This nasty little misogynist is going after Marion Millar.
I don't care what her beliefs are, you don't get a free pass to behave like this. Her timeline is just a catalogue of the same. There's going to be egg on faces. Don't be thinking I support this. I do not.
What he forgets to mention is who the tweet is about. The fragrant ‘Stephanie’ Hayden.
“There’s going to be egg on faces.” Indeed.
Anyway, Marion composed a response that I urge you to read in full.
Yesterday i was accused of being transphobic by Stephanie Hayden because they found a tweet that I sent that was particularly cruel even by my admission, I have deleted the tweet and i would like to say sorry but I am not sorry for it.
I can't stand the way Hayden abuse others
And Jason, when women are defending their rights, either help them or stay out of it. Leave Marion Millar alone.
She certainly doesn't mince her words. But so fucking what? This should NOT be a police and court matter. If they treated everyone who makes angry and insulting social media posts equally, the police and courts would get nowt else done.
Btw, have you seen the recent critique of the Equal Treatment Bench Book? It's about bloody time this was looked at!
Sorry I'm so sweary today.
He widnae huv the baws tae say it tae her face 🤬