Help The Greens trying to save their party
Gender cultists inside the party are fighting to the bitter end
Newsletter from The Green Party Feminists.
The Green Party's spokesperson for policing and domestic safety and former deputy leader Shahrar Ali is crowdfunding to defend his position in the courts against a concerted campaign against him by those in the Green Party who wish to replace women's sex-based rights with a concept of gender identity.
Who would have thought it would come to this? After all we've been through: posts advertised for a 'non-man', expulsions of members who raised the alarm over safeguarding, the Challenor affair, thwarted attempts to hold 'listening circles', 'take-over' bids for Green Party Women, manipulations of party process, and numerous women put through vexatious disciplinary actions aimed at silencing debate.
We very much hope the Green Party's Executive Committee that meets this weekend will see this campaign of intimidation against Shahrar Ali for what it is and reject the call for his removal from office.
But if not, any following legal action will be on behalf not just of Shahrar Ali or even Greens, but for people in all political parties who wish to be free to argue that in some crucial areas of our lives, sex matters.
Defeat authoritarian conference motion that would expel us
Two motions coming to Spring Conference 4-6 March, if passed, would restrict the ability of women in the party to discuss publicly issues affecting our sex. Anyone defending our sex-based rights risks expulsion from the party.
The only way to prevent this happening is for enough of us to attend the relevant parts of the online conference and vote them down. It costs £10-£40 (depending on income) to register. You can register for conference here.
One of the foundational pillars of any Green Party is Ecological Wisdom. I would assume this pillar is secured in the bedrock of the natural world. That same natural world that answers to natural law. One of those being the reality of binary sex. When a most necessary pillar has been toppled by gender ideology, it’s no wonder the Green’s future is precarious, strained and teetering into oblivion.
I have contributed to Shahrar Ali's crowdfunding appeal. It was a pleasure to do this. He is such a strong and sensible voice.
About 5 minutes ago he had already raised £8,900!