I have never contributed to the cliché that all

Politicians are “in it for themselves”. That is until now. After watching the appalling manipulation of the voting public and of young people in particular I have a visceral contempt for all those, and there are many, who have been part of this despicable gender ideology which has tarnished and damaged Scotland. The grass roots womens groups on the other hand have been above and beyond what could have been expected of them - in organisation, rationale, intelligence and integrity. They have stopped me sinking into depression. Thank you one and all who are in this fight.

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Hello Marionq, why not join the war. It is not over yet. They are many and we are few.

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Have been on every protest called in Scotland since peaked over Suzanne Moore and Marion Millar. Have chipped in to funds for several groups and many crowd funding requests. Wear my feminist merchandise with pride. At 79 next month I can’t do much more. I would try though.

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MarionQ, I did not in any way want to badger you. I did not understand that you are already taking action. Bravo. I salute you as a fellow warrior.

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too late for new zealand. we have self identification as law and are so deep in this there may be no turning back. it's inspiring that you are fighting in england and that nicola has gone from scotland. but this is a global movement and is extremely well funded. it isn't about UK politics. it's much bigger than you might imagine. jennifer bilek is an excellent source of information to help understand what's going on.

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We all know. Laws can be repealed....being lg or b used to be illegal, it was legal to discriminate against people on basis or colour, sexual orientation, race, sex. These have been reversed.

The number of isla brysons will increase. The andrew millers raping a 10yr old will happen again and public outcry will become deafening. Its happening in the usa with laws being passed at state level to ban "trans treatments". People are "waking up to the overreach and the harm that is happening using civil rights as a shield.

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that's a positive thought... things are deeply entrenched here throughout all our systems. we lack free press and our population are cowed and incurious and democracy has pretty much disappeared. change here is least likely. this is a country where what other countries fear has already happened.

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I read a comment on another Substack a few days ago noting NZ is now transing more kids per head of population than the Tavistock did at the height of its meat grinder. A whole generation of autistics and gays to be sacrificed to Gender Geesiss. Depressing news for a once proud Kiwi (Aussie, where I've lived for 36 years is hardly any better)

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Terrifying to read. I sincerely hope a movement to send Transworld packing is somehow able to start up and grow, very fast.

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cara: am I right in thinking that most of the vulnerable women housed with these creeps, who will be white males, are Maori females? If that is correct, try fighting it on race lines: exploitation of indigenous females under colonialism and, now, gender woo woo. Men exploiting women in any and all ways.

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you are completely correct. maori women in our disgraceful prisons. maori are being (as always) especially shafted. the powers that be even dare to say that trans ideology is rooted in indigenous culture as a further excuse for implementing it. talk about adding insult to injury.

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But Maori are now having their religion treated as "another way of knowing thtings" per law, and every place in NZ also has to have a Maori name, and every piece of legislation also has to be published in their language.

Surey, this must more than make up for the discrimination they face in the country's penitentiary system and other areas? (Sarkasm off. This is how liberal Identiarianism, aka Identity Politics work: Make 'em feel better while you screw 'em over more thoroughly. Same approach open rightwingers have, just for different groups.)

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If not too late for Canada it's likely to prove very difficult to undo self-ID and related exploitive laws. Men have been put in women's prisons in Ontario since 2015, before the feds changed the Human Rights Act to ensure that men can be women if they say so. A recent report on Reduxx reveals that in British Columbia a man convicted of raping an infant some years ago is now in a women's prison, one with a mother and baby unit: https://reduxx.info/canada-man-who-raped-infant-quietly-moved-to-prison-with-mother-baby-unit-after-transgender-claim/ .

And this, we're given to think is how it should be: the Department of Justice's website proclaims, "Women: All people who identify as women, whether they are cisgender or transgender women."

For Health Canada, "women" includes "transgender" people and "youth." In a competition no one with a shred of sense wants to win, "Canada remains perhaps the most extreme on the issue of gender, with very little pushback on 'gender-affirming' care coming from within medicine or either political party. " Biologist Colin Wright, Reality's Last Stand Substack ~ Weekly Recap ~ 25 August 2022.

This should not be read as suggesting that there's no interest, no fight. There is indeed, but there's no way to tell that if one relies on "traditional" media, which carries only the rare critical piece. The usual pattern is for some outrageous thing to make the news abroad, at which point it

might be picked up briefly here, as with the Oakville teacher known as Titzilla. And when such things are picked up abroad, it's due to The Glinners, the Kavanaghs, the Reduxxes, &c. I'm amazed at grateful for the international breadth and depth of their work.

