A lot has been said about Scotland’s self ID law but surprisingly little of it has pieced together the seven developments, in a little over seven weeks, that should loudly ring alarm bells to any politician thinking of introducing similar legislation anywhere in the world.
Firstly - a quick reminder: Despite polling data showing overwhelming opposition to self ID, the Scottish parliament, led by a Scottish National Party (SNP) and Scottish Greens power-sharing agreement, passed the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill on December 22, 2022, voted in by 100 percent of Liberal Democrat and Scottish Greens MSPs, 90 percent of Labour MSPs, 86 percent of SNP MSPs and 11 percent of Conservative MSPs. The bill lowers the age people can change their legal gender from 18 to 16, reduces the waiting time from two years to six months, from application to obtaining a gender certificate, and removes the requirement of a medical diagnosis.
However, even though the bill has not yet become law - the UK government has blocked it from receiving royal assent - it has quickly unraveled to become, perhaps, the most foolish, vanity-led piece of legislation that any government has ever introduced.
1. The Isla Bryson case
Just a few working days after the bill was passed, the trial began at the High Court in Glasgow, of Adam Graham, accused of raping two women. Adam, a large, short-haired man with Mike Tyson-style tattoos on his face, turned up to court wearing a wig and women’s clothing, and announced his name was now Isla Bryson.
The court agreed to not use his real name and refer to him by she / her pronouns.
He was found guilty of raping both women and was immediately sent to a women’s prison.
This led to a media frenzy and, for the first time, mainstream exposure of the dangers of self-ID. Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, was forced to intervene and Graham was quickly moved to a men’s prison.
2. The Tiffany Scott case
Andrew Burns has multiple convictions of assault, vandalism and resisting arrest, and in 2013, while in custody for attacking a nurse, stalked a 13-year-old girl from his prison cell.
During his time in prison, he went by several names. These included "Mighty Almighty", a name that was even used to refer to him during one of his trials, as well as "Obi Wan Kenobi" and "Tiffany Scott", this last being, of course, his ‘female’ identity.
Unbelievably, when he took on this last name, his application to move to a women’s prison was approved.
With unexpected media attention due to Adam Graham, the decision was quicky reversed.
3. The Katie Dolatowski case
Katie Dolatowski is a 6 foot 5 inches man who in 2018 sexually assaulted two girls, aged 10 and 12, in women’s toilets of different supermarkets in Fife.
Incredibly, despite the serious nature of the crimes, and a court being told in 2018 that he posed a moderate risk of reoffending, he was not sent to jail but instead placed in a hostel for vulnerable female offenders, where he breached imposed community payback orders by failing to attend appointments, something that at the time was mostly ignored by the media.
However, in late 2022, he was found guilty of breaching imposed sex offender notification requirements to inform the police of any new addresses, and was briefly sent to Scotland’s only women’s prison.
This led the media to ask why Nicola Sturgeon intervened in the Isla Bryson case but not the Dolatowski one a few weeks earlier, even though the circumstances were similar.
Dolatowski is currently not in jail (he has a review hearing scheduled for March 16), seemingly because the Scottish justice system doesn’t think he’s suitable to be housed in either a men’s jail or a women’s one.
4. The Amy George case
In February, Andrew Miller, who goes by the name Amy George, was arrested for, and then charged with, abducting an 11-year-old girl and sexually assaulting her, as well as other child sexual abuse charges.
The reporting by the media and Police Scotland of the arrest highlighted the farcical nature of self ID.
Police Scotland had recently announced the arrest of Robyn Woof, a trans-identified male, for assaulting a woman at the screening of a film about women’s rights. Woof was referred to as a woman throughout the announcement. However, Andrew Miller / Amy George, charged with a more serious crime, was suddenly detransitioned back to male again.
5. The Harryetta Thompson case
‘Disturbed and very volatile’ Harryetta Thompson (Harryetta!) was recently moved to Scotland’s only women’s jail, and it hasn’t worked out well.
A prison source said: “Thompson is a disturbed individual and very volatile but prisoners have accepted her up to this week.
“She was overheard on the phone, making clear that her history includes sex crime involving children – and that’s a game changer.”
6. The Pickle Bee case
When the Scottish parliament passed the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, several MSPs turned to a group of men dressed in women’s clothing and applauded them. One of them was co-convener of the Rainbow Greens, Jack / Beth ‘Pickle Bee’ Douglas. One Lib Dem MSP even went as far as to say he fought for the bill specifically for Pickle Bee.
However, within days, allegations emerged of Douglas’ violent past, including claims of sexual assault.

The Scottish Greens have suspended him, but as yet there has been little further acknowledgment of one of the most shameful moments in Scottish politics, when Holyrood stood to applaud Jack Douglas, after making Scotland less safe for his victims.
7. The Nicola Sturgeon case
For the first time the mainstream media began challenging Scotland’s leading politicians on transgender issues, and they were incapable of providing a coherent defence.
Sturgeon quickly became a laughing stock all over the world.
Less than two months after the bill was passed, with public support for her collapsing over the issue, Sturgeon resigned as first minister of Scotland. She said her resignation had nothing to do with the bill and the events that followed it but, tellingly, made no attempt to defend or support the policy either in her resignation speech or the questions that followed.
Nicola Sturgeon’s humiliation and downfall is, or at least, should be, a warning to all politicians over what can, and will, go wrong if you try to introduce a policy inspired by perverted men and based on a ludicrous, unscientific lie. A lie so ludicrous that it is impossible to defend coherently or with conviction.
The Welsh government and Sir Keir Starmer should promptly internalize this lesson.
I have never contributed to the cliché that all
Politicians are “in it for themselves”. That is until now. After watching the appalling manipulation of the voting public and of young people in particular I have a visceral contempt for all those, and there are many, who have been part of this despicable gender ideology which has tarnished and damaged Scotland. The grass roots womens groups on the other hand have been above and beyond what could have been expected of them - in organisation, rationale, intelligence and integrity. They have stopped me sinking into depression. Thank you one and all who are in this fight.
too late for new zealand. we have self identification as law and are so deep in this there may be no turning back. it's inspiring that you are fighting in england and that nicola has gone from scotland. but this is a global movement and is extremely well funded. it isn't about UK politics. it's much bigger than you might imagine. jennifer bilek is an excellent source of information to help understand what's going on.