I wish someone would speak to our US Congress about it. I got permanently banned by twitter last night for saying "biological sex is real'. They've already denied my appeal ln the basis that I was "promoting violence and inciting harm". 5,400 followers gone, like that.

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I know. It's fucking unbelievable. But I'm going to read out your tweet at it to show what Twitter bans people for.

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Great! Thank you.

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yep I got permanent suspension for saying trans women are men

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If they're banning accounts for saying "biological sex is real", I'm surprised the local plod armed with pitchforks and torches weren't banging your door down because of your "indiscretion" 😅

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I'm on my umpteenth account so I feel your pain. I rarely make a century of followers before the axe falls on me for "hateful conduct" though 😁 The following day it's a new SIM and the ride starts again 😉

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I saw you’d been taken out. People are NOT happy.

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I'm one of the unhappy people.

Use #BringBackTibby to get people's attention!

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Oh no Tibby!

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Oh no!!! I followed you - such a great account!

I am in the UK but have very much enjoyed seeing Ted Cruz giving Jack Dorsey and the other Big Tech CEOs a good drubbing for silencing people. It hasn't made an ounce of difference but it's good to see them being verbally beaten up all the same.

Big Tech are way too powerful and don't give a toss about being hauled up in front of Congress. They mouth platitudes and then probably go and have a good laugh about how they are above the law. Australia is having proper go at Facebook, threatening to ban access. I don't know how they would manage it technically but I think it is the first time that a country in the "free world" (ahem!) has taken the gloves off.

It is always "follow the money" so the only way that Twitter would take any notice would be if Congress could take some sort of economic sanctions against it. Not at all likely when Twitter is serving the interests of the woke elite in power.

Like I said, I am in the UK not the USA so I am not playing US Party Politics. From the outside looking in, there is not a cat in hell's chance that Congress will tackle Twitter on Free Speech. The current line from the US Left is to remove the right to freedom of expression from the US Constitution.

Some on the US Left have already been calling for ISPs and cable companies to be required by Government to block access to Fox News. You might not like Fox News but that is not the point. The issue is always portrayed as a problem with promotion of particular views that are deemed "problematic". The real issue is with the ability of the public to access a range of views and for individuals to form their own opinions.

That is why Twitter banned you. Not for what you were saying - as if you were shouting unheard into the void - but for the fact that others had access to the information and views that you shared. If this (the bigger picture, not just your silencing) affected only US citizens it would be bad enough but it affects people across the whole world.

On a more positive note, the way to make progress fighting this is to make it a non-partisan issue. It can't succeed if the only champions of free speech in Congress are from the Right. It's a shame in that respect that Tulsi Gabbard is out of play but there must surely be other Democrats, and Independents, who can see the dangers of where this is heading?

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Hi Tibby. Horrified last night to hear of your permanent ban. Glad to see you here. -(Carson G)

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I was banned from twitter too. I appealed, so they won't let me on twitter until I drop my appeal. I find living without twitter isn't so bad. Just when there are links to things I can't see. I don't intend to appeal. Thanks for your appeal

You appealed 1 Tweet.

Connie Tolleson


@Glinner So when TRA's say "women rape too" they mean males who identify as trans-women!!

Jun 18, 2020, 6:56 PM

Please note that while we review your appeal, you won’t be able to access your Twitter account. We’ll take a look and will respond as soon as possible.

If you’d rather just delete your Tweet, you can cancel your appeal.

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Oh no Tibby x

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Here is the letter I wrote to Senator Mark Kelly,

I voted for you because I believed that you would put science and scientific research in the forefront of your decision making process. However, in regards to the Equality Act you seem to have succumbed to emotional appeals based on anecdotes rather than actual research by actual scientists and researchers regarding the problems of conflating sex and gender.

The Equalities Act, as currently written, is ambiguous. Here is the text of the Equalities Act: ”To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other Purposes.” For what “other Purposes” are they talking about? How vague can you get?