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Oh yes, I read that case on Nutmeg's page, of the 3 month old baby who was raped by a 15yr old boy supposedly babysitting him. I felt so sick. And now, that vile adult man says he's trans, claims he's a woman (!!!!) and has been given all sorts of medical treatment. The only treatment he should have had was a life-sentence, meaning natural life. That poor little baby boy, an adult now, as it happened in 1995, IIRC. Oh, there are such monstrous humans around. To think they've put him in with women and children shows a depth of hatred for women and children SO deep that it beggars belief.

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Hear, hear, the work that is done is quite astounding.

It is never too late. The very idea of men becoming women is what needs to be undermined. This is not a human right. All societies must have an overarching set of rights that gives equal civil rights to all, but no society should ever be under any compulsion to award the civil rights of others to one set of people, and every society must have rules that protect the weakest in society, and those are not larping men. They are children, and they are women. I don't care about hurt feelings. Women's feelings are hurt every day. These men need to learn that women will not give way, that we will not allow our children to be exploited. Above all, women, as a sex class, cannot allow men to get away with what they have been doing to us. At the end of the day, they do this to us because we let them, or because they think they are more powerful. We - females - need to box clever and start setting up political alliances that will protect us, do things for ourselves and stop relying on good men to protect us.

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Feb 19, 2023Edited
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Absolutely agree, and so would most people if they stopped and thought about it. The fact is that the 'trans' have all the same rights as they rest of us. When do we get to change our names at will, demand that our birth certificates, etc. are changed". Well, the truth is, we don't - just the 'trans'. That adds up to an extension of the rights. Most of the rights we do have - all of us - are actually civil rights, rather than human rights, which are restricted and well-defined. These chancers want it all so that they can bring their myriad fetishes out of the bedroom and into the public square, mutilate our children and destroy our society with their madness.

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More Canadiana and Ireland and Leave Them Kids Alone:


Women's Space Ireland on the grooming of young children in Irish schools: https://twitter.com/i/status/1625175531791548417


The Irish National Teachers Organization, whose members teach 4-12-year-olds:


Also see The Countess Didn't Fight for This: thecountess.ie

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Nearly forgot this, an account of the male Canadian diaper fetishist who toured elementary schools the Gaspé region of Québec in 2022, and is now taking it to Sheffied Libraries, with an booking as well at Kafe Kweer in Edinburgh.

Again, from Reduxx: https://reduxx.info/trans-artist-with-diaper-fetish-to-host-family-event-at-sheffield-central-library/.

And now to attend to getting some groceries!

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Feb 19, 2023
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Can't tell if Sheffield Library cancelled the event. But, yes, it did delete the ad/post for it. It may be that Reduxx will do an update if more comes out. As of today, the library hadn't responded.

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Feb 18, 2023Edited
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An excellent point about the constitutional importance of the family!

My guess is that The Countess and Women's Space are working that angle. The problem is getting the word picked up more broadly.

Much the same institutional stealth is at play in Canada. Not surprising that the Dentons Document puts Canada and Ireland as the way to go. It wasn't till 2017 that I noticed there was something going on in Canada couldn't be dismissed as fringe.

That was when it *did* make the news that Meghan Murphy was getting death threats for a speech she was going to (and did) make at Palmerston Library, a small local branch. Her crime? Saying that men can't be women. Tried to get a (free ticket) but it was fully booked.

That sent me to her site. Feminist Current, and down the road to an interview on it with the Irish woman who'd founded The Countess, which by then was under attack by Colum O Gorman, of Amnesty International Ireland and a host of other "NGOs," the aim of which was to force (not that it was at all hard) RTE, the Irish Times, &c, to refuse to cover The Countess's work and that of Women's Space.

What I'm saying is that for many of us, it was happenstance that led us to look into what's going on. By then there were a good number of dissident voices but they are still being blocked, though many cracks are appearing. The Canadian government shows in a number of areas that it doesn't trust the population. That's to our credit. My sense over many years of following Irish events is that successive Irish governments distrust the Irish people.

Should you know of anyone with an interest in what's happening to Irish women,

neither The Countess nor Women's Space get any public funding and both could use a few bucks. They're also as far as I can find out the only Irish women's organizations actually run by women.

