I'll be honest, I'm really beginning to fucking hate them. Well, I was accused of hatred when I was a more reasoned terf, so TAs shouldn't be shocked. Incidentally, I have a personal anecdote when I actively defended a boy who may or may not have identified as "trans". He was in a long dress with long flowing hair and jumping around on a huge bouncy castle where I was with my baby daughter in 2005. A group of boys aged around 14 or 15 were taking the piss, but he ignored them, and I watched with some unease. The other adults ignored it all. Then he lost his footing and went over and the boys surrounded him like a pack - he looked up with fright in his eyes - I was shocked and it was the trigger I needed. I roared at the ringleader (the largest) "OI FAT BOY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" And after a bit of half-arsed verbal defence of themselves and blaming the boy, they backed off. I'd do it again too. That's the terf motivation, we're protecting the underdogs. When we were trans allies we thought it was trans folk. Before rapidly learning how things have changed in the last decade or so, and then My God, when you see it, you REALLY see it.

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Trans allies think that trans women are the underdogs -google the top 20 articles on Trans violence and the Guardian etc support this view. The lying stats on Twitter, 'the violence' 'the daily hurts' make it impossible to persuade TAs that they are being played. The AGP narcissist truly believes they are vulnerable and abused. TAs always use the 'outlier argument (if you can get far enough into a convo) about TW in prisons for rape and will tell you that your argument is the same one bigots used to defend racism towards refugees Then they stop talking to you.

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There are a lot of accusations that feminism in the western world is focused mainly on white, middle-class women, which may or may not be a fair comment. But I know I personally don't exclude any biological women when I think about feminist concerns, and I suspect most feminists feel the same.

I agree though that it's racist and ignorant to assume women of colour or poor women are given the same status in radical feminism as biological, trans-identified males. We know this is just a tactic to have males included in the category of women. Wherever there's a group for women, you can fully expect TIMs and handmaidens alike to barge in and demand that TW be included. Rarely do I see them asking whether women of colour are welcome. Because of course they are. And they know this. They're just being obtuse and using minority women to crowbar trans activism in.

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'I'm better than you. I'm inclusive. Let me show you how much more inclusive I am than you with my important tweet from my new iPhone my daddy bought me'

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Oh my, that last one! Well whaddya know? An arse-slapping, cherrypicking, "no sex please, we're dominatrix" being totes *exclusionary* of most real women, whatever their ethnicity or "job like any other" 🙄

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I know a video about this very subject https://youtu.be/4lgh6hsfyHo

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Sisters Uncut



Mar 20

Ending state, police, and gendered violence means funding DV services, ending austerity, abolishing prisons & police, and centring black, brown, queer and trans women & GNC people. Our demands are simple, and we will fight til they are met! #KillTheBill

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Please get Arty to DM me.. I have exciting news..

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or We The Females @wethefemalescan (they are a Canadian radfem group)

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