This is so unfair & unnecessary. It's also thoroughly dishonest. Your intentions in joining Her were absolutely obvious & Lewis' faux outrage is bloody nauseating. I hate to speak ill of another woman but I can't stand by while a good man & brilliant ally is denigrated so callously. What a spineless, self-serving, disingenuous piece of work. Graham, I hope you know you're loved & respected so very much. Your never-ending integrity & courage are an inspiration & you're a bloody good friend. Take care xxx

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I don’t know where you get your energy from Graham. The relentless attacks must be wearing. But please know you are supported and are fighting a good fight on behalf of those who do not have a platform to speak 👏👏

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May 10, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

It's this screaming codependency that approaches Stockholm Syndrome that I see in these women that blows my mind, I'm wondering if that is their corresponding mental illness...that on some level they trade the visibility and sanctity of the real female victims of the TiM's for their own survival... that is literally what I grew up in, terror bonding of one parent to the parent who almost killed me. But her mind was so geared to survival that that was what her aim was reduced to.

Back in the old days of Alcoholics Anonymous, when they realized the wives were just as wacked as the drunkards they were trying to fix (of which I'm one so I can say it, sober by the grace of God), they started calling the wives 'co-alcoholics'. I'm starting to look at these women as 'co-transvestites' because they are so terror bonded to these men, they trade their own rights and all the rest of ours too right down the river for these guys...reptilian calculation, survival at any cost, they are not going to be kicked off the gender-woo island.

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How disappointing. As if anyone in the transactivist movement will care about her newfound sensitivity to autogynephiles.

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Does this woman not care about lesbians being told to accept men? It would seem she's another #bekind virtue signalling handmaid that the LGb can do without.

You made perfect sense Graham she does not.

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I subscribe to her Blue Stocking blog but no more. I thought she was better than that. Awful.

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If I had a few hundred million pounds I would spend a good ten or 15 million on getting a case into the high courts to prove that men cannot be women, that Brains are not separate from bodies and that predatory trans men who want to be called a woman have the same sexual motives as other predatory men. I would spend millions and millions just to get this nonsense ended

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Please keep fighting, there must be a change coming, the pictures you posted show the ludicrous way men are exploiting/invalidating woman's rights and then, receiving validation from a woman!!

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I do so detest turncoats. I don’t know how you stand it all - absolutely vile relentless bullying. When this ideology implodes these people are all going to hide and rewrite their history. Shameful.

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Honestly Graham. I don't know where you get the patience. I'd have punched someone by now. I hope you take breaks away from this stuff to think of other things and take care of your mental health x 💕

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FFS!! Not again!!

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"he often disregards the pronouns that they use"....she wrote. That's so disrespectful 🙄

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I think this is a terrible headline. I have not read HL’s article but even if it rightly angers you there’s a viciousness about the headline that demeans you. I’ve never had a problem with you mocking or eviscerating any bloke spouting genderbollox but this makes me very uncomfortable.

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TBH I never really trusted her - something didn't sit quite right with me about her and now I know why. You shouldn't have to put up with that sh*t as anyone with half a brain knows that you are a decent human being with an extremely good heart. We don't always agree but you have my respect and thanks. Thank you for being more of a journalist than the rest of them put together.

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Dearest Graham- I am so sorry you do not deserve all this vitriol - Magdalena would have loved what you did with the site x

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I have just read the article in question. I am not sure what HL's thesis is - it's early here and I haven't had a lot of sleep, to be fair, but it's a very strange piece. It reminds me of the equally weird hit piece The Atlantic put out in relation to Ovarit a while ago. But the article would have lost nothing if she had not mentioned you. I don't blame you for being angry about this

I thought it was interesting that HL contrasts her (misleading) description of Graham's writing on here with "mere dissenters from the liberal orthodoxy such as Jesse Singal, the author of a deeply researched and fact-checked Atlantic cover story on youth transition". I think the swipe at you, Graham, is about going into bat for her fellow journo and crack detective in the Tone Police, old mate Jesse.

I've noticed this in the Australian media too - one of the Canberra press gallery gets a serve on Twitter, a blog or YT from someone outside the clique over a mendacious, ludicrous or misleading take and they close ranks. It's almost hilarious to see the swarm of blue ticks congratulating each other and commiserating over the "sewer rats" (direct quote from one pundit). Then out come the thinkpieces conflating legitimate criticism and genuine arguments in response to their reporting with abuse and harassment, which smear the critics either individually (if the person has a large enough following or is well known) of collectively.

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