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Note also that Self ID has been forced upon the Irish by a conservative government. Much like Self ID has been forced upon the Scoty by a nationalist-liberal government.

Transideology isn't a "left" issue. It's centrist madness.

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The article on Adam Laboucan by Genevieve Gluck is horrifying: and suggests that Canadian legislators and prison authorities are collectively misogynist and/or closet rapists and murderers themselves -- or out of their minds.

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Yes, I agree. It is the story of Vercengetorix, the Gaul, who sacrificed all the women and children in order to be enable his warriors to fight without distractions. In the end, he lost of Julius Caesar, so the sacrifice was for nothing. He is a great French hero. Not in my eyes. Men who deliberately sacrifice women and children in pursuit of some political or martial end that they cannot win are cowards, spineless cowards. Vercingetorix allowed himself and many of his warriors to surrender. Basically, this is what we are seeing: some men (and, it has to be admitted, some women) are perfectly happy to sacrifice women and children for political virtue-signalling of other men. It borders on the pathological. I also believe that many of these male enablers are themselves paraphilics and fetishists, and probably consumers of extreme porn, and they recognise their own predilections. The women are just daft, vindictive bints who fail to think.

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Yes it's hard to avoid the conclusion that many of the male enablers are probably paraphilics and fetishists & consumers of extreme porn themselves: possibly hoping that in time they too can come out of the closet when it's all been made, with their help, perfectly normal and socially acceptable. Already male MPs in the UK's House of Commons have been caught, one with huge volumes of porn on the office computer -- a Tory Minister who got demoted, but all seems to have been forgiven -- and another was seen studying porn on his phone during a Commons sitting. He claimed it was "accidental", absentminded. It caused a brief media uproar, soon forgotten -- but not by women.

And other male enablers as legislators seem to be totally out of touch with the realities of male sex offending -- much higher in "trans" males than males generally -- and male violence: and, of course, totally unwilling to listen to women. I watched a House of Lords debate (on tv Parliament channel online) on keeping prisons single-sex, and could hardly believe how naive (or dissembling) and out of touch most of these elderly men were, with completely delusional ideas about the moral integrity of trans "women". Enraging and depressing that such people make our laws.

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Indeed, MsGabriel. I have been trying to get interest booted up for a biological women's party to scrutinise all legislation as to its impact on females of all ages. I believe it's the only way that women and children are ever going to be given a fair deal. Since the whole 'trans' thing is sex-driven, it stands to reason that there will be a higher rate of sexual offending. I really do believe that many men out there sympathise with these deviant men, not to mention idiot women who do the same, and think that women should just roll over. This thing is not over by a long chalk, and we need to remain vigilant. Some men, like Graham, go well beyond what anyone should reasonably expect of them, and I think we have to acknowledge that we do have male protectors and allies.

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Yes, gender critical women's organisations with legal expertise are certainly needed to scrutinise proposed legislation, and propose revisions to existing legislation, on the assumption that transactivists and their enablers will continue to push for "rights" -- at the expense of women and children -- as far as they can go. In the UK, sex-matters.org is doing a pretty good job of this: arising out of a lawsuit by Maya Forstater (one of its founders) for being fired from a job for expressing gender critical views. And sex-matters.org is now taking legal action against the government, calling for judicial review of aspects of the 2010 Equalities Act and subsequent legislation on gender which exploited ambiguities and loopholes in it. And simply for the 2010 Act to be made much clearer.

Analysis of the UK's 2021 Census by sex-matters.org also showed that trans-identified males are five times more likely than males generally to be convicted for sex offending. That's a stat that needs to be repeated as often as possible to counter the attempts of transactivists to discredit and demonise women as "transphobes" for excluding men from women's spaces: and to reframe the slur "TERF" as a label to be proud of.

Yes Graham (and JL) does sterling work in exposing this whole corrupt racket, and we owe him a lot of thanks. Also the men who publicly stick up for us, when it would be easier to remain silent.

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Well, to put Vercingetorix' actions in context: As food was running low in besieged Alesia, he forced women, children and every man not able to fight out of the besieged town - assuming that the Romans would let them through. So, his decision was aimed at preserving the ability of his men to fight until they were relieved and to ensure the survival of women, children and the elderly.

Julius Caesar unexpectedly refused to let the expelled cross Roman lines and enter territory where they could have found food. This was a bit against the customs of war back then, but unlike today they weren't put down in law. So Vercingetorix was counting on Caesar to to what ordinarily enemy commanders would have done. When Caesar refused, he found himself between a rock and a hard place, and that's when cynicism kicked in.