Other countries where this new ideology has been enshrined, without public discussion, into regulation and law have noticed some “unintended consequences” of conflating sex with gender. This is an “apples and oranges” conflict between women’s and children’s rights and the rights and privileges accorded those suffering from the cognitive dissonance of body dysphoria, It would behoove the United States to look at those unintended consequences in other countries, and the resulting lawsuits by those victimized, and edit this bill to prevent those events from happening here. This should be sorted out before being passed into law.

This Facebook research archive is illustrative of one of several problems inherent in legally conflating sex with gender: “This Never Happens” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1722756661380462/ .

The primary questions that need to be answered are:

1. Do women and girls have the right to BE safe in their persons and a right to privacy and dignity?

2. Do women and girls have the right to FEEL safe in their persons and to FEEL they have a right to privacy and dignity?

3. How does conflating sex with gender impact the lives of heterosexual and homosexual males and females on a day-to-day or practical level?

This act ignores the elephant in the room: ubiquitous porn supplied by for-profit companies and the resulting rape and domestic violence epidemics. It would be a better use of your time to look into how Social Media promotes violent porn, including infant rapes, and grooming children into body dysphoria, with no repercussions, while silencing any voice that objects.

If you are truly interested in how social media companies ignore basic human decency and how that impacts society you need to do two things:

1. Contact Dr. Gail Dines, https://www.gaildines.com, an American who is “the world’s leading anti-pornography scholar” according to The Guardian, and have her come before the Senate with her presentation on the harms of ubiquitous porn and the unrestrained, for-profit companies that purvey it.

2. Make the Social Media companies responsible for the ramifications of their behavior by removing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and allowing their victims to sue and hold them responsible for the harm they do.

Those of us who donated to your successful Senate run are hoping that you will use your scientific background to evaluate both The Equalities Act and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act using evidence based research.

Thank you for your consideration.

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They come out of the woodwork quickly, don’t they to smear and vilify you. The only good thing about their swift and malicious approach is that it shows that they don’t have reasonable, rational arguments for the damaging ideology they espouse. I can only hope one day, when they realize the harm their ideology does to children and to women, they smack themselves so hard on their foreheads that they leave a mark. They are stupid, disingenuous people. Free speech must win. There isn’t another option. Twitter and Medium cannot be our overlords. Thank you both for presenting your ideas to the House of Lords. Courage.

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Penis ‘News’ also on the case so it must be true, and a well written balanced piece i’m sure.

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Pink News I assume? Love your moniker 😁

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There is "Penis News" too - a parody produced by @jebrux


Very funny and well executed!


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Followed with a capital F! 😁

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If you could manage to tell the Peers that the Houses of Parliament’s gender identity guidance opens all showers, changing rooms and showers on the parliamentary estate to both sexes, I’m sure they’d be grateful for the warning.

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Is Sarah Phillimore worth a follow? If first impressions count I'm thinking it's a hell YES!

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Without a doubt, yes.

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Followed ✌

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This is great news and Graham you are still a comedy Genius x

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I thought "silencing of women" was a 'right-wing' trope? Odd they're so uppity about a bloke discussing a "conspiracy". What have they to fear? 😉

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This whole ideology is neither left or right wing. Its a matter of common sense, scientific truth and protection/safeguarding of genuinely vulnerable groups. But a teeny minority are placing themselves as "victims" and somehow are very very vocal influencing law and policy for their own ends. At the expense of a whole load of people.

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Wonder if Colin from Eastenders will be bother his terribly important self to turn up to this?

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LOL I've just realised Cashman is Colin! I had no frigging idea! So to answer my earlier reply, Barry was the barrow boy and Colin was the yuppie 😉 Sorted 👍

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He’s not on the Communications Committee or any other committee.

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Was he the barrow boy or the yuppie?

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'washed-up' - Heard you scrub up well....

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You must be so worried that just respected, and nightly thought of, peers are calling for.....nope, sorry. Can’t finish that.

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Halpin doesn't support career change! Glinner's, and entourage, clever and funny HER profiles transcend TRA thuggery.

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Thank you!

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ironic that Hetty whatsherface said 'they cant find an actual woman'..

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