culpable in such devastating harm to children.

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I didn’t know about the Dana Rivers story. So we have here the tale of another “legitimation” of homicidal psychosis. The entire trans theology inevitably results in such behaviour.

Helen Joyce has noticed the psychological breakdown of those parents whose children have “transitioned” and who, along with their children, can never ever accept the mutilation they themselves sanctioned. The utterly phony euphoria of this brutally manufactured pseudo-scientific confidence trick fades leaving the never-to-be acknowledged horror of guilt at participation in the most unspeakable crime.

We are confronted with an evil so cynically soulless that I am starting to think that only religious categories are relevant. This is truly demonic.

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... 'demonic' yet banal in Arendt's sense. Ted's stance, and yours, is like being against lobotomy when the originator of the procedure, António Egas Moniz, was being awarded the Nobel Prize for the 'discovery of the therapeutic value of leucotomy....' The grip of gender woo on individuals and agencies is as tenacious as that of the face-hugger in 'Alien'. Even when the human being it has half strangled and impregnated continues living, they are inoperably 'possessed'. Yes, as you say, George, 'truly demonic'.

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The Body Snatchers was a nightmare and so too has been this trans horror. It has gone on so long and has so many tentacles that to try and tell the story from the start would floor the best of us. You have put in the hard hours Graham and I thank you and JL for all the work. I was always a BBC enthusiast and I feel utterly betrayed by them and by our Scottish and UK government which did nothing to stop all this.

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I wish more people would read this. I grew up trusting the BBC. It used to be the channel you could trust but I refuse to watch it now. I am all for defunding it. I do not want my money to support this captured institution that employs people who are knowingly pushing a hateful and harmful ideology onto the public. I was worried when the BBC changed their policy from reporting the news to "making" the news, but I never imagined how utterly deranged that could be.

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As I’m sure you know, in January 1898 the great French novelist Emil Zola played an important part in the defence of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a French Jew unjustly accused of selling military secrets to Germany. These are just two paragraphs from the famous open letter Zola published on the front page of the French national newspaper 'L’Aurore': “I have but one passion - that of light. This I ask for in the name of humanity, which has suffered so much, and which has a claim to happiness. My passionate protest is but the cry of my soul. Let anyone who dares bring me before an Assize Court, and let the inquiry be held in broad daylight. I am waiting” … “It is a crime to poison the minds of the meek and the humble, to stoke the passions of reactionism and intolerance, by appealing to that odious anti-Semitism that, unchecked, will destroy the freedom-loving France of the Rights of Man. It is a crime to exploit patriotism in the service of hatred, and it is, finally, a crime to ensconce the sword as the modern god, whereas all science is toiling to achieve the coming era of truth and justice.” It is evident to me, and 1000s more, that your writing and speaking are equal in courage, passion and eloquence to Zola's, especially your accusations against the BBC. I hope to God that this sober but furious public accusation may have significant public impact. Zola’s famous ‘accusation’ forced him to flee from France under threat of arrest, but helped bring about Captain Dreyfus’ release from Devil’s Island and his eventual pardon. In your case I hope that your 'J'Accuse' will help release the rest of us, especially those killed, sterilised and mutilated by it, from the hellish cult of transgenderism.

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It’s absolutely shocking and almost unbelievable. The BBC has no right to push the madness that is gender ideology. A public funded organisation that is operating against the views of the vast majority of the public. A huge echo chamber of madness and misogyny.

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Very interesting account of a “civilised” alien invasion that took place in such an amicable and jolly decent way with a bit of avuncular banter followed by a seemingly universal osmosis and a chronic all pervasive silence whenever any inkling of the subversion stirred.

And isn’t it interesting how this process echoes that old familiar Cold War image of the totalitarian Soviet monolithic megaphone that suppresses all dissent – only THIS time, its’s not powered by a grim grey background but by a bright and vibrant multi-coloured sense of razzmatazz.

This feeling of a surreptitious takeover is certainly confirmed by my own experience. The replacement of real people by trans spouting automatons happened completely “below my own radar”. One day I woke up and found the crowds cheering along the king in the altogether.

Only I didn’t laugh. Truth is that, of all the unbelievable bullshit of the past few years, this trans codswallop is the one that really dumbfounds me. It is after all conceivable that there COULD be a deadly pandemic, that there MIGHT be such a thing as climate change. Hell, we might even have REALLY gone to the moon!

But that a man can call himself a woman and have the law back him up?

That children can be encouraged to “pick their sexuality” before they have even reached their sexuality?

That the same kids can have their natural puberty blocked?

That all could be destined to have their genitals mutilated?

That this utter obscenity can be sanctioned by every fucking media channel?

That objections to any of this are met with moral outrage?

That male predators are encouraged to invade women’s spaces?

That kids can be taught the “joys” of arse fucking?

Etc etc etc etc ......

Surely it’s all a dream?