We can and should blame him for not taking in the women and children afterwards, but we have to admit that Caesar is as much, if not more, to blame for them starving to death as Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix's decision turned out to be cruel in the end, but as this was not foreseeable from the onset, I hesitate to call his choice deliberate.

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The bill bringing in gender self-ID was the first to be brought before the Trudequ government's first Parliament, suggesting to me that it was legislation-in-waiting. Extremely poor media coverage of the bill, focusing entirely on pronouns. Meghan Murphy and Jordan Peterson did warn of the probably consequences but were and continue to be vilified.

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"Legislation-in-waiting" sounds like the Denton strategy in action: spring it on unprepared governments and keep it out of the media so the public doesn't know what is happening -- until it's too late. Much harder to reverse legislation already passed, than to prevent its ever happening.


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Could be the Denton's strategy. I'm not clear on when that strategy was becoming adopted as opposed to when its existence came to light. But it wasn' sprung on the Canadian government; it was the goverment that sprung it on Canadians.

According to Gender Dissent, a month after Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won election in 2015, he directed his then-Minister of Justice, Judy Wilson-Raybould, to work up legislation that would make "gender identity" a protected characteristic under the Canadian Human Rights Act and an "identifiable group" entitled to protection under the Hate Speech provisions of the Criminal Code. This despite the Liberal election platform not saying a word about "transgender" rights.

Six months later, Trudeau tabled Bill C-16 in the House of Commons.

The bill passed in 2017. In this case, it seems to me that a government was only too well prepared. See Gender Dissent for details:


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Thanks for the link. Canadian government refusal to release any evidence of consideration of impacts (on women etc) of gender legislation seems significant.

It still sounds like the Denton strategy: that government proposals to legislate appeared from nowhere shortly after its being elected -- not in the election manifesto; then legislation was barely covered by the media (to keep the public in the dark); then Freedom of Information request re impact assessment was refused. Because there wasn't any discussion of impacts? Or because the discussion was too embarassing to reveal?

Presumably Dentons in 2019 was merely codifying existing tried and effective transactivist strategies for capture of government and institutions originating from Yogyakarta in 2006, with an international transactivist movement funded mainly by US billionaires through corporations, thinktanks,and charitable foundations (see Jennifer Bilek's website for details). Nine years was long enough to have a fully developed set of legislative proposals to spring on an unprepared Trudeau government -- to enact quickly, before the public got to know too much about it.

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The terrifying thing is listening to Trump decrying Transworld, promising to repeal everything Biden's done in regard to this, to allow legal action to be taken against medical staff, hospitals. He's really picked up on the tide turning...and he'll use that hugely to get back into power.

I will NEVER forgive The Left for being so stupid, because they will keep far-right politicians in power for decades at this rate. They refuse to see it though. Here in UK Starmer is the biggest twit going, seems utterly vacuous and totally in thrall to Transworld.

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Yes, indeed. Jennifer is a very good source of much information on this. As you say, this is global, a cult organised like a military coup, a 'takeover' of women and girls, literally, wanting to erase us all as our own sex. It can be undone, because of the good people such as Graham and Nutmeg, JK Rowling et al, working so hard to expose this, but already they've had the definition of 'woman/women' changed in some online dictionaries (Cambrige and Merriam Webster) to include 'anyone who identifies as a woman'. (!!!) Plus all the other language pertaining to women which is being changed. That's also down to these women who pretend they're men, such as Freddy McConnell, they can't bear to be reminded that they're women, so sociopathic terms such as 'birthing parent' replacing 'mother' or being alongside it. Everyone needs to come together to wipe this madness out, to complain to The NHS about their involvement with it, with Stonewall, to complain about the Police, Education Systems...parents could bring chaos to schools if they all removed their children, even for just a few days, en masse, until ALL Trans Ideology was removed from schooling. What a mess, eh? All done under the radar, with The Suppression Plan of Uber-Punishment all thought out beforehand, to terrorize most people into silence, fearful of losing jobs, isolating them from others, which Graham knows about so well...Thanks to all who battle through this suppression, even to this day. Your courage is helping everyone. xxx

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Yes, it's extremely well funded with the money of right-wing billionaires like Peter Thiel of Palantir, Paypal and Facebook who led the boycott against north Carolina in an effort to force the State to allow men in womanface access to women's bathrooms. Another phalanx of right-wing billionaires is funding the American Unity Fund which was founded by Paul Singer. Singer got a big chunk of his billions by buying up the debts if distressed an/or bankrupt countries like the Congo, Ivory Coast and Argentina. When these countries were given humanitarian aid to keep them from starvation Paul Singer of Elliott management Hedge fund successfully sued them to for the humanitarian assistance they received. He thus recouped the debts he'd previously bought in anticipation of the Aid these countries would receive. The American Unity Fund is endowed with money taken from the starving children of the Congo and other impoverished countries. It's not just the pseudo leftists like the corrupt sexual fascists of the fraudulent Green Party and faux anti-facists. I, for one, refuse to abandon the left to these COVERT-RIGHT posers. As I remain staunch in my claims to feminism, which is, by definition socialist, communalist and humanitarian.

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It was six weeks too long.

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Hard to imagine a more idiotic and cretinous "idea" than "self-identification". "Politicians" responsible for that might just as well have passed laws stipulating that "2+2=5", that a child of 12 who "self-identifies" as an adult MUST be allowed to buy cigarettes, booze, and guns.

Any "politician" who made any contribution at all to that odious state of affairs should be tarred and feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.

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Does anyone else feel there's been an invisible college of 'angels' (for lack of a better word) working behind the scenes? The timing of this string of criminal 'gender' injustices popping up just as the SNP 'self identification' nonsense peaked was so exquisitely timed -- I'm perceiving it as almost heavenly in origin. Not to discount all the hard work of so many people but this string of events was propitious -- to say the least.

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I wondered before Christmas why Sturgeon was pushing so hard to get the Bill through on that accelerated timetable. The Scottish parliament is supposed to have a policy of family friendly hours with no late night sittings etc and they rode roughshod over that.

I wonder if she was warned that Bryson (plus some others?) was going to be appearing early in the new year and she was determined to make it a fait accompli before anyone got wind of it?

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Very good point. The sense of urgency about this bill was very extraordinary. What you say makes sense. It was also around this time that Mhairi Black finally blocked me on Facebook, after I'd posted so many links, telling her this was all going to go KABOOM! soon, and that she'd be remembered for being one of the women who happily gave away all the rights/single-sex spaces/sports of women, to men.

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I'm a believer in angels!

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Well, I won't totally discount the existence of angels but I'm more inclined to think this is more of a perfect storm. A combination of more and more male criminals becoming aware of a loophole they can utilise for themselves and Nicola Sturgeon being more and more determined to give them the loophole. It was bound to come to a head eventually. And this has been called out for years already, it's just taken time for it to reach a head. Hurrah!

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In fact the more convicted male sex offenders who decide to transition -- while they still can -- and hit the headlines, the sooner this whole rotten movement will probably self-combust in public outrage.

Because, if politicians thought they were getting more votes by being "trans allies", they're soon going to have to recognise how many votes that stance is also losing them. At which point they might actually start to recognise the seamy underside of this so-called "human rights" movement, its innate misogyny and homophobia and exploitation of autism, to conceal the hardcore rapists, autogynephiles and paedophiles exploiting their newfound freedoms of gender self-ID.

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Yes, a 'perfect' storm.

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I really do feel the house of cards is starting to shake . . . even the New York Times is standing up. I think hell must have frozen over . . .

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This is going to be the first of many, Sturgeon's having her plans scuppered is huge. She left defeated and humiliated after making an arse of herself in 'that' interview. A window into the tyrranical world gender identity ideology has been opened wide and everyone can look inside. Those who never knew are going to be shocked and angry, and the fuckers who tried to hide abusive and exploration of women and children under the rancid pink and blue flag that's now transparent, are going to be forced to account for themselves.

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Excellent article, Nutmeg. Good to see you here, as I thought Twitter may have banned you, yet again, but I'm hoping you've just been researching deeply, for this article.

In the video, at the end, he says "trans women are NOT women, they are trans women'.....


They are NOT women in any sense at all. They are all men, so why does the media keep referring to them as 'trans women'?

Sarah Phillimore, whom I have a lot of respect for, blocked me, before Twitter suspended me, for life, for not breaking their rules, because I said that the longer she keeps using this ridiculous term, the more it adds to the confusion, which is exactly what Transworld wants. They're men, every single one of them. Same with the women who pretend they're men.