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"only THIS time, it's not powered by a grim grey background but by a bright and vibrant multi-coloured sense of razzmatazz."

So true. Everybody's always on the alert for signs of Orwellian,"1984"-style oppression, aren't they? Drab, dull, and colorless as well as cruel. So what flies completely under the radar? The stuff of Huxley's "Brave New World": bright, vibrant, multi-colored hedonism that's so mindless, soulless, and empty as to be every bit as nightmarish... and infinitely more seductive.

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Ain't no party like a Diddy party. Brave New World's Orgy Porgy on Soma, A Gram is better than a Damn, am I right? LOL.

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No it’s a NIGHTMARE.

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Siegel's original body snatchers movie was envisioned by him to be anti-communist. Candy Colors are the new Brutalist Grey.

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Excellent, Graham! Poetic and Orwellian and I hadn't heard about that flag on the door! With an eternally overly optimistic attitude, I plant the concept that this "identity disorder" is better termed Identity-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (originated by Dr. Elliot Kaminetsky, a child psychologist) and the treatment should include withdrawal from social media addiction, therapy for dealing with past traumas and physical therapy which is specific to male or female body. I've designed a version of the female wellness movements and I see a new fitness group called Primal Fitness as a good male model. Feldenkrais physical therapy, gardening and walking with or without Nordic-style walking sticks will additionally help reform the mind/body connection. We who feel quite connected to the maleness or femaleness of our bodies should work at being a good example. Now out to the weeding, troops! (and contact me, Graham, before my dance card gets filled!)

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just getting recombobulated after Lisbon! Will be in touch this weekend x

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Excellent! I will send another email to make it easy to respond. Take care, spend time outside and remember we appreciate all you've done in your efforts to return to sanity! I wish you could see all the bees sleeping overnight in my dahlias during this season!

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Dammit Graham! I was unsubscribed from here ( and a bunch of other subs I'd collected) due to the need to save money in the face of a forced relocation (landlord selling property) and then you hit one out of the park and I gotta gawk. Dude. Well I'm back again I guess, keep it up.

In the meantime, kudos for the Body Snatchers reference. I love the remake, what a wonderful cast, but the story itself has some interesting political underpinnings that were quite conscious of this particular phenomenon. The story is intentional and told with that intent if albeit in symbolic/metaphoric language. Worth a read/watch of the various versions in this day and age.

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This piece is very helpful because I have recently given considerable thought to the capture of our institutions by gender identity ideology. I put my thoughts in writing in a comment on an essay in the Gender Clinic News Substack earlier this week. This is an excerpt:


In a separate vein, I have been struck recently by the realization that our institutions, including legislative and executive bodies, which are organized according to democratic principles, embraced and implemented applied gender identity ideology without free and open public debate or the express approval of the public.

It seems as if gender identity ideology arrived on the scene fully formed with a predetermined cast of heroes and enemies together with a sharp aversion to questions and challenges. From the outset it wasn't a question whether schools, city councils, health care organizations, businesses and the rest would accept the attitudes, beliefs and practices that flow from gender ideology but when and how rapidly.

Hence, comments such as this one, which is quoted in this essay, do not come as a surprise:

"“The fact that the law and medicine of all professions fell to this [gender ideology] is utterly shameful because they of all professions have their fundamental ethical foundation based upon evidence, so I think we should be afraid at how quickly and how far they fell… The only parallel I can think of is the satanic ritual abuse panic but even that did not have the worldwide scope of contagion and reach of gender identity [ideology]… [This swift and near complete institutional capture] should never have happened in the first place… " https://www.genderclinicnews.com/p/primed-for-regret

Am I missing anything in my assessment of how gender ideology suddenly came to be everywhere all at once?

By now those institutions are fortresses that protect gender ideology from its critics. There seems to be no way for sex realists even to get a hearing. We've seen how trans allies in at least one medical association have manipulated the rules of governance to block sex realists from making their case to the membership. A judge hearing a challenge to the participation of boys who identify as girls in girls' sports has prohibited the girls' attorneys from referring to the boys as boys in his court room. I can't make any headway in my effort to make a health care organization stop reporting that I have a gender identity (I don't) or that my sex was "assigned at birth" (it wasn't). A queer reporter at The Washington Post recently grossly misrepresented the case for banning boys from girls' teams.

I am better at describing problems than crafting solutions for them. I'm not convinced that exposing the public to the facts about the excesses of gender ideology activism will lead to reforms. What's certain is that gender identity ideology will only become more entrenched if we sex realists don't get the facts and the arguments against gender ideology before the public.

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Describing the problem is just what we need atm because most people are unaware the problem even exists!

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The invasion of the body snatchers is exactly how I have envisaged this situation since learning about it through the cancellation of many great people.

There is nothing in your article that could be described as extreme. Just facts and details about quite literally, an invasion of once thought of as sane people's bodies and minds.

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I bet that brought the house down!

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