Can you even start to imagine the terror of the young girls that vile Dolatowski bloke abused, 6' 5" of lunatic standing next to her. Poor little lovekins.

All these men should be locked up for life in mental hospitals, as, to me, they are totally deranged.

That awful 'pickle bee' man is still on Twitter, still being his usual vile self. Don't even get me started on him and his pure hatred of women...

Honestly, the amount of people who went along with this, way too many STILL going along with this, i terrifying, as is the commandeering of the shocking murder of a young male student the other day, who has been turned into some kind of Trans Icon, not a thought for his family, just Transworld using such a tragedy for their own agenda, whipping young people up into a frenzy with Twitter's help.

I don't think Starmer will say a word. Transworld has Labour/LibDems/Greens in a very, VERY strong grip and these cowardly politicians don't want to be targeted by The Mob. I despair for politics, I despair for young people, so indoctrinated that they cannot think straight, and I very, very much despair for the future. BUT, at least Sturgeon HAS gone now and she's peaked so many, that finally mainstream media ARE talking about this. Let's hope it continues.

As ever, thank you for all your hard work, and Graham too. You are both stars! xx

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This is why SEX MIMICS is a better term than trans.

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Cuckoos in the nest?

"... brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other species and giving rise to the metaphor cuckoo's egg ..." -- which is what Sturgeon and her ilk have been trying to "hatch" for some time. No sale ...


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The recent shocking murder by two other teenagers of a trans-identified young male was certainly being used on Twitter to stir up hate against "Terfs who want all trans people dead" etc. But at least one such post, reported by several people (including me) got "Big Tranner Sis" blocked from using Twitter unless the post was withdrawn.

And I'm not the only person in the ridiculous position of both continuing to pay my Green party (of England & Wales) sub (as a member since 1985) AND contributing to two crowdfunded legal cases sueing the Green party for silencing, suspending and even expelling gender critical officers: including a former Deputy Leader (Shahrar Ali) and former Chair of Green Party Women (Emma Bateman).

Both of them begged all us GC members to stay in the party and fight its takeover by trans ideology -- to the detriment of being seen with any kind of "scientific" stance on the climate and biodiversity emergencies -- and not to leave (as I and evidently others felt like doing).

And Green Feminists issues us with voting instructions for Committee members: so the resistance is well organised -- even though it might be a long struggle.

We can only hope that the recent string of media stories about trans rapists in Scottish women's prisons might actually wake up some of the "trans allies" and make them bloody well think about what they are supporting.

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Biology has a way of exerting itself

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All of these recent events were a perfect storm ,causing gender ideology in Scotland to collapse like a pack of cards. On top of all that ,was the Let women speak event in George Square ,organised by Kellie Jay Keane and it couldn't have been better timed. That event was extremely well attended and I'm proud to have been part of that. The speakers were brilliant and the warmth, support and camaraderie displayed by everyone there ,m n as well as women ,showed the depth of feeling of the people of Scotland on this issue. Public opinion really does matter ,as Needed cola Sturgeon has found out ,to her cost !! Thanks for the brilliant post.👍👏❤️

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For me, one the one hand, it has been about the absolutely ingrained ways in which men exploit and denigrate females. We are held in such contempt that these meatheads cannot see how bad it is: that they are supporting men against women every time, even when it is men who are breaching female boundaries. The 2004 GRA must, of necessity, be repealed so that it cannot be used again as a springboard for insane policies. The fundamental problem is that men will always find a way to exploit females, and we have to learn that lesson. We all know good men. That is not the point. The exploitation of females by men is so entrenched that we should always expect it and be able to erect barriers against it in each generation. In other words, had we been better prepared, this stuff would never have gotten as far as it did. The 'just be kind' or 'genuine trans' mantras have to be seen for what they are: deeply embedded weaknesses. Females get to get a grip and stop allowing themselves to be exploited. They do it, and they will always do it, but we do not have to allow it. By campaigning for our elected representatives to actually represent us - or better still, set up our own adult human female parties across the world - we can pre empt a lot of that thoughtless and cruel exploitation.

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I think the "just be kind" directive was a psychologically acute marketing choice of transactivist campaiging, to exploit the fact that women are socialised to help others, to put others first: often at our own expense. In social terms this is valuable: and only makes us "weak" because it's not also expected of men.

Then if we stand up for ourselves as women we are accused of "behaving like men" as a criticism, not praise -- because our doing so undermines the male-dominant power structure of patriarchy, as well as rejecting the misogyny arising from trans narcissism, which systemic misogyny endorses and validates.

It's a constructed "can't win" situation for women, a double bind that's endemic in the gender stereotypes that feminists have been fighting since the 1960s, come roaring back as "gender identity" delusions with the extra viciousness of a trans cult of misogyny fuelled by male extremists.

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I think it should be replaced with 'just say no'. Women are fools to themselves, far too soft with these vile males. We can be good mothers, wives, partners, girlfriends, whatever, without also knitting ourselves a coconut matting overcoat and lying down in front of the doorstep.

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Absolutely. It's a curse to be brought up with no boundaries: to be not allowed to say "No" (or not without some kind of punishment). Children need to be allowed to say No (within reason).

And it makes it very difficult -- but all the more necessary -- for women to learn to say "No" and not feel bad about it -- or to feel bad but say No anyway.

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I'm confused, is Sturgeon a man, woman, muppet or Krankie?

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All of the above

Much much more is going to come out

I’m toying with the idea of relocating

North Korea sounds nice ……..

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I read a Dutch businessman writing about his time there; he was honest about the authoritarianism -- I find it hilarious that Americans think their country isn't authoritarian -- but said it's much nicer than it's pictured in the Western press.

To think I once thought of relocating to New Zealand!!

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LoL. ICYMI, you might be interested in, or "amused" by my post on Statistics Departments Corrupted by Gender Ideology which features that of New Zealand's:


Of particular note there is their mumble-mouthed, antiscientific claptrap on sex and gender, but particularly this re-definition of standard terminology:

"Lesbian: A woman who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex or gender."

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Corruption of statistics starts with corruption of language.

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Indeed. The starting point for a great deal of such corruption.

Archive of old Quillette post: "Words Lose Their Meaning at [I'm sad to say, Canada's] Wilfrid Laurier University"



A salient quote therefrom:

"Though different literary forms, the key message of both works ['1984', & 'Politics and the English Language'] was the same: beware any person or group that redefines words so that they no longer align with facts, common sense, and common usage."

Though I think that many people -- even various "biologists" & "philosophers" -- don't realize that there is no intrinsic meaning to the words "male" and "female". Moses didn't bring the first dictionary down from Mt. Sinai on tablets A through Z so there are no definitions that qualify as gospel truth -- despite too many apparently thinking otherwise.

But there's no way -- on gawd's green earth, no more or less accepted biological definitions for the sexes by which human penis-havers get to qualify as "female".

Apropos of which, ICYMI, & BTW, but of some relevance to your "spare rib" profile comment 🙂, you might have some interest in a Law & Liberty kick at that "age-old question" of "What is a Woman?":


Interesting essay, not least for broaching the rather foundational concept of "necessary and sufficient conditions for being the thing defined". However, particularly noteworthy therein is a painting from 1365 "depicting the Creation of Eve" -- apparently or presumably from Adam's rib. 🙂

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Good artcles, thanks for the links. I think it was nailed by Lewis Carroll aka the Rev. Charles Dodgson in his fantasy "Alice through the Looking Glass": where he uses the character Humpty Dumpty, from an old nursery rhyme, sitting on top of a wall -- in a superior but unsafe position, from which he is destined for a great fall -- to tell Alice "When I use a word, it can mean anything I want it to mean. What matters is who has the power."

Alice is not convinced that words can have their meanings so arbitrarily changed. Nor are we. But it's clearly all about who has the power...

And after the great fall, when Humpty (as an egg) shattered into many pieces, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty togerher again.

So all those aggressive, misogynist and language-corrupting transactivists had better watch out. Overreaching themselves through overconfidence could have some nasty and lasting consequences from a public backlash.

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LoL. Lesser of two weevils....

Though some reason to think that the Sturgeon Debacle is, if not the beginning of the end, certainly a rather resounding end to the beginning -- to coin a phrase ...

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Aye, at least he doesn't hide the fact that he's a nutcase, as opposed to wee Krankie, who thinks her wacky ideas are normal...

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At least he’s a consistent nutcase , she was just all over the shop

I dread to think what’s going to happen up here now , often better the devil you know …. ( however tf she’s gone ish !)

The contenders for fm make my timbers shiver !

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She's a wummin flawed and ws captured jist like a lot ay ither politians, professionals etc.

Nae need for slurs we're better than that aa hope. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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No slur , she (!) was just an incompetent fraud who deserves jail time ,along with her ‘husband’ they could serve it in the same estate !!

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The current party in government in Westminster needs to internalise that lesson too. There are still FiBs (female impersonating blokes) in English prisons. I do not think the recent call to stop such men going to female prisons has really stopped.

Parts of MOJ (eg HMPPS and HMCTS) are still firmly wedding to pandering to such men. Staff gave email sigs boasting the department is proud of being associated with Stonewall. The "Equal Treatment Bench Book" ... 2021 updated 2022 is still fence sitting at best and on side of "trans" at worst. It has nothing that indicates referring to a FIB as the sex he is in all ways. It effectively leaves it up to the judges /court what to do. Too many are cowed by TRAS to go against their screaming demands. The ETBB even uses "cis" as a term.

So...westminster has to tear up the huge chapter on "trans (written by a trans judge/barrister) and return to common sense... sex only.

It beeds to have all male trans put into male estate. It needs to stop using gender where sex is the subject. It needs to stop all allegience to Stonewall and like groups across the civil service and givernment. It needs to repeal the gra, stengthen pon basis of sex only the ea 2010, re,ove the PC gender reassignmemt and ban all references or roundabout ways of saying one can be born in wromg body in schools. And this must ap

Le across UK. Give the twerps a self ID instead that allows them to identufy as anything they like for a few quid but no docs like birth cert get changed. On signing, the applicant has a statement of truth that they only use single sex spaces for their bio sex....any contravening has their self ID removed and face fine. That no one is obliged to lie about the applixants self perception....so no wrong sex 3rd person pronouns. No, sai g they are a transwoman (official terms will be trans identifying male or female....reflevting they identify as trans and tbeir bio sex, and that they acknowledge tbey cannot keep their sex private.

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I agree with all you say, other than giving them any form of Self ID at all. That lunacy has to be done away with entirely. In their heads they can think whatever they want about themselves, but giving mentally unwell people ANY form of certificate which makes them think they ARE the opposite sex, is only going to feed their mental sickness. And yes, get rid of GRAs, globally, all GRCs, globally and the terms 'trans men' and 'trans women', going back to 'transsexuals/transvestites' as used to be.

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I think the "LadyBoys" of Bangkok is a much better description than anything starting with "trans". Any suggestion that people can change sex is dishonest and misleading.

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fabby term FiBs! I shall be adopting it.

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Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye

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Until the wrong speak is taken out the courts and they can get back to using the correct sex for these and all violent men this will carry on - this to me is the key to turning the tide once and for all.

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I recommend Scottish comedian Leo Kearse's take on Sturgeon and gender reform. Great first lines:

'So Nicola has finally achieved independence. Unfortunately for her it is independence from her job not independence for Scotland.'



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"made a muppet of Nicola Sturgeon" -- more like a "Bride of Chucky" ...


But I kind of wonder whether Sturgeon's resignation was less a case of her "weariness" than being told, in no uncertain terms by the "powers behind the throne", to commit hara-kiri either literally or figuratively.


Can't see that those "powers" would have been terribly "amused" at seeing the SNP shown to be a laughing stock and a fraud, at seeing a wooden stake driven through the heart of the SNP and its questionable dream of independence.

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I'm waiting to see if Sturgeon and Ardern get fancy positions within the EU or WEF with hefty salaries. They are both WEF Young Leaders (or some such thing).

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"lateral transfers" -- clearly promoted previously well beyond their competencies and capabilities ...


But hope the lot of them are seen as persona non grata wherever they try to hang out a shingle.

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Your mentioning of the indefatigable Jennifer Bilek put me in mind of Canada's "contribution" to global support for the Yogyakarta Principles, through a private non-profit corporation (ARC International), one of whose founders would become the Geneva Director of Human Rights Watch. (!) See Gender Dissent on Canada's Dark Rainbow: <https://www.genderdissent.com/post/arc-international-canada-s-dark-rainbow>. There is, no surprise, big American "philanthropic" money behind ARC International. You've probably seen Bilek's piece on the Arcus Foundation: <https://www.the11thhourblog.com/post/stryker-corporation-and-the-global-drive-for-medical-identities>.

So now I'm thinking that whether it was Dentons or Dartmouth (the Nova Scotia home of ARC International), the genderistas were just waiting for the Conservatives (2006-2015) to be defeated. Like you wrote, "nine years was long enough to have a fully developed set of legislative proposals ..."

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